

El Apocalipsis

Inglés 7


Rev. Paul C. Jong | ISBN 8983142545 | Páginas 323

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1. Hear the Word of God’s Revelation (Revelation 1:1-20) 
2. We Must Know the Seven Eras 

1. Letter to the Church of Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7) 
2. The Faith That Can Embrace Martyrdom 
3. Letter to the Church of Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11) 
4. Be Faithful until Death 
5. Who Is Saved from Sin? 
6. Letter to the Church of Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) 
7. The Followers of the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans 
8. Letter to the Church of Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29) 
9. Have You Been Saved by Water and the Spirit? 

1. Letter to the Church of Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6) 
2. Those Who Did Not Defile Their White Garments 
3. Letter to the Church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) 
4. The Servants and Saints of God Who Please His Heart 
5. Letter to the Church of Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) 
6. True Faith for the Life of Discipleship 

1. Look at Jesus Who Sits on God’s Throne (Revelation 4:1-11) 
2. Jesus is God 

1. Jesus Who Is Enthroned as the Representative of God the Father (Revelation 5:1-14) 
2. The Lamb Who Sits on the Throne 

1. The Seven Eras Set by God (Revelation 6:1-17) 
2. The Eras of the Seven Seals 

1. Who Will Be Saved during the Great Tribulation? (Revelation 7:1-17) 
2. Let Us Have Faith That Battles 
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, traffic to "," an Internet site providing information on the end times, is reported to have increased to over 8 million hits, and according to a joint survey by CNN and TIME, over 59% of the Americans now believe in apocalyptic eschatology. Responding to such demands of the time, the author provides a clear exposition of the key themes of the Book of Revelation, including the coming Antichrist, the martyrdom of the saints and their rapture, the Millennial Kingdom, and the New Heaven and Earth-all in the context of the whole Scripture and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This book provides verse-by-verse commentaries on the Book of Revelation supplemented by the author`s detailed sermons. Anyone who reads this book will come to grasp all the plans that God has in store for this world. Now is the time for you to recognize the absolute need to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, so that you may gain the wisdom that can deliver you from all the trials and tribulations of the end times. With these two books, and by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, you will be able to overcome all the trials and tribulations prophesied in Revelation.
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    Joseph Opolot, Uganda

    I thank the almighty God for the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    Day by day, I get encouraged with the word of God through his servant Paul C. Jong
    Through reading the book "IS THE AGE OF THE ANTI- CHRIST, MARTYRDOM, RAPTURE AND MILLENNIAL KINGDOM COMING? 1", I have learnt a lot about the end times.
    Through the book God explained to us things that happened, those happening and the ones yet to happen.
    I also understood clearly that the servant of God John was in the Island of Patmos due to serious tribulation.
    The book gave light to all of us who believe in the righteousness of God found in the gospel of the water and the Spirit to prepare our faith for the in coming tribulation.
    Jesus said I am the alpha and the omega thus the history of this world is ran by our Lord Jesus Christ. After creating us human beings, we all through Adam fell in the deception of the devil and sined. However Jesus the alpha and omega came to blot out all our sins from the beginning up to the end of this world through the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    I came to understand the true day of the Lord that is a Sunday (the day Jesus resurrected) and it was on this day that John saw the vision.
    Through the book I came to understand the holiness of Jesus Christ our saver.
    The book bears classification that the Lord appears to us as a friend and as a God of strict judgment.
    When he came to save us from all our sins through his baptism by John the Baptist and death on the cross, he came as a friend but during the revelation Jesus showed to John, he appeared as a God of strict judgment.
    Through the book I also learnt the admonishment God passed to the seven churches.
    Though the church of Ephesus had laboured for the gospel and hated even false prophets but they had forgotten their first love. That is the gospel of being born again of the water and the spirit. This tells me not to stop ruminating on the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    Through the letter to the church of Symrna I see the Lord telling all believers if the gospel of the water and the Spirit to keep their faith up to the end even in the tribulation.
    Through the letter to the church in pergamos, God teaches us not to hold this who have the spirit of balaam who loved money. When given money he blesses and if any ones does not have money he curses that person.
    In fact the Lord wants us to remain purely in the gospel of the water and the Spirit with out adding any alloys. We also saw God rejecting the hypocritical sardis who had left the truth.
    This books also provides the plan of God to the whole world. There appeared a scroll filled with the plan of God for the world.
    This book also bears classification about the superiority of Jesus Christ. Though there was no one worthy to open the seals and look inside them, Jesus the creator and the redemeer was more than able to do this task. Truly God the father exalted Jesus Christ since he obeyed the will of God the father.
    It`s biblically clear that Jesus is the lamb of God (John 1:29) thus in the book of Revelation the word "Lamb" is mostly used. This remindes us of our salvation that Jesus has given to us through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It`s very true that just as lambs in the old testament used to take way the sins of Israelite through the laying on of hands and killing even Jesus the lamb of God took all our sins when he was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River and paid full wages of sin on the Cross.
    God decided that let this world be ran basing on His seven eras. This book explains the seven eras as seen in the book of Revelation chapter 6.
    The world has passed the first era of the white horse. The era of bringing righteousness to the world by our Lord Jesus Christ.
    The world has well passed the second era of the red horse. The era when there was totally no peace in the whole world but blood shed.
    Mankind is now living in the black horse. The era of physical and the spiritual famine. This is the era when souls are in great pain and confusion is in there heart. It is also an era of falsehood, where there are many false prophets teaching the desires of the flesh to their congregations and man made doctrines.
    Soon mankind is approaching to the era of the pale horse. The era of the anti Christ. After this the era of martyrdom will come where the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit will be killed to defend their faith.
    This era is followed by the era of rapture and mellenialism where the saint will be with Jesus for 1,000 years enjoying the marriage supper of the lamb. The book also shows us that there will be the destruction of the first world with the seven plagues that God will bring to the world. The God will create the new heaven and the new earth for the righteous.
    This book also explains biblically the salvation of the people of Israel in chapter 7 of Revelation. Not only the Israel but many people will relies the fallacies in religion and believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    I thank God for the love he has given us in this last age.
    This gospel of the water and the Spirit is the only truth that every one needs. Let`s preach this gospel for all the souls need this gospel. For our Lord Jesus Christ is on the door way coming as his word says. Amen

  • Is the Age of the Anitchrist, Martydom Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming? (I)
    Stephen Benjamin, Canada

    Hello Shalom,
    My Facebook reader and youtube followers and twitter followers
    Today I going to Introduce one of the best book, I ever read about second coming of Jesus Christ and this books is commentaries and sermons on the book of Revelation.
    Commentaries and Sermons on the Book of Revelations
    Is the Age of the Anitchrist, Martydom Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming? (I)
    By Rev Paul C Jong
    When I go through with book, I realized this fantastic written by inspiration of the holy spirit. And motif of writing in this to accurately point out and bear witness to all the biblical truth that awaits this world at the end times—to explain in detail everything about the Antichrist, the mark of 666, the martyrdom of the saints, their rapture, the Millennial Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth.
    My second motif is to deliver the believers from the deceitful, false doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture that is leading them to destruction. The last motif for writing this book is to shed light on the truth of Revelation so that the real truth of the end times Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming? (I) - Commentaries and Sermons on the Book of Revelation. may be known and the faith of the true believers may not be stolen.
    All these things are what God has allowed me to share for the good of everyone who lives in our present age. This book will bring into full light all that awaits this world in the future, as recorded in the Book of Revelation, answer all your questions about the end times.
    “The Era of the Pale Horse Is Coming”
    With this book, you, too, will be able to discover the Antichrist’s schemes to destroy your faith, and how to stand firm on the kind of faith that the wise bride, who prepared oil and waited for the arrival of the groom, had. Because you will find the truth by hearing the Word of Revelation, you will no longer be deceived by those who spread false faith. Those who hear and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit will receive the paradise on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven.
    From this book you will discover the seven eras planned by God. The world today needs true prophets who can bear witness to all the changes that are about to occur in this world. The true prophets of God will show us what awaits this world in the future. Just as our Lord told the sinners that man must be born again of the water and the Spirit not only to enter the Kingdom of God but also to see it, the prophets will also give us the assurance of our salvation.
    In the era of the pale horse, the world will face the plagues of the seven trumpets and the seven bowls. Hail and fire from the sky will destroy a third of the world’s forest; comets will fall into the sea and kill a third of the creatures in it and turn a third of the world’s water poisonous; and a third of the sun, the moon, and the star will be struck and turn dark.
    But the born-again saints will not receive the mark, and they will be martyred to defend their true faith. These saints who would stand against the Antichrist and be martyred for their faith will then be raptured by the Lord and be called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. “The era of the pale horse is fast approaching us. We must have sound knowledge and faith that can prepare us for the end times.
    Brother and sisters you will see and these events happening time to time in this world forest burning different parts of this world because of heat waves and river getting in drought these are the signs that Jesus coming is very soon therefore come visit our website and be blessed in name of Jesus!
    May the blessings of our Lord be with you! Amen

    Bryan Rowe, United Kingdom

    i have just finished reading books 7 and 8 and what an eye opener they was.
    Everyone needs to read them books as they will lead you to the truth of what will happen in the last days.
    i used to believe in pre tribulation but after reading theses books it has showed me that i was believing a lie.
    we will all go through the tribulation for the first 3 and a half years, and the faithful one - thoses who believe in the gospel of the water and the spirit will be matyred for the faith then we will be raptured at Christs return.
    I thank the Lord for showing me the truth of his Word and leading me to the truth of the gospel of the water and the spirit.

  • Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming?
    Samuel Akpabio, United Kingdom

    I have writing reviews on this series now for some time now, and would like to conclude it now. However, I have come to conclude that we have returned to the period of Noah when the Lord called him to construct the Ark (Gen.6:14) because the Lord was to remove sins from the world to begin again with Noah and his family. This time the Lord will remove sins from the world to establish the Millennial Kingdom, the New Heaven and Earth where there shall be no sin. It is therefore correct to say that this time is like that of Noah. In the time of Noah the Lord looked for those who would believe God and enter the Ark to be saved. In this time our God is looking for His children who believe that Jesus is the son of God who came by water and blood to fulfil all the righteousness of God so that believers could be translated into the Kingdom of God sinless by the faith of the gospel of water and the Spirit which our Lord Jesus preached when He was here, and has given this gospel to the whole world in the Bible-the word of God.
    In Revelation 19 it is quite clear that only the righteous ( those who walk by the faith of the gospel of the Water and of the Spirit) can wait in hope for Christ to return.
    In this chapter three things are obvious:-
    1 the raptured saints praise in the air for bringing the judgment of of the great plagues to this world.
    2 the proclamation for the coming of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
    3 the Lord`s descent from Heaven with His Army.
    The reason why the saints praise our God in the air is because of the judgment of God upon the unbelievers who tormented and martyred the saints whilst on the earth (Rev.19:3-5). The judgment is for ever (Heb.9:27).
    The problem in this world is because the majority of people believe they are here to bask in all the blessings that the Lord has given to the world without the knowledge of God. They do not know that the natural life is a tremporary life, without the knowledge that God wants all men to participate in the eternal blessings and life with God prepared for men before the foundation of the world.
    It is amazing to realize that many who call themselves the servants of God have failed to discriminate between the forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins from the heart. Those who do not know the difference between the forgiveness and the remission of sins have not been able to receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:38) To receive the free gift of the Holy is only possible by correctly believing the forgiveness of sins by the faith of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit to recieve the remission of sins from the heart throughout the life of the beliver on this earth. This only possible through understanding of the hidden message of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is important to understand the words of Jesus in Jn.3:5 This word which our Lord spoke is implied that a true beliver is one who receives the remission of sins by the gospel of the Baptism of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost. These are kind of believers who shall be praising the Lord in the after their rapture after resurrection.
    In this chapter of the series we get to learn that those who are clothed in white are the saints who were clean and bright - sinless and are as bright, depicting the righteous acts of the saints. These are those who received the remission of sins from their hearts through faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit whilst on the earth; they took the time to set their future right and decided to believe the word of God through understanding and received the remission of their sins. This means that whether we are going through difficult or good times in this world, we must fear God and look into His word to understand the will of God, to obey His commands so that we could come into the blessing of eternal life with God. This chapter talks of the voice of great multitude ( Rev.19:4-5; 6-9) in praise and worship of God. This an indication there will many who will realize the needs to repent and come into the true gospel of the righteousness of God and receive the remission of sins to enter into the kingdom of God.
    We the true believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit are the bride of Jesus - the true church of God. Here the true church now in the air continue in praise for the marriage supper of the Lamb, and His wife- the church has made herself ready. This means that the church became ready because of faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that brought about the remission of sins and the free gift of the Holy Spirit.
    The Marriage means union with Jesus when He returns to the earth. That is. He will accept and live with those who have been born again of the fith of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit. He will build His Millennial Kingdom and New Heaven and Earth to live with the saints forever and ever.
    There are many in this world who believe that they can enter into the Millennial Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth by their good works and charity works. However, to take part in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, we have to obey the words of God that enables us to enter this eternal blessings of God. This means that we must believe that Jesus Christ is the one who fulfilled all the righteousness of God according to the will of God. This is only possible through understanding of the word of God which are given in the following scripture:- Mt.3:15, 11:11-14. In looking at the above scripture refer to 1Pet.3:21 and JN.3:5. This scripture about the born again life of the spirit of man cannot be ignored if we have the hope of making it to the kingdom of God.
    Now from Rev.20:1-15 clealy show the judgment of God on Satan and those who worship him. In this chapter we see that Satan shall be imprisoned in the bottomless first before Christ and the saints inherit the millennial Kingdom of God for a thousand years after which Satan shall be ealised for a little while.
    We see in this chapter all peoples that were in this world whatever were the circumstances of their death shall be resurrected from death to face the judgment of God.
    We are told that the Lord and those who on thrones shall judge but the righteous from the book of life for their rewards; and the unrighteous shall judged from the books of their deeds of sins contained the books before their eternal condemnation into the everlasting fire of hell.
    But we are told that aftr Satan is released for a little while, he will again try to stand against the Lord and His saints. From this it appears that after the first resurrection of those who slept in Christ there will still be unbelievers on the earth. We are also told that Gog and Magog will gather from the four corners of the earth to the battle. The passage tells us that they surrounded the camps of the camp of the saints and beloved city. The bible told in this chapter that fire came down out of Heaven and devoured them.
    The bible has told us in this chapter that the Devil waqs cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are.
    From this chapter of Revelation all true christians ought to rejoice, for though we who still remain will go through the troment and martyrdom, we place our hopes on Jesus who has saved us through Hus Baptism and death on the cross - the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

  • Is The Age of The Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?
    Samuel Akpabio, United Kingdom

    This book review is on Rev. chapter 14 & 15. I believe it is the will of God that all men be saved. Therefore He looks at the heart to know who is ready and willing to follow. We who have been willing to follow the will of God must always praise the Lord and have an attitude of thankfulness for all He has dons to draw us out of darkness. We have believed the word of God to know the Anti-christ shall be a man that the dragon will raise from this world to stand against God, and that this man will rule with absolute tyranny against all human beings and spare not those who are born of water and of the Spirit because born again believers will oppose him to defend the faith of the righteousness of God. The question now that we need to consider is:-
    How should the saints react to the appearance of the Anti-christ in the Age of the Pale Horse which is round the corner? At the present the dragon through his unclean spirits is pouring sins into the world, and many are being overflowed with the flood of sins. This is so because we are witnessing it everyday. Thank God for the remission of sins; for true born again believers are being helped by the Holy Ghost to keep away from sins. However, in the Age of the Pale horse, Satan will resort to actually killing believers who do not yield to his flood of sins. Knowing this then it becomes very crucial for us to prepare our faith to stand against the Anti-christ when he makes his appearance on the earth. There is no doubt that God has ordained before the foundation of the earth that we shall overcome the Dragon with our faith in God. Satan knows that the faith of the Water and the Spirit is indestructible, and will seek to bring fear on believers through martyrdom for saints to capitulate and reject God. We need to understand this and allow the Holy Spirit in this Era and in the Era of the Pale horse to help us to build us up in the faith of Gold to defeat the Anti-christ with our faith and accept martyrdom which is the plan of God to give victory to believers who walk in the faith of the Baptism of Jesus and of the Spirit. We have the assurance and confidence that Jesus shall lift us up to meet Him in the air by His power and pour down the plagues of the seven bowls upon this earth to take vengeance on His enemies to fulfil Dt.32:35: He will avange His children`s death.
    We must not forget the word of truth which God has given us in Rev.14 onwards which has taught us that the Resurrection of Martyred saints and Rupture will most certainly come to the saints immediately after their martyrdom. This is the confidence that we must have in Jesus Christ who was able to open the seven seals and to complete the mystery of God.
    We must understand and not forget what are the plagues of the seven bowls prepared for those who stand against God; for they are for the destruction of everything on the earth after the resurrection and rapture of all who slept in Christ, martyred saints, and those who remain and are alive. This is pictured in Verse 19, " So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God."
    Our hope should be the inheritance of the Millennial Kingdom and the Authority of the saints. The Age of the Millennial Kingdom will begin when the Lord, together with the saints, descsnds to this earth again. The sermon on the mount in Mt.5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."; and Ps.37:29 "the righteous shall inherit the Land," will be fulfilled.
    Having this hope, what must the Saints who live in this dark Age do? Of course the important thing is for us to preach the gospel of the righteousness of God that came by the water and the Spirit in which the faith of the righteousness of God revealed ( Rom.1:16-17). The gospel that we preach must enable people out there to know the difference between forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins. The commission which the Lord gave us is to preach this gospel throughout the whole world. My current experience with the church of the cross of Jesus only has taught me conclussively that I must understand this gospel to be able to test the spirit even among those who claim to be Pastors etc. There are people who are genuinely seeking the Lord, but are tken in by wolves in sheep`s clothing. These people are not able to experience the peace of God because they have not come into the truth of the gospel of the water and the Spirit; but we thank God for enabling us to receive His peace into our hearts.
    We should rejoice because the first resurrection is an event reserved for the Saints. It is obvious as we come to the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, that before long the Anti-christ will appear in this world. The fact is all these things that we are seeing and shall come to pass are all in the plan of God. For me I believe that by the working of the Power of God in me I rejoice in that all in Christ whose flesh shall be cut off by the Anti-christ shall be ressurected and raptured by the Power of God and will take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb with the Lord.
    It is very important I believe for us to maintain fellowship with the word and daily walk daily with our faith inited with our Lord`s in His Baptism, His blood on the cross and His resurrection. We have no choice but to walk in this faith that fights against and overcome the anti-christ.
    In our preaching we must know that even now there are many Liars who are deceiving people; and are teaching false faith. These deceivers are giving people a false sense Salvation through the doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture and leaving them a complacent comfort zone. Indeed we have through the New life Mission been helped by the Lord to know that God will need to use believers right through to just before the completion of the mystery of God when believers will lifted up to meet the Lord in the air before the out-pour of the plagues of the seven bowls after the last trump ( seventh trumpet ).
    The crucial question now is then, How should we all live now? In Eph.3:20 " Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us." Clearly if we have believed the gospel of the water and the Spirit, then we have the Holt Spirit as the gift of God in our hearts. Therefore, to walk in the faith of the righteousness of God, we need to listen to and believe with our hearts what the Holy Spirit is saying to us throughthe Church. No one can finish this great work of the great commission by oneself. At the same time one cannot keep it to oneself, but to spread the word. This is why the church of God is so important for we are members one of another to work in the unity of the faith.
    We can see from Rev. chapter 15 how those who overcame the Anti-christ were praising God with seven angels with the last sevenplagues to be out on to the earth. At this moment in time the book says that no one was able to enter the Temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. We have to understand the significance of the multiples of sevens that are shown in Reveltion; for they show the Omnipotence and the Omniscience of Jesus our God. It shows the Perfection and His Almighty Power.
    The Saints praise the Lord for His Omniscient and Omnipotent Power and Majesty revealed through the plagues of the seven bowls that He would pour on the world.
    The " sign in heaven, great and marvelous " refers:-
    1 to the last plagues of the seven bowls that shall poured on this world.
    The phrase:- " grat and marvelous " tells us on the other hand, are three fold:- 1 through the words of prophecy, the saints already know all the plagues that will come to this world;
    2 the saints will be exempt from the plagues of the seven bowls; and,
    3 the power of these plagues of the seven bowls that the Lord will bring to this world shall worldwide and fatally destructive.
    On the other hand, the redeemed and the raptured saints will sing "the song of Moses,the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb" in air. Ex.15:1-8, was the song of the Israelites, who praised the Lord for leading them across the Red sea by Moses. They could not help but paise the Lord for saving them with His Power and Authority from the desperate situation of being pursued by the Egyptian army. Likewise the saints of the New Testament praise the Lord for His Eternal Salvation, which came through the remission of sins fulfilled by the Baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood on the cross. In the like manner the people of God will praise the Lord,thanking Him for their martyrdom,resurrection,rapture and eternal life, all made possible made possible through Jesus Christ who delivered them from all their enemies, and their sins.
    In Rev.15:5 Here, "the Temple of the tabernacle of the tetimony" refers to the tabernacle that god allowed the Israelites when they left Egypt so as to give them the blessing of accompanying the Lord. The linen refers to the righteousness of God. It tells us the anges will be clothed in God`s righteousness and receive from Him the authority to render the kind of judgment that no enemy can ever reject. The significanc of "The temple was filled with the smoke of the glory of God and from His Power, and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angel were completed." These are the meanings:-
    1 It shows how complete God`s wrath on His enemies is.
    2 It tells us no one can enter into the Lord`s temple without believing in the Baptism of Jesus and His blood, for God`s Salvation of the sinners is so perfect.
    3 It shows that no human goodness can ever enable anyone to avoid the righteous judgment of God, and that only believing in the Baptism of Jesus and His blood on the cross can one escape from the wrath of God poured on the sinners.


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