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Total 268
  • No. 193

    Blessed Life

    Blessed Life (B)       Intro : B-E-G#m-F# Verse   B                                                         E Long ago, my Lord and my Saviour came   G#m                                                         F# He took my sins when John laid his hands   E                                               F# Obeyed the Father, fulfilled the Scripture,    B He died on the cross E       F#         B So now I can have this blessed life   Chorus            B                                                               E For I am greatly blessed and I am highly favoured,      B                   F# I am deeply loved by You           E    F# Jesus Your promises so true, E                  F# Now I’m rejoicing in Your Truth         B                                                                E For I am greatly blessed and I am highly favoured,      B                   F# I am deeply loved by You          E                                        F#                           B Water and blood, Your finished work has set me free   Bridge   E     F#                      E         F# Hallelujah,                      Hallelujah E                                     I am so blessed (I am so blessed)  F#                                               You are so blessed (You are so blessed) E                                       We are so blessed (We are so blessed)    F#                            B To know this Truth

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 11/02/202279
  • No. 192

    Reign with Christ sung by Ern Huang from Malaysia

    Reign with ChristScripture Reference: 2 Tim 2:12a Intro: B-C#m-E Verse 1B    C#mBorn in this world with sin in us,E    BThen the message was preached to usB    C#mThe water, the blood and the SpiritE    BThe Way, the Truth and the Life Pre-ChorusF#    EWe reign with ChristBWe reign with Christ ChorusE    B    F#-G#mAs a priest, as a prophet and kingE    B    F#-G#mSet apart in this dark and fallen worldE    B    F#-G#mWe will reign for the Truth is in our heartsC#m    B/D#    E    BC'mon, if we endure, we’ll reign with Christ Verse 2B    C#mWe walk in this world with Christ in usE    BIn Him, we can endureB    C#mCome what may, we always righteousE    BBy faith and not by sight CodaC#m    B/D#    EC'mon, if we endure BridgeE-F#-G#m    B    F#We’ll emulate our predecessors of faithEThose who walk true for this faithG#m    F#Those who endure, those who endure

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 10/27/202268
  • No. 191

    In order to overcome the Antichrist in the end times, we must have the correct faith now.

    Sermon 18 begins by demonstrating the faith of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who believed in Jesus as her Saviour. The wedding feast in Cana of Galilee had run out of wine and so Mary instructed the servants at the wedding feast to do exactly what Jesus told them. Mary said this because she had already witnessed the power and love of God in her life through the miracle of the birth of baby Jesus. So, she was able to tell the servants, with all faith and confidence, to do “whatever He says to you “(John 2:5). Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the waterpots with water" (John 2:7) and they did. Thus, the miracle of turning water into wine was witnessed at the wedding feast in Cana.  Right now, the Word of God is also admonishing us to believe in the Word and be born again of water and the Spirit (John 3:5). Only by believing that every Word of God is true, can we be saved from all our sins and witness the miracle of having all our sins washed from our hearts. We have to know that we are lumps of sin and that nothing we do can ever cleanse away our sins on our own. Do you believe in every Word of God? Jesus said in John 3:5, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God."  The 'water' in the gospel of the water and the Spirit refers to the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. At His baptism, Jesus received the sins of the world through the laying on of hands by John the Baptist. Jesus is the Son of God and God Himself (Spirit), and He came to this world to save us human beings from receiving the punishment for our sins. The laying on of hands was used in the Old Testaments’ sacrificial system, when the sins of the sinner were transferred onto the animal. The animal then died and shed its blood on behalf of the sinner. In the New Testament, John the Baptist laid his hands on the head of Jesus and transferred onto Him, all the sins of the world. After receiving our sins at His baptism, Jesus atoned for them by shedding His blood on the Cross (blood) and rising from the dead again. This is the complete salvation of the water and the Spirit that every soul must believe in to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  However, the gospel that preaches only the blood of the Cross is widely believed in mainstream Christianity but it does not have the power to wash away our sins. This Sermon explains that the gospel of just the blood on the Cross can be traced back to Emperor Constantine in 325 AD who summoned the First Council of Nicaea. Here, Emperor Constantine removed the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist and instead, the gospel of just the blood of the Cross was created. Now, as a result, the majority of Christians believe only in the blood of the Cross as their salvation. Satan has thereby tricked human beings through those who proclaim that the gospel of the Cross alone can save them and as such, many people are dying and will be judged for their sins. That is why everyone must now believe in the gospel of both the baptism and blood of Jesus.  Christian believers have turned into religious practitioners that are not entering Heaven themselves, nor are they able to lead others to the way of salvation. In order to overcome the Antichrist in the end times, we must have the correct faith now, that all our sins were transferred onto Jesus at His baptism and that He died for them on the Cross. If we don’t believe in the complete gospel of salvation, Satan will torment our hearts and souls. We will then have no choice but to submit to the antichrist, receive his mark and join him in hell. Or, we can believe in the perfect gospel of the water and the Spirit now, defend our faith in the end times, be persecuted and martyred by the antichrist for defending our faith, then join our Lord and the rest of His saints to live eternally in the Kingdom of Heaven. The saints of the Early Church believed in both the baptism and blood of Jesus, but after Emperor Constantine removed the baptism of Jesus, Christians today have been influenced by this blood only gospel that doesn't have the power to remit away their sins. It is not too late for you to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I pray that these Sermons will guide your hearts to the way of life and lead you to confess your faith in both the baptism and blood of Jesus Christ that has the power of dynamite to wash away your hearts sins. God bless your reading and believing. Amen. Loren Simons, UK

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 10/13/2022172
  • No. 190

    Prayers of the righteous

    • Peter Koinange Kariuki
    • Kenya
    • 10/10/2022143
  • No. 189

    Soldiers of Christ - A gospel song

      Soldiers of Christ Scripture Reference: 2 Tim 2:3-4, 2 Chr 20:11, Eph 6:11-13, Heb 4:11 Intro: B-G#m-E Verse 1                                                                                                             B We were civilians roaming in this world                     B Finding the way to life that was lost                                    B The Good News was shared to us   The water and the blood          B The lost is now found in Christ alone   Verse 2                      B Now we're enlisted to be the soldiers of Christ  G#m                   E                  B Life as a soldier demands all of us                                 B Our Commander is Jesus Christ   We follow as He leads            G#m          E                    B He has given to us the armour of God   Chorus                    E                  B             F#sus We are the soldiers of Christ, in the army of God               E             B           F#sus                 G#m We are fighting a war not against flesh and blood                E                        F# We will Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise!            B                  G#m We'll fight the battle of this life         E                                 F#                       B Get ready, get set and let’s go soldiers of Christ   Bridge           E                       B This battle is not ours, our God will fight for us G#m            F#  We trust in Him     E                             B Diligently striving to enter into His rest G#m           F#  We rest in Him                                         B Coda – Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Soldiers of Christ!   Ern Huang-Malaysia

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 10/07/2022139