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Total 268
  • No. 213

    My Review Of English 13

    The title of this book is "WHAT DID WE BELIEVE TO RECEIVE THE REMISSION OF SINS?" This book is teaching us that there is certain Truth we must learn and believe in to receive the remission of sins. In other words, we must not believe arbitrarily according to our own thoughts. We must believe according to the Word of God. True faith must start from knowing who Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is God Himself, this is the first step towards having a proper faith. Those who believed in Jesus Christ without first having this faith are all bound to fall as devil will turn them into his toys to be used and dumped. I was once on taxi to home, on our way I handed over one of our books to the taxi man. He looked at it and turned his head back and told me he only reads Bible. I was curious so I went ahead and told him that we must follow God's servant whom He raised to avoid falling into false doctrines. I told him that some people do not believe according to the Word of God because they try to learn everything by themselves without waiting for God's guidance through His appointed servant. I told him that some Christians don't believe that Jesus Christ is God Himself. He reacted immediately, that Jesus Christ is not God, that He is just the Son of God. Actually I never knew that this taxi driver was a Jehovah Witness. It was at end of the conversation that he revealed that he was a member of the Jehovah Witness. I asked him in the book of Genesis, God said "Let Us make man in Our own image" Who are the people He was refering to when He said "Us" and "Our"? He said I should know that angels have been created before man (indirectly insinuating that God was referring to angels). So I asked "Are angels then made in the likeness of the image of God?" Apart from man, no other creatures were made in the likeness of the image of God. However this man faithfully hold onto his own thoughts, he didn't turn around from his mistaken belief, consequently he could not take a second glance at a book that contains the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Like this, if someone does not believe that Jesus Christ is God, he cannot believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Even if he does believe in it, such faith cannot have healthy root, it will be a spineless faith. Such a faith is built on sand that is bound to collapse under a wind. The faith that Jesus is God forms the stump and root of our faith. Even among the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, if anyone doesn't believe in Jesus as God, he will abandon this gospel of the water and the Spirit when he falls into spiritual troubles while serving this gospel. And he cannot receive the answers to his prayers. What gives force to our prayers is the faith that Jesus Christ is God, that He has all power to help and protect us. Those who have this faith will fly like an eagle, they will run and will not get tired. Because our God Jesus Christ will renew their strength and helps them in every step of their lives. The faith that Jesus Christ is God Himself forms the foundation of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. In John 3:5 it's written "Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." The water means He was baptized to receive our sins onto Himself and the Spirit means He is God Himself who came in the flesh of man. It means that Jesus Christ was seen in appearance as a man but in the Spirit He is fundamentally God Himself. Like this, Jesus said no one can enter Heaven without faith in His Divinity. It's very important that we have this faith, that's only way to overcome the world and Satan. Also through many miracles and signs, Jesus showed His disciples that He is God Himself. He wanted them to have this faith because without the faith they will turn into empty shell and chaff that will be blown away so easily by the trickery of the devil. Jesus Christ is our Saviour God, He is God who momentarily left His glory and became a man to save us. He saved us through His baptism and bloodshed on the Cross. We cannot be saved through our own efforts, we must rather believed in what Jesus has done for us. Many Christians believed that their sins can be forgiven when they say their daily prayers of repentance and do some good deeds. It is like saying that a paralytic can stand up by his own efforts, a paralytic might think "I will get up now, I think there is strength in me." When he tries to get up, he finds out his limps can't even make a significant move. We are like this paralytic, no matter how much we try we can't help ourselves. It is Jesus Christ who healed us the paralytic with the gospel of the water and the Spirit. For our sins to be blotted out from our hearts we must believe in Jesus Christ our Saviour God who came through His baptism at the Jordan River and blood on the Cross. We are the ones who are in need of His help and mercy. He does not need any sacrifice from us, instead He wants to have mercy on us because we are pitiable to Him like a paralytic who has given up on his efforts to get up and said "God help me, I can only be helped if You help me. Help me Lord." Everyone must realise that he is a paralytic who cannot do anything by himself and seek the salvation of God. From this book, I learned what kind of sins we must not commit before God. We must not commit the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Christians all over the world must stop committing this deadly sins. This sin is so great that it can never be forgiven neither in this world nor in the world to come. This sin is the very sin of rejecting this gospel of the water and the Spirit which Jesus Christ fulfilled for us and refusing to believe in it. Some Christians do not even believe in the ministry of John the Baptist, because of this they cannot reach Jesus Christ. John the Baptist is the servant of God raised by God to pass the sins of the world unto the body of Jesus Christ through the baptism he gave to Jesus Christ. Without the ministry of John the Baptist, we can never meet Jesus. Those that stand against this ministry of John the Baptist that passed the sins of the world unto Jesus are committing the very blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Sinners must cease from hurting God's heart by refusing to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This unforgivable is committed by sinners. The righteous do not commit this kind of sin. For it is written in 1 John 3:9 "Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God." The righteous cannot commit this blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as long as they hold onto this gospel of the water and the Spirit, but any righteous man who forsakes this gospel of the water and the Spirit will be committing this sin with the sinners of this world. Therefore, we must keep this gospel with all diligence. For us the righteous to keep our faith, we must continuously serve this gospel in any way or form. If we do don't serve this gospel of the water and the Spirit, our minds will be corrupted in no time and be seized by sins and consequently our hearts will be captured by false doctrines. This is reason why when a believer's conscience is deadened due sins, he will start having false faith and fall into heresies. This is how people betray their true faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This will inevitably happen to those who do not serve God and the gospel of the water and the Spirit from their heart, these are those whose faith and service are halfhearted. This set of people are indecisive, they do not know whether they should serve this gospel of the water and the Spirit or the world. We must resolve our hearts to serve this gospel because Satan is looking for an opportunity devour us and have our faith crumbled down. Fellow co-workers we must guide our hearts, the world is coming to an end. We must not allow our insufficiencies to suffocate our faith. We must renew our hearts always by meditating on the gospel, thanking Jesus Christ and praying to Him. If we don't serve this gospel even for a moment, our thoughts will be surrounded by all kinds of filthy thoughts. Have you not experienced this before? I have experienced it. If we are seized by these fleshly thoughts and fail to overcome them, our souls will be cut off from the sunlight. This is the reason we must serve this gospel of the water and the Spirit continuously even though we are weak and insufficient. As long as believe in and serve this gospel our insufficiencies and weaknesses are all tolerable. Fellow saints, we have to serve this gospel of the water and the Spirit because we are the ones who have been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God.

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 04/17/2023324
  • No. 212

    Second word from the Cross

    Main verse:“And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise”” (Luke 23:43). As we all know, this is the second word that our Lord Jesus Christ said during His crucifixion. When we read this verse, many questions may arise in our minds: 1) how could a criminal who has spent his entire life in sin enter paradise?  2) Can sinners enter paradise? 3) Can God break His own laws? The answer to all these questions is a resounding "No".Before explaining this verse further, I would like to tell you a very interesting incident from the Holy Scriptures. When we read John chapter 3, we can closely examine the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a leader of the Pharisees. There is no doubt that since he was a Pharisee, he was a man of knowledge and well versed in the law. He comes to Jesus in the dark of night so that no one sees him. He tries to flatter Jesus that he is a teacher, does many miracles, does things that no human can do. But Jesus answered the exact opposite of his questions: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”Here the question arises, is the law of God different for Nicodemus and different for the criminal? He was saying to the criminal, today you will be with Me in Paradise,” while he was saying to Nicodemus, who was a follower of the law, “unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Is God a God of Contradiction? No, not at all.At that time, all the Jews were waiting for the coming Messiah. Therefore, they knew better than any other people about the "law and sacrificial system", which God had given through Moses. They believed that the Messiah would come according to the law of atonement. And will free them from all their sins. However, they did not believe that the baptism of Jesus, according to John the Baptist, was from God to take away all the sins of the world on Jesus (Mark 11:27-33), but instead, they considered Him only a human being. The one, Who led people astray and thus, crucified Him.Because Roman citizens could not be punished by flogging or crucifixion according to the law of the Roman government (Acts 22:25-29). Therefore, we know that those who were crucified were not Romans, but Jews. We also know that the criminal was a Jew who feared God by his words, saying, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42). He was familiar with the law and the sacrificial system, which God had given to Moses. Therefore, he believed that the Messiah would come according to the Law of Redemption.Those who come to God must confess that they are sinners, and are destined to go to hell because of their sins. The criminal confessed his sins, saying, “And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23: 41). We can also know that the criminal was afraid of God, from his words; it appears that his hope was to enter the kingdom of heaven. “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” He said, “this Man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23:41). What did that criminal know about what Jesus did? He believed that Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, baptized by John the Baptist, the representative of all mankind, took away all the sins of the world, and was crucified. He was a Jew who believed that what Jesus had done for all people, including him; no doubt that he was crucified to receive the reward for his deeds on earth.When we study scripture carefully, we find that The Criminal knew he was a great sinner. And he knew his sinful nature, and believed that Jesus was the unblemished Lamb of God, Who took away all his sins, and that Jesus shed His blood on the cross for his sins. So he was born again and entered the kingdom of God by believing in the water (Jesus' baptism) and blood of Jesus. Being a criminal, he did evil deeds, theft, and iniquity all his life. But his deeds had nothing to do with his salvation. The main thing was his faith that enabled him to be saved because salvation is a free gift of God to every person who believes in Jesus Who came by water, blood and Spirit. As it is written in the letter to the Ephesians, “ For by grace you have been saved  through faith, and that not of yourselves;  it is the gift of God,  not of works, lest anyone should boast.” The criminal did not go to Paradise with sin. He went to Paradise justified by his faith. When he believed in the baptism (water), blood and spirit of Jesus, he was completely washed away from all the sins he had committed throughout his life.Even today, when we confess, "O Lord, I cannot avoid sinning like that criminal. I sin all the time with my thoughts, with my actions. Besides, I inherited sin from my father Adam. Therefore, I admit that I am a great sinner and cannot avoid going to hell. But I believe that you have borne all my sins through your baptism. And then shed Your precious blood for my sins. Thank you for making me righteous." Then Jesus will also say to us, “you will be with Me in Paradise”Hallelujah!   Sermon by: Sehar SalmanDate: April 7, 2023

    • Sehar Salman
    • Pakistan
    • 04/07/2023255
  • No. 211

    We Praise God for A New Building to Host God's church Nlm Nairobi Githurai.

    We Praise God for A New Building to Host God's church Nlm Nairobi Githurai. Your browser does not support the video element.  

    • Eric Kimani
    • Kenya
    • 03/07/2023417
  • No. 210

    NATIONS (Gospel song)

    NATIONS FIRST CHORUSNations shall bow down and call you Yahweh, Nations shall bow down and call you Savior, for you came by water, blood and the Spirit, to save mankind for your Spirit bears witness*2 FIRST VERSEJesus Son of David, thank you for your Mercy, Jesus oh we thank you for your love, that you have showed us through your Baptism, Cross and Resurrection Jesus, we are thankful, we are thankful, we are thankful, for your mercy, for your mercy. Without your Mercy Lord, where we will be Lord, without your Baptism and your Cross, Lord where we will be lord, Because of your Mercy Lord, we are free from our sins Because of your Mercy we are free from our sins, we are freeWe are free!!! CHORUSNations shall bow down and call you Yahweh,Nations shall bow down and call you Savior, you came by water, blood and the Spirit, to save mankind for your Spirit bears witness*2 Verse Hallelujah, when God saw the wickedness of man, The Bible says that God brought the system called the sacrificial system, where He (God) used Aaron as the High Priest and Aaron had to transfer all the sins of the children of Israel on the lamb and in the New testament, The Bible says that the very system that God used in the old testament, now this timeGod brought in John the Baptist as the High Priest and Jesus Christ as the lamb, And when Jesus Christ met John the Baptist at the Jordan River the Bible says that, John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ by transferring all the sins of the world, the past, present and the future, through the system called the laying on of hands and the very system that was happening in the old testament that the system that John the Baptist used,And John the Baptist when he was trying to prevent to baptize Jesus,Jesus said, permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness and when Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, the Bible says that, He received the sins of the whole world, And that very sin the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, So that sin led Him (Jesus) on the Cross to pay, with His blood.And when He (Jesus) died on the Cross, the Bible says that after three days Jesus resurrected as God, to show and to say that, whosoever believe in the baptism of Jesus, the Cross of Jesus and His Resurrection, will be free from their sins,So I encourage you my brothers and my sisters that this is the true Gospel, when you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, you will be free from all your sins the past, present and future Hallelujah ENDING CHORUSJesus! You are the God of our salvation,Jesus! You are the God of our salvation,For you came by water and blood, to set us free from sin,For you came by water and blood to set us free from iniquities,And you gave us the power to call you Aba Father*2

    • Christopher Chibale
    • Zambia
    • 03/04/2023312
  • No. 209


    As a continuation of the meditation on Matthew I, this book shed a lot of light on the dark areas of my faith. I was able to understand in depth the parable of the four fields that Jesus taught in Matthew 13:1-9 I WAS BOUND TO HELL BY MY SINFUL NATURE AND CARNAL THOUGHTS Having attended a monastery as a child, I used to believe that I was born as a good ground in this world and associated Jesus' salvation with my own righteous acts to achieve holiness and the Kingdom of God. Living in the Christian doctrines of this world teaching that one should abstain from sin and live according to the norms of society, I simply saw myself as God's chosen one. But as I meditated on the parable of the four plots of land taught in this book, I came to the clear realisation that I was born into this world as the wayside of the field and could only become good ground by being shaped by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is because I am a descendant of Adam who sinned against God that my heart became sinful. I had no choice but to worship idols before God and end up in hell. It was only when I encountered the gospel of the water and the Spirit that I became aware of my sinful nature and my condemnation to hell because of my sins. I was so unaware of my sins and their judgment. I thought that killing someone or having illicit relations with the opposite sex were the sins that were severely condemned. But my conscience came to be clear when I became aware of my sinful nature through the gospel of the water of the Spirit. Although I often confessed to God that I was a sinner, it was only with doctrinal faith and not with the light of the truth revealed by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. There is really a huge difference when we believe we are sinners with the gospel of the water and the Spirit rather than the gospel of the Cross. Sometimes we don't fully recognise ourselves as sinners before God when we compare ourselves to thieves, murderers or street prostitutes. We think we are better and that there are just a few small sins to deal with. However, such thoughts bind us to the terrifying judgment of our sins which is eternal hell. It is when we acknowledge ourselves as complete sinners before God through the gospel of the water and the Spirit that God takes mercy on us like the paralytic to whom Jesus said, "My child, your sins are forgiven.'' LET'S MOVE THE EARTH BEFORE SOWING THE SEED After placing my faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which is the gospel of the forgiveness of sins, I used to speak directly about how the Lord has solved the problem of all our sins without turning the heart-field of my interlocutors by pointing out the sins of their hearts. The result was that these people became religious Christians taking the gospel of the water and the Spirit as a secular Christian doctrine. I now have the opportunity to sharpen my sword of preaching the beautiful gospel by urging my listeners to first become aware of their sins in order to be saved. Even though the Lord clearly came into this world in human flesh and received all our sins into His body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and the death He suffered at the Cross, it is only when we are aware of our sins and their judgment that we can be saved from them. My personal faith in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit could only grow when I daily stirred the field of my heart by discovering my many sins and recognising the Lord's righteous salvation through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and through the punishment for my sins He endured on the Cross. My soul is now enlivened with these precious insights. I believe that if I try to exercise my faith on these teachings, I will not be able to beat the air like before. Many souls will truly receive salvation and follow the Lord. I am so thankful to God for letting me know such important truths. THE BEST LIFE Who knew that the best life is found in faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Even though I had believed in Jesus in the past as my personal Lord and Saviour, I was so miserable and poor. It was better that I was only poor but I was at the same time unhappy and poor. This is because there was sin in my heart even though I sincerely believed in Jesus. Now that I believe in Him without sin, I am so happy. The Lord blesses in body, soul and spirit all those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and propagates it throughout the world in unity with His Church. When we wholeheartedly seek the remission of our neighbour's sin by believing that Jesus is God Himself who delivered us through His baptism and blood, the Lord pours out all spiritual and material blessings into our lives of faith. Those who seek the salvation of souls have great faith like those who carried the paralytic. Through their faith, the Lord grants remission of sins to sinners. The sinners in turn become righteous who give glory to God. I am so grateful to be a worker of God in this world. May the honour and glory go to Jesus Christ our God and Saviour, Amen! Brother Cedric Patrick,

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • United Kingdom
    • 02/21/2023320