

Subject 28 : If You Have Confusion and Emptiness in Your Heart, Seek the Light of the Truth

[28-4] The Crucified Jesus Is Not to Be Pitied by Mankind (Luke 23:26-31)

The Crucified Jesus Is Not to Be Pitied by Mankind
< Luke 23:26-31 >
“Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.
And a great multitude of the people followed Him, and women who also mourned and lamented Him. But Jesus, turning to them, said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed!’ Then they will begin ‘to say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!”’ For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?””

In today’s Scripture reading, we see Jesus carrying the Cross to Mount Calvary. By this time Jesus was already exhausted from receiving forty stripes minus one. When He could not bear the weight of the Cross, the Roman soldiers grabbed a Cyrenian man named Simon and made him bear the Cross. There was a group of women mourning and lamenting at that time, who adored Jesus as His followers. To these crying women, Jesus said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” Today, I would like to bear witness of what Jesus said to the women here, as it entails many spiritual lessons for us now also. 
There are many Christians today who are living their lives of faith out of pity for the crucified Jesus. Where the Lord said in today’s Scripture reading, “Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children,” He was saying, “Why are you weeping for Me? There is no need to cry for Me like this. I am carrying the Cross to Mount Golgotha now because I bore the sins of this world once and for all. So do not weep for Me.” 

Jesus Is Not to Be Pitied by the Religious People of This World

Jesus is the Triune God who created all things both visible and invisible to our eyes of the flesh. When the Triune God created the heavens and the earth, Jesus was there. He is the Creator who made this universe and all things in it with His Word. And God the Father established a plan of salvation to save all sinners from their sins through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Savior who accepted all the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
There are many people today who have not been able to be washed from their sins because they still have not accepted into their hearts the baptism of Jesus, who bore the sins of this world once and for all. Uninterested in the baptism of the Lord, many people are ignoring the grace of salvation that enables them to be born again. These people just remember the suffering on the Cross as shown in the Nicene Creed, rather than the Word of God. We should not pity the Lord, and instead pay attention to the baptism of Jesus. We ought to be far more attentive to the belief that Jesus bore the sins of this world through His baptism. We must realize how we are washed from our sins, that it is obtained through faith in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His Cross. 
Jesus wants us to be washed and born again from all our sins now by placing our faith in the work of His baptism. Christians today are predisposed to believe in Jesus out of pity, feeling sorry for the crucified Jesus, but in the Lord’s eyes, such people are nothing more than repulsive religious practitioners. They do not know the holiness of Jesus, His omnipotence, and His righteousness. They are turning into a mob, ignoring and mocking the Word of salvation that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through His baptism. 

"Do Not Weep for Me, but Weep for Yourselves and Your Children”

What did the Lord mean when He said, “Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children”? It means that the Lord wants us to know and believe in the work of His baptism, and to thus give glory to our God. The Lord is saying to us here, “Your hearts and your children’s hearts are guilty of sins, and therefore you and your children will be judged for those sins. Be washed from all your sins once and for all by believing in the baptism that I received from John the Baptist. Believe in My righteous act of baptism through which I bore your sins, and be washed from all your sins now.” 
The Lord is saying, “Receive your salvation by believing that I am bearing the condemnation of your sins because I shouldered them once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist.” So do not pity Me for the suffering I am enduring on the Cross, nor should you be a worldly religious practitioner. Far from it, believe in the Word that I bore the sins of this world through My baptism, and be born again by this faith. It is because I bore your sins by being baptized by John the Baptist that I am now going to be crucified.” 
The Lord is telling us, “You must understand and believe properly in the baptism I received from John the Baptist and the crucifixion I am suffering to bear the punishment of your sins. I am not someone whom you can feel sorry for and pity. I am the Lamb of God who bore and washed away all your sins with My baptism, and I am now carrying the Cross to bear the condemnation of your sins. Receive the remission of sins into your heart now by believing in My grace of salvation, that I shouldered and washed away your sins once and for all with My baptism and am bearing the condemnation of sinners. Thank Me by believing in My work. Know from now on that I am commanding you to receive the remission of sins by believing in the baptism I received and the sacrifice I made on the Cross for you.” It is absolutely imperative for us to know and believe in the baptism of Jesus and the shedding of His blood, and to worship Jesus Christ by this faith. 
The Lord says again, “I am the Savior who bore all your sins once and for all through the baptism I received from My servant John the Baptist. Even though your soul must perish for your sins, I have delivered you from all your sins and condemnation once and for all through My baptism and My death on the Cross. I am the just Savior who bore and washed away your sins once and for all with the baptism I received from John the Baptist. Accept into your heart and believe in My righteousness, My justness, and My work of salvation that I fulfilled with My baptism and My blood on the Cross. By this faith, be washed now from all your sins once and for all. And receive your salvation by believing that I bore the condemnation of your sins on the Cross because of the baptism I received.” 
The Lord continues on to say, “Do not feel sorry for Me. Flee from your mistaken religious delusions. Rather than pitying Me, reach your salvation by believing that I bore your sins and your descendants’ sins once and for all through the baptism I received from John the Baptist. Weep now, knowing that you are a sinner to be condemned for the sins you have inherited from your ancestors. And be saved by believing in the remission of sins that I have prepared for your redemption, for you are destined to be cast into hell for your sins unless you believe wholeheartedly in the sacrifice of atonement I offered for you. From now on, do not weep for Me, and reach your deliverance instead by believing in the just salvation that I have fulfilled through the baptism I received from John the Baptist and the shedding of My blood. From My death on the Cross, know and believe that you must accept into your heart the salvation that I have given you, and receive this salvation.” 
The Lord is telling us to understand the profound meaning of the Word that He has given us to be born again, and to believe in His Word with our hearts. When we believe that the Lord has saved us from our sins and punishment through His baptism and Cross, it is then that we are saved by faith according to His will. 

Even Now, Many People Believe in Just the Crucified Jesus Blindly

Christians today are living a blind religious life all according to their own thoughts. Such a blind faith is not the born-again faith that our Lord wants. We must understand the just salvation that the Lord wants us to receive. Christians these days believe blindly based on their own emotion, thinking to themselves, “How much Jesus must have suffered on the Cross!” But this is not what the Lord wants; He wants us to be born again by knowing and believing in His righteousness. 
Today’s Christians try to be saved by believing in just the Cross of Jesus. Rather than knowing and believing in the righteousness of the Lord’s baptism, many of them believe blindly thinking only of the suffering the Lord endured. So, they are actually pitying the Lord, feeling sorry for the hardship that Jesus faced much as they are also struggling with difficult circumstances, and they believe blindly. Engulfed in religious catharsis, every day they are living a repetitive, emotionally driven religious life. 
If they continue to lead such an emotionally charged religious life, all that they will have left in the end is their sins and emptiness. Therefore, such religious people must return to the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist as soon as possible, pass their sins to Him by placing their faith in His baptism and blood, and thereby be washed from their sins. They must thus reach salvation through faith in the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist and be washed from all the sins that are now in their hearts, for only then can they be freed from all the curses and sufferings of their sins. We must be saved from all sins through faith in the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist and His blood on the Cross. 
Those who have faith in the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist and His blood are the ones who can be washed from all their sins by faith. As they believe in the baptism of the Lord and His blood, they are now qualified to receive the gift of the Spirit of God. For today’s Christians to receive the remission of sins into their hearts and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, they must first of all believe in the just Word of God that enables them to be washed from their sins with the Lord’s baptism. They must thereby pass their hearts’ sins to the body of Jesus by faith. It is then that those who believe in Jesus as the Savior can be freed from their sins. For these Christians to be liberated from all their sins, their hearts must have faith in the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist. Otherwise, they will all become just like the Pharisees who stood against the Lord. 
We must therefore believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus, for this is the faith that pleases the Lord. All of us must have the faith that enables us to be born again of water and the Spirit as the Lord told us. For us all to be born again from our sins, we must grasp that the Lord has washed away the sins of this world once and for all with the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and we must have this born-again faith ready in our hearts. How about you then? Do you now recognize that the Lord took away all your sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist? It is absolutely imperative for us to acknowledge this fact by placing our faith in the Word of God. Only then are we made people of faith before the Lord. And we must also realize that we are made saints in whom our Lord is pleased by believing in the Word of His baptism with our hearts and thereby being washed from our sins. 
We must now be believers in the baptism and blood of Jesus, who sacrificed Himself as the propitiation for our sins. Through faith in the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist, we must pass all our sins to Him now. We must give thanks and glory to our Lord by placing our faith in His justness. 
Today, those who have been born again from all their sins by believing in the righteousness of Jesus are the ones who have passed all their sins to Him by placing their faith in the fact that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Those who have this kind of faith are of those whose faith is united with the will of God. We ought to thank the Lord with our faith for blessing us to be born again through His baptism. Given the fact that Jesus Himself took away our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, shouldn’t we recognize gratefully just how wonderful this Truth of salvation is for us today, and shouldn’t we believe in it with our hearts? 
When our Lord was crucified to death, He said just before passing away, “It is finished!” Jesus said this precisely because He had borne the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. This means our Lord now bore and ended the punishment of all the sins of mankind, for He had shouldered all our sins once and for all through the baptism He received on His own body. That is why we must be born again by believing that the baptism and blood of our Lord constitute the Word of salvation for us. Our regeneration is made possible by the baptism of the Lord and the shedding of His blood, and we are born again only through faith. 
We ought to be grateful to the Lord for completing our salvation with His baptism and blood. All of us ought to be born again through faith, by knowing and believing that the baptism that the Lord received to wash away our sins and the punishment of the Cross He bore to be condemned for our sins constitute the righteousness of the Lord. It is then that we can exalt our Lord’s righteousness, receive salvation from Him by faith, and be thankful always. 

Those Who Omitted the Word of the Baptism of the Lord from History

During Late Antiquity, when Emperor Constantine made the Nicene Creed in AD 325, he left out the just work of salvation that Jesus Christ carried out on this earth to deliver sinners from their sins—that is, he omitted from the Nicene Creed the fact that Jesus bore the sins of this world on His own body by being baptized by John the Baptist. With this omission, Constantine made it impossible for today’s Christians throughout the whole world to know the Truth. My goal here is to expose this omission to you and everyone from around the whole world who wants to believe in the Lord. The offence that Constantine committed against God is so horrible and terrifying that there should be no one among us who takes any part in his transgression with silence. It is an absolute must for us to reverse Constantine’s omission of the baptism of Jesus, return it to its rightful place, and believe in it properly. 
At the First Council of Nicaea that Roman Emperor Constantine summoned, he sought to fulfill the lust of his flesh by omitting from the “Nicene Creed” the work of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist. By redacting from the Nicene Creed the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, Constantine covered the eyes of not only Christians around the world but also the entire human race, so that they may not know the Truth that Jesus bore the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. In doing so, he not only achieved his own political purposes by creating the most universal religion in this world, but he was also used as a greatly effective instrument by the enemy of the Lord. He did, in short, what no man should ever do. He was the first man to omit from the Nicene Creed the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. With the Nicene Creed, he covered all the glory that should have gone to Jesus Christ. As someone who usurped the glory that should have gone to God, he committed such a grave sin that it was akin to stealing the glory of Jesus Christ. 
It is very important for us to realize that we are now in an era when we can all be washed from our sins by believing in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood. The age is upon us now when human beings can be washed from all their sins through faith, by believing that Jesus bore the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist. Put differently, all of us have now reached the critical point where we must be washed from our sins by placing our faith in the Truth of the baptism of Jesus. From now on, we must grasp and believe that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world on His own body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, carried them to the Cross, and bore the punishment of our sins in our place. By placing our faith in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood, we must reach our true salvation now and forever. And all of us who have this faith must spread throughout the whole world our salvation that Jesus has fulfilled with His baptism and blood. 
We ought to realize here that Jesus is the Savior who bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Because Jesus could bear and shoulder the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, and because Jesus was crucified and shed His blood on the Cross, we are now able to be saved from all our sins once and for all and thank the Lord with this faith. It is this faith that does not render in vain the justness of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist, and it is this faith that glorifies our Lord. Through our faith in the baptism and blood of our Lord, we are now able to be washed and born again from all our sins. 
From AD 325 in Late Antiquity when the Nicene Creed was promulgated to this very day, the universal religion has been corrupting Christians. Why? It is because Christians today have come to emphasize and believe only in the Jesus who was crucified to death. This means they believe in Jesus while excluding the Truth that He bore the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and therefore it also means that they have turned into mere practitioners of worldly religion. If we believe in just the crucified Jesus as Christians, we will end up turning ourselves into worldly religious practitioners just like Emperor Constantine.
We must recognize clearly that the baptism of Jesus and His blood to be judged for us was the just act of salvation, and we must believe this with our hearts. Even now, many Christians are oblivious to the fact that Jesus bore our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist, and in this state of ignorance they pity and believe only in the crucified Jesus who shed His blood and died on the Cross, but we need to realize here that this kind of faith is debasing and insulting to the justness of Jesus. To save mankind from the sins of this world and the condemnation of all sins, Jesus actually took away their sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and that is why He could bear the punishment of sins by being crucified to death while shouldering the sins of the world, thus fulfilling our salvation once and for all. 
Human beings, however, omitted from the Nicene Creed the Truth of baptism that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, emphasizing only the crucified Jesus all on their own. In doing so, they have preposterously turned Jesus into a mere founder of a worldly religion. We must now grasp just how profoundly significant it is that Jesus bore the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, pass all the sins that are in our hearts to Jesus now through His baptism, and with this faith verify our salvation from sins. The onus is now on you and me who are living in this present age to obtain the washing of sins by believing that Jesus accepted the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. What we must do now, in other words, is come to the presence of the Lord by placing our faith in the Truth of His baptism and blood. 
We are living in an age when the second coming of our Lord is imminent. In this age, we must be believers in the glory of God, who has fulfilled our salvation through the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross. Through faith, we must recover the baptism of Jesus from those who left out this baptism that has washed away the sins of mankind, and we must restore it to its rightful place. We must also fulfill our role as the guides to lead others, so that they, too, can be washed from their sins truly by placing their faith in Jesus’ just work of salvation, who bore the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
Being the true reformers of faith in these end times, we have the duty to live as witnesses testifying the Truth of faith to everyone before our Lord. Such work can be carried out in the lives of only the righteous servants who have been saved through faith in the baptism and blood of Jesus. The Lord is saying that this is something that can be done only by those in this age who believe that Jesus has washed away their sins and saved them by bearing the sins of this world on His body through His baptism and shedding His blood. We should also realize that the Lord wants there to be more people who preach this gospel Truth by placing their faith in the baptism and blood of Jesus, and He wants those who hear the gospel from these witnesses to come to sing glorious praises to Him.
Now, as we have received the remission of sins into our hearts by believing in the baptism and blood of the Lord, we have the duty to dedicate our lives to turning those who have fallen into the religion of this world back to the just Jesus, who is offering them the remission of sins. Our Lord said, “And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3). We must believe in the baptism of Jesus and His blood as our salvation now, and we must testify them. So, let us place our faith in the Lord’s truly righteous baptism and blood, and let us give glory to Jesus. Let us remember that Jesus has sanctified us with the baptism He received from John the Baptist! And let us give thanks to the Lord, believing that we have been delivered from the punishment of our sins because Jesus was condemned for them in our place. From faith to faith, let us all believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus that constitute the righteousness of God! Let us all now work diligently to spread God’s righteous salvation in these end times! Let us preach the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross by faith throughout the whole world! Let us spread all across the whole world now, before the Antichrist arrives, the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist but was omitted from the Nicene Creed! Let us live as witnesses in these end times, preaching by faith the Word of the baptism of Jesus throughout the whole world, and proclaiming that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. In doing so, let us guide the religious people who pity our Lord so much, so that they may be saved from all their sins. Let us lead them to the knowledge of the baptism of the Lord and His blood, so that they may be delivered from the sins of this world. 
Why must we do this? It is because so many people profess to believe in just the crucified Jesus out of pity. It is because they are breaking Jesus’ heart, for they believe in Him as one would believe in a worldly religion. They are just religious practitioners, living with their sins remaining all intact in their hearts. That is why we must preach to them the justness of Jesus now, teaching them that the Lord bore the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and guide them so that they may return to Jesus by believing in His baptism and blood and come to praise the righteousness of the Lord. 
By bearing the sins of this world through His baptism, Jesus has washed away all our sins for those of us who believe. So let us all reach our salvation by believing that Jesus is the Savior who bore the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized, carried all the sins of this world to the Cross, and was condemned for our sins by shedding His blood on the Cross. It is because Jesus took upon the sins of this world once and for all through His baptism that He was crucified and shed His blood, and He is our definitive Savior who died on the Cross in our place and rose from the dead again. 
Let us therefore lead everyone to believe in the baptism and blood of our just Lord, and let us awaken the religious from their foolishness in believing in the Lord out of pity. Their religious faith ultimately entails replacing the glory of the Lord with the glory of man. They do not know that it is a great sin against our Lord to believe in Jesus as their Savior according to their own thoughts. We have the duty to turn them around so that they may return to faith in the baptism of the Lord and His blood. We must help them reach salvation from their sins. They, too, can be delivered from their sins. They, too, must be saved from their sins. 

When the Lord Returns to This World, Would You Be Saved Even If You Believe in Just the Crucified Jesus?

Jesus said, “Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children.” If today’s Christians are bound by their sins now because they do not know the righteousness of salvation that is linked to the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross, then they are sinners in God’s sight. If a sinner preaches Jesus to another sinner, they both are equally sinners. You must wash away your sins with the baptism and blood of Jesus and be saved from all sins. You will otherwise remain a sinner when the Lord returns, and you will therefore be condemned for your sins. You will face the suffering of eternal condemnation for the sins you still have. That is why the Lord said, “Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children.” 
It is written in Luke 23:29, “For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed!’” Why did Jesus say this, and to whom? Simply put, Jesus said this to those who are living in these end times. What does it mean when the Bible says that blessed are those who cannot bear any child in the flesh, who cannot give birth even if they conceive a baby, and who do not have enough breast milk to nurse the baby? The Lord is telling us here that the days are coming soon when there will be no more future. He is telling all the sinners living in these end times that they must be washed from all their sins by believing in the baptism and blood of Jesus, and then wait for the second coming of the Lord. 
Therefore, all of us must first be washed and saved from our sins once and for all now by placing our faith in the righteousness of the baptism that our Lord received to bear the sins of this world, and then wait for His return. The Lord is saying to us now, “Believe that I bore your sins through the baptism I received from John the Baptist, and receive the remission of your sins by this faith.” 
The Lord is saying to every human being to be saved from all sins by believing in the baptism and blood of Jesus. If you do not believe in the baptism of the Lord and His blood on the Cross, and you give birth to a child in this sinful state and are nursing this baby, then what would happen to you and your child when the day comes for the Lord to judge all sinners for their sins? This is what the Lord is telling us to think about. And that is why I am urging you to be washed from your sins by believing in the baptism and blood of Jesus with your heart. 
You must be saved from all your sins by believing in the salvation that the Lord has brought to mankind—that is, by believing in the baptism of Jesus and the punishment of our sins that He bore by being crucified and shedding His blood on the Cross. If you otherwise do not believe in the baptism of the Lord and continue to live as a sinner with your sins still remaining intact in your heart, you will ultimately face judgment for your sins. All of us need to realize here the terrifying severity of the judgment of sins that our Lord will render to such people, be washed from our sins by placing our faith in the baptism of Jesus that constitutes the righteousness of God, and thus escape from His judgment. 
What a wonderful blessing is it for a man and a woman to get married and bear a child in this world? If, however, people remain sinners because they neither know nor believe in the Word of the baptism that our Lord received, and they are judged by God for this, what could possibly be more wretched and miserable than this? Because their hearts have no faith in the Truth that Jesus has saved us through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, they will face untold suffering when the day comes for the Lord to judge all sinners for their sins. It will be too late to regret by then; they may kick themselves for not believing in the baptism that the returning Lord received, but it will be completely pointless. Why? Because they should have addressed the problem of their sins while they were still living on this earth. The day our Savior returns to this world is the day when all the sinners living in this world will be judged for their sins. This is because they will still have remained sinners, for they do not believe in the Word of the baptism that the Lord received as the washing of their sins. They are guilty of sins because of their disbelief, and when they stand before the Lord, they will all be judged justly for their sins. 
This will also happen to today’s Christians. They cannot address all the sins that are in their hearts with their own prayers of repentance no matter how hard they try, and consequently they are still living as sinners. But, how wonderful would it be if such sinners were to be washed from their sins once and for all now by believing in the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist? The Lord wants these people to also be saved from their sins. This means even those who are steeped in the Nicene Creed today can also receive the washing of sins into their hearts by believing in the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood. However, if they continue to reject the Word of the baptism of the Lord and refuse to believe in it, the day is coming sooner or later when they will have to stand before the Lord of judgment as sinners. 
The seed of religious beliefs sown by the evildoers have been planted and growing in their hearts. If they really want to turn around and believe in the Word of baptism that the Lord has given them, they must return to the Lord and believe now in the Word that our Lord has spoken (Matthew 3:13-17). Their lives have already been infused with many human thoughts found in the Nicene Creed. So I know that it is difficult for them to come out to the Lord, as the theological doctrines and religious thoughts that they have held all this time are standing in their way and blocking them from the Word of God. Even so, they must recognize the Word of God only and do whatever it takes to shake off the thoughts of mankind. For this to come about, they must believe in the Word of the baptism of Jesus and His blood with their hearts, and they must thereby be washed from their sins. We must be saved from all our sins now by placing our faith in the mercy of Jesus, who became our propitiation through His baptism and the shedding of His blood. 
The point I am making here is this: even the Christians who have turned into mere religious practitioners can also be saved from the sins of this world through the baptism of Jesus. By believing in the true Word that saves you from the sins of this world—that is, by believing in the baptism and blood of the Lord—you can be blessed to receive the remission of sins into your heart and become one of God’s people. You must not reject this blessing. How wonderful would the rest of your life be if you were to live in this world as someone who has received the remission of sins by believing in the salvation that Jesus has fulfilled with His baptism and blood? Those who are now saved from all their sins by believing in the baptism and blood of Jesus as their salvation will be able to carry on with their lives with thanksgiving, being grateful that they were born in this world. 
We need to realize here that when the Lord said that the women who cannot conceive, cannot give birth, and cannot nurse are blessed, He was speaking to the sinners who do not believe in the baptism of Jesus and the shedding of His blood. Because everyone was born on this earth as a sinner, everyone must believe in the just Word of salvation proclaiming that our Lord bore the sins of this world through His baptism and shed His blood on the Cross, and with this faith everyone can be washed from all the sins of this world. 
You and I were born in this world as sinners, so how wonderful would it be if we were now saved from all our sins by believing in the baptism of Jesus? But, if we were to refuse to believe with a hardened heart, what would happen to such sinners before the Lord? I hope and pray that you would think about this yourself, believe in the Lord’s baptism and blood, and thus be delivered from the wrathful judgment of God. You must wash your hearts from their sins by believing in the Word of the baptism of the Lord, and you must believe that Jesus bore the condemnation of your sins once and for all when He was crucified. Through this faith in the baptism and blood of Jesus, you must be delivered from all your sins. 
Christians today have been living in this world as sinners until now because they do not know the true Word that was omitted from the Nicene Creed, that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. It is because to this day, they have believed that Jesus became their Savior solely on account of the punishment He endured on the Cross. This is also why you are now rejecting the Truth that Jesus bore and washed away the sins of this world with His baptism. This faith of yours can be called a blind faith. This is because if you believe in only Jesus’ Cross and continue to live with your heart’s sins remaining intact, it will ultimately be impossible for you to avoid the judgment of God that will be rendered to all sinners. 
Jesus is saying that because Christians today do not know the reason for which He was baptized by John the Baptist, they have turned into religious practitioners whose lives are trapped in sin. Since these people believe in just the Cross of Jesus with their hearts, they remain sinners who have not been able to wash away their sins. If some of us are still not cognizant of the importance of the baptism and blood of Jesus and as a result have not been able to be washed from their sins by believing in the Word of the baptism of the Lord, I hope and pray that they would all believe in Jesus’ work of salvation now and be saved. They should ponder again and think about just how great their suffering will be if they are unable to escape from the judgment of their sins. And they must receive salvation by believing in the righteousness of Jesus. If we carry on with our lives in this world in our sinful state only to die as sinners because we are unable to find the salvation that the just Lord has given us through His baptism and blood, no life anywhere in this world would be more wretched than this. 
When God first made man, he fell into Satan’s temptation and became a sinner. However, the Lord who created the heavens and the earth gave His Word of promise that He would come as the Messiah to save mankind from all sins, and when the time came, He was born in this world through the body of Mary to fulfill the Word He promised. Jesus Christ then bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, the greatest of those born of women. And because the Lord took upon the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, He was crucified to death and vicariously bore the punishment of sins that the sinners should have borne. Like this, the Lord washed away the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized, and He was condemned for our sins. This means we can now be saved from all our sins by believing in the baptism of Jesus, His Cross, and the righteousness of our Lord who has solved away the sins of this world.

He Was Wounded Because He Bore Our Sins Through His Baptism

It is written in Isaiah 53:5 “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”
The Lord said to all of us, “I am the Savior who shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist for you, carried them to the Cross, and died in your place to bear the condemnation of your sins. I am your Savior who sacrificed Myself as the propitiation for your sins. I bore all your sins in this world through My baptism, so believe in this baptism with your heart and be washed from all your sins.” The Lord is the Lamb of God who carried the sins of the world. It is absolutely imperative for us to believe that the Lord has now saved us by being baptized by John the Baptist and bearing the punishment of sins. 
Grasping the reason why the Lord loved us so much like this, we ought to thank Him for His righteousness with our faith. I believe that Jesus accepted our sins through His baptism and shed His blood on the Cross because He loved us and wanted to save us. He is saying to us, “Know now that I am your Savior, and with your heart believe in My baptism and blood as your salvation. You will then receive the gift of the Holy Spirit along with the washing of your sins.” 
All of us must now be saved by placing our faith in the Word that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist to bear all our sins, and that He has indeed washed away all the sins of this world. What Jesus is telling us is this: when we believe that Jesus is the Savior who bore our sins through the baptism He received, we can be saved from all the sins of this world, and we can also be delivered from God’s judgment. He said, “Through the baptism I received to bear all your sins, I took upon the sins of this world once and for all, and I bore all the condemnation of sins on the Cross to pay off the wages of your sins once and for all. Believe that I am your Savior.” 
Jesus is telling us, “You must therefore believe that I bore your sins through the baptism I received from John the Baptist while I was on this earth, and you must reach salvation by believing that I have saved you from all your sins. Be washed from all your sins by believing in the work of the baptism I received from John the Baptist. You shall reach your salvation by believing that I have delivered you from your sins through the baptism I received from John the Baptist to bear your sins and My blood.” 
Human personality is composed of three traits: intellect, emotion, and will. The Lord is saying to us, “When you believe in Me as your Savior, you must believe personally. To do so, you must first of all know that I am your Creator and God. To bear your sins on My body, I had to be incarnated in the flesh of man. And I took upon the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, the greatest of those born of women in this world. You must know and believe in My baptism with your heart” (Matthew 11:11; 3:13-17). From the Word of the New Testament, we must understand and believe in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the death He suffered on the Cross, and thus reach our true salvation. 

Who Do You Think I Am?

The Lord is asking us, “Who do you think I am?” He is also speaking to us about the salvation He has given us, saying “Through the baptism I received from John the Baptist to take upon your sins once and for all, I bore the sins of this world, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead again. I am Jesus Christ your Savior. I am your Savior God. Believe therefore with all your heart that I am Jesus Christ your Savior. I bore your sins once and for all through the baptism I received from John the Baptist, and you must be washed from all your sins by believing in this ministry of Mine. 
And from now on, you must live the rest of your life as the people of faith. I have made it possible for you to be washed from your sins, for I bore all your sins through My baptism. You must realize that I have now fulfilled your salvation once and for all with the baptism I received from John the Baptist and My blood. Because I carried out the just work of salvation, whereby I bore the sins of this world through the baptism I received from John the Baptist and shed My blood, you can now be saved from all your sins once and for all by faith. 
So do not weep because you feel sorry for Me, nor believe in Me out of pity. I am telling you, you must believe in My work of baptism and blood now, and thank Me with this faith. Know that if you do not believe in My just work and patronize Me with pity, you will forever be unable to receive the remission of sins. Receive the remission of all your sins by believing that I have taken care of all the sins of this world once and for all with the baptism I received from John the Baptist and the shedding of My blood. Do not render in vain My work, through which I bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. By bearing your sins through My baptism and shedding My blood on the Cross, I washed away all your sins and bore their condemnation. 
Believe now in My righteous work of salvation and be washed from all your sins. This is the salvation that I want for you. To deliver you from the sins of this world, I bore your sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist; to bear the condemnation of all your sins in your place, I was crucified, shed My blood, and died on the Cross; and I rose from the dead again. Believe with all your heart that I have saved you perfectly. 
To believe now in My righteous and just work of salvation, believe that the baptism I received from John the Baptist is the work I carried out to bear your sins. And believe that the blood I shed on the Cross after being baptized by John the Baptist paid off the wages of your sins justly, for I bore the punishment of all your sins. If you do not believe in this Truth of salvation, you will forever remain unsaved from your sins. In the last days of this world, I will return as the Judge of sinners and condemn the unbelievers. At that time, I will judge justly the sins of those who do not believe in My righteous work of salvation, and I will render terrifying punishment to them for their sins. 
I bore all your sins in this world once and for all through the baptism I received from John the Baptist, and I shed My blood on the Cross to be condemned for your sins. Receive your salvation by believing in this Truth. I admonish you to be saved from all your sins now by believing in this work of salvation. I will return one day to judge those who do not believe in the work of salvation I carried out by bearing the sins of this world through the baptism I received from John the Baptist. So, if you know and believe that the baptism I received to bear your sins is the baptism that has washed away your sins now, you will be saved from all your sins.” 
In these end times, the Lord wants those whose hearts remain guilty of sins to be saved by believing in His baptism and blood. No matter who, everyone must receive the remission of sins now by believing in the baptism of Jesus and His blood, for no one who rejects believing in the Lord’s baptism and blood will be able to escape from His just judgment. 
It is written in Luke 23:30, “Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’” The judgment of sins that God will render to the sinners who do not believe in His baptism and blood will be that harsh. This judgment of sins rendered by the Lord is a judgment against all sinners, one that will be utterly terrifying to them. 
Everyone will stand before the judgment of the just Lord. Those who must face God’s judgment at that time because of their hearts’ sins will not be able to bear the Lord’s judgment. Therefore, to steer clear of the judgment of sins rendered by the Lord, we must believe that our Lord is the Savior who bore the sins of this world by being baptized and was condemned for our sins in our place by being crucified. Salvation through faith in the baptism of the Lord and His blood is needed by all of us now. 
Faith in the baptism that the Lord received and His blood is absolutely indispensable to us now. Because the Lord has now taken care of all our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist, it is by knowing and believing in this fact that we reach our salvation and receive the remission of sins into our hearts. This is so because the Lord Himself fulfilled the just work of salvation once and for all by bearing our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His blood. 
God’s servants in this age who know and believe in the Lord’s baptism are tirelessly preaching this baptism of the Lord and His blood throughout the whole world. Jesus has solved away all the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist and shedding His blood. We ought to receive salvation by believing with our hearts that the Lord has solved away all our sins once and for all with the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His blood. Now in this age, every human being needs the knowledge of the baptism and blood of the Lord. Through the lives of faith led by those who were saved earlier than you, the Lord is bearing witness of the baptism and blood of true salvation. All of us must now realize that we need faith in the Word of the baptism of the Lord and His blood. We must all believe that the ingredient of regeneration that the Lord has given us is the Word of baptism and blood. 
All of us must have the knowledge that Jesus accepted all our sins on to His body through the Word of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. We must bear witness of this faith in the baptism of Jesus and His blood until the very hour of the Lord’s second coming. Even now, many people are living a religious life as sinners because they do not know the baptism and blood of the Lord, and although they intend to receive the Lord in this state, they cannot avoid His judgment in this way. They must therefore accept the salvation that the Lord is offering to all the religious people living in this world now. Just as we have now been saved and united our hearts with God’s Church by believing in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood, so must they also believe in Jesus’ baptism. 
We must live by faith, believing that the Lord took upon all the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist, shed His blood on the Cross, and bore the punishment of our sins in our place. For all human beings to be saved from their every sin, they must know the Truth of the baptism of the Lord and the shedding of His blood. They must become people of faith, knowing and believing that Jesus bore all their sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist and suffered the condemnation of sins. Now that you have come to realize that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist to shoulder your sins, I urge you to believe in this, recognizing that now is your chance to be washed from your heart’s sins. You must be saved from all the sins that are in your heart by placing your faith in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood. 
If you and I believe with our hearts in the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist and His blood, we will receive the everlasting remission of sins from our Lord. Right at this very moment, if you accept the remission of sins into your heart by believing in the Word of salvation that the Lord has washed away all your sins once and for all with His baptism and blood, true salvation will come into your heart. If you are now saved from all your sins through faith in the Lord’s baptism and the shedding of His blood and live by trusting in His Word, you will lack absolutely nothing to receive the Lord when He returns. If you want to be saved from all sins now, there is no other way but to place your faith in the baptism of the Lord and the shedding of His blood. 
All of you can escape from the wrath of God by believing in the fact that Jesus accepted every sin of mankind on to His body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist when He came to this earth. We need to realize also that if we believe wholeheartedly like this in the baptism of Jesus and the just shedding of His blood on the Cross, we can not only receive the remission of sins into our hearts but also be used as the Lord’s instruments to expand His Kingdom. 
We must not allow ourselves to reject the work of the baptism of Jesus, which is the grace of the remission of sins that the Lord has given us. We must instead know and believe in the Truth of salvation with our hearts, that the Lord was baptized by John the Baptist and shed His blood on the Cross to save us from the sins of the world. After three years went by since Jesus bore all the sins of mankind once and all through the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist, He was sentenced to death by the court of Pilate, shed His blood on the Cross, and said these last words just before passing away: “It is finished!” We must believe in the justness of Jesus as our salvation, for the Lord completed the work of salvation once and for all with His baptism and blood to deliver the entire human race from the sins of this world, and He has solved away all the problem of their sins. 

Those Who Are Now Trying to Be Saved by Believing in Only the Nicene Creed

Most Christians today say that they believe in just the crucified Jesus as their Savior based on the Nicene Creed. For the completion of their salvation, they are counting heavily on the expectation that their souls would be sanctified by the time they leave this world. Christians with such religious faith think that they need a lot more time before their hearts are made completely sinless. This is because when they look at their flesh, it looks as though it would take a whole lot of time to be sanctified in both body and spirit. 
Are their faith and thoughts really right though? Let us consider this question by once again turning to the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist. As long as one has faith in the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist and His blood, it does not take much time for this person to be washed from his sins. This is because the Lord bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:13-17). It is also because the Lord, having borne all the sins of mankind once and for all through His baptism, went to the Cross and offered His body as our propitiation. This was possible because the Lord Jesus had the power to assume the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
The Lord made everything in this world with His Word. He had the power to bear the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. And the Lord had the power to wash away, all at once, every sin of everyone who believes in the baptism through which He bore the sins of this world. You and I were equally sinners before the Lord, but because Jesus took upon all the sins of mankind and washed them away when He was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, we are now able to be cleansed from our sins by believing in this baptism of Jesus. 
Now, what we must understand clearly here is that Jesus will render the judgment of sins to all those who do not believe that He bore their sins and washed them away with His baptism and blood. This is because while the Lord is our Savior, He is also the Judge who will condemn all the sins of everyone who does not believe in this fact. Jesus is the One who was punished on the Cross for all our sins, and with this punishment He has ended all our judgment once and for all. Therefore, it has now been made possible for all of us to be delivered from every punishable sin by believing in the Truth of salvation that the Lord was baptized and condemned for our sins. 
The Lord has saved us His believers by shouldering our sins through His baptism and bearing their condemnation on the Cross. On account of the baptism He received from John the Baptist, He was able to bear all our sins and wash them away. Since our Lord bore all our sins through His baptism and their punishment with His blood, from now on, whoever believes in the righteous work of Jesus can be washed from his sins once and for all and also be delivered from every condemnation of sins. 
God the Father is looking for those who will please His heart by washing away their sins, placing their faith in the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist and His blood. Just as Abraham in the Bible became our father of faith by believing in the Word of the Lord God, in the age of the New Testament, we, too, can become people of faith like Abraham in God’s sight by believing in the Word that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist and shed His blood, and thus obtaining the washing of all our sins once and for all. In short, because we believe in the Lord’s baptism and blood, we are now able to wash away and cleanse every sin in our hearts once and for all. 
Sadly, however, we see that many theologians in Christian communities still do not know the mystery of the baptism of Jesus, and as a result they are falling into the theological doctrines of their own making. In particular, the doctrine of predestination and unconditional election is confounding many Christians. Is there anyone among you who really knows whether he is one of the Lord’s chosen people or not? I’m sure many religious people are grappling with this question, wondering how they can find out if they have been chosen or not. Even as the second coming of the Lord is imminent, they are only falling deeper into a quandary, all because of their sins and theological doctrines. 
You must realize here that the many doctrines spewed by theologians cannot address our countless sins. Theological doctrines offer no benefit whatsoever to anyone who is now a sinner. Those who believe in the Christian doctrines taught in theology still believe only in the crucified Lord, and therefore they cannot escape from the sins that are confronting them right now. The conclusion they eventually reach is that there is nothing they can do other than offering their prayers of repentance with all their devotion, volunteering their service to their churches, and just awaiting the Lord’s disposition. What pitiful souls these are! They are devoting themselves to living just a religious life, even though they remain unable to be delivered from their sins. 
Pastors these days want their congregation to believe in theological doctrines and lead a devout religious life. This is because they would have nothing more to teach if their followers were made sinless from knowing and believing in the salvation that the Lord has fulfilled with His baptism and blood. The Bible says in 1 John 2:27, “But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.” This Word is spoken to God’s children who have been saved through faith in Jesus, by believing that He has delivered them through His baptism and His blood on the Cross. In other words, it is not addressed to anyone who believes in just theological doctrines. 
Our Lord does not want any religious life that is led by believing in theological doctrines. You need to grasp here that those who believe in the Christians doctrines taught in theology today began their faith off on the wrong foot. From the very first day they began believing in the crucified Jesus as their Savior, they failed to realize that Jesus accepted the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, and that is why they ended up falling into religious life. It is because they rely on and believe in a worldly Christianity that they ultimately ended up unable to be washed from their sins. They came to believe in and follow just the crucified Jesus as their Savior, which is one of the articles of faith found in the Nicene Creed promulgated in Late Antiquity. They have therefore turned themselves into mere religious practitioners waiting for God’s judgment, for in their hearts they always remain sinners even though they profess to believe in the Jesus who shed His blood on the Cross as their Savior. 
Such a disastrous outcome came about because of the confession of faith found in the Nicene Creed. Because of this creed, Christians have been unable to be born again from all their sins and lived as sinners for well over 1,700 years. Therefore, when we first believe in Jesus as our Savior, it is absolutely imperative that we begin with the knowledge of the fact that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through His baptism and blood, and we must believe in this to be born again. Put differently, we must begin with faith and end with faith. We must begin with faith like this because if we know and believe, from the very moment we first believe in Jesus as our Savior, that He bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized, we can pass all our sins to Him from then on. We can then thank the Lord, knowing that Jesus was crucified and suffered the punishment of the Cross as our propitiation precisely because He had shouldered our sins. We will then have in our possession the faith of regeneration to be born again from all sins. 
However, the Nicene Creed promulgated in Late Antiquity taught that Jesus’ Cross alone was the standard of faith for the apostles of the Early Church, and because this creed has been passed down to Christians over the ages to this very day, people today do not know the baptism and blood of Jesus and instead recognize and believe in just the crucified Jesus as their Savior. This is why they have turned into mere religious people. It is absolutely important for you to realize here that there is a huge difference between believing in Jesus with the knowledge of the Truth that He bore the sins of this world by being baptized, and believing in Jesus with the knowledge of just His Cross. 
Grasping this difference, you must escape from your religious life and be born again now by believing in the Truth of salvation that Jesus bore our sins once and for all through His baptism and blood. In these end times when the destruction of the world is near, we must believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus as our salvation, become people of faith, and live our lives thanking the Lord. Unless we know the baptism of Jesus and His blood, neither your soul nor mine can ever be born again. 
Even for those who are now professing to believe in Jesus as their Savior, if they believe without knowing the meaning of the baptism of Jesus, then they have turned into worldly religious practitioners. So, now when the end times are nearing us, we must make sure that we understand the mystery of the baptism of Jesus, believe in it, and become the born-again people of faith. We must not turn ourselves into mere religious practitioners to render the baptism of Jesus completely ineffective when it has the power to wash away and blot out the sins of this world. 
Today, the faith of all the religious people in Christian communities is rooted in the Nicene Creed. Even though Jesus has washed away our sins by bearing the sins of this world through His baptism, they do not believe in this Jesus as their Savior. So, because Christians today are leading their lives of faith by relying on just the doctrine of the Cross founded on the Nicene Creed, they have turned themselves into foolish religious practitioners, living as sinners constantly only to stand before the Lord in this sinful state. Ultimately, they are rendering themselves incapable of passing their sins to the body of Jesus by faith through His baptism. Unable to get the problem of their sins addressed today, those who have such religious beliefs are tragically doomed to come face to face with the Lord of judgment.
The fact of the matter is that Christians have believed in the Nicene Creed for over 1,700 years to this very day. They have believed all this time that Jesus has saved them from their sins just by being crucified. That is why they could not free their hearts from their sins no matter how much they yearned for this. They may find some fleeting comfort for their hearts from the prayers of repentance they offer, but in time, they will realize that such prayers are all in vain. The theological doctrines they count on have failed to help them be wholly born again from their sins. Among other things they count on is the denomination to which they belong. However, these denominations, too, are incapable of delivering them from sin. This is because what they are relying on is just a man-made religious organization in the end. 
Salvation from our sins is wholly found in the Word of salvation fulfilled with the baptism Jesus received and the blood He shed when He came to this world. However, without meeting the witnesses who have already been born again from their sins by believing in the baptism and blood of the Lord, many people are incapable of escaping from their sins by themselves. The born-again witnesses trust in the work of baptism, believing that Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. We need to grasp here that whether or not we know the Truth that Jesus bore our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His blood makes a huge difference in outcome. 
At the start of the New Testament, the Lord is saying that Jesus began His public life by being baptized by John the Baptist and thus bearing the sins of this world once and for all. It is written clearly in Matthew 3:13-17 that Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. 
However, most Christians today began their lives of faith by believing in just the Cross of Jesus. Moreover, they are not even aware of the fact that the problem of their faith began from the very moment they started to live a religious life without knowing that Jesus bore and solved away their sins with His baptism and blood. If you believe that Jesus became your Savior just by being crucified as shown in the Nicene Creed, do you have any alternative solution to wash away all the sins you commit in the future? You and I can wash away all our sins only because Jesus bore them once and for all through His baptism. 
However, you are having trouble trying to wash away your sins because from the very beginning you have believed in Jesus as your Savior without knowing His baptism. This faith of yours demonstrates that you have been living with your soul already deceived by those lying to you. It is the evidence showing that you have turned into a worldly practitioner of religion by accepting and believing in the Nicene Creed blindly. 
If your predecessors of faith, having already been deceived by the liars, believed in and followed just the Cross as their salvation, then it can only mean that you are also putting your faith in this religion and following it just like your predecessors of faith. For example, we see that churches in Europe today have collapsed completely. Where can we find the reason for the collapse of their faith? We can locate it in the fact that they have believed in just the crucified Jesus as their Savior according to the teachings of the Nicene Creed. While the Cross may be fitting if you were just looking for a religion to believe in, it is not enough for you to be born again from your sins. This is because to be born again of water and the Spirit, you must have the Word of the baptism and blood of Jesus. It is because God has determined that those who believe in Jesus shall be born again through His baptism and blood. 
Therefore, if people believe in Jesus’ crucifixion alone as their salvation, then from this point on they have no way to address, by faith, the sins they commit while living in this world. The Cross is where the Lord bore the punishment of sins in our place, so if we were to try to address our sins every time we sin by thinking of the crucified Jesus, what could we possibly solve with this kind of faith? Quite the contrary, we would be just piling up more sins on Jesus’ shoulders every time we sin. When this happens, far from finding peace of mind as those who believe in Jesus’ Cross, our hearts will be weighted down even more. Instead of getting closer to our Lord, we will end up drifting away from Him further and further. 
Moreover, whenever our weaknesses are exposed before Jesus, we will feel guilty in our hearts, and if this state continues, we will be too ashamed to even come out to Jesus and reveal our faces. Like this, if we believe in just the crucified Jesus, we will be offering prayers of repentance repeatedly every time we sin, and this cycle will continue endlessly until one day, we discover that we are actually making a mockery out of Jesus. Such is what it means to live a religious life. Now is the time for us to end our sins and judgment by believing in the baptism and blood of Jesus. You and I have been practicing this kind of faith repeatedly until now. It is now time for us to end such a religious life, and to realize that we need to believe in the baptism of Jesus and His blood to be born again from sins. 

What You Need to Be Born Again

You must realize here that faith in the baptism and blood of the Lord is absolutely necessary for you to be born again. Jesus went looking for John the Baptist and took away the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized by him. Not knowing this baptism of Jesus and the blood He shed, many people have believed in just the crucified Jesus as their Savior until now, all according to the Nicene Creed. This is why they have not been able to be freed from their sins despite believing in Jesus, and they are instead living as practitioners of worldly religion. Cut off from God and trying to lead a life of faith in their sinful state, they have persisted to this day for over 1,700 years. 
However, in these end times when Satan is running wild, they are bound to give up on their religious lives, for they can no longer withstand him by relying on their faith. No religious belief held by anyone has unlimited power. So, once people reach the breaking point where they must give up on their religious lives, they will quit. When they are pressed by sin externally or internally, they will have no choice but to change their hearts. 
In the end times, the Antichrist will appear and demand people to deny Jesus. It will then be impossible to reject his demand. Therefore, putting our trust in the baptism and blood of the Lord, we must be born again by believing that the Lord who has washed away our sins of the world is our Savior. Jesus has saved us His believers through His baptism and blood, and I believe that the time has now arrived for this Truth of salvation to be preached to everyone. So, let us all believe in the Word of the baptism through which the Lord bore our sins and the Word of His blood, let us be washed from all our sins now by this faith, and let us receive the Lord as His people when He returns. 

Is Your Faith Now Placed in the Baptism That Jesus Received from John the Baptist?

Without faith in the baptism of Jesus and His blood, you cannot be washed from your sins. Isn’t this the case? Do you now know and believe that Jesus bore your sins once and for all through His baptism? You must be saved from all your sins by believing that Jesus is the Savior who bore the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, just as it is written in Matthew 3:13-17. With faith in the Word of the baptism of Jesus, you can wash away your sins once and for all. 
Your faith and mine had been based on the Nicene Creed that was promulgated in AD 325 by religious people. The Nicene Creed says that Jesus has saved you from sins by being crucified and bearing their punishment. Accordingly, your church leaders have also taught you that the punishment Jesus suffered on the Cross alone constitutes salvation. They have not been able to teach the Truth that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through His baptism and washed away the believers’ sins. The people who came up with the Nicene Creed in AD 325 omitted the Word of the baptism of Jesus from this creed, and in doing so, they sought to achieve their own objectives by creating a worldly religion whereby its adherents believe in Jesus as the Savior but are still unable to receive the washing of sins once and for all.
Like this, they sought to fulfill their lust by preventing people from believing in Jesus’ baptism written in the Bible and making them believe only in His punishment on the Cross. And absurdly, they put you in an untenable situation, where you believe only in the Word of the Cross but are unable to be washed from sins once and for all. 
So, we have now reached a critical juncture where we must turn to the written Word of God, examine the profound meaning of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist, and rebelieve in Jesus as our Savior. In Matthew 3:13-17, the Bible records and shows us the Truth that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. We can see Jesus telling us that He has at once washed away all the sins of mankind in this world by being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. 
In the New Testament, the work that Jesus carried out by being baptized by John the Baptist and bearing the sins of the world is revealed as the very first record of His public life. Jesus’ crucifixion and death do not appear until three years after Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. Do you now realize that the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist is the means by which He bore your sins and mine and washed them away once and for all? We ought to once again verify the Word of the baptism of Jesus and believe that He indeed shouldered our sins by being baptized. The Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist is now teaching you and me the Truth of salvation that Jesus accepted the sins of this world on to His body once and for all. 
Therefore, all of us must have faith in the fact that Jesus has washed away the sins of mankind once and for all with the baptism He received from John the Baptist. And we must be washed from our sins by this faith. We must realize and believe that all the sins of this world were passed on to the body of Jesus through His baptism, just as it is written in both Testaments of Scripture. For all human beings to be saved from all their sins now, they must have faith in the baptism and blood of the Lord, believe that He bore the sins of this world through His baptism, and confirm from the testimony of the Holy Spirit that this faith is the Truth that brings genuine salvation to us now. Knowing also that this faith is the Truth that can launch the true reformation of faith in this age, we ought to believe that we are the torchbearers of this reformation.
From AD 325 until now, Christianity has been deceived by the promulgators of the Nicene Creed who omitted the Truth that Jesus bore your sins and mine and washed them away by being baptized by John the Baptist. Our souls have been ravaged thoroughly by these people and Satan. Christians today must realize that even at this very moment they are being deceived by the adherents of the man-made Nicene Creed. Therefore, to launch the true reformation of faith now in this present age, faith in the Word of the baptism and blood of the Lord is absolutely indispensable. I am saying this for the sake of those who still do not believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus and as a result remain unwashed from their sins. 
Now in this age also, those who believe in the Nicene Creed are not able to be washed from their sins, for they do not know the Truth of the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Deceived by their religious leaders, such Christians are being preyed on for their time, money, and souls. So let us stop our religious lives now, be saved once and for all by placing our faith in the baptism and blood of Jesus, and fly high above the heavens to reach the Lord’s Kingdom. All of us must realize that this present era is one that needs the true reformation of faith, and I am also telling you that we must reform today’s Christianity with our faith in the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist. 
The true reformation away from the false religion is an absolute must for this present age. I am asking you to join me in launching this reformation in the 21st century with our faith in the Truth that Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. To do so, we ourselves must receive the remission of sins into our hearts and be born again by believing in the Word of the baptism of Jesus, and it is such people who can launch the true reformation of faith in this age for those who believe in just the crucified Jesus. 
It is estimated that there are around 1 billion Christians on this planet earth today. However, most of these Christians are living as sinners as they do not know the Truth that they can be washed from their sins if they believe in the Word of both the baptism and blood of Jesus jointly. They remain sinners because they are oblivious to the Truth that Jesus took away all the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized. What you need to ponder here is this: if Jesus did not take away your sins once and for all through His baptism, where would they be now? We need to look at our souls shining because of our faith in the baptism of Jesus. Our sins were passed on to Jesus through the baptism that He received from John the Baptist. Knowing and believing in just the one fact that our sins were passed on to Jesus through His baptism is enough for our hearts to breathe again.
This is like providing artificial ventilation to a patient in cardiac arrest and restoring his respiration. When you and I believe in Jesus as the Savior, faith in the one fact that Jesus Christ was baptized to bear your sins and mine once and for all is by itself enough for our hearts to be saved from all sins and find new strength. That is how we come to realize why the Lord told us that mankind must be born again of water and the Spirit. 

One Must Be Born Again of Water and the Spirit

Let’s remember what the Lord said in John chapter 3, that one can enter the Kingdom of God only if he is born again of water and the Spirit. The “water” that Jesus spoke of here refers to the Word of His baptism. That’s because Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist at the age of 30 and bore the sins of this world once and for all through this baptism. This means we can be washed from all the sins of this world by believing in the Word of the baptism of Jesus. The reason for this is because of the “laying on of hands” that God established in the age of the Old Testament. During the age of the Old Testament, in accordance with the sacrificial system, sinners had to pass their sins to their sacrificial animal by laying their hands on its head and hand this sacrificial animal over to the priests, and the priests had to offer its blood to God (Leviticus 4:1-5). 
In the age of the New Testament, Jesus likewise bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, and He could therefore make Himself the propitiation for the entire human race. We are saved from all the sins of this world by believing in the baptism of Jesus who took away these sins. When the Lord told Nicodemus that he must “be born again of water and the Spirt,” He was speaking of the fact that He was baptized by John the Baptist, and He is telling us here that this baptism is the gospel of God that enables His believers to be born again, for it is the act through which Jesus took away the sins of mankind. 
The Lord is telling us that by bearing all our sins through His baptism, He has blessed the believers to be born again. That God has blessed us to be born again of water and the Spirit means that Jesus bore the sins of this world and washed them away with His baptism. It is after this that Jesus bore the punishment of our sins in our place by being crucified and shedding His blood at the age of 33. This is called sacrifice of atonement. From now on, you and I must believe in the Lord who bore the sins of this world through His baptism, was crucified while shouldering them, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead again; and by this faith we must reach salvation. We must be delivered from all our sins by knowing and believing now that the Lord who made Himself the propitiation for our sins is our Savior. We should no longer feel sorry for Jesus, and we should instead believe in His baptism and blood as our salvation. 
If you have relied on and believed in Jesus’ Cross only to this day, you must now believe in the fact that Jesus has saved us from our sins by bearing all the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. It is because you did not know this Truth of the baptism of Jesus that you couldn’t help but always hunger for God’s love in your life. Therefore, you must believe now that the Lord bore your sins once and for all through His baptism, and with this faith launch the reformation of faith for your soul to receive the remission of sins. 
If you and I had known even slightly earlier that Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, we would not have been tormented by our sins so much. If you had known from the beginning that all the sins that were in your heart had disappeared thanks to the baptism of Jesus, your heart would have been made righteous without sin, you would have received the everlasting remission of sins through your faith in the Lord, and you would have lived in joy. 
Until now, you have known nothing but the Cross of Jesus in your life of faith as a Christian. Put differently, the Nicene Creed promulgated in AD 325 is the article of faith that made you believe only in Jesus’ Cross as a Christian. It can be said that you and I have been living a religious life all this time, snared by the trap of the religion that believes in just the Cross. If you and I could have known the fact that the sins of this world were washed away with the baptism of Jesus, who bore them once and for all, we could have had the faith to be born again from sins. However, we have suffered all this time over our sins, and it is all because we did not know the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Ultimately, it is because the religion that deceived us was made by mankind. 
For human beings to wash their hearts from their sins, they must be saved from these sins by believing in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood. If we now understand the reason for the baptism of Jesus, we would not be willing to submit to the religion of this world. You ought to realize here that those who brought forth the Nicene Creed to this world sought to deceive your soul from the very beginning and turn you into a worldly religious practitioner, so that they may prey on you to satisfy their lust. You and I must realize this now before it’s too late. It is none other than you and I who have been deceived by the religion of this world, endured so much suffering, and wasted so much of our time, our money, and our lives. Christians today professing to believe in Jesus as their Savior have led a worldly religious life, unable to be born again from their sins. 
That we have lived trapped in a religious life like this is the evidence showing that we have been deceived by the liars, oblivious to the fact that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Those who are deceived by the religion of this world are living as sinners with a guilty heart even though they profess to believe in Jesus as their Savior. 
What we must realize clearly and believe is this: if we believe in the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist for us the sinners, we can now be washed from all our sins once and for all. If, in contrast, one believes in just the crucifixion of Jesus as his salvation, then such people will have no choice but to call themselves sinners. We should realize that these people can’t help but remain sinners because they do not know the baptism of Jesus. 
It is written in Song of Solomon 8:6, “For love is as strong as death.” Bearing our sins by being baptized personally by John the Baptist, Jesus has given us mankind His grace. This baptism of the Lord shows us just how much He loved us. To shoulder our sins once and for all, Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, was crucified, shed His blood and died on the Cross, and rose from the dead again; and the Lord has thereby enabled us to become righteous by believing in this fact. It is because Jesus loved us so much like this that He could carry out His righteous work, shouldering our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. 
Jesus obeyed and submitted Himself to the will of God His Father so completely that He bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, was crucified, and shed His blood to death. With His baptism and blood, Jesus obeyed the will of His Father. He received His baptism from John the Baptist in obedience to the will of the Father, and He is the Savior who has delivered mankind from sins by being crucified to death. Jesus carried out His work of salvation to deliver sinners from iniquities through water and the Spirit, and we are now able to put on His grace to be saved from all the sins of this world through faith in the baptism and blood of Jesus. As we know, had Jesus Christ not borne the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist, and thus not carried out this work of salvation, we would all now be doomed to be cast into hell for our sins and face their punishment. 
If the Lord had not borne all the sins of mankind through the baptism He received when He came to this world, we would have received neither the remission of our sins nor the blessing of God to have the Holy Spirit come into our hearts. It is because the Lord took upon the sins of mankind once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist that we were able to receive the grace of the remission of sins by faith. With the baptism He received from John the Baptist, Jesus took away the sins of this world for us. And the Lord was crucified to death for us. That is why, thanks to this righteous work of Jesus, we were able to be washed from our sins and receive the grace of salvation by believing that Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified. Therefore, we must believe that Jesus said, “It is finished!” when He was crucified after shouldering the sins of mankind through His baptism. 

Jesus Bore the Sins of This World by Being Baptized by John the Baptist

We must receive the washing of sins by believing in the Truth of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist as written in both testaments of Scripture. Otherwise, we would be just like those who believe in the religion of their own making irrespective of the Word of God. The Truth of the baptism that Jesus received is shown clearly in Matthew 3:13-17. It is written in this passage that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized and moved our sins to His own body. Despite this, Christians today believe in just the crucified Jesus shown in the Nicene Creed as their Savior with their hearts, and that is why they have become religious practitioners before God. Since the makers of the Nicene Creed turned Christianity into a worldly religion, we need to recover from the Word the faith of the Early Church that preached the grace of the Lord who bore the sins of this world. 
That Jesus took upon the sins of this world by being baptized was to bear our sins on His own body. Our Lord is telling us this fact through His Word, and we ought to listen to and believe in what He is saying. In the age of the Old Testament, sacrificial animals such as unblemished sheep, goats, or bulls accepted sins through the laying on of the hands of priests or sinners and were sacrificed to make atonement. We must believe that in the age of the New Testament, Jesus became our everlasting propitiation because He was baptized by John the Baptist in the same manner as the laying on of hands. 
In the Old Testament, a sinner had to pass his sins to the sacrificial animal by laying his hands on its head. In the same vein, Jesus shouldered the sins of everyone throughout the whole world on His body by being baptized by John the Baptist, and that is why He had to go to the Cross. As we carry on with our lives in this age, if we really want to believe in Jesus as our Savior, we ought to first pass our sins to His body by believing in His baptism. However, Christians today have failed to pass their sins to Jesus, for they all believe that the Cross as shown in the Nicene Creed alone constitutes their salvation. 
What about you then? Have you passed your sins to Jesus? Was there a time when you passed all of your sins by placing your faith in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist? If you tried to pass your sins to the crucified Jesus, was this even possible? The remission of sins is possible only through the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, by knowing and believing that the sins of this world were passed on to the body of Jesus through His baptism. So, you need to examine your heart now to see if you have this Word proclaiming that Jesus accepted the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. We see all too often that when people today come to believe in Jesus, many of them are missing faith in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. 
We must realize and believe that all our sins were passed on to the body of Jesus when He bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. We need to think about how our salvation would ever be fulfilled if we were to believe in Jesus without knowing the Truth that He accepted our sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. In other words, with what Word would we then find the conviction of our salvation?
In the Bible, the Truth of salvation is written clearly in Matthew 3:13-17. The baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist is the Truth of the washing of sins, but this Truth has been completely hidden from every Christian from AD 325 to 2022 because of the Nicene Creed, as if it had disappeared from the Word of Scripture. That is why Christians have lived as sinners to this day, because for over 1,700 years they have believed in Jesus as the Savior without knowing the Truth that He bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
These people have been living a lie, deceived by their teachers saying to them, “You are a Christian sinner.” This happened even though all of us can wash away all our souls’ sins by placing our faith in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Even at this very moment, many Christians are still unable to pass their sins to Jesus through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Why is this so? It is because the work of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist was left out of the Nicene Creed. As a result, there was no way for them to realize on their own that their sins were passed on to the body of Jesus. 
Because today’s Christians professing to believe in Jesus are yet to pass all their sins to the body of Jesus by believing in His baptism, they have no choice but to remain sinners always. Even though they have believed in Jesus as their Savior all this time, their sins still remain intact in their hearts, for they know only that Jesus shed His blood on the Cross, while the baptism He received from John the Baptist is left out of His work. 
Therefore, you must know and believe that all the sins of this world were passed on to Jesus once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Most Christians these days do not even realize that they are living as sinners all because they do not know that their sins were passed on to the body of Jesus thanks to the baptism He received from John the Baptist. They don’t even know that they can be washed from their sins now. As a result, they have no choice but to remain sinners always and carry on with their lives in this world in this sinful state. 
Countless people today do not know the fact that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. I am preaching this Word of salvation in the hope that you would come to realize the Truth now before it is too late, so that you can pass your sins to Jesus by believing in His baptism. I hope and pray for people to realize that Jesus bore all the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, for if they just reach this understanding, they can wash away their sins once and for all. 
However, because many people are still professing to believe in Jesus without knowing the baptism that He received from John the Baptist, they cannot wash away their sins with faith in the Word of baptism that makes it possible for them to be born again of water and the Spirit. They are living as sinners now because they are oblivious to the fact that all their sins were passed on to Jesus once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Even though God is offering them the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit through the believers in the Word of the baptism of the Lord, they are unable to meet Him. They are living as sinners because they do not have faith in God’s blessed Word of the remission of sins. It is because they believe that just the crucified Jesus as shown in the Nicene Creed is their Savior. They have been hanging on to their sins to this day precisely because they do not know the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist. If they insist on keeping this kind of faith stubbornly, they will be living without the faith that saves them from their sins until the day the Lord returns to this earth. 
You and I must realize and believe that Jesus accepted the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, bore your sins and mine once and for all, and washed them all away. You will then be rejoiced, for by this faith you can now be washed from your sins once and for all. Those who have believed in the crucified Jesus as their Savior to this day must believe, from now on, that Jesus took upon the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist and has thereby saved us His believers from all sins. 
Although you may believe that the crucified Jesus has saved you from all your sins once and for all, that is not what the Bible actually says. The Bible says that Jesus bore all our sins and cleansed them away once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. So, for those who do not understand the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, their sins remain in their hearts now and always even if they believe in Jesus as their Savior. Such people are living with their souls trapped in the darkness of sin. 
Like this, even though they believe in the crucified Jesus as their Savior, they have their sins still remaining in their hearts. This is because they have been trying to address their sins by placing their faith in just the blood on the Cross. That is why, as the fruit of this faith, their sins still remain intact in their hearts. This came about because they did not know that Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, and therefore they could not believe in it with their hearts either. Those who now believe in just the crucified Jesus are still living with a guilty heart as sinners despite believing in Jesus as their Savior, all because they do not know the fact that He shouldered the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized. 
Jesus is speaking the Truth to us, telling us that He bore the sins of this entire world once and for all through the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist in the Jordan River before carrying the Cross to the place of execution at Golgotha. On His way to Mount Golgotha, Jesus said to the women of Jerusalem who were following Him and weeping, “Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children.” To carry out the work of salvation that would blot out the sins of mankind on this earth, our Lord bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist at the age of 30. He was then crucified and shed His blood while shouldering the sins of this world, thus bearing all the condemnation of the sins of mankind once and for all as our Savior Lord. 
Do you now understand what the Lord meant when He said to the women of Jerusalem, “Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children”? The Lord is telling us here that we must all wash away our hearts’ sins by believing in the baptism He received from John the Baptist as the Truth of the washing of sins. To be incarnated in the flesh of man, Jesus was born on this earth through the body of Mary. To save all the sinners living in this world from all their sins, Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist at the age of 30. This is why He could allow Himself to be dragged to the place of execution to be crucified. 
Therefore, from now on, we should no longer weep for the crucified Jesus, but weep for not having washed away the sins that are now in our hearts. And we must obtain this washing of sins by believing in the Word of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist. We must know and believe that thanks to the righteousness of God that Jesus fulfilled by bearing the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, all our hearts’ sins have now been washed away. 
Through the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist when He came to this earth, Jesus took upon all the sins of mankind once and for all and washed them away once and for all. And the Lord told us, “Accept into your heart that I was baptized by John the Baptist to save mankind from the sins of the world.” The Lord is saying to us, “Believing in the baptism that I received from John the Baptist with your heart and be washed from all your sins,” and we must realize God’s profound will from this. 

The Lord Is Telling Mankind to Reach True Salvation by Faith before the Day of judgment Comes

Luke 23:31 says, “For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?” Jesus is telling us that the day is coming when He will return to this world, and we must receive the remission of sins before we face this day. When the second coming of the Lord gets near us, the Antichrist will appear in this world. At that time, the faith of the people living on this planet earth will be revealed into those who believe completely and those who do not. When this time comes, the quality of their faith itself will determine whether they will go to Heaven or hell. The plagues of the seven trumpets and the seven bowls will begin then. Hail will come down from the heavens, fire will ravage the forests, earthquakes will strike, diseases will abound, and the seas will turn bloody and smell rotten. In this last world, people will not be able to live normally as they are doing now, and the baptism and blood of Jesus alone, who has saved us out of the Lord’s love, will be our hope of faith. 
During the great tribulations, our Lord has already permitted everyone living on this earth to have faith in the gospel of baptism. At that time, the Antichrist will appear and test the faith of the righteous to martyrdom. Now, therefore, we must believe wholeheartedly in the work that our Lord already carried out to save us from the sins of this world—that is, He bore our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist—and prepare the faith that will enable us to enter the Kingdom of the Lord with our sins washed away. 
If, even at that time, you still remain a sinner because you refuse to believe in the washing of sins the Lord has given you through His baptism and blood, then you will face God’s just judgment. Therefore, those in this age and time who have any sin in their hearts must be washed from their sins by believing in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and wait for the returning Lord by this faith. We must believe that all our sins were passed on to Jesus through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. We must thus be washed from all our sins, by believing in the Lord’s love. 
If you are a sinner now on this earth because you do not believe in the work of the baptism of Jesus, then you will still be a sinner on the day of God’s judgment and you will be condemned as such. When the days of the Antichrist come, such people will turn into the Devil’s faithful servants only to be cast into hell along with him. Therefore, human beings must be washed from all their hearts’ sins by believing in the work of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist and the Cross. They will otherwise live as Satan’s minions and face the unwanted judgment of sins. 
What we must realize clearly here is that the crucifixion and death of Jesus were made possible because He had been baptized by John the Baptist. If we believe in this fact, we will be freed from the religious life that we have been living all this time. It is because Jesus was baptized that He could be crucified to death. 

The Work of the Baptism of Jesus Was to Bear the Sins of Mankind

By being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus bore all the sins of this world on His own body once and for all. That is why Jesus could be crucified and die in our place for the sins of all mankind. In other words, the death of Jesus on the Cross was made possible because He had received His baptism from John the Baptist before He was crucified and shed His blood to death. 
When we turn to John 1:29, we see John the Baptist saying, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” For Jesus to fulfill His work on the Cross, He had to first of all be baptized and bear all the sins of this world on His body once and for all. When Jesus came to this earth, He could sacrifice Himself as mankind’s propitiation because He was crucified while shouldering the sins of this world that He had borne by being baptized by John the Baptist. What we must now know clearly is that if Jesus had not carried out this righteous work to bear the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, the washing of the sins of mankind would not have been completed once and for all, and the sins of the world would still remain.
By being baptized by John the Baptist, our Lord bore all the sins of mankind once and for all and washed them away once and for all. It is absolutely imperative for us to realize now that we are able to wash away our hearts’ sins by placing our faith in the work of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. It is because the Lord shouldered our sins through His baptism that He bore the condemnation of sins in our place by offering His body and being crucified. This work was fulfilled by the baptism He received voluntarily and the blood He shed to deliver us from the sins of this world. In other words, the Lord is the Savior who has delivered sinners from sins by making Himself their propitiation. 
We must now grasp the fact that our Lord bore the sins of mankind once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and we must be saved by this faith of ours. We must believe in the Lord’s love with our hearts now, so that we may thank Him in joy for this love. We must have faith in the righteousness of our Lord and receive His grace now to be washed from our sins. We must realize the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified to death, and we must know and believe that the sins of this world were passed on to Jesus through the baptism He received from John the Baptist in the Jordan River. 
Do you now realize and believe that Jesus took upon the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist? And does your heart have faith in the baptism and blood of Jesus as your salvation? We must believe with our hearts that the baptism of the Lord, the shedding of His blood, and His death on the Cross were all for our salvation. Jesus loved us so much like this that He bore all the sins of this world through His baptism and sacrificed Himself to die for us, and He has thereby saved us, His believers. With the work of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist when He was in this world, the Lord shouldered all our sins and washed them away. And by being crucified and shedding His blood, the Lord Himself took care of all the punishments of sins in our place with His own death. We must realize this fact and feel it in our hearts, believe it willfully, and be saved from all our sins. Let us never forget this fact! 
You and I can be washed from all our sins through faith in the work of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist before He was crucified. If you now believe with your heart that the Lord accepted our sins through His baptism and bore the condemnation of these sins, then you are someone who knows and believes in Jesus properly as the Savior, and you now have the faith to reach salvation from all your sins. 
Some people have a clear purpose for life in this world, setting it thoughtfully on something they cherish, and some of them even lay down their lives for it. If even mere human beings are capable of this, how much more purposeful would Jesus Christ our Savior be? To deliver all the sinners living on this earth from the sins of the world, Jesus shouldered them once and for all by being baptized, and He completed the work of the salvation of mankind with His death. However, if your faith leaves out the fact that Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, then there will be no way for you to ever wash away your sins. What kind of judgment will you face then? According to the written Word of the Lord, every sinner will be cast in to the lake of fire. 
This is why our Lord was baptized by John the Baptist, to accept the sins of this world and bear them on His own body. If, however, people do not believe in the Word of the baptism of the Lord, then they themselves will have to pay the wages of their sins. The Lord wants those of us who have already received the washing of sins to preach the Truth of salvation to these people. If you still do not believe in the Lord’s work of salvation, that He bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, and if you are still trying to receive the washing of sins by believing in just His blood on the Cross, then I urge you to listen again to the Truth of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist and believe in it. 
The Lord says that some people will face the day of judgment for their sins. What will happen if, on the day of judgment, someone who is now a sinner stands before God still as a sinner? God will say to such people, “The angel I made was cursed for challenging My authority. You, whom I made, are also standing before Me as a sinner, for you did not believe in the work that I carried out to bear the sins of this world through the baptism I received from John the Baptist, the representative of mankind. You did not believe in the work of My baptism all on your own, nor did you believe in My righteousness, and you have instead stood against Me. Behold, you shall be thrown into the abyss!” One day, all of us will see the Lord judging every sinner. 
While we are still living in this world, our hearts must believe that Jesus bore the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. Countless people would have been washed from their sins once and for all by now, if only they knew that Jesus shouldered the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist. Sadly, however, there still are many religious people in this world who do not accept into their hearts the Truth that the Lord bore all the sins of this world once and for all through the Word of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. These people are asking for every condemnation of their sins before God, and they must realize that when the last day comes, they will indeed face God’s judgment. Therefore, all human beings today must wake up before our God, remember the Word that they must be born again of water and the Spirit, and believe in the Lord’s baptism and blood as their salvation. 
Those who believe in the doctrines of the religion of the Cross taught in today’s theology still think that they have been happily saved from their sins by believing in just the crucified Jesus with their hearts. Sometimes they feel sorry for the crucified Jesus and weep for Him. Some of them say that when they pray early in the morning, they think of the suffering endured by the crucified Jesus and always end up weeping for the Lord. They also say that whenever they sin, they come to the presence of the crucified Lord by relying on their own prayers of repentance, attending every prayer meeting and worship service they can think of. If this is not believing in Jesus like a worldly, man-made religion, what else could it be? Thinking of the precious blood that the Lord shed on the Cross, they weep and repent in their prayer, saying to Him, “Lord, even though You shed Your blood for me, I have sinned again. Please forgive my sins.” 
However, they must realize that the Lord abhors the most those with such religious faith; they must turn around and they must believe that the baptism of Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross, which constitute the righteousness of God, are their salvation. They must realize that just as Jesus detested the pious, the Pharisees, and the false prophets when He was on this earth, so does He also abhor those who try to wash away their sins with their religion today. 
Today, the Lord is pleased by those who believe in His baptism and the shedding of His blood as their salvation. He is rejoiced by those who believe that when He came to this world, He went looking for John the Baptist, the representative of mankind, and bore all the sins of mankind on His body through the work of His baptism; and He is pleased by those who believe that His crucifixion was to pay off the wage of their sins. This is because the Lord had come to this earth to take away the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized Himself. That is why the Lord is rejoiced by those who have the faith that He personally bore the sins of this world and washed them away with the baptism He received from John the Baptist.
The reason why the Lord was baptized when He came to this earth is written in both testaments of Scripture and, more specifically, in Matthew 3:13-16. Let’s turn to what Jesus said to John the Baptist when He sought to be baptized in the Jordan River. He said, “Thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” The word “thus” here is “ουτως” (hutos) in Greek, which means “in this way,” while the phrase “all righteousness” is “πασαν δικαιοσυνην” (pasan dik-ah-yos-oo’-nayn), which means the fairest state that has no defect. So, when Jesus said, “thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness,” He was saying that He would fulfill His work of salvation in the most just and fairest way—that is, by being baptized. In other words, it was fitting for Jesus to bear all the sins of this world through the baptism He would receive from John the Baptist.
In short, because Jesus shouldered all the sins of every sinner in this world and bore the punishment of our sins by being crucified and shedding His blood, we are now able to be saved from our sins by believing in this, all thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice and death. For us the believers, our salvation has been made possible because the Lord Himself bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and He was punished for all the sinners’ iniquities in their place by shedding His blood on the Cross. Therefore, it is only fitting that Jesus Christ shall be the Savior to deliver us from the sins of the world. This is why the Lord is telling us now to be saved from all our sins by believing in His baptism together with the blood He shed and the death He suffered on the Cross, for His baptism is the Truth of salvation that has washed away our sins. 
The Lord accepted all our sins on to His own body through the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. The “righteousness” of the Lord is the fact that He completed His work of salvation by taking away all the sins of mankind once and for all and suffering the punishment of our sins on the Cross in our place. And whoever believes in this fact will be saved. It is because the Lord bore the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist that He endured the condemnation of sins on the Cross for us. We must believe that Jesus is the Savior of all those who believe in the work He carried out through His 33 years of life in this world—that is, in the work of salvation that He completed with the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His death on the Cross. 
Therefore, when we believe in the Lord as our Savior now, we must first believe that Jesus bore our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and then believe that He was punished and condemned for our sins when He was crucified. So, rather than just looking at the blood that Jesus shed when He was crucified, we must realize and believe that He endured the suffering and punishment of our sins precisely because He had been baptized by John the Baptist. 
We should never believe in Jesus Christ because we feel sorry for Him, as if He needs our pity. In fact, whenever you pity the Lord for the passion He suffered on the Cross, He gets offended. Far from feeling sorry, we should be glad to accept the Lord’s salvation with thanksgiving, believing that His baptism and His suffering on the Cross were the sacrifices the Lord made to redeem us from our sins. This means we ought to pass all our sins to Jesus now by believing in the Word of the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and believe that His death was for the punishment of our sins. The Lord wants us to know His righteousness and believe in it with our hearts. 
Our Lord told us, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Thanks to Jesus, we are now able to live by faith with gratitude, for the Lord bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and, for those of us who now believe in this fact, He has blotted out all our sins. We are now to carry on with our lives waiting for the day of the Lord’s return, and we will enter the Kingdom of God to enjoy everlasting life together with Him. 
People these days have more faith in the religious doctrines advocated by theologians than the written Word of God. Let us not go astray like them. Let us instead believe in the Word of God teaching us that Jesus bore the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified; let us believe in this Jesus as our Savior; let us return to the Word of the Lord; and let us be people of faith. Knowing that the Lord shouldered all our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist, let us preach it by faith. Let us thank the Lord, believing that He is our Shepherd. Let us all have the faith to wash away all our hearts’ sins, so that we may be able to give thanks and praise to our Lord now. 
Since our Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, all our sins have now been passed on to Jesus. On account of our faith in this gospel, we can rejoice always, for we have been saved through the baptism of Jesus, His death on the Cross, and His resurrection. It is to give us such faith that the Lord came to this earth incarnated in the flesh, shouldered our sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and bore the punishment of our sins on the Cross. So let us believe in this Lord as our Savior and thank Him with our faith. 
We can come to thank the Lord and rejoice by placing our faith in the work of salvation that Jesus carried out by bearing the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Therefore, from now on, we are able to lead our lives of faith with the Lord and God’s Church by trusting in His righteousness. Thanks to our faith in the work of salvation that Jesus carried out for us, in the Word of the baptism that He received from John the Baptist and His Cross, we are rejoiced all the time and grateful to the Lord always. 
It is because the Lord was baptized by John the Baptist for us that He shouldered the sins of this world once and for all and carried them to the Cross. With this work, our Lord bore the condemnation of our sins, and it is the completion of the love He has for us. It is Jesus’ work of salvation planned and fulfilled in the Lord’s exceedingly great love that saves sinners from the sins of this world. That the Lord bore our sins is not to be taken for granted, as if it was only a matter of course. It was the work of salvation that God carried out to fulfill His righteousness because He loved us. We have now come to thank our Lord with our faith in the just salvation that God has given us. I give all thanks and praise to our Lord for giving us such precious salvation and glorious life in Heaven. Hallelujah!
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If You Have Confusion and Emptiness in Your Heart, Seek the Light of the Truth (I)