

Das Evangelium nach Johannes

Englisch 40

Sermons on the Gospel of John (VIII) - THE LORD WHO HAS GIVEN US BLESSED LIFE

Rev. Paul C. Jong | ISBN 8983147407 | Seiten 300

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Table of Contents
1. Live with the Hope of the Glorious Life (John 17:4-8) 
2. The Lord’s Prayer, His Last Request (John 17:1-8) 
3. Do Not Consider It a Great Thing to Persecute Jesus (John 18:12-24) 
4. Jesus the Savior and Our King (John 18:25-40) 
5. Meditate on God’s Truth (John 18:28-40) 
6. Do Not Live Like Judas (John 18:1-14) 
7. Have the Faith of Resurrection (John 19:38-20:31) 
8. Recognize the Love That the Lord Has Shown Us And Believe in It (John 19:1-11) 
9. False Faiths That Stand against Jesus (John 19:12-37) 
10. The Righteous Have New Life (John 20:11-31) 
11. Believe in the Resurrected Jesus (John 20:19-31) 
12. Jesus Christ Has Given Us the Hope of Resurrection (John 20:19-23) 
13. The Lord Loves Us (John 21:1-20) 
The Love of God Revealed Through Jesus Christ.
It is written, "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him" (John 1:18). How perfectly did Jesus reveal the love of God to us! How perfectly did Jesus deliver us! What perfect Truth of salvation is the gospel of the water and the Spirit! We have never regretted receiving our salvation through our faith in Jesus, who came by water and blood (1 John 5:6). I hope that all of you believe in Jesus Christ who has revealed the love of God, keep the faith in His love in your hearts, and live daily for the sake of spreading that love. I hope that you will acquire the blessing of the remission of sin by meeting with God through the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
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