Inglés 32
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This is something that has to be read by everyone, To understand just how much you will be blessed for the things you do for the gospel of the water and the spirit. I use to find it so hard to share with others about our father God and our Lord Jesus. I never really knew how important it was for me to the water and the spirit till i read this book. I have come to know now that even if it is one person who i can help become a believer in the water and the spirit, that one person can help one other and and that person can help another and it will turn to many. But if we don`t share the gospel, we are not only hurting ourselves but losing all the blessings that God is going to give to us.
There are in fact so many things that we can do for the water and the spirit if we are willing to turn from the desires of our flesh. I had at one time found myself saying, i want this and i want that not realizing that there were others who had nothing. I never put the Lord first but now that i have the water and the spirit, nothing comes before my love for God. I will never underestimate how important it is for us to share the water and the spirit no matter what comes along to try to stop us.
I will look forward to the day i go to heaven and God the Father says to me " Good Job done my Son"