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Gesamt 278
  • Nr. 278


    Your browser does not support the video element. Praise God, sisters and brothers. I do invite you to read this book entitled "IS THE AGE OF THE ANTICHRIST, MARTYRDOM, RAPTURE AND THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM COMING?" So, I do encourage you to read this book so that you`ll be aware of what is bound to happen to the world.  The world is coming to an end. Stop being deceived, being deceived by the false prophets that tell you about the pre-tribulation or the post-tribulation or the post-tribulation rapture. But be aware of the end times because the world is soon coming to an end.  Be blessed. Thank you very much. Emma Onyege, Uganda

    • Emma Onyege
    • Uganda
    • 02/12/2025385
  • Nr. 277

    Is It the End? No, It Is Now the Beginning

    < Luke 2:1-20 > "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, "Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us." And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them."How are you today? Usually I greet Christmas from the tropics and with cautious spiritual optimism so far the reason why we celebrate Christmas is in remembrance of the day the Savior Jesus was born incarnated in the flesh of man. The name Jesus is "Ιησούς (iesous)" in Greek originated from the Hebrew name "ישוע (yeh-ho-shoo`-ah)" which means "Jehovah is salvation" put differently He who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Christ "Χριστός (khris-tos)" in Greek and "משיח (mashiyach)" in Hebrew means "the anointed King" (Daniel 9:26, John 1:41) and it is the New Testament`s appellation for the Old Testament`s Messiah. In the Old Testament, the three kinds of persons anointed in order to perform their duties included kings, prophets and priests. Jesus Christ fulfilled all three roles as our King, our Prophet and the High Priest of Heaven. Jesus was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit and 10 months later at the time of His birth Joseph and his betrothed wife Mary were at his hometown in Bethlehem for a census decree by Caesar Augustus throughout the Roman Empire. Since there was no empty room for them in the inn, the Baby Jesus was born in a stable and lying in a manger wrapped with white linen swaddling cloths. He was visited by some shepherds and Gentile wise men coming from the East. The news of this greatest miracle event—that is, of the birth of Jesus Christ—greater than even the exodus of the children of Israel on dry land across the Red Sea led by Moses in human history (History simplistically is His story) was given to shepherds who tended their sheep at night by an angel and accompanied by a multitude of the heavenly host (Luke 2:1-20). Even now, I consider meeting Jesus through the gospel of the water and the Spirit as the greatest miracle.When King Herod heard of the birth of Baby Jesus in Bethlehem near Jerusalem in the region of Judea he ordered the killing of all the young males under the age of two, this is to tell us that for us who are the truly born again saints, in the first two years of experiencing our faith, incontrovertible problems attack us unceasingly to shaken our faith in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit, especially at this infantile stage as fragile newbies, therefore, we have to constantly deny our own thoughts as we meditate and ruminate on the Lord`s spoken word of Jesus` baptism in the Jordan River and His bloodshed on the Cross at Calvary in order to overcome these obstacles to our faith as we move on from eating blank food to solid nutrients to empower us through the church of God and our leaders else we fall preys to and become victims of circumstances ruled by the world and its ruler, the fallen angel, the Devil. To every direction you point with the index finger three other fingers point back at you. I certainly do not want to make a big fuss here because lifting that finger and pointing it here and there will cause three fingers to point back at you. One of our fellow brothers, I will not mention the name here, who is a Ugandan, used a foreign mobile phone number from South Africa on a social media app. You and I just like this our brother who have become truly born again, from every indication when we become lethargic in our minds we are kind of troubled similar to what happened to King Herod to be followed by the extermination of the male children less than two years old at the birth of Christ the Lord in Bethlehem. So I admonish that we just need to catch our breath, have a little bit of rest even if it`s just up to a split second and take a look to examine ourselves deeper.Do not be confounded to think here that when I say we should at least have some short respite it`s compared to what preachers have religionized as the sabbatical year leave with paid salaries on the seventh year after serving their church for six straight years. This is rather ministering in the church as a wage earner on a worldly occupation. Furthermore, after a piece of land has been cultivated for six years in the seventh year it was given rest by the people of Israel in the Old Testament to observe the sabbatical year. To help your understanding let`s turn to Exodus 23:10-11. "Six years you shall sow your land and gather in its produce, but the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, that the poor of your people may eat; and what they leave, the beasts of the field may eat. In like manner, you shall do with your vineyard and your olive grove." Of course, the Bible must be the ultimate benchmark of your and my faith in the truth. Like this, the Israelites rested on both the Sabbath Day and the sabbatical year. So now we must continue and keep on with our priestly duties every now and then, pressing toward the goal for the prize of the midpoint of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus otherwise we ourselves will end up to draw back to perdition. I pray and hope the Lord resolves all our difficulties in the billows of life and encamp us with the blessedness of the former and late rains of the Holy Spirit. So I am beseeching that in order to lessen the provocation not to make matters worse out of lethargy may it be according to God`s will given that we either stand a chance for the first resurrection or to face an accursed spiritual death in the lake of fire and brimstone forever based on our freedom of thought on what we strive to believe and preach. Being mindful of the will of God our free will should be dependent on what pleases God in order to glorify God. Even so, let`s keep, maintain and defend this faith of the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit and spread this true gospel with all our heart`s content. Without a shadow of a doubt the genuinely born-again saint carries out his or her small duty of spreading the righteousness of God with a Berean spirit. For us the born again saints are not conformed to this world but are transformed by the renewing of our minds by pondering on the gospel word of the water and the Spirit. Like that I am continuously being refined spiritually under the guidance of the church led by the perfect Savior Jesus Christ. Here with Christ as the Head of the church that is our Commander-in-Chief we are being trained spiritually through the available literature ministry as we walk in this race of faith where absolutely indispensable is not whether you come in first or complete the race as the last but above all it is for you to finish the race. This means, in other words, that our spiritual prosperity or the prosperity of your soul comes before and precedes the prosperity of the flesh and not the other way round. To God the Father and Jesus Christ, I give all my thanks! ✉️

    • Gerarld Egbe
    • Cameroon
    • 01/13/2025318
  • Nr. 276

    My testimony of salvation

    When I was born, I was a sinner. I never realized it until I was born again by the Gospel of God`s Righteousness, which constitutes Jesus` Baptism, Death, and Resurrection.  When I was a kid, I was enrolled in a Catholic school, which exposed me to who Jesus is. At the age of 16, I was introduced to Christianity and decided to accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour. At that time, I thought as long as I believed in Jesus, I would be going to heaven. I was passionate about knowing God, which I thought I already knew. I listen to many sermons online, thinking that all preachers of the Gospel are preachers of Righteousness. At the age of 17, I changed my high school, and it became the turning point of my life. I met a friend who preached the true Gospel to me. I was brought to a Church that preaches the Gospel of water and Spirit. It takes time for me to understand the Gospel. In my first year of coming to Church, I had many doubts and questions. The devil put many thoughts in me and made me ask many questions about the Gospel. How can the Gospel of water and Spirit be the only Gospel that saves the soul? What about other Gospel? Are you saying that those big churches are preaching the wrong thing? How are you sure that your pastor is preaching the truth? Many questions pop up in my mind. While these questions are still in my mind, Pastor passed me the book entitled "Have You Truly Been Born Again of water and the Spirit?" by Rev Paul C Jong. As I begin reading this book, I begin to understand what Pastor is preaching. I understood how my sins were passed unto Jesus when John laid His hand on Him. I understood what Jesus meant when He told Nicodemus, "you must be born again of the water and Spirit" (John 3:5). I understood the significance of water in salvation.  In the Old Testament, God appointed Aaron,  the High  Priest of  Israel,  to be the representative of the Israelites and pass the sin on to the unblemished animal. As stated in Leviticus 16:21: “And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it  all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions,  concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man.” In this Scripture, we can see that, Instead of everyone having to lay his hands on the offerings individually, the high priest, as the representative of all people, laid his hands on the head of the live goat for the remission of the year’s sins. Similarly, John the Baptist represents the whole world and passes all our lifetime of sins to Jesus. And that`s the reason why Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest man ever born out of a woman (Matthew 11:11).  Without knowing the ministry of John the Baptist, we will never understand the ministry of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist is the prophet sent by God. We need to fully understand the ministry of John the Baptist and truly believe it in our hearts. Just like in the Old Testament, sins need to be passed to the sacrificial animal before it can be killed, Jesus needs to be baptized before He can die on the cross. Just like in the Old Testament, it would have been incorrect to kill the sacrificial animal without first laying hands on the head of the animal and passing their sins onto it. Thus, it would be wrong and lawless to believe only in the Cross of Jesus without believing in His baptism. The complete faith that leads us to true salvation is the faith in Jesus Christ, “who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ”  (1 John  5:6). To be born again, we need to believe in both the baptism and the Cross of Jesus Christ.  The Apostle John said that the correct faith is to believe in “the witness of the Spirit, the water, and the blood” (1 John 5:8), and I believe it with my whole heart.  This is the testimony of my faith. I pray that many more people are able to know the Gospel of water and Spirit and be saved by the true Gospel. Huang Ern, Malaysia

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 01/08/2025371
  • Nr. 275

    Jesus entered our hearts by washing away our sins through baptism and died on the Cross.

    "Happy New Year." Well, nothing is new under heaven. The year is just repeating itself. Each year, there is nothing new in it. Some people say they celebrate the new year because God sustained their life. Well everyone has their own point of view. Spiritually speaking, the year is new when sinners receive the forgiveness of sins through faith in the baptism of Jesus and blood on the cross. Happy New Year to the saint. Jesus entered our hearts by washing away our sins through baptism and died on the Cross.  The first time I heard the gospel of water and spirit, I just believed that I had no sin, but not sure whether Jesus was in my heart or not.  So I studied the gospel of water and spirit thoroughly until the Holy Spirit told me, "Don`t you know, you have no sin in your heart because Jesus Christ has entered your heart?" I mused about it. It was very complicated for me. I said, "Oh my God, the spirit of Jesus Christ is in my heart, and I believe that He took all my sins through baptism and died on the Cross." Olamilekan Olonisakin, Nigeria

    • Olonisakin olalekan Olonisakin
    • Nigeria
    • 01/05/2025212
  • Nr. 274

    I praise God for giving us the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

    I praise God for giving us the gospel of the water and the Spirit. These souls have believed in the truth of God. I have met them several times and taught them the truth. They already have book 1 and I always encourage them to read and follow the word of God wholeheartedly.  Next week by God`s will, we shall go out for evangelism. Joseph Opolot, Uganda

    • Joseph Opolot
    • Uganda
    • 12/28/2024250
The New Life Mission

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