
Μηνύματα από Συνεργάτες

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Δημοσίευσε ένα μήνυμα
Σύνολο 268
  • Αριθ. 18

    I prayed to God PSALM 6 and He answered me.

    PSALM 6 O LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O LORD, how long?Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake.For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies.Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping.The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly. (Psa 6:1-10) God bless. This wonderful psalm reminds me of my old days when I cried out to the Lord and I was so tried of life. As King David confessed and pleaded my soul was sore vexed and I did not find any peace inside of me. Although I was a Christian but due to the sins of the world and the struggle that I had with my flesh I was so troubled and was so tired of living for every walk of my life I discovered how weak and sinful I was. But glory to God for I pleaded and prayed to God to have mercy upon me just as King David did for without God's help and intervention I was not worthy to enter His Realm for sins always held at me. Hallelujah to God for He heard my cry and revealed to me The Gospel of Water & The Spirit through (New Life Mission) wherein The Mercy and Righteousness of God is declared and revealed in His One & Only Begotten Son Lord Jesus Christ and adopted me to be His born again son. I give praise and worship to our God Jesus Christ who filled the will of God the Father and God The Holy Spirit testified the will of God the Father and work of God The Son Lord Jesus Christ. So those souls who are still vexed and tired of the world ASK and God will give, find and open your eyes to behold the wondrous things out of His law. For more please visit and download and order Gospel books for free. For freely ye have received, freely give. AMEN. God bless. Yours Bro. in Christ Ev. Roshan Rai

    • Roshan Rai
    • Bhutan
    • 05/04/202148625
  • Αριθ. 17


    My quest to find the truth about the salvation of Jesus Christ led me to the New Life Mission's website. I ordered for the book, "HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT? by Rev. Paul C. Jong. I read this book and realized that, i was lost all these years, why? I was not hearing the truth about the baptism of water Christ had. I kept on praying each day asking God to forgive me of my sins yet the laying of the hands on Jesus by John The Baptist meant that all sins were passed unto Christ. How could i have known this if i had not met Rev. Paul C. Jong. Thanks be to God because He has really given to this world a man who has deep knowledge about the Baptism of Jesus, and has provided many insightful books to help others to also know the truth. Knowing the truth makes you free, and i am indeed free from sins. I am helping those around me to also come to the right path. Greetings to you all who have taken upon yourselves to help spread the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit. God bless Rev. Paul C. Jong and the entire team of New Life Mission.

    • Ghana
    • 05/04/202148220
  • Αριθ. 16

    It is a blessing to be delivered as His child.

    As a man, aware he is a man, I am so in need of God's righteousness. Regardless of how hard I try or how carefully I tread, I trip up many times whenever I rely on my own resources. I'm so thankful that my Father in Heaven, knowing before me, my very nature as a seed of Adam, saved me through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I had no chance by any means of my own. Indeed, what a blessing it is, to be delivered as His child. Amen.

    • Timothy Dundas
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/202148024
  • Αριθ. 15

    I have a sad news for you.

    I have a sad news for you. The sad news is that Brother Joel and his wife are no more part of us. They have left this true gospel and now they have joined THE CHURCH OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS (The Church of Mammon). It is very shocking to all us here in Ghana. For somebody who knows the true gospel of the water and the Spirit to join the Church of Mammon is very shocking. This Church is a demonic church. Their teachings are from demons, and it is very shocking that Brother Joel has joined them. But we must learn a lesson from it because if we also don't stand firm in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit, Satan can deceive us and overthrow our faith. The Bible says that the devil is seriously working with great anger in this end time because he knows that he has a short time (Revelation 12:12).After Joel came to know the gospel, he was so happy to meet the gospel and he was very active to spread it. But later I observe that he doesn't read the Mission books and he doesn't study the Bible, so I told him and his wife about 4 years ago that they must read the Mission Books and the Bible, but they didn't listen to my advice and little by little they were fallen gradually into the world. So when I heard it, I was not all that surprised, but my spirit was very troubled for him, and I fell sad for him. Those who leave this true and genuine gospel after knowing it and then believe in any false gospel and join false churches can never come back. There was also a brother called Daniel. He was very strong in the gospel, but he also denied Jesus baptism and left us. He even make argument with me about Jesus baptism and he also left us. All those who reject this true gospel will face the judgement of God and they shall perish forever. This is because the Book of Hebrews says that they have trampled the Son of God underfoot, and they have counted the blood of the covenant by which they are sanctified a common thing, and they have insulted the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:28-31). Such people commit the sin which can never be forgiven, and there is no turning back for them because the Bible says that they crucify Jesus again and put Him to an open shame (Hebrews 6:4-6).God's Servant Paul C. Jong has always been saying that we must meditate and ruminate on the gospel everyday and be thankful to God. We must continue to read the Mission Book and the Bible and also preach the gospel by distributing the books and be prayerful. We must pray for all the Saints and for the gospel to spread to every corner of the world. This is the only way that we can be strong and grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. But there are some people who don't listen to the Church and God's servants, and they don't unite with the Church by reading the messages which God's servant Paul C. Jong has written in the Mission Books. It is such people who turn away from the gospel. But the Bible says that if anyone does not love our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed (1 Corinthians 16:22). In Revelation, Jesus our Lord said, "Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame (Revelation 16:15). He also said, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches. I know that even in Korea, those incident has also happened there where people leave the Church. Sometimes when I'm reading the MISSION BOOKS God's servant Paul C. Jong speak about it. It is my prayer that God will protect and guide all the Saints all over the world and protect His Church from the evil one in this era of the black horse because the era of the pale horse is just around the corner. And I believe that God will use His Church to spread the gospel all over the world before the end of the world will come as He promised.Eric Aboadwe, Ghana

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 05/04/202148632
  • Αριθ. 14

    I have a sad news for you.

    I have a sad news for you. The sad news is that Brother Joel and his wife are no more part of us. They have left this true gospel and now they have joined THE CHURCH OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS (The Church of Mammon). It is very shocking to all us here in Ghana. For somebody who knows the true gospel of the water and the Spirit to join the Church of Mammon is very shocking. This Church is a demonic church. Their teachings are from demons, and it is very shocking that Brother Joel has joined them. But we must learn a lesson from it because if we also don't stand firm in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit, Satan can deceive us and overthrow our faith. The Bible says that the devil is seriously working with great anger in this end time because he knows that he has a short time (Revelation 12:12).After Joel came to know the gospel, he was so happy to meet the gospel and he was very active to spread it. But later I observe that he doesn't read the Mission books and he doesn't study the Bible, so I told him and his wife about 4 years ago that they must read the Mission Books and the Bible, but they didn't listen to my advice and little by little they were fallen gradually into the world. So when I heard it, I was not all that surprised, but my spirit was very troubled for him, and I fell sad for him. Those who leave this true and genuine gospel after knowing it and then believe in any false gospel and join false churches can never come back. There was also a brother called Daniel. He was very strong in the gospel, but he also denied Jesus baptism and left us. He even make argument with me about Jesus baptism and he also left us. All those who reject this true gospel will face the judgement of God and they shall perish forever. This is because the Book of Hebrews says that they have trampled the Son of God underfoot, and they have counted the blood of the covenant by which they are sanctified a common thing, and they have insulted the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:28-31). Such people commit the sin which can never be forgiven, and there is no turning back for them because the Bible says that they crucify Jesus again and put Him to an open shame (Hebrews 6:4-6).God's Servant Paul C. Jong has always been saying that we must meditate and ruminate on the gospel everyday and be thankful to God. We must continue to read the Mission Book and the Bible and also preach the gospel by distributing the books and be prayerful. We must pray for all the Saints and for the gospel to spread to every corner of the world. This is the only way that we can be strong and grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. But there are some people who don't listen to the Church and God's servants, and they don't unite with the Church by reading the messages which God's servant Paul C. Jong has written in the Mission Books. It is such people who turn away from the gospel. But the Bible says that if anyone does not love our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed (1 Corinthians 16:22). In Revelation, Jesus our Lord said, "Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame (Revelation 16:15). He also said, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches. I know that even in Korea, those incident has also happened there where people leave the Church. Sometimes when I'm reading the MISSION BOOKS God's servant Paul C. Jong speak about it. It is my prayer that God will protect and guide all the Saints all over the world and protect His Church from the evil one in this era of the black horse because the era of the pale horse is just around the corner. And I believe that God will use His Church to spread the gospel all over the world before the end of the world will come as He promised.Eric Aboadwe, Ghana

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 05/04/202148387