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መዝሙር፣ ወጋችሁን ትጠብቁ ዘንድ... ||Song, To keep your Traditions...

  • Mesfin Berhanu Ubba
  • Ethiopia
  • 07/18/2023 21667

ወጋችሁን ትጠብቁ ዘንድ የእግዚአብሔርን ትዕዛዝ ንቃችኋል፣
በሰው ስርዓት ተተብትባችሁ ከክርስቶስ ጸጋ ወድቃችኋል፣
ጊዜው ሳያልፍ ባትመለሱ ከጠማማው ከመንገዳቹ፣
ዛሬ ፍርድን እናገራለሁ ገሃነም ነው መጨረሻቹ።

በከንፈሩ እያከበረ ከኢየሱስ የራቀ ሰዉ፣
በፍርድ ቀን በእውነት ያፍራል አላውቅህም ዞርበል ሲለዉ፣
ሳይደርስብህ አሁን ተመለስ የሚያስፈራው የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ፣
ካለህበት ሰፊው ጎዳና ሳይረፍድብህ ቶሎ በል ውጣ።

ተው ተመለስ አንተ ወንድሜ ተው ተመለስ ከሞት ጎዳና፣
ተው ተመለስ ኃጢአት ያለበት ተው ተመለስ አልዳነምና፣
ክርስቲያን ነኝ በጌታ ብለህ እራስህን አታታልለው፣
ይልቅ ንስሃ ግባ ተመለስ ያለኽበት በጨለማ ነው፤
ተይ ተመለሺ አንቺ እህቴ ከሞት መንደር ከጠፊው ዓለም፣
በነፍሱ ምስክር የሌለው በእግዚአብሔር መንግስት አይደለም፣
የታል ውኃው ደሙ መንፈሱ ምስክሩ የእምነትሽ፣
ንስሐ ግቢ በጽድቁ ዳኚ ቶሎ አምልጪ ከጥፋትሽ።

ንስሃ ግቡ መንግሥቱ ቀርባለች ንስሐ ግቡ ኑና ዳኑ
ንስሃ ግቡ ውኃ ደም መንፈሱን ንስሐ ግቡ ወንጌሉን እመኑ
ንስሃ ግቡ እውነተኛው ወንጌል ንስሐ ግቡ ይሄው ተገልጧል
ይህ ሦስቱ ምስክር ያለው ጻድቅ ሆኖ ከፍርድ ያመልጣል።

#English :
You have ignored God`s command To keep your traditions;
You have fallen from the grace of Christ, having been twisted by the system of men;
If you do not turn back before the time is up, from the crooked path;
Today I speak judgment, hell is the end.

A man who was far from Jesus, glorifying with his lips;
He will be truly ashamed on the Day of Judgment when he says, "I don`t know you, turn around."
Turn back now before God`s wrath befalls you.
Hurry out of the wide street where you are.

Go back, my brother, go back from the path of death.
Go back, he who has sin, go back, was not saved.
Do not deceive yourself by saying that you are a Christian in the Lord.
Instead, repent and go back to the darkness where you are.
Come back, my sister, from the village of death, from the lost world.
He who has no witness in his soul is not in the kingdom of God.
The water, the blood, the spirit, the witness of your faith.
Repentance, by the righteous judge, quickly escape from your destruction.

Repent, the kingdom is near, Repent, come and be saved.
Repent, water, blood, spirit, repent, believe the gospel.
Repent, the true gospel, repent, this is what has been revealed.
He who has these three witnesses will be righteous and escape judgment.
#ነጻ_የክርስቲያን_መጽሐፍት #free_Christian_books: