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Total 278
  • No. 38

    The first time I encountered the teachings of Reverend Paul C. Jong was in 2012.

    The first time I encountered the teachings of Reverend Paul C. Jong was in 2012. Before then, although I was a Christian, I often questioned my salvation. I thought to myself, “If Jesus really died for my sins, why do I still have this consciousness of sin in my heart? I must have lost my faith! What then am I supposed to do when I sin?” These and many such questions bothered me a lot. Since all I believed in was Jesus’ vicarious suffering and death on the Cross alone, I could not find an answer that gives me a clear conscience and inner peace before God whenever I did something wrong. I couldn’t find an answer that is both logically satisfying and upholds the Truth found in God’s Word. I continued to struggle in my faith and just couldn’t enjoy my relationship with God. The frustration of having to offer continuous prayers of repentance added to the whole struggle. Thankfully, that was when I came across The Fail-Safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit written by Paul C. Jong. The truth taught in that book (and others by the same author) brought me the revelation that delivered me from an unhealthy conscience, and consequently, reassured me of eternal life with Jesus. I learned how my sins, and indeed that of all the world, were transferred to Jesus when He was baptized by John the Baptist. Though this teaching is not popular, amazingly though, it is not a new teaching either. The Old Testament sacrificial system of atonement was a prefiguration of the gospel of water and Spirit which Jesus fulfilled in His redemptive work, namely, His baptism, crucifixion and resurrection. Hence, the gospel of Water and the Spirit based on Jesus’ words at John 3:5, and which Rev. Paul C. Jong and the New Life Mission Team now help to propagate, was actually instituted by Jehovah God Himself since the Old Testament times.Fascinated by the coherence of this teaching with the entire Bible, I came to believe it whole-heartedly and doing so has radically transformed my relationship with God. Now, when I fellowship, I do so out of a deep conviction that indeed ALL my sins – inherited sin, daily sins, future sins, all without exception – were placed upon Jesus when He was baptized by not just any man, but John the Baptist, the representative of all mankind and last human high priest. Also, I am convicted that Jesus fully suffered all the punishment for all my sins in His flesh-and-blood body, shedding His blood for my redemption and breaking the power of sin over my life. Only upon believing this truth did the verse in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 became a reality in my life. In addition, now more than ever before, I am convinced of God’s unfailing love, outlandish grace and unending mercies. My faith in Him grows deeper by the day because I now have inner peace before Him by the knowledge that Jesus’ “baptism does now also saves”. The gospel of Water and the Spirit made it clear to me that Jesus’ baptism was just as instrumental to my salvation, as His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension are. The one would have been useless without the other. Therefore, for there to be a perfect salvation, an individual must have a complete believe in the baptism (Water) and death (blood) of Jesus Christ. Only then can the believer have “the answer of a good and clear conscience (inward cleanness and peace) before God” (1 Peter 3:21, AMP) just as many others and myself have found. Ceaseless prayers of repentance cannot offer you this kind of peace, neither does any amount of good deeds. Only an accurate believe in Jesus’ work of atonement and perfect redemption as taught in the gospel of water and Spirit can and will offer you the kind of peace that passes human comprehension. I thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for teaching me this early. God bless the New Life Mission for their tireless and generous labors. Hallelujah! Abraham Ogbor, Nigeria

    • Abraham Ogbor
    • Nigeria
    • 05/04/202150068
  • No. 37

    My faith was built on shaky sand.

    Before I came to know the Gospel of water and the Spirit, my faith was built on shaky sand. I always doubt of my belief and was no peace in my heart. I remembered that I often pray to God to teach me about faith, what is true faith and how to have faith in Christ? Without faith it is impossible to please God, that’s why I was so eager to know about faith. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get an answered which I was satisfied with at that time. Whenever I realized that I’ve had sin against God, I would come at the cross to ask for forgiveness. But that couldn’t solve my sin issue; because I know that the next hour I’ll sin again, perhaps the same mistake. The prayer of repentance that I’d make was toward emotions and feelings, not deal with my inner man. It just likes I take off the mask and cry unto God. Afterward, I wear back the mask, walk away and continue to sin against God. Thus, I do not have courage to share the Good News to my friends, because I cannot live a victorious life but still in bondage of sin.However, by the grace of God, now I have come to know the Gospel of water and the Spirit. In John 3:5 (AMP) “Jesus answered, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, unless a man is born of water and [[a]even] the Spirit, he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God.” What does it mean by born of the water and the Spirit? Let’s look at 1 John 5:6-8 (AMP) “This is He Who came by (with) water and blood [[a]His baptism and His death], Jesus Christ (the Messiah)—not by (in) the water only, but by (in) the water and the blood. And it is the [Holy] Spirit Who bears witness, because the [Holy] Spirit is the Truth. So there are three witnesses [b]in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are One; and there are three witnesses on the earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree [are in unison; their testimony coincides].” From the Scriptures, I know that Jesus already took all my lifetime sin upon His body through His baptism by laying on of hands by John the Baptist at the Jordan River. After Jesus took my sin, He walked perfectly, utterly and completely on earth for three years. Then when the appointed time has come, He willingly offered Himself on the cross as the Lamb of God. He was crucified and His blood was shed for the remission of my sin. He died, buried and on the third day He rose from the death. Right now, He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father and one day He will come and bring me back home in heaven to live with Him forever. By faith, I believe the perfect work of Jesus Christ and He credited me as righteous child of God apart from work. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” All glory to God!True faith is all about believing what God has completed. I have the seven pillars of faith which now build on Christ Jesus the Rock, my firm foundation. The seven pillars are Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ baptism, Jesus’ crucifixion (death), Jesus’ burial, Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus’ ascension and Jesus’ coming back. Not one of the pillars is allowed to remove from it because all are important  to make whole of my faith. In Christ, I have the courage to share the Gospel to my friends and relatives. Though in my flesh I still sin but as far as God concerned my spirit man has been purified by Jesus. Hebrews 10:10 (AMP) “And in accordance with this will [of God], we have been made holy (consecrated and sanctified) through the offering made once for all of the body of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One).” I can boldly declare that I’m sinless and righteous in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:37 “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” For Christ alone is my salvation, He has given me peace that no one can give or take it away. And this peace is solely found in Him. Amen!Rachel Phoon, Malasya

    • Rachel Phoon
    • Malaysia
    • 05/04/202150064
  • No. 36

    Our Nation Hope

    Dear Saints, I am really grateful for being a partner of New Life Mission in our country Myanmar. The Lord bless and inspire the books of Rev. Paul C. Jong for my faith/spiritual life to grow up that the Lord may use me to spread his books and the gospel to different places of Myanmar. This is what the Lord doing in Myanmar and please pray for many more Myanmar to be repent, saved and disciples. Glory to God! In His glad service,Joseph

    • Joseph Abraham
    • Myanmar
    • 05/04/202149178
  • No. 35

    Blinded by the light

    After many years of placing this question on social media. “Why did God choose John to Baptize Jesus and not someone else”  I finally received a reply from someone the other day who said he had taken the time to carefully trace John the Baptist all the way back to Aaron. Then he came back with, OK but why God chose him to baptize Jesus and not someone else still remains a mystery to me, God chose and used many people instead of using others, so why have you chosen to take John the Baptist to these limits and not someone else? It is so frustrating when all those Christians, Pastors and self-proclaimed Prophets who think they know it all better, are only capable of answering a question with a question. These are the ones who can only lead their congregations on the same path they are walking.  Their lack of knowledge is not only destroying themselves but also destroying those that listen to them. (Hosea 4:6-9). Unfortunately these very same people are those who tell you that this is either theology or it belongs to the Old Testament and doesn’t count today because everything has become new. And this is where their lack of knowledge reveals its self: The Old Testament also tell us that “every word has its mate” and that none of these shall fail. (Isaiah 34:16). In the Old Testament, God installed His way for His people to receive forgiveness for their sins. Yearly, the High Priest took upon himself all the sins of the people and transferred them onto the head of the offer before the offers blood could flow. If things were not done in this order then the flowing of blood had no meaning. When God installed this form of forgiveness for sins, He made this to be an everlasting statute. (Leviticus 16:34) This everlasting statute also includes, only the High Priest and his direct descendants were allowed to perform this act of transferring the sins onto the head of the offer before it’s blood could flow.   So, if anyone has said they have traced John the Baptist all the way back to Aaron the first High Priest, and yet can still say that why God choosing John to Baptize Jesus and not someone else remains a mystery, only proves his blindness to the truth. And here we can clear up any confusion between the Old and the New.  Let me introduce you to Isaiah 34:16. The everlasting statutes mate! Matthew 3:13-15. Jesus came to John to be baptized by him, and this was the moment that all righteousness was fulfilled. According to the everlasting statute, John who was a direct descendant from Aaron was chosen by God to transfer the sins of the world onto the head of the last offer Lamb before His Blood flowed for the forgiveness of sin. Here also, without first transferring the sins of the people onto the offer then the blood would have no meaning. Was Jesus not the last offer lamb? Did Jesus not say, It is finished?  God created everything in order and without this order there would only be confusion and chaos. Creating confusion causes unbelief and this is Satan’s work. There are way too many worldly Churches out there causing confusion, there are so many different interpretations of Gods written word out there, so many changes being made to Gods order of things that Christianity has only become a form of believing in God on their own terms and not on Gods terms. Where is our God in all of this insanity which is occurring in the Churches today. God has been set aside and Satan and his deceived are only too evident.  Everything God has said He would do from Genesis 1:1  to Revelation 22:21 has either already happened or will happen in Gods time, and not where and when man wants. Satan is the one causing man to alter Gods written word. What God said is what God meant and no word from God will ever change. The day of our Lords return is coming sooner than we think. Noah told the people it was going to rain, but when the rains came the door was closed on them. Even then the people were blind. There are two lights in this world, Gods light and Satan’s light. Which light have you chosen to follow, the light which can oppen your eyes, or the light which has blinded you from the truth? The moment our Lord returns will be the moment of truth. Just like in Noah’s day when the rains came it was too late to change their ways. When the door closes it is closed. Sin caused their fate. Today is no different, your sin or lack of it will be the cause of your fate. Choose to follow the word of God and the door will be open for you. Choose to follow the word of man and you will stand before a closed door. God’s word tells you exactly who and what you are. If you choose not to believe then you have already made your choice. Mark 7:20-23.  And He said, What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man. There you have it, this is how God sees mankind, and believe me we are no different from those who perished in Noah’s day when the door was closed. This is why the world is in the state it’s in today. There is a well-known saying, Just follow your heart. This is man’s advice for another, while God is telling us exactly where following our hearts will lead us. Just a quick jump back to the Old Testament to Leviticus 16 where God had installed the way for his people to receive forgiveness for their sins. Once a year the High Priest would lay his hands onto the head of the offer lamb and transfer the yearly sins of the people onto the offer, then and only then could the blood flow. Not doing it in this order would mean the sins were not forgiven and the blood had no meaning. Even so, once Gods people had received forgiveness for their sins, what did they do the moment they stepped outside the Tabernacle? They continued in their sin until the next year. Well this is exactly the same in today’s Christianity. You come forward, you confess your sins, anointed with oil, and what does your pastor tell you, your sins are forgiven you, go and sin no more. But what do you do when you get outside your church, you continue in your sin until next Sunday. People who call themselves Christians are nothing more than hypocrites consumed and confused by our own man made self-righteousness. We know nothing of our Lord who became the righteousness of God through His Baptism and His Blood on His altar of offer, His Cross. There is no more offer Lamb, there is no more Blood to flow, there is no more Cross, IT IS FINISHED. Now is the time to make the right choice and stop being like the man at the beginning of this message who searched Gods word and found the truth, but allowed Satan’s light  to blind him again into total confusion. God is still giving the world a chance to return to Him before He returns to us. No matter who you are or what you do or have done, the Tabernacles mate has also been given to us in the New Testament. John 1: 29.  The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him, and said, Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! John 3: 3, 5. Jesus answered and said to him, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Jesus answered, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Anyone who says they have traced John back to Aaron must also know why God chose John and not someone else to baptize Jesus, and then still say this is a mystery has surely been deceived. Surely you must be able to see the perfect connection between the way to receive forgiveness of sin in the Tabernacle and in the Baptism of Jesus by John. It is finished, there is no more Blood to flow for you. When you continue asking for forgiveness you are still admitting you are a sinner, and you are continuously nailing Our Lord back onto His Cross each and every time. Has he not suffered enough for you. In this manner you are only causing history to repeat itself, and you are passing this down from generation to generation just like it has been done since the days of the Tabernacle. Once you have become truly born again of the Water and the Spirit you will have removed that evil from your heart and can stand without guilt or shame before your God. Although our hearts are pure our flesh will always remain weak, and this will cause us to continuously commit sin. But being truly born again allows us to make the proper confession for our daily and future sins without nailing Jesus back on His Cross. I found the truth and it truly has set me free to be able to say without guilt or shame, although I commit sin I am no longer a sinner. I know that Jesus took all my sins, past, present, and my future sins with Him when He received His Baptism from John, and He has paid for all my sins in full when His precious Blood flowed for me on His altar of offer, His Cross. This is my confession to God each and every time I sin with my flesh, and because my heart is pure I have no need to nail Him back onto His Cross each and every time I sin. This is true freedom, only when your heart is pure will you be able to look God in the eye when He returns. Those still with shame and guilt because they know they are still sinners will only be able to bow their head in shame. Only when you have become truly born again of the water and the Spirit will you have the freedom to stand shameless before your God. This is what Gods word wants you to know. Satan and his workers want you to remain in the lie. What God needs you to do and what man tells you to do are two different things.Which light are you following or which light is blinding you. God bless you all in your journey.Jim MontgomeriePastor and EvangelistThe New Life MissionHolland.

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202149658
  • No. 34

    Religion sets the rules. But Christ, He sets you free.

    Religion sets the rules. But Christ, He sets you free. No longer are we in bondage to sin. No longer are we chained to it. For when He was baptized, He took upon Himself the weight of our sins. And when He died, He said "it is finished". Sin no longer has that power over us, believe it or not. For in Christ, all things are possible. Even if ye have little faith. For God sees the heart and not the flesh. He hears the words you keep to yourself, not the ones you want the world to hear. He knows you for who you really are, and yet He still sent His son to give up His life for you.Being Christian doesn't make me religious as doing good deeds doesn't make me a good person. But in Christ, all my faults and failings go away. In Christ, He sees me as I am and accepts me. For when God looks at me now, He sees Christ living in me, not the person I once was. For it doesn't matter about how you start your walk with Him. It matters on how you finish it.Elizabeth Peter, Malaysia

    • Elizabeth Peter
    • Malaysia
    • 05/04/202149608
The New Life Mission


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