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  • No. 148

    The books written by the reverend are correct.

    You should use the books as a guide to help you understand the gospel written in the bible. Sometimes when I don’t fully understand a verse in the nlm books then I refer to the bible and read the entire chapter in order to get a clearer understanding of the context etc. This helps me to further understand what the particular chapter in the book is talking about.Shaun Rodrigues, UK

    • Shaun Rodrigues
    • United Kingdom
    • 10/16/202160347
  • No. 147

    All we need to do is to completely rely on the Mission books for understanding.

    When I was still young, I could read the books of The New Life Mission while comparing with the bible. sometimes I went on to first of all understand the Bible then later relating with the Gospel of water and the spirit taught by Reverand Jong. I went to different teachings of the Lord in the four Gospel books and stories in old testament. I could confirm the Gospel of water and the spirit though having little knowledge because I had read few Paul c Jong's books.When I continued like that, NOT fully relying on the books to understand the Bible, I started having a thought;  like I was "also" now able to understand the word of the Bible even without first read from the New Life Mission book. I started falling into the devil's temptation of writing also some handouts. I wrote some. You know My friend had told me that,' coming out with smaller handouts of your own understanding of the Gospel of water and the spirit would make people understand faster than these big volumes of a book'. But God delivered me from this temptation by passing me through difficulties in life. making my vision to end on the way because I lacked a lot materially.I realized later this trap when I saw my friend denouncing the faith of The New Life Mission. And that he is still coming up with books on certain topics.This is one of his statements:"Even if a believer in Christ doesn't know and believe in his baptism, as long as he believes that He saved by grace, he can enter heaven. And No one should judge and say who will go to hell and who will go to heaven. Its God who knows.Many brothers have followed him. Now their status updates are worldly teachings and worldly pastors"That is when I finally realized that all we need to do is to completely rely on the Mission books for understanding. And where Our leaders are silent, let's not hurry up to judge or to think we can also come up with something New, apart from enduring in the teaching of God through one Leader Reverand Jong, which is according to the books- for the Bible understanding.Thanks belovedEmma Onyege, Uganda

    • Uganda
    • 10/16/202161418
  • No. 146

    Prayer Truly makes a difference

    Dear Born Again friends! Prayer is the most important thing and the foundation of everything we do. A lack of prayer demonstrates a lack of faith and a lack of trust in God’s Word. Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives. Because it is our means of “plugging into” God’s power, it is our means of defeating Satan and his army that we are powerless to overcome by ourselves. When we think of wanting to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached, prayer is not just critical but core. It is core because it reinforces our dependence on Him but more importantly it highlights that the mission is His. "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." - James 5:16 In HIS grip! Michael Sg New Life Mission India.

    • Michael Sg
    • India
    • 10/15/202161485
  • No. 145

    God loves me so much!

    I was a doctrinal Christian full of ego, with thought that by my prayer of repentance, l would enter into the Kingdom of God not knowing that I was heading to the eternal hell fire, till one day I came across a Bible verses that says there is one Faith and one Baptism in the book of Ephesians chapter 4:5. Then, immediately I knew I had a problem, I mean my heart was so much troubled, then I was in quest for salvation, searching for the "one faith" fortunately, a sister of mine, I mean my biological sister aproached me with this gospel preaching to me concerning human sins, not knowing that this is the "one faith" the Bible refers to, then I drove her away, I was even about to beat her for mentioning "my sins" I  thought because she is my sister I can flog her as I wish not knowing that I was not doing the right thing, but suddenly as she was going away from me a voice talked to me intensely, ''ask her to give you one of the books." Then harshly, I asked her to give me one of the books and she gave me the book Titled, "HAVE YOU TRUELY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT"? I was shocked for the question, because This is a Titled question that baffled  my mind so much. There, I realized that God loves me so much. Immediately, my eyes opened, I could now confess that I was working with satan since. I now came to know truely that through the Baptism of John the Baptist, John invoked the spirit of all sins onto Jesus Christ through His Baptism, Jesus now shouldered the whole sins of the whole world in the river Jordan once and for all to the cross of calvary to pay the price of the sins of this world with His blood. Now, we have been redeemed from sins, for Jesus shouldered the sins of the whole world including my past, present and future sins even the sins of my children and my unborn children's children,  I am  now sinless, hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for loving me and for saving me, I will forever praising and proclaiming your love forever till my last breath, Amen. Hallelujah!KOUNAKE Jean, Cotonou Republic Benin.

    • Benin
    • 10/08/202162109
  • No. 144


    I still remember when i was thinking to suicide due to my personal home circumstances: my father had a stroke. We sold our home. We were in debt for a big amount of money. I quit my school. And did everything that I could to support my two younger brothers, mother and paralyzed father. So I was tired. And i was searching to easiest way to suicide on my smart phone. This is when I found the NLM website while I was searching for something else. I had no money to purchase this book. When i Saw these books, they were absolutely free. I tried to order this Book " Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and Spirit". I received this book after three days. I completed  reading this book in a week. And finally this book changed my mind of suicide. This book changed my life. Note: If this book was not free then I am sure I had not be able to read or receive it because I had no money to buy it. And maybe i had been commit Suicide and died with out knowing this Truth. This is why I, Moon Sahotra, am the coworker of THE NEW LIFE MISSION. Neither Pastor John Shin nor Rev. Jong forced me to distribute the Mission books or do any other missionary work. It's my duty to preach the gospel of water and spirit after being born again. And I am Distributing the free Gospel books in Pakistan, where God permits me. Thank God for this precious Truth. Thanks The New Life Mission

    • Moon Sahotra
    • Pakistan
    • 10/05/202161094