

Η Σκηνή του Μαρτυρίου

Αγγλικά 35

The TABERNACLE (III) : A Prefiguration of The Gospel of The Water and the Spirit

Rev. Paul C. Jong | ISBN 8983148241 | Σελίδες 388

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Αποκτήστε ένα χαρτόδετο βιβλίο
1. The Salvation of Sinners Revealed in the Tabernacle (Exodus 27:9-21) 
2. The Pillars of the Court of the Tabernacle (Exodus 27:9-19) 
3. The Altar of Burnt Offering Made from Acacia Wood, Overlaid with Bronze (Exodus 38:1-7) 
4. The Altar of Incense Is the Place Where God Grants His Grace (Exodus 30:1-10) 
5. The Spiritual Meaning of the Silver Sockets Used for the Tabernacle (Exodus 26:15-30) 
6. The Mercy Seat (Exodus 25:10-22) 
7. The Ornamental Knobs for the Gospel of The Water and the Spirit (Exodus 25:31-40) 
8. The Spiritual Meanings Hidden in the Garments of The High Priest (Exodus 28:1-43) 
9. Holiness to the Lord (Exodus 28:36-43) 
10. The Breastplate of Judgment (Exodus 28:15-30) 
11. The Sin Offering To Consecrate The High Priest (Exodus 29:1-14) 
12. The High Priest Who Gave the Offerings On the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:1-34) 
13. The Materials Used for the Garments of the High Priest (Exodus 28:1-14) 
How can we find out the truth hidden in the Tabernacle? Only by knowing the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the real substance of the Tabernacle, can we correctly understand and know the answer to this question. In fact, the blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen manifested in the gate of the Tabernacle`s court show us the works of Jesus Christ in the New Testament`s time that have saved the mankind. In this way, the Old Testament`s Word of the Tabernacle and the Word of the New Testament are closely and definitely related to each other, like fine woven linen. But, unfortunately, this truth has been hidden for a long time to every truth seeker in Christianity. Coming to this earth, Jesus Christ was baptized by John and shed His blood on the Cross. Without understanding and believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, none of us can ever find out the truth revealed in the Tabernacle. We must now learn this truth of the Tabernacle and believe in it. We all need to realize and believe in the truth manifested in the blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen of the gate of the Tabernacle`s court.
Αναπαραγωγέας ηχητικού βιβλίου

Βιβλιοκριτικές από αναγνώστες

  • THE TABERNACLE lll ( A Prefiguration of The Gospel of The Water and The Spirit)
    Chinwe Esther, Nigeria

    I learnt through this book about the spiritual meaning hidden in the materials used in Tabernacle, about how the salvation of sinners is indeed revealed in the Tabernacle. All the materials used in the Tabernacle has spiritual meaning all related to our salvation. Starting from the gate of the court of the Tabernacle, and the screen door of the Tabernacle made with blue, purple and scarlet thread and fine woven linen. Firstly, the blue thread refers to the truth that Jesus came to this earth and took all our sins upon Himself with His baptism; secondly, the purple thread refers to the truth that Jesus is God (Spirit); and thirdly, the scarlet thread refers to the truth that Jesus died on the Cross to bear the condemnation of all the sins that He accepted onto Himself through John in the Jordan River. The fine woven linen refers to the Word of the Old and New Testaments, which is in much detail, and matches one another.
    I understand that the Pillars of the court of the Tabernacle refers to the bornagain saints who have received salvation. What then does the bronze sockets below these wooden pillars of the court tell us? They tell us that despite the fact we could not avoid but face our condemnation because of our sins, God has nevertheless saved us from all our sins.
    The altar of burnt offering overlaid with bronze teaches us that God will infallibly condemn each and every sin that’s written on the tablet of every human heart. Every sinner therefore had to pass his sins onto a sacrificial animal by laying his hands on its head and then to cut its throat, draw its blood, and the priest had to put the blood of the animal on the horns of the altar of burnt offering. Like this, the altar of burnt offering overlaid with bronze makes it known to all of us that Jesus bore all our sins, and that He was condemned on the Cross for all these sins in our place.
    The Altar of incense in the Holy Place shows us that praying to God by faith is the path to finding God’s grace. Although we have received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we still need God’s help for the rest of our lives so it’s very important for all of us to pray to God ceaselessly. That’s because even though we the righteous have received the remission of sins, unless we continue to be clothed in God’s grace, we cannot walk on the narrow way of life that the Lord wants all of us to follow. It’s when the righteous pray to God that He bestows grace upon grace on them. And this is possible only when we abide in God’s Church and obey His Word.
    The two silver sockets under each board of the Tabernacle means that God has given us two gifts that guarantee our salvation. In other words, it means that Jesus completed our salvation from sin by being baptized and shedding His blood. The gospel of the water and the Spirit that God has given us to blot out all our sins is the gift of faith that is absolutely necessary for us.
    The inside of the Tabernacle was divided into two main parts: The Holy Place and the Most Holy. A veil was hung between them as a divider, and the Ark of the Testimony was located behind this veil inside the Most Holy. The covering of the Ark is also known as the Mercy seat.The mercy seat, as its name goes, is where God bestowed His grace, it tells us spiritually about the remission of sin. In other words, the mercy seat implies our atonement, showing us that our Lord has blotted out all our sins once and for all with the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    The Lampstand denotes God`s Church and the Ornamental knobs for the refers to the saints and servants who have received the remission of sin. After saving us, our God has made us the ornamental knobs and entrusted us with appropriate duties so that we can serve to bring the flower of the gospel to full bloom.
    From hearing the gospel of the water and the Spirit to spreading this gospel throughout the world to this very day, we have done countless works as the ornamental knobs. Only when all of us become ornamental knobs can sinners be saved from their sins.
    The Garments of the High Priest; a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a skillfully woven tunic, a turban, and a sash, have spiritual meaning hidden in it. That the High Priest had to wear the tunic and the trousers to cover his nakedness spiritually means that the High Priest should cast aside his own fleshly endeavors, and just serve God according to the faith and grace He had given him already. The will of God, in other words, would be fulfilled only when the High Priest cast aside his own thoughts and devotion of the flesh and just gave the offering of atonement according to the sacrificial system established by God with faith. What the High Priest did was cleansing away the sins of the people, and it was to let us realize the will of God to have him clothed in such garments and to make him fulfill this duty. In the age of the New Testament, what do the people of God who are today’s priests do to cleanse others of their sins? For them to carry out this task, they must first themselves receive the remission of their sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Like this, the garments of the High Priest clearly show us the gospel that cleanses away all our sins. And secondly in this present age, we the righteous have to perform our duties of priesthood to cleanse people’s consciences of their sins and give them holiness. . This is why a gold plate was made for the tunic of the High Priest and the sign “HOLINESS TO THE LORD ” was engraved into the plate.
    The Breastplate of Judgment refers to the truth that after becoming God’s children, we have become the spiritual priests, and therefore we have the right to judge both who has received the remission of sins and who has not. We must reach the same conclusion that if people believe in the truth manifested in the five threads used for the breastplate, ie, in the gospel of water and the Spirit, then they can become the light of the world before God, and if they do not believe, then they are to be condemned.
    Like this, the sacrificial system and the materials of the Tabernacle are all related to the faith that believes in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I thank God for revealing the gospel of water and the Spirit through the materials used in the Tabernacle.

  • The TABERNACLE (III): A Prefiguration of The Gospel of The Water and the Spirit by Paul C.jong
    Eric Kimani, Kenya

    From this book, I learned that the Tabernacle is the detailed portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came and saved us from the Sins of the whole of Mankind without partiality with his baptism, Divinity, Death, and resurrection.
    I have also discovered that God called Moses and gave him the Law first. Then, He ordered him to build the Tabernacle with such materials as blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen, and He gave him the sacrificial system. By doing this, God enabled the people of Israel to realize the importance of the laying on of hands and the bloodshed.
    Right from the gate of Tabernacle which was made of threads namely, Blue, Purple, Scarlet Red and fine woven linen reveals the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit which Jesus has saved us with, in which many Christians have overlooked, holding on to the Scarlet thread which is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Without the blue thread (Baptism of Jesus) there can never be Holiness to the Lord.
    The Tabernacle was made of the outer court, which had 60 pillars, white linen, and a gate made of four threads.
    While the sanctuary was made of 48 boards overlaid with gold and Inside the Holy Place, there were the table of showbread, the lampstand, and the altar of incense, and inside the Most Holy, there were the Ark of the Testimony and the mercy seat.
    All these instruments had Spiritual meanings which talk about the mercy of God for all mankind, our salvation, unity of the saints, our role as Spiritual priest born again of water and the Spirit, our life of faith from the importance of eating the daily bread the gospel of the water and the Spirit inside God’s Church, the necessity of prayers as saints since God listens to the prayers of the saints and the importance of uniting together as saints as the light of the gospel of the water and the Spirit in this dark world in this last days.
    The Book has also taught me about the Spiritual Meaning of The Silver Sockets Used for the Tabernacle. That these sockets of silver were placed under the boards overlaid with this gold means that God has given us two gifts that guarantee our salvation. In other words, it means that Jesus completed our salvation from sin by being baptized and shedding His blood.
    I thank God from the bottom of my heart for revealing the great mystery of the baptism of Jesus where he cut off all my sins which were as red as Scarlet and for God allowing this mystery of salvation to be revealed to us through the literature ministry by the New life mission.
    I strongly encourage all truth seekers to look for this book.


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