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Total 278
  • No. 58

    I was christian for 4years under a pentecostal ministry.

    I was christian for 4years under a pentecostal ministry,there were no proper faith of how i can believe in Jesus,but the time i came to read the first book of the NLMISSION all my struggles of sin ended,if there people in this world who agonised of their sins am one them.I even reached at the extent of carryng a big stone on my head during mountain prayers symbolisng heaviness of my sins.But by his grace i encountered the gospel of the water and the Spirit i became free from sin,though i am insufficient,i still serve the gospel of God.Serving the gospel of the water and the Spirit is serving God.Even though am lacking,i am still a king in the Kingdom of God,i am a royal priest who is like a king.If i dont spread this gospel to the lost souls i will end up in hell.This faith is not something that i can attain by force,but it is somthing that God has given us,and therefore all that i have to do is just take it by believing,praise the lord.Jesus is God ,by being baptised by john the baptist,Jesus was covered with our sins,he had accepted them all leaving not single sin behind.Jesus christ took thus our sins through his baptism,and by bearing his condemnation of my sin,he could save me completely.This is the will of God the father,no one can change it.My heart is sinless,because Jesus through his baptism he received from John the baptist and his death on the cross it has completed the work of the remission of sin in my entire lifetime....Christopher Chibale, Zambia

    • Zambia
    • 05/04/202151421
  • No. 57

    God does not make compromises.

    Anyone who believes that God makes compromises according to their circumstances, is sadly mistaken. This also applies to anyone who should happen to lose their life even due to circumstances beyond their control. God’s written word is very clear on this matter. John 3:3,5.  Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of the water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. When Jesus spoke these words He was speaking to one of the most highly learned people of that time, Nicodemus. Jesus did not tell Nicodemus that the only way into the kingdom of God was to believe in His Blood and the Cross, Jesus told him the only way into the kingdom was to become born again of the water and the Spirit. The reason behind this message is to help those who have been deceived by their pastors into believing that their prayers of forgiveness for their sins have been granted, but what happens to the sins they continue to commit after receiving their forgiveness. Have you ever thought about what would happen if should suddenly lose your life even due to circumstances beyond your control before you have had the chance to confess those built up sins?  You will die with those unforgiven sins still intact. Surely you must know that no sin or any immoral thing will ever enter the Kingdom of God. Revelation 21:8. 21:27. Anyone with sin still has their names written in the Book of their works. Only the truly born again of the water and the Spirit have their names in the Book of life. Today, Christianity takes the subject of Sin way too lightly, they dismiss it as if it were a trivial matter. Today’s preachers and false prophets have forgotten to tell the people exactly what the One they are worshiping has said about mankind. Mark 7:20-23. And He said, what comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man. These are the twelve inheritance sins which all of mankind has inherited from that first man, Adam. This is the heart you were born with, and this evil in your heart is what causes the way you turn out in life. It is this evil in the heart of man that is causing the world to be the way it is today. It is this evil within your heart which is causing you to continuously commit sin. And it’s this evil in your heart which will keep you out of the kingdom of God.There is one way and one way only to ensure you receive forgiveness for your sins, past, present, and future sins, and that is to obey the will of God. You must become born again of the water and the Spirit or you will never see the kingdom of God let alone enter into it. Writing any more at this time would only cause you to lose interest, if you haven’t already. So the only good advice I can offer you is to pick up your own Bible and find out who you really are before condemning what I have said. Entering the kingdom of God has nothing to do with your pastors, it’s all to do with your own personal relationship with God, and the only way to have that relationship with God is to become truly born again of gospel of the water and the Spirit. Make sure you don’t get caught out by unforeseen circumstances, God does not make compromises under any circumstance. Don’t take my word for this, this is God’s word. If you have read to here, then you are at the right place. Jim MontgomeriePastor & EvangelistFor The New Life MissionThe Netherlands

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202150757
  • No. 56

    Who is pleading for the country where you live?

    Geneses 18:23-32.   And Abraham came near and said, Would you also destroy the righteous with the wicked?  Suppose there were fifty righteous within the city; would you also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it?   Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; Far be it from You! Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?   So the Lord Said, if I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. Then he said, Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more: Suppose ten should be found there? And He said, I will not destroy it for the sake of ten. Because of the atrocities which are allowed to take place, there are many cities on this earth that would be classed as the Sodom and Gomorrah of our time.  Can you imagine living in a land where everything that God has forbidden, is being demanded of its people by its government. As the master of deception and manipulation, Satan has blinded the leaders of such places, and has them believing in their own man made righteousness.  Because the leaders of these countries have made it their law to legalize everything which God has forbidden, they are condemning God’s people to be destroyed. If anyone dares to speak out against these atrocities they are guilty of discrimination.  Such a place takes pride in calling it’s self a land of freedom, and worse, it dares to make demands on other countries to follow their example to commit the same abominations.   Just take a good look at what is happening under the youth in such places today.  Evil has taken the rule over the whole of the land.  Today, God has no need to destroy such places, they are destroying themselves, and the government says it has no idea why it’s youth is the way it is.  They are at a loss as how to solve the problem.  Such places spend millions each year trying to find the right solution, but in the end, the only solution they can come up with is to blame the parents for not raising their children properly in the first place.  Who was it then that took away the right from the parents to raise their children according to the laws of God? This is the problem, these lands are Godless places, they have no respect what so ever for God or for His written word.  Such places even change God’s written word to disguise their evil ways, and they even go so far as to have the rule over what can and cannot be preached in the Churches.  This is why the Church leaders do not dare to speak out against these atrocities and call them for what they really are, it’s against the laws of the land.  Such places do indeed pride themselves in their man made freedom, but they are blind to the fact that they are rebelling against God, and causing their subjects to do likewise.  Just look at what is being allowed to happen inside the Churches today and you will see that there is no difference between them and the outside situation. Just as the high priest of the temple bowed down to the demands of Rome instead of keeping God’s laws, so are today’s Church leaders bowing down to the manmade laws of their land instead of preaching God’s written word.  They fear the authority of man more than their God.   They seem to have forgotten the fact that the disciples of our Lord died for preaching the truth, they died so that the true Gospel would continue to reach the ends of the earth.  Any Church leader who bows to the laws of a land, knowing them to be against God’s will, is evil.  To deny this is to make God out to be a liar.  Such leaders are those who keep God’s people in their sins, and both will be destroyed.  Just like the lands where Godlessness is destroying them from within, so will such Churches destroy themselves from within.   How many times have we not heard from people who profess to being born again Christians, that they know their Church is full of the things which God detests, and that their pastors are not preaching the truth, but say that this is where God wants’ them to be?  These are the ones who are destroying their Church from within.  By professing to be born again, they are claiming that they have received the Holy Spirit from God, thus condemning themselves of blasphemy against the Spirit of God.  A truly born again Christian would know that the Spirit of God and sin cannot be in the same place. Such people are giving false hope to others who seriously long to find God. Galatians 5: 14-21.   For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!  I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.  For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.  Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  This is what today’s Churches are full of. How bigger the Church, how greater the sin.  Anyone professing to being a born again Christian, but dares to deny that their Church is full of people who practice the things which have been mentioned in these verses, has already called God a liar.  One example of this is very common here in Holland where I live. Most of the Churches here have members from Suriname and many from other lands where the occult and traditions from their mother lands are still being practiced.  They come to Church wearing all their jewelry, trinkets and amulets which they use for protection against the evil spirits, all of which have been loaded up with nonsense from the men of black magic who practice their forms of witchcraft.  They bring their children to be baptized by the pastor while the child is wearing a piece of blue cord round it’s stomach or ankle for protection against evil spirits, and their babies wear necklace called an ogre eye to protect them from the evil spirits who live in the people who look at them.  They sit in the Churches and some even hold high positions in the Church, and after the service celebrating the old and the new year, they go home and cleanse themselves with blue water. (even the blood of Jesus is not good enough for them) They drink from a wooden cup which is made from the bitter roots of a certain tree, this is done for internal cleaning and for healing of certain sicknesses, this is part of their tradition, but at the same time they come forward in Church and ask for prayers of healing.  When someone in the family dies the body is usually placed in the home for a few days of mourning, the coffin is covered with trinkets, and sacks of herbs, the coffin is closed but the persons photo is place on the coffin, again to protect against evil spirits. Even the mirrors in the house are covered up to protect something or other.  Usually a shrine is built with everything which was dear to the relatives so as to keep the deceased in living memory. Here everyone paying last respects can worship the shrine.  Sorry dear readers, but the living God, the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, does not live in a bottle, or an amulet, or a wooden cup or in a sack of herbs and certainly not in any man made object.The only place where God can and will live, is in a sinless heart. This is just one example of the works of the flesh which will not enter the kingdom of God.  There are many more such works of the flesh mentioned above, which the practitioners of, will also not enter the kingdom of God.   All these things and many more are seen by the outside world, and this is what has made a mockery of Christianity. Because the leaders say that their Church has been blessed with so many different nationalities being brought together by God under one roof.  What they are saying is that God has brought what He forbids into His Church.  This is blasphemy and heresy, they have allowed foreign gods and idols into their Churches, and the say they are blessed.By opening their doors and welcoming so many different nationalities in, many countries today have been influenced by many foreign gods and idols, this is why a curse is upon these lands, and upon these Churches.  No wonder Christianity is being ridiculed and laughed at today.  The Church is the reason that God’s people have lost their respect, for themselves, for others and also for God.  All these evil things which are allowed to run wild in countries and in Churches, are the reason why the world is in the state it’s in today.   Lack of respect for God and for others is what destroys a land.  What ever happened to, love thy neighbor.  Today it’s everybody for themselves. Is there even one Church in your land which truly bears the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22-26.   But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.  And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. The answer is no!  And this is why your Churches are destroying themselves.  The Church leaders have allowed evil to enter, and there they keep it alive among the dead.  Because they are a large Church, they think they have been blessed and are alive, but in reality they are dead.  They do not believe any more in the word God, if they did they would heed the Holy Scriptures, they would not be intimidated into using false interpretations of the Holy Scriptures, they would not allow themselves to be manipulated by outside influences. And the false prophets would not retract their messages from God when they are confronted by the authorities of their land!   If the Churches had kept the Holy Scriptures sacred, then God’s houses would have remained  Holy places. Instead they have been allowed to be turned into dens of iniquity. If the governments of the lands had only trusted in the ways of the Holy Scriptures, their subjects today would not be living fear and hatred for one another.  Fear and hate are great destroyers, of not only relationships but also of kingdoms. Abraham interceded for Sodom.  He started with fifty, but had it reduced to ten.  Why did God agree to Abraham’s request.  Abraham walked in faith, he trusted in God, he was righteous in God’s eyes.  But God also knew that there were none who were righteous in Sodom.  Not even Lot, but Abraham interceded for Lot, and God intercedes for his righteous ones. In Geneses 19.   we can see that even Lot was reluctant to leave Sodom when the angels instructed him to do so, even his sons in law wanted no part of this.  Even to the point where Lot’s wife was also destroyed because she could not or would not let the evils of materialism go.  The word of God warns us in no uncertain terms what He will do with such sinful places and people.   But still the angels had to take Lot, his wife, and his daughters by the hand and lead them out of Sodom. The signs and the times we live in are telling us something, but who pays attention?  Only the ones whose eyes have been opened to the truth of the Gospel of the water and the Spirit have this insight.  Just like the angels were sent to Lot to lead him and his family to safety, we the born again Saints of the New Life Mission have the same task to perform today.   Just as the angels came to Lot with the truth, we come with the truth of salvation.  Just as the angels had to take the hand of Lot and his family and lead them out of Sodom, we must take the hands of God’s people and lead them out of their sin, and destruction.  Sin entered the heart of man when the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was eaten, and today the world is still paying the price for the disobedience of one.  From that day and until the end of this world as we know it, Satan has had, and will have, the rule over the evil in the heart of mankind.  And this is the reason why this world and the Churches are at the verge of totally destroying themselves. Mark 7: 20-23.    And He said, What comes out of a man, that defiles a man.  For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.  All these evil things come from within and defile the man. These are the words of Christ.  God is telling us, it is because of the evil in the hearts of mankind that mankind is defiling even the Holy Scriptures.  Every time a new Bible translation comes on the market, so many of the words have been changed to fit in with the times, so much so, that much of what God sees as an abomination are not seen as sin.  Even to the point where certain lands make it a law for its people to be able to commit these abominations which God has forbidden.  Worse, the citizens of these lands are being commanded to accept and respect all their laws which go against the will of God, to speak out against such evil is to discriminate against the freedom of choice, and this of course, is to go against the laws of the land.  Who then, is allowed to intercede for such a land today, in truth, no one.  To do so is to break the laws of the land where you live.  Such a land takes pride in going against the will of God, such a land will not accept criticism or listen to reason, such a land thinks it can thrive by forcing its citizens to commit the abominations which God detests, such a land is so proud of its freedom that Satan has blinded it into believing it is indeed free, while in truth the whole of the land and its inhabitants are all prisoners to sin.  Such places are the Sodom & Gomorra’s of today.  And they wonder why they can’t get their rule over today’s youth.  It is the laws of the land which have made the youth the way it is today, these laws have removed the parents God given right to raise their children to fear the wrath of God.  But in the end such man made laws are worthless, the governments only end up blaming the parents for not raising their children properly.  This is exactly the what happened when Adam and Eva disobeyed God’s command and ate of the forbidden fruit, instead of taking the blame for their own wrong actions they placed the blame elsewhere. Geneses 3:9-13.    Then the Lord called to Adam and said to him, Where are you?  So he said, I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.  And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?  Then the man said, The woman You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.  And the Lord God said to the woman, What is this you have done?  The woman said, The serpent deceived me, and I ate. Look what happens when God’s commandments are broken, everyone blames everyone else. Look at how Adam put the blame onto God himself… the woman You gave to be with me!   This is what happens when God’s laws are broken or they are misused to oppress others, their failure results in passing the blame onto others.  This in turn is the cause of rebellion, which can only end in such a land living in fear of destruction. Leviticus 25:17-18.   Therefore you shall not oppress one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the Lord your God.  So shall you observe My statutes and keep my judgments, and perform them; and you will dwell in the land in safety. Dear readers, did you know that there are 613 statutes in the Law of Moses?  Do you know why God gave us these statutes?  These statutes were given to show us what sin is, in Gods eyes, not for us to keep, for there is no one who can keep to all the statutes of the Law. In the New Testament God gave us His 10 commandments, He also said to break one of these is to break all of them.  How many Christians can keep the 10 commandments? Jesus Himself made it easier for us. Luke 10:25-29.    And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?  He said to Him, What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?So he answered and said, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.  And He said to him, You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.  But wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor? The truth is, whoever does the will of God will be blessed.  For those who go against the will of God, they will be cursed!   This is why your land is being destroyed, God has cursed it.  But just like Adam and Eva did, everyone is blaming everyone else for their own mistakes.  This has destroyed trust, and so everyone is living in fear.   So who is to blame, mankind it’s self is to blame, because they have forgotten their God and His commandments, they thrive in their evil ways.  Adam and Eva blamed others for their actions, for this they were banned from the Garden of Eden. Today, in the lands where God’s commandments have been ignored, all hell has broken loose, and everyone is blaming everyone else for their state of affairs.  Such a place is a playground for Satan, but the man made laws of these lands have blinded their inhabitants from this truth. There is only one way to solve these problems, there is only one way to be saved from total destruction, there is only one way to turn your fear , distrust , and hatred into peace and love!The nation must return to God and observe His statutes! Who is there today to intercede for you, the way Abraham interceded for the people of Sodom?You need to have someone stand up and tell you exactly what sin is, and how to be set free from its deadly sting.  You need to have someone preach the true Gospel to you, you need to have someone who can forgive the evil in your heart.  What you need is to hear the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit, the Gospel which has already removed those evil sins from your heart. What you don’t need any longer, is to listen to the lies and deception from those who keep you separated from your God. To become free from your hell here on earth, you must have the sins in your heart removed, for these sins are the cause of your evil ways.  You need to hear the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit from the born again Saints of the New Life Mission. God himself has made it easier for you this time.  He has given the truth of this Gospel to the world through His servant, Rev. Paul C. Jong.  And this man of God has made it even easier for you to become saved.  Rev. Paul has written at this time 65 Books on the subject of becoming truly born again by the water and the Spirit. These Books have been translated into just as many different languages, and we the coworkers of the New Life Mission are spreading this precious Gospel to the ends of the earth. Many souls are being saved each day, many are receiving God’s Holy Spirit which is their guarantee of eternal life, many souls each new day are being set free from the lies and deceit from Satan. We can make it even easier for you:  Just hit the above button, on book request, and we will send you free of charge, the Gospel which will set you free.  You may order any two books from the series at any one time.   God has already blessed you, it is only lies and deceit which has blinded you to this truth. Pastor & EvangelistJim Montgomerie The New Life MissionHolland : BranchLelystad

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202150589
  • No. 55

    The difference between a spirit of divination and a Spirit of discernment

    Acts 16:16-17. We can see a woman prophesying accurately, saying: Paul and Silas were servants of God! and their message accurately proclaimed the way of salvation. Acts explains that this woman had a spirit of divination and did not prophecy by the Holy Spirit. What we should be concerned about is the fact that everything she said was correct, but Paul wisely recognized she was a false prophet. There are way too many people out there being ruled by this same spirit of divination, but thank God there are also some of us who have the Spirit of discernment like Paul, and are able to recognize them for who and what they are, false prophets. Verses 18-24. Tells us what happens to those with the Spirit of discernment when they reveal the falsies for what they are. When you take away their source of income or fame they turn nasty. They will do everything to ridicule you, discredit you, lie about you, and silence you. Sound familiar? Verses 25-33. But what the falsies don’t understand is that God is with those He has chosen, God is the one who has given His Spirit of discernment to the chosen so they can reveal those with a spirit of divination. Only those with the Spirit of discernment will survive to proclaim the only true way of salvation. In today’s world on the internet it is so easy to spot and reveal all the falsies like the woman at the beginning of the message. What they say and write may be correct but what they say and write is only copied and pasted from another who has the truth in them. But the real danger comes when they start to add a few bits and pieces, alter a few words and try to make it sound like their story comes from them, but you can compare this form of truth twisting with what Satan did to Eva. Satan used the truth from what God said and turned a few words around to make it sound the same, but look at the disastrous damage it caused. The truth vanished and sin entered. This is what is happening on the internet today, way too many preachers, prophets, and Churches are all falsely proclaiming the way of salvation. A true prophet from God will do what Paul and Silas did, continue to preach the true word of God no matter what the consequences might be. Any deviation from the gospel of the water and the Spirit however small, will eventually cause it harm.  Deviation, word twisting, making something sound more attractive to the ear, are all playgrounds for Satan. Be careful what you say and write. God is watching over His own, so is Satan. Jim MontgomeriePastor & EvangelistThe New Life MissionThe Netherlands

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202150475
  • No. 54


    We are  taking our FINAL Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 9:11 which says: “The race is not for the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; But TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL.” Because the Bible is a BOOK of SALVATION, we will misconstrue its teachings if we read and study it according to the words per se. However if  we always read and study it within the spiritual and eternal purpose of God in the blueprint of the REDEMPTION of mankind, then we will be able to enter deep inside the “Word” of God where the “THOUGHTS” of the Creator is made manifest to us. Therefore when our Scripture reading in Ecclesiastes says that “TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL,” then it obviously mean that God has given the “CHANCE” or the opportunity for “ALL” human beings to be SAVED from SIN. That’s why the Scripture says that when God sent John the Baptist to testify that JESUS is “The LAMB of God who takes away the SINS of the world” (John 1::29), God gave him this testimony so that “ALL through him might BELIEVE” (John 1:7).  It shows that God did this so that “ALL” men will be redeemed. For this reason, the Apostle Paul tells us that God actually “desires ALL men to be SAVED and to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH” (2 Timothy 2:4). And if “ALL” men can be SAVED, then God must allow “TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL,” and He did it accordingly by given “TIME” and the “CHANCE” for “ALL” the descendants of Adam to be saved, purified, justified, and to be glorified by hearing the GOSPEL of redemption.  Is there anybody who is NOT given the same “TIME and CHANCE” to be SAVED? There is nobody! This is because the Scripture says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are CLEARLY SEEN, being understood by the things that are made, even His ETERNAL POWER and Godhead, so that they are without EXCUSE” (Romans 1:20). The passage above is telling us that because God gave the same “TIME and CHANCE” for “ALL” posterity to receive His gift of the “REMISSION OF SINS” through the water and the blood of CHRIST, there is nobody who can stand before Him on the Day of Judgment to give any “EXCUSE.” This is because He gave the “TIME”  and the “CHANCE”  for everybody to be brought into His abode in CHRIST JESUS. That’s why the Apostle Peter also tells us that, “The LORD is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is LONG-SUFFERING toward us, not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). This is the reason why the Almighty God has given “TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL” according to our Scripture reading in Ecclesiastes which was written by Solomon the King whom God endowed with mysterious “WISDOM.” We must therefore understand that when JESUS says “That you may be sons of your Father in Heaven; for He MAKES His sun rise on the EVIL and on the GOOD, and sends rain on the JUST and on the UNJUST” (Matthew 5:45), it is because He has given the “TIME and CHANCE” for all human beings to receive His BLESSINGS whether they are “good” or bad, whether they are “swift” or not, whether they are “strong” or not, whether they are “wise” or not, whether they are men of “understanding” or not, and whether they are men of “skill” or not. So whether a person is physically “WISE” or “FOOL,” God planned His salvation in CHRIST in such a way that “TIME and CHANCE” will actually “HAPPEN TO THEM ALL” so that nobody is excluded from it. That’s why God said in Isaiah that JESUS will become “The Highway of HOLINESS,” and He also added that “Whoever walks the road, although a FOOL, shall not go ASTRAY” (Isaiah 35:8). Brothers and Sisters, this shows the fairness and justice of God to “ALL”  human beings. That’s why after the writer of Ecclesiastes spoke about different categories of people, he did not miss the most important words when he said that “TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL.” This is the reason why after Paul also told us in Romans Chapter 1 that everybody is “without EXCUSE,” he went further to explain in Romans Chapter 2 that “there is no PARTIALITY with God” (Romans 2:11). So let us give thanks and praise to God who has allowed “TIME AND CHANCE” to “HAPPEN” to “ALL” mankind within His redemptive plan. This  ENDS our entire study on Ecclesiastes 9:11. Through this Scripture verse alone, God has taught us: (1) THE RACE IS NOT FOR THE SWIFT (2) THE BATTLE IS NOT TO THE STRONG (Part 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) (3) DO YOU WANT TO BE RICH? (Part 1, 2, 3 & 4) (4) THE DANGERS OF MATERIAL RICHES (Part 1, 2 & 3) and (5) TIME AND CHANCE HAPPENS TO ALL In fact The LORD has given us a lot, and may His “GOOD” name be glorified forever and ever! Amen!

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 05/04/202150968
The New Life Mission


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