
Book Reviews

People who have read our books have sent the following reviews. It is our hope that through them, you would all share with each other the grace of God that has enabled us to be born again of water and the Spirit. Your post will be seen only after we approve it.

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Total 289
  • No. 144

    A short mediation

    Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, By professing the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit, we declare that our faith is secure. Because having Jesus saved with the Water and the Blood, we can well say that we have an incorruptible legacy (1 Peter 1: 4). We know, in fact, that they have been redeemed in a perfect way through the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1: 18-19), which can not be detached from the water of His baptism (1 Peter 3:21). Let's think about it: nothing that Jesus has done is superfluous for our salvation. When he was baptized by John the Baptist, he wanted to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). Now if Christ had wanted to give us just one example, He would have said it clearly. Instead, this phrase reveals his desire to satisfy the Father who planned to transfer all the sins of the world on to His Son. It is not true that we talk too much about baptism and little about the Cross, since the two facts of the life of Jesus are closely connected to each other. Instead, we believe that Water and Blood are the way the Lord has saved us. Whoever believes only in the Blood of Christ has an incomplete perception of his own salvation, but whoever professes faith also in the Water, recognizes himself fully saved, having all his own sins taken by Jesus at the time of baptism. I invite everyone to deepen this biblical truth by reading the free Christian books we offer. God bless you all. Marco Massimiliano Soranno (Italy)

    • Marco Massimiliano Soranno
    • Italy
    • 05/05/20219
  • No. 143

    the gospel of water and the spirit is nothing but the truth

    After taken the pain to read through three different books of pastor Paul c. Jong's books, i realized that my 30 years in the lord was just a waste because i live in total ignorance despite the persistent fasting and prayer for God's anointing and visitation then. But now the water and spirit gospel has giving me reassurance and the confidence to stop any secular work that i was doing for living to go in full time evangelism and visit to churches to distribute pastor Jong's books. i don't care how my family and myself will survive the economic woes in my country now. the Lord i serve shall provide our needs, so fellow coworkers i admonish that we take a defiant action to save perishing ignorant souls because we the Christ ambassadors, thanks .

    • Quarshie Emmanuel
    • Ghana
    • 05/05/20217
  • No. 142


    First of all I'm highly thankful to God and then man of God Paul c Jong. He is really doing very good work for human being. I appreciate him and I was a sinner before reading the book have you truly born with water and spirit but Now I know Jesus is my saviour and he paid for my sins i received lot of blessings and information through this book. Now I ordered edition 8 Thanks lord  Thanks Paul c Jong  God bless you and your family.  Amen. 

    • Moon sahotra
    • Pakistan
    • 05/05/202112
  • No. 141

    Hello let me take this opportunity to thank Jesus I seen your book with same one in bus I just read only two pages  

    • Samuel m. Ndamai
    • Kenya
    • 05/05/20219
  • No. 140


    I am pleased to your kindly acknowledge as I have known you in your daily website to welcome in providing or submitting your teachings in my e-mail address and hoping to continue learning through your ministries. May God bless your as you are changing our lives. Thanks, Joshua.

    • Joshua Kanyika
    • Malawi
    • 05/05/202110