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Total 268
  • No. 233

    Do you really know what it means to be saved from sins according to the Bible?

    • Sichembe Gilbert
    • Zambia
    • 11/27/202385
  • No. 232

    The gospel of water and spirit is the light that shines in the darkness

    Praise God I`m truly thankful to the Lord our God will save me for more my sins through the water blood in the spirit indeed now I come to see the will of the Lord how truly the Lord love me and save me for more my sins when he sent his only son Jesus Christ on his baptized at the Jordan River when John the Baptist ladies hands on to him and all the sins of the world unto him and he was judged for all my iniquities Hallelujah I am sinless I have not seen in my heart because of the word of God I believe and now I give my heart and forever more to do well into the righteousness of God not by my strength but the Lord who strengthened me cuz I know the Lord is my strength now I live by faith in the Lord my God who became a curse for me when he was baptized and accepted all my sins Hallelujah before I was born again of of water and the spirit I thought that being born again you have to behave well I remember I used to go to Church`s and I used to pray I used to dance and sing thinking that when I dance and sing the Lord will bless me more and more and I`ll be HIS child thinking that to be born again I have to do well in the Church of God and when they used to teach in the church I used to listen to the word of God but I couldn`t understand what`s the teaching all about and the people who used to teach never knew about the gospel of the water and spirit they keep on they saying to me that mukisa you have to behave well and then God will love you but the more I try to be have well the more sin came out of my heart I could see that indeed I don`t do any good I can do good I try to do good but I couldn`t I tried to be have well with my brothers in the family whenever I try to do good I started giving out money helping the poor but all this I couldn`t feel the love of God I just felt like the love of God is perishing away from me I told that when when I when I help the Lord will look to me and say you will be pleased saying that this is my son mukisa I truly love you but I was wrong this is known how God loves us now that I know that truly the lord loves us when we are truly Born Again of what`s on the spirit I can`t explain how joyful I am I keep on reading the new life mission books every time when I`m reading I pray to the Lord and say Lord let me know to walk ashtray from your righteousness let me not practice the wickedness but let me be your faithful servant and preach the gospel to the world and talking to your righteousness I keep on saying to myself and to the Lord Lord I`m so stupid I have adultery I have all evil thoughts but Lord I believe that all my iniquities will help us on to you and all my sins all my lifetime sins through your baptism and you died and shared your blood to remit all my sins because you are baptized I believe and I believe the Son of God resurrected is a Forever high priest Hallelujah let us all come back to the will of Lord GOD I can`t say how I feel happy and my word can`t explain but here I am to serve my LORD who gave HIMSELF for me through the water blood and spirit

    • Mukisa Ibra
    • Uganda
    • 11/08/2023186
  • No. 231

    The truth sets us free.

    By reading the books of Paul C. Jong I have come to know the real truth of life.Long ago, I was very upset because of my circumstances. The bitterness of life made it difficult for me to survive in this world. My father suffered a stroke and passed away after spending many years in illness. I could not repay my father`s debt even after selling my ancestral home. I dropped out of school and started working to support my mother and two younger brothers. There were many problems in my life. I was very worried about my future. My father was a man of faith in God. He distributed food to the poor, gave regular donations, respected the pastors, and even my father donated half of our ancestral land to the church. After my father`s death, I too followed in his footsteps. I gave tithes even in hardships and was in the forefront in all the work of the church. But despite doing all this, I was not calm and did not know the truth. So, I decided to commit suicide. I searched on the internet for an easy way to commit suicide. During my continuous search, I suddenly found the website of The New Life Mission.And I saw there our first book “Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” and I found out that it was free. So I decided to read this book before committing suicide. It was in 2017 that I was born again through the gospel of water and spirit. I learned that my circumstances led me to reach out to God. Just as, “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).Therefore, I believe that mankind was born into sin and continues to sin all the time. But God loved us so much that He sent His only-begotten Son into this world, He was incarnate, born of the virgin Mary, He took away all the sins of mankind by being baptized from John Baptist on the Jordan River, He took our sins to the cross and shed His blood and paid the price for all our sins (past, present, future). Now I am the righteous Son of God without sin, and I have received the Holy Spirit in gift. As the Bible says, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).Now the Holy Spirit dwells in my heart. I have an ache of spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit to all sinners. I am indebted to all souls. My life is dedicated to telling all sinners about God`s righteousness that was fulfilled on the Jordan River. When I don`t serve the Gospel, I become very sad, my heart is filled with sorrow, and I begin to break. This is because when the Holy Spirit who dwells in me is sad, I am sad, but when the Holy Spirit is happy, I am happy.My brothers and sisters’, being born again is not everything. Real life begins after being born again. We must fellowship with our church after being born again. We must continue to read the books of Reverend Paul C. Jong so that our faith becomes stronger. We must pray every day for our church, for the workers, and for all the faithful brothers and sisters. We must work together with our church. We must submissively obey every-admonish of our church, even if it is contrary to what we think. We must give up the desires of the flesh and walk with the spirit. Only then can we live a life of perfect faith, and can obey the commandment of the Lord, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19). Co-worker of The New Life MissionMOON SAHOTRAPakistan

    • Moon Sahotra
    • Pakistan
    • 10/31/2023234
  • No. 230

    If You Have Confusion and Emptiness in Your Heart, Seek the Light of the Truth (II)

    First and foremost, I want to thank the LORD for using His servant Rev. Paul C. Jong to write this precious book by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with the title, “If You Have Confusion and Emptiness in Your Heart, Seek the Light of the Truth (II).”The book explains that the purpose for which God saved those of us who believe in the baptism which Jesus receive from John the Baptist and His blood is to glorify His name and praise Him. And that, it is only after we are redeemed by receiving the remission of our sins that we can pray to God calling Him our Father in Heaven. Therefore we don’t have memorize or recite the LORD’S prayer blindly, but we must know that Jesus gave it to us so that we will have a spiritual desire for God to make us His born again children.But in order to receive the remission of sins, we must throw away the Nicene Creed which is according to human thoughts which believe in only the blood of the Cross, and then listen to the pure Word of regeneration fulfill by the water baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ which we must believe with all our hearts. This makes our salvation certain.I also learnt from the book, that just as Abraham believed and accepted the blessing which Melchizedek the priest of the Most High offered him in the Old Testament, we in the New Testament must believe in Jesus Christ who became our High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek by accepting by faith that He has saved us from all our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His blood of the Cross. This is how we receive the blessing of God through faith just like Abraham did. I also learnt a great mystery, that the bread and wine that Melchizedek brought when he blessed Abraham stands for the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist by giving His body and His blood on the Cross stands for the wine.In addition, the book talks about the fact that, our salvation is fulfilled according to God’s will, and so we must never attempt to receive salvation by relying on theological doctrines from theologians who are wise on their own, for God has hidden the truth of salvation from such people due to their arrogant hearts. But when we all have humble hearts like little children, we can be saved by believing in both the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ.The author Rev. Paul C Jong revealed that we the righteous who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit belong to the invisible Church of God. And so we are not like the mega churches of this world who boast about the physical appearance and the size of their temples. On the other hand, we who belong to the invisible church can worship God anywhere we are gathered since we share true fellowship with one another by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the book, God teaches us that, in order for us to live the proper life of faith which is pleasing to Him, we have to follow the guidance of the leaders in His church and unite with them in one faith so that we will not stand or go against the Church. For example, there are some believers who believe according to their own fleshly thoughts by teaching that John the Baptist and Mary were not born sinners. But Rev. Paul C. Jong explained in detail how such claims are false by using the Word of God to expose such lies.In fact, yesterday I even shared an excerpt from this book which talks about such fallacious teachings and I shared them to the born again Saints on the various social media channels such as WhatsApp and on Facebook. The book reveals that our fleshly human thoughts is always evil, and so we must be aware of it so that can throw away such thoughts and place our faith in the righteousness of God whiles devoting our hearts to the LORD and in the spreading of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. When we do this without seeking our own personal interests, but unite with the Church, then God will rejoice over our faith, and He will bless all of us who believe in His gospel Word of truth.I have really learned a lot from this book which is full of spiritual nourishment for the soul. I thank God for inspiring His servant Rev. Paul C. Jong to write this book which guides us to walk and live our life of faith according to the will of God.Eric Aboadwe, Ghana

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 10/27/2023201
  • No. 229

    Now I am saved through faith in Jesus baptism and His Cross.

    Hello brethren! I am Evangelist Christiana Ekpo, a co-worker of The New Life Mission in Nigeria. I give God the glory who have saved me from eternal destruction in hell fire, and have translated me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son (Jesus Christ), the Kingdom of light, by faith in the beautiful Gospel. Praise the Lord! Also, I give thanks to God for the ministry of Rev. Paul C. Jong, which is the divine vessel used by God in preaching the Gospel of the water and the Spirit globally. Before I found the light of salvation through the beautiful gospel, I was living in sins, with confusion and emptiness of heart, without hope of eternal life. But now, I am saved, born again, through faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. “I am saved through the beautiful gospel”. Before now, I did not understand the reason why Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. I believed in the blood (Death) of Jesus only for Salvation, not knowing that Jesus was baptized in water to carry the sins of the world upon Himself, and went to the cross and shed His blood for the remission of sins. Now I am saved through faith in Jesus baptism and His Cross. I am without sin now. I am born again. I am righteous. I am a child of God because I believed in the gospel of the water and the spirit (the blood and the baptism of Jesus Christ washed away all my sins). Praise the Lord.Evang. Christiana Ekpo, Nigeria

    • Nigeria
    • 10/17/2023197