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Total 278
  • No. 253

    We Must Know the truth Accurately

    It doesn`t matter how ardently you claim to believe in Jesus; If the faith you have in Him is misplaced then you can never be approved by God.Unless accurately and correctly you acquire intellectually and spiritually the true knowledge of God you`re chasing spiritual shadows; you must know God first through the law as it shall reveal who you really are fundamentally as mankind, the law will give you accurate and correct knowledge of sin and how evil of a human being you`re who can barely keep 1% of God`s righteous law.The law, having given us accurate knowledge of ourselves, points us to the accurate knowledge of the gospel truth of salvation which sets us free from sin and the condemnation of the law; Jesus said, "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"(John 8:32), those who remain ignorant or who choose to be ignorant of God`s truth will remain bound in sin and condemnation. On the other hand, those who have received the true knowledge of the remission of sin accurately and correctly according to God`s word have correctly, intellectually and spiritually obtain true redemption, and this truth is not only on their lips but has been engraved in their hearts, soul and mind.The accurate and correct knowledge of redemption for mankind has been revealed to us through the gospel of water and the Spirit according to the scriptures (John 15:3).

    • Kelvin Bwalya
    • Zambia
    • 04/23/2024158
  • No. 252

    Let Us Answer the Lord`s call

    All the disciples of Jesus are also insufficient. Even so, Jesus knew them beforehand and called them. In the Bible Jesus gave James and John the nickname "Sons of Thunder" (Mark 3:17). This nickname suggests that these two disciples have shortcomings. They are very impatient. They are so impatient that they can blast like thunder for any slight provocation. Even so Jesus called them , save them with His baptism and bloodshed and loved them till the end.It is written in Romans 8:29-30"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified."God knew us even the foundation of world and called us in Jesus Christ. He knew the sins we committed in the past, the ones we are committing now and even the ones we will commit in future. We cannot hide from Him. He knew all these things before He said "Come now, and let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18).So dear online friends we have to answer this call by faith, do not say "I have done so many evils, the Lord will not take a look at someone like me." That`s not true, the Lord loves you and wants to save you with the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The right thing for us to do is to admit to God that we are evil beings who commit sins till our death and who deserve to be cast into hell for our numerous sins and then believe in the salvation that God is offering with gospel of the baptism of Jesus Christ at the Jordan River and His blood of the Cross. Then the Lord`s peace and joy will rest on us.The Lord is now waiting for all of us to answer His call. You can request for our free Christian books on the gospel of the water and the Spirit today. May God bless you with His eternal

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 04/21/2024183
  • No. 251

    Praise be to Jesus who gave me the gospel of the water and the Spirit and saved me from all my lifelong sins and kept me alive until today.

    Praise be to Jesus who gave me the gospel of the water and the Spirit and saved me from all my lifelong sins and kept me alive until today.Today is my 26th birthday! I have lived until today because of my faith in Christ`s righteousness, and tomorrow I will live in Christ`s righteousness. Hallelujah!Jesus, who is God, dressed in human flesh and came from heaven to earth without shame for our sins. When Jesus, who is God, was 30 years old, he went to Jordan and was baptized by John the Baptist for our sins. Through John laying his hands on Jesus` head, Lord Jesus bore all the sins of the world in his flesh. Jesus, who is God, accepted all our punishment for our sins and died. On the third day, he rose from the dead. Hallelujah, because I believe this wonderful gospel, I have become righteous, I have received the Holy Spirit in my heart, I can thank the Lord, I can meet the Lord in prayer, and I have been appointed to preach this wonderful gospel! I will be alive tomorrow for the work of the gospel. Amen, I am blessed, Hallelujah!Today, I am happy to share with you the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which freed me from my lifelong sins. Feel free to click on the links for useful resources! God bless you all! or

    • Teferi Oshine
    • Ethiopia
    • 04/02/2024208
  • No. 250


    Disbelieving the gospel of the water and Spirit is not only Rejecting the Word of baptism of Jesus, saying I do not believe in Jesus` baptism, but, you can begin to disbelief the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit Even as you believe in the baptism of Jesus, His death and His resurrection when you begin to condemn others due to their insufficiencies, saying; how can that brother or sister do that, how can he or she say such words as if she is not born again of the Water and the Spirit. But believe me, you, such a life is not a life of faith before God. If God took away all our sins through His baptism, death and resurrection and accomplished our salvation once and for all and He remembers not nor count our sins anymore. Then who are you to begin to count other brethrens sins, busy pointing out their shortcomings, We must be people who walk in forgiveness day by day as we live in this world for the sake of other souls.For the Gospel is always and only about forgiveness.

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 03/31/2024185
  • No. 249


    Sometimes when we forget to ruminate more about the main purpose of the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit, we intend to lose our way of living in the righteousness God, and Thus we begin to live in the path of condemnation which no longer exists in the before God. But because of His endlessly Love for us, He brings us back to His path of righteousness through hardships in accordance to His will, and by His word of truth He reminds us of His good works towards us His people. I hope that none of us will live a life of Condemnation for it is a life undermines the work of God. Thus we must truly be born again of the Water and the Spirit deeply and completely be freed from our sins and a life of Condemnation.I thank the Lord for edifying the inner Man in me for His Glory by always reminding me of the greatest work of His baptism, death and His resurrection He accomplished for us all mankind who were Destined to go to hell.May God bless and protect His Servants more abundantly in all angles of their lives for His Glory Alone.

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 03/31/2024108
The New Life Mission

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