
Book Reviews

People who have read our books have sent the following reviews. It is our hope that through them, you would all share with each other the grace of God that has enabled us to be born again of water and the Spirit. Your post will be seen only after we approve it.

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Total 291
  • No. 286


    WE ARE NOT SUBJECTED TO THE WRATH OF GOD ONLY WHEN WE HOLD ON TO THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT UNTIL THE END Greetings to everyone, may the Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ which surpasses all human understanding be with you through the Power of the Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit Amen.I would love to share my review with you concerning our Spiritual book named IS THE AGE OF THE ANTICHRIST, MYTREDOM, RUPTURE AND THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM COMING(II) written by the true Servant of God Rev Paul C Jong.My review is based on the account of our meeting with the Lord in the air as His own Righteous people with regards to Chapter 10 of Revelation.I give my sincerest gratitude to God for permitting His Servant Rev Paul C Jong to elaborate plainly to my righteous soul about my rapture to meeting the Lord in the air, by the help of the Holy Spirit. It is said in verse 7 of Chapter 10 But when the seventh angel blows his trumpet, then God will accomplish his secret plan, as he announced to his servants, the prophets.* Hallelujah!!!We must be able to understand our rapture very well as the righteous Children of God by the help of the Holy Spirit. We must know that the only mystery of God left to be accomplished before every creature including us is none other than the day when we shall be lifted up in the air to meet the Lord. But we the righteous Children of God we must have a firm faith in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit continually until to the end, having known about the plagues of the Seven Trumpets of the Seven years great tribulation that we shall all pass through as the righteous , and the unbelievers a like. We must know that we as the righteous we shall truly pass through the destructions that will fall upon the earth, But thanks be to God for all these destruction we shall only experience the first Six plagues of the Seven Trumpets of the Seven years great tribulation which will surely take about Three and a half years of the Seven years great tribulation. I give my thanks to God for letting me know about the point of my rupture after having passed through the most difficult time of my life even MYTREDOM. Because my hope is to enter into the Kingdom of God, I pray that I may hold on firmly to this precious Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit even to the point when I will be killed for it, I hope to hold on to this faith of Jesus’s baptism, death and resurrection as my mark completely sealed in my heart that I may never receive the mark of the beast of 666 which will lead those who will accept it to enter into eternal damnation and face the horrendous destructions or the plague of the Seventh Trumpet of the Seven years great tribulation which are the Seven bowls. I do believe very well that soon after been mytred to death I will be resurrected by the Lord at the same time I will be transformed into my new immortal body whilst been lifted up in the air to meeting my groom, my Everlasting King, my Almighty God. Yes all this will definitely take place as I have passed through the Six plaques of the Seven years great tribulation in the protection of God, and immediately slightly passed the three and a half years of the Seven years great tribulation I will be mytred and subsequently as the Seventh Trumpet is blown, there and on I will be ruptured by the Lord. Amen.It really takes the Grace of God to attain a concretely understanding about the day of our rupture as the righteous Children of God. I truly thank God for His Church The New Life Mission. I hope that you may also come to believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit and receive the true Faith that will allow you to enter into the Kingdom of God. Please visit our website to download yourself free Christian ebooks and audiobooks which will enable you to receive the remission of your sins as you come to truly believe in the baptism of Jesus, death and His resurrection. Hallelujah!May God bless you!!!Coworker, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 07/06/2024207
  • No. 285

    The law of God

    I thank God for my Church the New life mission and showing me the perfect remission of sins by believing in the gospel truth of water and blood and spirit. The the Lord has made me born again of water and spirit by believing in the truth. Reading of the Rev Paul c Jong books.What is the reason of why GOD gave us the law of the 10 commandments and of 613 articles of law? We sometime think that GOD gave us the law to follow it. Like a lawyer in the bible “LUKE 10:25-28” says; and behold, a lawyer stood up to put HIM to the test, saying, teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life? HE said to him, “what is written in the law? How do you read it? And he answered you shall love the Lord your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. You answered correctly, Jesus replied, do this you will live.There are many people in this world who think that God gave us the law to follow or to order it. Just as the lawyer replied Jesus think that the law was for him to order. But we are human who can never leave upright to the law of GOD. Although we think that we can live by the law, but it really impossible. No one can never live accordingly to the law of GOD for only sin comes out from our hearts through it. As Paul said that; therefore, by deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in HIS sight, for by law is knowledge of sin. (Roman 3:20). And the more we try to keep the law of God, we become aware of our sinful nature and know our limitations as pales of sins. We are sinner destined to go to hell according to the law of commandments of GOD. And we human being can only perish without the guidance and knowledge of law and the reason of why God gave it to us and without following what the law says, that we can only perish without the law of God. As it is written; for as many as have sinned without law will also perish without the law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by law. (Roman 2:12). that how God wanted it to be. We are sinners through the Laws of GOD it reveals our sins in our hearts neither we want it or not. The law show who we are, that we are murders, adulterers, blasphemer, evil and thieves according to the law of GOD in this is what GOD wanted us to know very well that we are sinners and the law was given to us to be redeemed by faith and believe in Jesus’s baptism by John the Baptist and His death on cross as our death and resurrection from the dead. GOD gave us perfect salvation by blotting out all our sins on earth, in our hearts through faith in Christ Jesus’s baptism and death on cross and resurrection on earth that we may be clean from all our sins and enter Heaven through JESUS our savior and receive eternal life in HIM this is the gospel of water and spirit. And those who refuse to believe in this salvation God gave us will perish and eternally death in Hell and the judge of the earth JESUS. We have to be meek in our hearts and accept the word of God in the bible as it is. JESUS said that blessed are meek for they shall inherit the earth. (Mathew 5:6). We have to be meek as the lord Jesus says to us all human beings. I wanted to talk about the law of GOD that He gave us because it the only way for you and me to know that Jesus is our savior of the world and eternal life and savior. ADULTERY STARTS IN THE HEARTS OF MANKINDThe bible tells us that when our lord Jesus was on earth teach us about adultery. how does God see adultery, and how does man think of this sin or sees adultery? First of all, we need to know that our thoughts are wrong and we must deny our own thoughts and we must believe in the written word of God in the bible. “for My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. (ISAIAH 55:8) the way we think is wrong and HIS ways and thoughts are right. for us we are wrong from the very day of our birth on earth even in the womb of our mothers. (PSLAMS 51:55)The LORD JESUS says in Matthew 5:27-29; “you have heard that it was said to those of old, “You shall not commit adultery.” But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. The lord here is telling us that we are adulterers and lustful from heart once a woman with a beautiful face and height pass by us men we can’t but look at her with a lustful heart, even a woman looks at a man with a lustful heart, saying to herself “wow what a handsome man”. she has already committed adultery with the man, even though we have not committed the sin of adultery, physically in our eyes or in front of people. But our hearts still show how evil we are in God’s sight, that God is right and we have committed the sin of adultery. We may say to ourselves “GOD is not seeing me how can you say I have adultery in my heart, no way. Has He even ever seen me committing adultery? Now you are saying to me that am an adulterer from heart?” hmm please don’t say what you do not understand. we human beings only think with a human thought but not God’s ways and thoughts. God is right and we are wrong in all ways. The lord said that it starts from inside the hearts of men. Mark 7:20-23; and He says, what come out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man. This is who we are, Do you agree? Yes I do. and this is how human being are. We commit spiritual adultery in our hearts too. Can we real live by the Law of God? NO, Jesus said; If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. Let’s look at what Jesus said to us here! If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out? Now can we pluck out our eye when you have committed adultery or looking at a woman with a lustful? No we can’t, because it’s not only the eyes that cause us to sin or commit adultery but its within our hearts as the Lord Jesus said it. Now can you remove your eye out of your head really? No this show us what the Lord tells us about the law that we destined to die for our sins because we break His law and show us how hard it is to live by His law and He want us to know that we are sinner, and we can only be redeemed by faith in HIM (JESUS). By believing in HIS RIGHTOUSNESS of His baptism by john the Baptist when HE took upon all our sins at the Jordan river and paying the wage of our sin with HIS own life and blood on cross. What we all have to do is to know our sins that we commit through the law of God and only have faith and believing in Christ Jesus the SON of GOD and our GOD in one baptism.   MURDER STARTS FROM THE HEARTS OF MAINKIND Jesus said that murder starts from our hearts, and it starts with anger. So far we can see ourselves in our hearts how evil we are Already as am also talk to you and me too, are evil am fundamentally. And so it’s easy for us to kill in even in our thoughts, mind and hands. For as our LORD said in book of Isaiah; For your hands are defiled with blood. And your fingers with iniquity. (Isaiah 59:3) for all human being have murder with their hands and from the heart. It not because you and I are murder by actions but it’s our true nature from birth as our Lord Jesus said again; no one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity. (Isaiah 59:4) we human beings have no justice at all. Where evil is, that where we want only blood and fighting and wars. We human being only want desire to please ourselves. “When we see a fight between two people, we always say to ourselves in thoughts that let them start to fight. And when they start fighting, one may come to stop the two who are fight each other, but the crowd of the those who view may say please leave them to fight, who are you to stop them? We want see who will kill each other. Just like that even the one who has come to stop the fight of the two people fight, he will say to himself, indeed let’s see of the two who will win. And he also joins the crowd of people who are seeing the fight.” Just as the lord said in the book of Isaiah that “no one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.” Saint mukisa from Uganda

    • Saint Mukisa NLM
    • Uganda
    • 06/30/2024149
  • No. 284

    What is the true Gospel given by GOD?

    By reading our of our Christians book of Newlife mission written by the servant of God, Rev Paul C. Jong. Many people know the word "GOSPEL". As we all know it means "GOOD NEWS". today`s Christianity has changed and believed in Jesus as their savior by taking the salvation of blood on the cross as their remission of their sin. but when they are asked do they have sin in their heart, they openly say without fear; we still have sin our in hearts.The God-given gospel says that we have to be born again of water and spirit and enter the kingdom of God. GOD HAS SOLVED OUR TRANSGRESSIONS Book 64. In the book of Leviticus, the LORD gave a law of salvation of the remission of sin to the people of Israel through Moses His servant at the mountain Sinai. And this is what the LORD said` `The Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting. He said, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When anyone among you brings an offering to the Lord, bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock.“ ‘If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you are to offer a male without defect. You must present it at the entrance to the tent of the meeting so that it will be acceptable to the Lord. You are to lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on your behalf to make atonement for you. (LEVITICUS 1:1-4) here I see and thank GOD for the mercy HE has given to us mankind by remitting away all our sins once and for all.a sinner here had to bring an animal to offer to the LORD for HIS remission of sin after a sinner realized that he had sinned in the sight of God by disordering or breaking the laws of GOD the 613 status, GOD instructed a sinner to bring an animal and he lay his hands on the animal to take away his sin through his hand and than the animal had to be killed and made atonement for him thank GOD through the lay of hands and blood on altar the sins where remitted.christians who believe in blood on the Cross of JESUS should look at first the lay of hands of the Aaron (JOHN THE BAPTIST) baptizing JESUS, GOD was pleased in HIS SON JESUS when HE was baptized because HE had taken away all our sins in the water and dead on the cross and HE paid for all our sins ( john19:30) and Rose from the dead and gave me new life in HIM. i pray to lose my life on this earth for the gospel of water and spiritSaint Mukisa from Uganda a coworker of the LORD JESUS CHIRST in the NEW LIFE MISSION my home and life.

    • Saint Mukisa NLM
    • Uganda
    • 06/16/2024188
  • No. 283


    TO BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD There is no way that anyone would ever survive and escape from eternal damnation due to their hearts sins without the true Church of God(The New Life Mission), for true Salvation of the Water and the Spirit is found, which was long buried after the deaths of the apostles, as well as lack of willingness to persevere by the believers of the early Church. I truly Hope and Pray that you will regard the Word of truth of the Water, Blood and the Spirit Preached by the New Life Mission as your door opening to the Kingdom of God. Because it is by believing in the Message of Jesus’s baptism (where He took away all the sins of the world), His blood shed on the cross (Where paid for all wages of sin) and by His resurrection through which the Newness of Life is obtained to everyone who believes that one can truly receive the Spirit of God. Yes, there is no single doubt that every human being desires to be led by the Spirit, but the most important indispensable thing to consider as you eager to be led by the Spirit is, whether the Spirit you are trying to pursue is really from God, and if it is from God, it is important to know how it is received. For many false prophets have arose with different kinds of demonic spirits which they are deceiving many blind souls with, they insist on telling these blind souls to offer ardently prayers on mountains full of emotions regarding the cross of Jesus, speaking in strange tongues, offering persistent prayers of repentance and accepting to the laying of hands by these false prophets, as the means to receive the Spirit of God, which is totally wrong. So you are easily deceived by these false prophets, because you do not believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit constituting Jesus’s baptism from John, His death on the cross and His resurrection which is the very knowledge of truth that will allow you to receive the Spirit of God to come to dwell in your heart immediately you believe in this truth of the Water, Blood and the Spirit. For this Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit (John3:5) is the Gospel that removes sin from the heart of anyone who recognize himself as a sinner and come to accept this truth when reached to him with a humble heart. I Pray and Hope that you will come to reason with the Lord(Isaiah1:18) by visiting our website and download yourself free Christian ebooks and audiobooks which will enable you to receive the washing away from all sin as you believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit from thence, you shall definitely receive the Spirit of God.Glory be to God now and forever more Amen.Coworker, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 06/14/2024113
  • No. 282


    YOU MUST NOT TRY TO GO BEFORE GOD WITH YOUR OWN SELF EXPECTATIONS EXCEPT TO BE SAVED FROM YOUR SINS.May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace even has you come to learn and believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit Amen.I give my thanks to God for every Spiritual book written by Rev Paul C Jong. for through His books God has elaborated our salvation from sin in a simpler way. Glory to God! Today most people do not know the true Salvation that Jesus Christ has brought for mankind, and this is so because most people have a tendency of hiding their true self, and instead they ardently go try to reach out to God with their own emotions regarding the cross of Jesus alone, thinking O my Lord Jesus you died for me, am sorry please forgive me, I won’t sin again, yes Jesus I promise not to sin again. Which is really bad! As such people are actually preventing themselves to meeting the true God who came by the Gospel truth of the Water, Blood and the Spirit. Therefore, I urge you to know that crying hard for the blood shed of Jesus, getting emotional over the incomplete gospel songs and offering daily prayers of repentance as well as trying to do good deeds can never lead you to meet the one and only true God who came by the Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit(John3:5). But, Fortunately enough you still got a chance to turn back from your self deception if only you humble yourself by genuinely knowing your true nature of sin(Mark7:21-23) and accept who you are before yourself and before God. Thus by doing so, with the humble hearts, then will the true God give you the Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit which constitutes Jesus’s baptism from John (where He washed away the sins of the world), His death on the cross(where He paid for all the wages of sin) and the Spirit(by which He rose to give a Newness of Life to everyone who believes). Thenceforth by coming to believe in this true Gospel of the Water and the Spirit will the sins of your heart come to be disappeared completely and will you then attain the privilege to become the child of God nevertheless, begin to reach to Him with a pure heart. Hallelujah! Coworker, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 05/31/2024122