
Videobotschaften von Mitarbeitern

Human Beings are Born Sinners (Mark 7:20-23)

  • Loren Simons
  • United Kingdom
  • 11/20/2023 10006

The hearts of those who believe in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit and those who do not, are fundamentally different from each other. God knows this, and so do we, who have been born again. When you come to know yourselves, you must turn around. "God, I am indeed sinful. Please save me." When you thus turn around your hearts and seek after your salvation, God will meet you with His truth.

Our Lord Has Saved Us from All Our Sins

Our Lord was baptized and crucified for us. As written in Matthew 3, this is what the Lord has done for us. We believe in it. We thank Him for it. When Jesus was baptized, all our sins were passed onto Him. When He was crucified, it was because He took upon all our sins that He could carry these sins to the Cross. He was judged for not only our own sins, but all the sins of the entire world.