
Studium über die Stiftshütte

The Coverings of the Tabernacle

Coverings of the Tabernacle 1
The first covering of the Tabernacle was made by weaving curtains with artistic designs of cherubim with blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen. It reveals that the Messiah would come through the blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen and thereby save all those who believe in Him from their sins and condemnation.
Coverings of the Tabernacle 2
The second covering of the Tabernacle was made of goats' hair. This tells us that the Messiah to come would justify mankind by delivering them from their sins and the condemnation of these sins.
Coverings of the Tabernacle 3
The third covering of the Tabernacle was made of ram skins dyed red. This manifests that the Messiah would come to this earth, take upon the sins of the world by being baptized, be crucified, and thereby become the sacrificial offering for the sins of His people.
Coverings of the Tabernacle 4
The fourth covering of the Tabernacle was made of badger skins. The badger skins shows us a portrait of Jesus Christ who lowered Himself all the way down to the level of human beings in order to save us from the sins of the world.

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