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Σύνολο 303
  • Αριθ. 303


    In a time of so-called mainstream Christianity and theology, an era where Christianity has degenerated into mere religion the book preaches the gospel of the water (the baptism of Jesus) and the Spirit as believed in and preached by the apostles in the early church and the disciples of Jesus, underlying the lawlessness of the sacrificial offering in the Old Testament without the laying on of hands as similar to believing in just the Cross or the blood of Jesus in the New Testament without His baptism at the Jordan River as an act of incomplete faith. So the book demands genuine faith that saves everyone by believing rather in the water baptism of Jesus, His death on the Cross by shedding blood and in the Spirit that is in Jesus Christ who came through the borrowed body of Mary in the flesh of man. In this way, the book begins by referring to every human being as a seed of sin born as a sinner with sins in his or her heart and is destined to go to hell even if he/she doesn`t commit a single act of sin. Like this, it defines what sin is and the purpose of the Law. Furthermore, humans are akin to a brood of sinners by the book because fundamentally speaking we are born with sin inherently in our hearts, as a result they are these sins from within, out of our hearts that defile us and those around us. The book concludes with a reminder that with Jesus as our Messiah meaning `the true Savior` not even one of us should be deceived by the Devil again over our weaknesses committed once saved (John 13). Urging us through God`s word with the original gospel of the water and the blood to discover therefore how we were saved with the atonement of our sins which is the payment of the wages of sins through Jesus` baptism (the laying on of hands) and His blood on the Cross. ✉️

    • Gerarld Egbe
    • Cameroon
    • 03/08/202576
  • Αριθ. 302

    A beautiful guide on how to follow the Lord

    This book is a beautiful guide on how to follow the Lord in our lives. Following the Lord brings abundant blessings both physically and spiritually. But to serve the Lord requires self sacrifice. The sacrifice of living a life of faith doesn`t include the sacrifice of good works but of obedience towards the Will of God. To obey the Will of God simply requires a "yes" from our hearts. This is what pleases Him. God loves His children, and as our Father, He knows what is best for us. At times it may be difficult serving the Lord, and denying ourselves can sometimes feel like torture, but God would bring no harm to us, for He loves us and knows what`s best for us. That is why He has prepared the Church for His children to be nurtured and kept safe. God has placed the predecessors of faith in the Church, who guide and instruct us by the will of God. We must always listen to them because it is God who is speaking to us."Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another." (1 Peter 5:5). John the Baptist is our predecessor of faith, the greatest born of a woman (Matthew 10:11).The first chapter in the book explains who John the Baptist is, a messenger sent by God six months prior to the coming of Jesus, to transfer all our sins onto the Lord at His baptism. John the Baptist was also saved by believing that the sins of the world were transferred onto Jesus. The born again have the same faith today. In order for John to prepare the way of the Lord (Malachi 3:1), he led a life separate from the people of this world. He lived in the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey. John didn`t live as ordinary people do, having a regular job, wife, or children. He lived in the wilderness until he appeared to Israel, telling them to "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:3). We may not live in the wilderness or eat locusts, but we should aim to live the life of little `John the Baptists` in this world. This means we should not run with the current of this world, have idols before God, or follow our fleshly desires. We must remain inside God`s Church serving the gospel. "Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins" (Matthew 3:5-6). The Israelites knew that John was a prophet of the Most High. They believed in the Word of God he was preaching, and many came and were baptized by him. He wasn`t like other false prophets. He wasn`t interested in money or fame; he came to his own people to tell them about Jesus, and they listened to him. This is the life that leads many souls to the Lord. Is your heart like the field by the wayside? In this chapter the author explains the four different types of ground that take in the seed of Truth. The good ground accepts the Word as it is and bears much fruit. The other types are thorny ground, stony ground, and the wayside, none of which are good grounds to plant a seed. The good ground has been tilled, weeded, and watered, ready to accept the gospel. If we allow the cares of this world to take a hold, or if we stumble over our tribulations and persecutions or succumb to the lusts of the flesh, then the Word won`t take root in our hearts. Satan will come along and take the little faith that we had. We must become the good ground by believing in the Word of God and accepting it as it is. The author talks about the heart of Andrew and Peter, who left their nets to follow the Lord. Fishermen need their nets to make a living, and without them, they cannot fish.However, these disciples left their nets to follow the Lord. They believed that the Lord was their Savior and He had everything they could ever need and more. We should not hesitate to leave behind anything that the Lord requires us to. Paul said, "I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ" (Philippians 3:8). This is the heart that is good ground. The final chapter explains how abundant God`s salvation is. As the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish fed thousands of people, so does God`s grace bless the entire universe through His Church. We can be united to the works of God through His Church when we deny ourselves. When we come together, pray with one heart, and serve the gospel, many souls come to receive the remission of sins and hear about the gospel of the water and the Spirit for the first time. This makes God`s heart happy. May we join our hearts and efforts together, preach the gospel to the entire world, sharing the bread of life until the end. Amen.

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 02/20/2025254
  • Αριθ. 301


    WHO SHALL NOT PERISH BEFORE GOD?Grace, Peace and Honour be given to You Alone Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, who has blessed every believer in the Gospel truth of Your baptism, death and resurrection with eternal life Amen! May this eternal Peace and Grace continue to sustain Thy only true Church even The New Life Mission forever and ever Amen!My Review on ebook62 Specifically from Sermon2 titled ARE YOU AMONG GOD’S BELOVED?In John 3:16, the word of God tells us that, God the Father sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to this earth for us mankind who were destined for hell because of our inherited sinful nature from our fall parents Adam (Romans5:12) in order to for Him(Jesus) to rescue us from facing hell due to this hell bound nature. So that, once we believe in the Salvation brought by Jesus Christ correctly none of us should perish. Glory be to God!Without any thought of doubt, almost every now being, is able to memorise John 3:16 even though many do not have the correct understanding of it gist towards us all mankind. I remember very well, how I could also memorise this verse without having the understanding of it correctly, I remember I could cry a lot wherever I came to the realisation that Jesus Christ died for my sins through this scripture reading of John 3:16, as I believed only that God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to come and die for my sins. But even though I could believe as such, my sins never left my heart, though I had believed that Jesus Christ died for my sins, such a life caused me to consistently offer the daily prayers of repentance wherever I sinned, which did not help at all to remove the remained intact sins even though I believed that Jesus had died for them on the Cross. At some point I thought this was a normal life before God, literally it was a cursed life. Why? Because sin was still in my heart, which simply means that I had not believed in Jesus Christ correctly as the Savior(who has saved us all mankind through the Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit(John3:5), for whosoever believes in Jesus Christ correctly as the Savior becomes one without sin and can never perish before God (John11:25). But now I truly thank the LORD for leading me to meet this Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit through his Servant and His only true Church(The New Life Mission), I now have the correct understanding and purpose of this scripture verse of John3:16 because of my faith in the Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit Hallelujah!Basically, what the book of John3:16 teaches us is none other than the Love of God towards us mankind, which can only be recognised and received through Jesus Christ as one who came by the Spirit as the Divine God Himself been transformed in form of Man, the Water of His baptism, blood of His death(1John5:6). Looking at our Spiritual book 62, it correctly teaches us about the unconditional love of God and how to dwell in it without the contribution of anything of us. Because sometimes due to lack of the true knowledge about the Love of God, most people think that, God’s Love for His Creation can be bought with ones own effort, offerings, wealth, emotions, or a sort of human love. But all this can never make one to know nor understand the Love of God, for the love of God toward us mankind is unilateral, it does not depend on anything of our own, completely nothing. This is why it is indispensable to understand this Love of God first above all else, because once one understand and receive this Love of God wholeheartedly it is when he or she can attain the eternal life apart from death. And this can only happen so, when you realise how sinful you are as man, and admit it before God genuinely, then come to accept the Gospel truth of the Water, blood and the Spirit which constitutes Jesus’s baptism from John the baptist( Where He took away all the sins of the world), His death on the Cross(Where He paid for all the wages of sin once and for all with His precious blood and was judged on our behalf) and His resurrection through which newness of life is obtained once you believe in this truth. Then will you become a sinless person with God has your beloved, and simultaneously joined as one among His beloved with your heart filled with the Holy Spirit and Joy, Just As song of Solomon chapter 2vs3 says, Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, So is my beloved among the sons. I sat down in his shade with great delight, And his fruit was sweet to my taste.” Amen!Nevertheless, there is totally no man who can ever live with joy without having received the Righteousness of God of the Water, Blood and the Spirit. For true Joy spring forth only from this truth which enables one to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the source of Joy and Love. I hope that you will come to believe in the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit and receive your eternal redemption from all your sin and simultaneously receive the everlasting Life from God. May God bless you.Coworker, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 02/16/2025151
  • Αριθ. 300

    What should we strive to believe and preach?

    Hi,This is a review of the book entitled What should we strive to believe and preach? Sermons on the Gospel of MarkBy Rev Paul C.JongThis wonderful book establishes the fact that Jesus is the true God. And it`s because Jesus is the true God and not just a humble person or a great sage that He was able to come to this world in the flesh of a Man, be baptized by John the Baptist to bear all our sins, and give up His life on the Cross, shedding His blood for our atonement. As it is written in 1 John 5:6,"This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood.  And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth."And it`s due to the fact that Jesus is the living God, that He rose from the dead the third day and has granted everlasting life to us hell-bound sinners who have now believed in His righteousness.No one but God Himself could do such mighty works to save every human being in the whole world from sin and destruction. Therefore, having put our faith in His work of redemption fulfilled through the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the next question is, what should we strive to preach?Should we preach the gospel of the Cross alone, as so many Christians do? Should we tell people to trust in their repentance prayers to strive to be saved through incremental sanctification? Absolutely not!We should strive to believe and preach the gospel truth that was revealed to us by God Himself—the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Just as the Apostle Paul writes in1 Thessalonians 2:13,"For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe."To be redeemed, we must first know the ministry of John the Baptist. This is the topic of sermon 1.The gospel of Christ begins with the ministry of John the Baptist. All four Gospel writers address the importance of John`s ministry first, as its purpose is to prepare the way for the ministry of Christ as it is written in Isaiah 40:3,"The voice of one crying in the wilderness:“Prepare the way of the Lord;Make straight in the desertA highway for our God."John the Baptist was the messenger sent by God to prepare the hearts of all who sought redemption. This is why He came preaching a baptism of repentance in the wilderness (Mark 1:4-5).John was sent to act as the representative of all human beings. He was a descendant of the high priest Aaron, who performed the `laying on of hands` on Jesus at His baptism to transfer all our sins upon the Lamb of God. The next day, seeing Jesus coming toward him, he [John] testified,“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29)John was the servant of God who performed the role of the last earthly high priest, preached repentance, and directed all who were poor in spirit directly to Christ in order for them to be saved by hearing the truth of redemption from God Himself, as it`s recorded in Luke 7:20,"When the men had come to Him [Jesus], they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, ‘Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?’ ” John`s life was set apart from ordinary people as he was given a most important heavenly duty.Chapter 2 continues the discussion of those who, like John the Baptist, lead a different life from ordinary people.John the Baptist lived a life consecrated from the world, preaching to people who wanted to listen about their sins, God`s judgement for sin, and His perfect redemption. He lived a life like a Nazirite, which means `a person consecrated to God.` He dwelt in the wilderness and did not mix with the religious leaders of his time. He was set apart by God to fulfil the will of God in preparing people to receive Jesus when He was revealed to the world. Therefore, his words could not have penetrated the hardened hearts of sinners if his life mirrored that of their own.And for us, the born again, God is telling us, through the example of John the Baptist, that if we live only for our own desires and fail to point out people`s sins and God`s judgement, then we will not be able to witness the truth successfully.If this happens, then we will end up looking like hypocritical Christians who preach one thing but do the opposite. We can only serve the gospel if God helps us and if our hearts and lives reflect the truth of the gospel. To put it simply, we must practice what we preach.The example of John the Baptist`s life is not to teach us to try to be holy in our actions but to live the kind of life that makes others stop and consider what makes us so happy when we may have nothing of physical value but only the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit, and it is this truth that God wants to shine forth as it is written in Daniel 12:3,"Those who are wise shall shineLike the brightness of the firmament,And those who turn many to righteousnessLike the stars forever and ever."Some may ask, is it even possible for weak, insufficient human beings to live a life that brings glory to God? It is more than possible if we throw away our carnal thoughts by believing in the Word of God as He leads us. This is the subject matter of Chapter 3.Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ and ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12:29-31)All of the commandments, in essence, are fulfilled in loving God first and loving our fellow man. Yet whenever Jesus performed a miracle or preached the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees always tried to catch Him out and condemn Him rather than understanding that what Jesus was doing and saying all bore witness to the fact that He loved God the Father and He loved us, His own creation.We must learn from the misguided faith of the Pharisees, cast aside our fleshy thoughts, and instead love God and other human beings by preaching to them the righteousness of God, which Jesus fulfilled at His baptism when He washed away the sins of the world. He said to John the Baptist, "“Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness.”  At this word, John the Baptist obeyed Jesus, laid his hands on Jesus` head, and transferred the sin of the world onto the Lamb of God, just as it was performed in the Old Testament sacrificial system on the day of atonement (Leviticus 16:21, Matthew 3:15).This is the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit that was prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled by Jesus Himself, and we must have the faith to believe in this. Otherwise we will be like the religious leaders of Jesus` time and many nowadays who disregard the authority of God, claiming that Jesus saved us only by the blood of the cross and who insist on offering daily repentance prayers rather than placing their faith in the baptism of Jesus by which He washed away all sin once and for all.We must throw away our carnal thoughts in every area of our spiritual lives and believe that even though we are only human and sin every day out of weakness, Jesus has still washed away all our past, present, and future sins by receiving His baptism from John the Baptist, thus making us into God`s born-again, sinless children.Our lives must be filled with confession about our true sinful nature whenever we recognise that we have sinned against God or man, as this returns the glory back to God. And we must preach of the gospel of the water and the Spirit to all who are poor in spirit and who recognise that they are destined to hell without the mercy of God, which was fulfilled through our Lord Jesus Christ.This is what we should strive to believe and preach!All praise be to God!

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 01/29/2025502
  • Αριθ. 299

    The Lord Who Has Given Us Blessed Life 

    Hi, This is a review of the book entitled,"The Lord Who Has Given Us Blessed Life" Sermons on the Gospel of John. By Paul.C.Jong Given the choice, I believe everyone in this world would want to receive blessings from the Lord rather than being cursed.Even nonbelievers seek after common blessings such as health, wealth, and happiness. But such things are only temporal and cannot compare with the blessed life from the Lord. Even before we were born in this world, God had planned to give us the blessed life of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, who was baptized to take on all of our sins and crucified to save us from the judgment of hell for our sin that we were all destined to receive (Romans 6:23).His desire was for all of us to receive the blessed life rather than the cursed life that we were destined to live by inheriting sin from the first man, Adam (Romans 5:12). The title of Chapter 1 reads,Live With The Hope of the Glorious Life.It focuses on Chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, which records Jesus` last prayer before He was crucified.Jesus prayed to be glorified together with God, having glorified God on this earth and having finished the work which was given Him to do (John 17:4-5). The question is then posed,What is the glorious life mentioned in Jesus` prayer? It is the hope for the Kingdom of Heaven, which the born again will enter after having faithfully done the work entrusted to them while in this world.Despite hardships and struggles, Jesus tells us to continue serving the gospel of the water and the Spirit, remembering that we have received the blessed life from the Lord and to strive toward the hope of the glorious life in God`s Kingdom. Chapter 2 discusses the issue of who can receive all the heavenly blessings bestowed by God. The author does this by referencing the Old Testament`s account of the two sons of Rebekah—Esau and Jacob.While some theologians use this account to assert the false doctrine of predestination, this account actually teaches us about which type of people gratefully accept the mercy of God as opposed to those who see no need for it.It was actually Jacob, Rebekah`s second-born child, who received the blessings of God rather than her firstborn son, Esau.This tells us that Jacob-like people, who accept their weak and insufficient nature but trust and rely on God at the same time, are the ones who receive the blessings of God. But people like Esau, who have faith in their own power and abilities, these types of people look down on the grace of God, thinking to themselves that they have no need of it since they are already so mighty on their own.However, if we want to be blessed by God, then our hearts must be meek like Jacob`s and confess that we are weak, lacking, conniving, and deserving of God`s judgement. We must follow the guidance of the church just as Jacob clung to his mother Rebekah`s instructions and as a result, be blessed by faith in the righteousness of God that Jesus fulfilled at His baptism by washing away all our sins. And once we have put on the grace of God, we must never think that we have become righteous through our own efforts; otherwise we will end up being cursed rather than blessed by the Lord. The title of Chapter 3 reads,Do not consider it a great thing to persecute Jesus.Those who opposed, persecuted, and condemned Jesus to death were not men of great power. Although Jesus did die on the Cross, it was not because His accusers were mighty and He was somehow powerless to their schemes that He was crucified, but it was because His death and consequent resurrection were all permitted within the will of God for our salvation.However, just like the people in Jesus` time, many people nowadays think that persecuting Jesus and His followers is a privilege and a great gain for themselves, but they are truly wrong. When punishment in Hell awaits everyone who remains unwashed from their sins, it`s unwise to persecute those who preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit and even more foolish to disregard this truth and reject the blessed life from the Lord for oneself. It`s because Jesus, in essence, is love that He washed away all our sins at His baptism, and it`s because His love is beyond our comprehension that He patiently waits for sinners to repent and return to the gospel of the water and the Spirit. But we should not take His love for granted as though this world and His grace will last forever. While His mercy still abounds, all people should humble themselves before the Lord, confess their true sinful nature that is deserving of His judgement, and quickly and gratefully accept the blessed life from the Lord by firmly placing their faith in the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit. I encourage you all to read this book by Rev. Paul C. Jong. You can download any of the 68 FREE audiobooks or ebooks from the website www.bjnewlife.orgGod bless you all.  

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 01/09/2025612
The New Life Mission

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