
Book Reviews

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Total 303
  • No. 233


    REVIEW ON EBOOK68IF YOU HAVE CONFUSION AND EMPTINESS IN YOUR HEART SEEK THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. PART TWO WRITTENBY REV. PAUL C. JONGLESSON ON SERMON 5 HAS THE LORD TRULY GIVEN US THE REMISSION OF  SINS AND RESURRECTION? To answer the sermon question above, let us read part of the  book of John Chapter 11: Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” , “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?Unless you pass your sins onto the body of Jesus Christ on His baptism received from John the Baptist and die with Him on the cross to pay the wages of sins, and rise from death with Him on the third day to receive the newness of life in Him, you cannot have an answer to the sermon question above. Therefore it is imperative for every human being born in this world to know, that they are born with sins inherited from their ancestors Adam and Eve without even committing a slightest sin, and are thereby running towards death because of their sins. So unless they know themselves and accept their true selves without exceptional then come to believe in the gospel of the Water and the Spirit (John3:5) then can they escape from their predetermined destination of going to hell for their sins by having true faith in the baptism of Jesus received from John the Baptist to take away the sins of the world, His blood shed of the cross to pay the wages of sins and His resurrection to give the newness of life to anyone who believes. It is also indispensable for every human being born in this world to know that, from the day of our birth, we have no choice but to die for our sins. But thanks be to God who had planned to save us before the foundation of world, who sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to come to this world as a savior for all mankind by receiving His baptism from John the Baptist to take away all the sins of the world by John the Baptist the greatest among those born of women in the Jordan River, and was crucified on the cross, shedding His precious blood to pay the wages of sins, for once and for all, and was raised from the death to give the Newness of life to anyone who believes in His righteous Acts of Baptism, death and resurrection and receive Christ eternally to become the savior to such a person as stated in (1John5:4-8). Thus we who now believes in this precious Gospel truth of the Water, Blood and the Spirit as well as those who are yet to believe in this truth of the baptism of Jesus, His death and resurrection. We are therefore able to be saved by believing wholeheartedly in the true Word of salvation that the Lord Himself has given us, as a new life, to us who were once dead but now we have become alive in the gospel of the Water, Blood and the Spirit and have received the power of His  resurrection as our own resurrection. Thus His Word confirms in John11,” I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this? Additionally, now by believing in the gospel of the Water and the Spirit we are able to answer in boldness that Yes truly the Lord has given us the remission of Sins and the resurrection, just has He was able to rise the dead Lazarus in John11 from his death, so has the Lord raised us to new life and resurrection through the Water of His baptism , Blood of His death and the Spirit His resurrection once and for all. That, even though we may die in the flesh He shall rise us up to life on His second coming as He has given us already the seal of new life in us by believing in the gospel truth of the water and Spirit(John3:5). Nevertheless, I urge to visit our website and download yourself free Christian Ebooks and audiobooks which will enable you to receive the remission of your Sins by having true faith in Jesus Christ as God by believing in the gospel of the Water, Blood and the Spirit and receive Spiritual regeneration and resurrection by faith in the baptism of Jesus, His death and resurrection and escape from eternal death as your destination.Hallelujah…!!!Brenda Tembo, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 11/28/202384
  • No. 232

    Spiritual Growth Series 4 on The First Epistle of John book (II)

    Hi,This is a review for the book entitled,Paul.C.Jong`s Spiritual Growth Series 4 onThe First Epistle of John book (II)In Chapter 1, the author talks about the love that God has for every single human being.This type of love is called agape and it is the truest kind of love because it is unconditional. Agape love can only be expressed from the heart of God.All human beings were born in sin. Our hearts harbour evil desires inherently and although we desire to do good, our sinful nature prevents us from doing so (Mark 7:21-23)Because we are born as sinners, no matter how good our intentions may be, our actions will ultimately be motivated by selfish desires, and so, if a particular act of love does not benefit us in some way, we will not seek to fulfil it.However, in contrast to human love, God`s love is unconditional. We cannot measure God`s love for it is infinite. Jesus Himself is the representation of God`s love. He came to this world in the flesh of man and gave up His life to save us from all our sins and condemnation.By placing our faith in Jesus who was baptized by John the Baptist to bear our sins and crucified to pay for our sins, our hearts become washed clean as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18)We become reconciled to God and we abide with Him through the Holy Spirit which resides in our sinless hearts.The scripture passage in first John chapter 3 verse 6 states that, "Whoever abides in Him does not sin." What does this passage mean?This means that the redeemed saints who now abide in God, do not commit the sin of denying the truth that Jesus is the Savior who blotted out all the sins of the world through the gospel of the water and the Spirit.The righteous who have received the remission of all their sins through faith in the baptism and crucifixion of Jesus, cannot deny their faith in God`s salvation.This does not mean that they no longer commit sin in the flesh.It means that they do not deny the biblical fact that Jesus came to this world over 2000 years and washed away the sins of mankind through His baptism, crucifixion and resurrection.This we cannot deny!Chapter 4 verse 2 describes this type of person who belongs to God and who does not deny His salvation. It is written,"By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God."Those who confess that Jesus has come in the flesh place their whole faith in the works that Jesus did on this earth to redeem them of all sin, that being His baptism from John the Baptist and His crucifixion. However, those who do not confess that Jesus has come in the flesh must repent of their unbelief and return to the gospel of the water and the SpiritChapter 5 verse 4 states, "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"In the beginning, satan tempted Adam and Eve to doubt God`s Word and as a result the sin of disobedience was planted in their hearts and ours (Romans 5:12)Satan turned human beings into people who disobeyed and disbelieved Gods Word and we cannot overcome him or the world unless we become born again and receive God`s Spirit into our hearts.The power to overcome, cannot spring forth from a person’s will power, endeavor or passion.The only reason why the faithful can overcome satan and the world is because they have faith in the water, the blood, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ who is the Lord of Heaven and earth.Did Jesus come by water? Yes, He did!The water symbolizes the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist in the Jordan River. It was the baptism of redemption by with which He took all the sins of the world upon Himself (Matthew 3:15)Did Jesus come by blood? Yes, He did!Three years after He was baptized to take on the sin of the world, He went to the Cross where He shed all His blood to make atoned for all our sins.Did Jesus come by the Spirit? Yes, He did! Jesus was God, in the flesh.He came as the Spirit in the flesh of a man to be the Savior of sinners.The Apostle John also confirms this undeniable truth in chapter 5 verses 6-8He says,"This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood.And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one."May the following words of the Apostle John spoken in chapter 5 verse 20 become a reality for all who read this book-"And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ.This is the true God and eternal life."God bless you all.

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 11/27/2023123
  • No. 231

    The Sacrificial System which forshadowed the perfect salvation of Jesus

    The Sacrificial System which forshadowed the perfect salvation of Jesus` Baptism and CrucifixionEvery act of God towards human beings is done out of His love for us, but we can`t see this because we are born in sin, so we don`t understand or believe in Him correctly.However when we read God`s Word through the lens of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we can see that He is Just and true in all His judgements. In the Old Testament God gave the Israelites the Law which pointed out their sins and the judgement for sins, however He did not leave them in this state.He then established the sacrificial system which permitted them to receive the remission of their daily and yearly sins by performing the laying on of hands to transfer their sins onto a sacrifice which was then killed, and its blood shed for the atonement of their sins (Leviticus 1:1-9, 16:21).All the details of the tabernacle from the bronze laver to the utensils and even the structure itself, all foreshadowed how Jesus would come to this world and redeem us through His baptism, death and resurrection.As the sacrificial Lamb of God, Jesus was baptized in the form of the laying on of hands by the High Priest John the Baptist in order to receive our sins upon His body. This is why He went to the cross and shed His blood to make atonement for our sins that He received at His baptism and He rose from the dead the third day.Now by understanding the design and the purpose of the Tabernacle in relation to the baptism and blood of Jesus, we can come to believe in and dwell in the perfect love of God by receiving the forgiveness of all our past, present and even future sins!!!We can finally confess, without any doubt, that we have become those who are without sin by faith in His righteousness, as it is written in Isaiah 53:6,"All we like sheep have gone astray;We have turned, every one, to his own way;And the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all.Praise be to God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 11/23/202366
  • No. 230

    The Tabernacle: A detailed portrait of Jesus Christ series (I)

    Hi, This is a review for the book entitled, The Tabernacle: A detailed portrait of Jesus Christ series (I) by Paul.C.Jong Everything in this world that human beings have created, has come into existence because an idea and a plan was first formed in their minds. After this, a blueprint was most likely drawn up and certain steps would have been taken before the final product could be completed.If this is the case for humans beings who`s ideas and creations are flawed, how much more so, would God the father have created an intricate plan for our salvation and recorded in the scriptures?He definitely would not have sent Jesus to this world to save us from our sins in a haphazard manner. Surely, first of all, there would of been a detailed plan as to how Jesus would complete the most important work of all time, that is, saving human beings from all our sins and the judgement of Hell. God has indeed shown us through the Old Testament scriptures, exactly how Jesus would come as the Lamb of God who would take away the sin the world. Therefore, this book seeks to proclaim the truth as to why the gate of court of the Tabernacle was woven with blue, purple and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen, along with the meanings behind the utensils that were used and the process by which sins were atoned through the sacrificial system. However, these mysteries are revealed by God, only to those who`s hearts have been prepared to receive them. God reveals this truth to those who fear Him and seek His mercy though the realization that they are sinners who are destined for hell according to God`s Law which says that the wages of sin is death in Romans 6:23.Such people have had their self-righteousness broken down and their hearts have been humbled by accepting the just judgement of God for themselves. To such people who have become poor in Spirit, God reveals the gospel of the water and the Spirit, foreshadowed in the Tabernacle and blesses them with the remission of their past, present and future sins. The mystery of the blue thread used for the gate of the Tabernacles court, foreshadows the truth, that in the New Testament, Jesus would receive His baptism from John the Baptist in order to take upon Himself the sin of the world (Matthew 3:13-15)In the sacrificial system, when the Israelites sinned, the high priest would lay his hands on the head of the animal to transfer the peoples sins onto it (Leviticus 16:21).This act of the `laying on of hands`, also foreshadows the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist to take on our sins (1 Peter 3:21).In 1st John chapter 5 verses 6 & 8, the Apostle John states that Jesus came by water, blood and the Spirit. He says that these three bear witness on earth and these three agree as one.In like manner we can see that the beautiful gate of the Tabernacle was intricately woven of blue, purple and scarlet thread and fine woven linen. Each colour representing a specific element of Jesus` work for salvation. However, because the details of the Tabernacle are not known and preached in mainstream Christianity, many believe that Jesus` blood is the only component needed for salvation. And as a result of this false teaching, the hearts and consciences of many Christians still remain burdened by their sins. This is because, Jesus blood, represented by the scarlet thread does not stand alone as the completed works of Christ. Just as the tabernacles gate was not woven with only the scarlet thread, but with the blue, purple and scarlet thread along with fine woven linen. These specific details that God has recorded in the Bible should not be overlooked or thought of as inconsequential.They are written to lead us away from our own thoughts and from man-made religion to the righteousness of the Lord who gave Himself for us in strict accordance to the will of the Father. Jesus came to us as the one true God represented by the purple thread. And for those truth-seekers who have faith in the written Word like fine woven linen, after reading this book, will confess that they have believed in God incorrectly all this time. But now, having believed in the mysteries of the tabernacle and the sacrificial system, they will know and believe exactly why Jesus was baptized by the high priest John the baptist prior to shedding His blood and dying on the Cross. I hope that you will eagerly read this book which delves deep into the Word of God and is revealed to those who desire to worship Him in spirit and in truth. By reading this book, you will come to know the detailed plan of salvation that God established in Old Testament and you will thoroughly enjoy seeing how His plan came to fulfilment in the New Testament. The Tabernacle teaches us, what the gift of the remission of sin truly is, and as such, the tabernacle itself is the very substance of Jesus Christ.

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 11/16/2023114
  • No. 229

    Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit? Book Review

    Hi,I would like to tell you about a special bookthat was given to me over 10 years ago.The title of the book is,"Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" By Paul.C.JongThis book is the greatest gift that I haveever received.This is because the words of truth within this book revealed exactly why God createdevery human being; His purpose in allowing us to fall into sin and the process by whichHe saved us from living a vain life to instead, living in peace and happiness eternally.It is common for people to question their reason for being, and to think that God putthem on this earth for a special purpose, whether its a certain vocation or talent whichthey believe brings happiness to others.But in truth, how we choose to live out our lives does not really concern God. These are things that bring joy to us and give us a sense of purpose.Before reading this book, although I hadn`t thought about it much, I knew that Jesus diedon the Cross for our sins. But when I read that Jesus was first baptized by John the Baptist to receive our past, present and even future sins upon Himself, I knew that that was something that I had never heard before.And to me, this was the greatest example of unconditional love. If Jesus had taken away all the sins that I hadn`t even committed yet, then this could only mean that God loves me far beyond my own understanding. It was clear that I did not the will of God and so I should read on to find out more about this amazing truth. And so I did.Further on in the book, the author explains that the gospel of the water and the Spirit was actually foreshadowed in the Old Testament. The book reveals that Jesus was baptized bythe high priest John the Baptist to receive our sins upon His body. This act was performed in likeness to how the high priests or the Israelites would lay their hands on a sacrificial animal in order to transfer their sins onto it before shedding its blood for atonement. (Leviticus 1:1-9, 16:21)The `laying on hands` for the transference of sins and then shedding of blood for the atonement of sins, was an everlasting statute from God which Jesus Himself fulfilled when He was baptized by John to take on the sin of the world and when He died on the cross. (Matthew 3:13-17)Now, anyone who believes and confesses their faith in Jesus who came by water, blood andthe Spirit receives the remission of all their sins and the free gift of the Holy Spirit from God.The message in this book proved that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is not a "new"gospel. It is, in fact the primitive gospel that was prophesied throughout the Old Testament, beginning from Genesis where God clothed Adam and Eve with tunics of skin after they had fallen into sin, to the sacrificial system which points out every minute detail needed forthe atonement for sins, right up to the book of Malachi where the Word speaks of John theBaptist who would come in the Spirit of Elijah to prepare the way before the Lord.There truly is, and has only ever been one gospel for salvation, just as it says in Ephesianschapter 4 verse 5, that there is, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism."The first two chapters of the book speak about the true sinful nature of human beings ina way that is not expressed in mainstream Christianity nor society.We tend to think of ourselves as decent human beings and our opinion of ourselves gets evengreater when we compare ourselves to others whos wrong deeds have been exposed.In our own minds we will always justify ourselves. But what is important, is what God says about us, about what is deep in our hearts where no-one else can see but God. (Mark 7:21-23)God is the only true judge of good and evil and this book has shown me that human beingsare evil and God alone is good. In Mark chapter 7 verses 21-23, Jesus tells us about the evils within mankind, making it clear as crystal that `goodness` was not a virtue that human beings inherited. We inherited sin from the first man Adam, and death, which came through sin is what awaits all of us. (Romans 5:12, 6:23)However Jesus came to this world in the flesh of man and through faith in Him and the righteousness that He fulfilled at His baptism, we can now escape from our certain condemnation in Hell and be born again as God`s sinless children which is Gods will for all of us.The message in this book ought to be treasured by all who read it, because by reading it,you will get to hear the perfect will of God for your lives in this world and for your souls thereafter.By giving the correct confession of sin and faith, you will have the assurance that you are known and loved by God, who has fulfilled the Gospel of the water and the Spirit perfectlyand delivered it through the message in this book just for you!

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 11/13/2023139
The New Life Mission


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