
Μηνύματα από Συνεργάτες

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Δημοσίευσε ένα μήνυμα
Σύνολο 268
  • Αριθ. 93

    My Free Gift from Daddy

    Hello Saints  When I was first introduced to the NLM, I asked myself, "CAN THIS BE TRUE IN OUR WORLD TODAY?" To cut a very long story short, I AM Coworker today, here to spread the Gospel of Water and The Spirit through our Lord Jesus Christ. The NLM is the  analogy of my Salvation story.  HERE IS MY STORY  Actually, I was born into a very religious family in Ghana. My family "believed" in Jesus Christ. That was a wrong believe anyway because we were still sinners at that time. In my teen years I became a young minister of the law. I vigorously preached law to the letter but later the SAME LAW exposed my adulterous and filthy heart when I impregnated I church sister. Before that time, I thought I was very good person comparing myself to others in the "church." From that time, I begun to understand myself better and better  that I was 100% a SINNER and I can't make it to heaven. The worse of all was that my fornication and filthiness increased MORE AND MORE. I was on a very high acceleration to hell. I stopped the "church" for about three years because I knew very well I can't keep GOD'S HOLY STANDARDS. So, when I was going to university, I prayed to God to help transform me before completing college. God heard my prayer within 2 weeks in the university. A Saint sister visited my hostel and ask me, "Oswin, if you died right now, where will you go? " I knew I'll go to heaven but I told her I don't know. I LIED AGAIN! She then asked me why I wasn't sure of my eternal destination. From there, I honestly told here my life story.  From there, we became friends and one day she told me the story of Cornelius in Acts 10. That story was penned down by the Holy Spirit JUST FOR ME. HAHAHAHAHA! !! Understanding that Cornelius was a very good man who: 1. Feared God 2. Was a devout man3. Give alms generously 4. Prayed to God always but sadly was not saved, I realized by the guidance of the Holy Spirit that a person's GOOD WORK or BAD WORKS CANNOT and WILL NOT save him. I saw myself as Oswin Cornelius. When my adulterous heart was not correctly revealed to me, I thought I was a good person and that God was pleased with me. But when I was truly exposed, I thought God was mad at me. Acts 11:14 says Peter was to tell Cornelius what to do that will save him and his household despite his  GOOD WORKS. THEN the FINISHED WORK of Christ Jesus became clearer and clearer to me AS THE SISTER IN THE SPIRIT PREACHED HIM TO ME. Abraham disqualified me without my participation as a Sinner . The same way too, the Last Adam, Christ Jesus, QUALIFIED ME without my involvement to become Righteous like He is. My eyes opened. Wow! Jesus took my sins which was included in the sins of the world  (from the beginning of creation to the end of the world ), at the River Jordan when John, our representative transfer the world's sins unto Him . Jesus took All our sins  to the Cross when He paid the FULL PRICE for all . Then I am FREE FROM SIN! AM FREE! AM FREE!  Today and forever, I AM THE VERY RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. HALLELUJAH! Coworker Saint Oswin.

    • Oswin Gameli Adzraku
    • Ghana
    • 05/06/202164555
  • Αριθ. 92

    Jesus our God Almighty

    "Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am." John 8,58 The word “History” comes from the words “His story.” The world now records its years based on the day when Jesus Christ came. In other words, historical timeline is expressed in terms of AD and BC, and as it is well known; AD stands for Latin words “Anno Domini,” which means “in the year of our Lord,” and BC stands for “before Christ.” Nothing can be found outside the sovereignty of Jesus Christ. Everything in this universe therefore belongs to Jesus Christ; "Behold, He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1,7-8 Please order on this website Free Christian Books or download Ebooks. God bless you.Aneta Gembalik

    • Aneta Gembalik
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/06/202161296
  • Αριθ. 91

    Most people believe in Jesus without knowing the true gospel.

    It is true today, just as Nicodemus wasn't aware of the truth, most people believe in Jesus without knowing the true gospel. Nowadays, there are too many of us who do not know the truth about the water and the Spirit of Jesus. Some we believe in God and could cite chapter and verse proving that we are created in His image. But somehow we didn’t live out the truth of those scripture passages. Moreover, there are so many people who do not accept the truth when they have a chance to hear the true gospel because they bother about who brought it to them and some believe in their doctrines. What worries a lot those are leaders. You will hear them saying I have fifty years as a pastor and you just come yesterday, you don’t know anything and you want to change my church. The truth church is composed of people who have genuinely surrendered their lives to God through Jesus Christ. Thank you for your books because it simplifies the race.What I like most is that, everyone who read the book realize that I am missing the Love God gave to me and feels a deep love for God developing and growing bigger and bigger almost each day. That is end of struggles because of repetition. And once your soul is saved you will have that anger to save other lost soul too. New disciples taught the truth of word of God and drive you to spread the Gospel making disciples. This is a true miracle of God. Whom should I thank is The New Life Mission for the good job you are doing to the lost soul and to you Rev Paul C. Jong, thank you for the race and may our Mighty Father cover you with the blood of Jesus Christ to finish the Great Commission. May God bless.Lebogang Rasesigo, Botswana

    • Lebogang Rasesigo
    • Botswana
    • 05/06/202161479
  • Αριθ. 90

    You are called upon by God as a believer to go and marry for his son Jesus.

    Genesis 24 told us about Abraham sending his eldest servant to go and fine a wife for Isaac.Abraham represents God Isaac represents JESUS  The eldest servant represents we believers in the water and the Spirit, who are matured  in the word of God. the message is very simple. No addition  or subtraction. The eldest servant was asked to hold Abraham's waist. this means we must hold our faith in Jesus our Lord and nothing else. Rebecca  represents the world we are to witness to. God has already  prepared them so we must go. No hesitation. Rebecca believed in Jesus her husband immediately without listening to fresh and blood ie mother and father. we are so denomination minded that we don't want to go. the command says go. Go and tell them to believe in what Jesus came to this world to do. He is lord the spirit Philippains 2:5-10. He came to carry our sin 1 John 3:5, Matt. 3:13-15 his baptism. He came to pay for our sin with his blood ie the cross. Lev. 17: 11. Jesus came by water and blood the spirit bears witness because the spirit is the truth. thank you and keep on doing the work of the Lord John 6:28

    • Philip Boadu
    • Ghana
    • 05/06/202162684
  • Αριθ. 89

    I praise the Lord Almighty for putting this gift and great mission on you.

    I praise the Lord Almighty for putting this gift and great mission on you.My parents were Catholics. When I grew up I also join them, I was taught all the Catholic doctrine. I was a strong member until the year 1997 when I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ being preached in our village market. I believe in the gospel and accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour that was the day I cease to be a Catholic.I did not know what was happening to me because I felt that I'm a sinner who need to repent daily and this was my daily routine. Every morning and evening before bed I had to repent.My Spiritual life started to change when I attended a convention we do hold yearly and met someone with a book (Return to the gospel of the water and the Spirit by Rev. Paul C. Jong.) I requested the book for four days. After reading the book I decided to request for my copies from the Newlife Mission. After reading the books I believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and from that day very many things changed in my life. I realize my sins were blotted out by Jesus Himself on His Baptism and His death sanctified me once and for all.My heart has been filled with great love and I feel something like a force inside me pushing me to reach people with this gospel of the water and the Spirit even to those who believe only on the death of Jesus Christ.The church where I'm serving as a pastor, members are now believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, this I've confirmed through the testimonies during church services.From the Message of the gospel of the water and the Spirit ALL SIN WERE PUT ON JESUS CHRIST ON HIS BAPTISM. Sin is no longer a problem to me since I believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. My daily repentance ceased, I'm not a sinner any more. Jesus took my sins on Himself through His Baptism and also sanctified me though His death on the Cross.Benard Ogweno Nyandiwa, Kenya

    • Benard Ogweno Nyandiwa
    • Kenya
    • 05/06/202161134