
Recensioni Libri

La persone che hanno letto I nostri libri hanno inviato le seguenti recensioni. Ci auguriamo che attraverso queste, vorrai condividere con tutti gli altri la grazia di Dio che ci ha permesso di rinascere ancora nell’acqua e nello Spirito. Il tuo posto sarà presto inserito non appena lo avremo approvato.

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Totale 289
  • Numero. 89

    The Relationship Between The Ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist

    It is time to conclude this series. I believe these are the points of this series:- 1 I wonder if believers have considered the truth that if John the Baptist was not sent, whether the work of Jesus to cleanse believers from sins would ever have begun? As we know all the works of God are done in righteousness, hence by the agreement of the Godhead, according to 1Jn.5:7-9. Since the Father had set the blueprint for our salvation, this in essence is in line with His righteousness and the knowledge of the His messenger, John the Baptist cannot be excluded from the plan of God. This is the reason why the series began by stating " You Must Know and Believe in the Ministry of John the Baptist." The Ministry of the New life Mission is truly blessed, that through the working of the Holy Spirit we have received these scriptures which has shown us for a truth that it was expedient for the Father to send us His Messenger, John the Baptist. You must go through these bible verses to discover for yourselves this truth:- Mark 1:1-2; Matt. 11:10-11; 1Chronicles 24: 1-19; Lev. 16:29-34; Luke.1:5; Mal. 4:5-6; Matt.3:15; Lev. 16:21; Heb.10:1; Isa.40:3; Matt.21:32 and Jn.1:6-7. All these scriptures show us the righteousness of God in all His works. For me it is clear from the word of God that the messenger of God had to come in conjunction with His Son Jesus Christ to fulfil all the righteousness of God. For this reason we must know and believe the Ministry of John the Baptist also. The church of Jesus Christ must therefore teach this to believers so that believers can walk with God by the correct faith and not blind faith, because our God is a God of purpose. By this we conclude that John the Baptist is a servant of God sent by the Father, and we cannot ignore his importance because his act and testimony of Jesus helps us to believe the gospel the water and the Spirit, the righteousness of God.   2 The gospel of Matt.11:1-14 is not to be regarded as depicting John the Baptist as a failure; rather it was the subtle way by which the holy spirit by the will of the Father could introduce John's disciples to Jesus. The reason being that the scripture has said " John must decrease and Christ to increase." We must realize that even Jesus testified " Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." This testimony of Jesus is not about someone who had doubts as to whether Jesus is the son of God. It was the working of the Father to enable John's disciples to follow Jesus. Remember the word of God in Isa.55:8-9? His ways are higher than ours. Check the following scriptures:-Matt. 11:1-14; Matt. 3:17; Jn.3:30; Jn.1:40; Isa.7:14; Isa.53:5Matt.3:2-3; Lk.4:28-30; Gal.3:27. In this scripture in Matt.11:1-14, we saw Jesus transfigured pointing to the way saints of God would be on the that day, something which the three disciples did not understand. Jesus said some wonderful things about John the Baptist in the way of testimony. In reality John the Baptist came by the will of the Father so that both could fulfil all the righteousness of God, which was accomplished in the baptism which Jesus received from John, thus passing the sins of the world to Jesus. This messenger of God came so that he could prepare the way for Jesus to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and vice versa. Our Lord is described in the scriptures as the Refiner's fire to purify the church of God, and there shall be no power in the whole this universe who could stand in the way of Him completing the task which the Fathers gave to Him. But we have realise that without the ministry of John the Baptist also, this task would not have been accomplished.   3 We who have come to believe the gospel of the water and the Spirit now know the reason why Jesus had to receive a baptism, to receive the sins of the world. We also know that he came through the lineage of Aaron the high priest, and that his father Zacharias prophesied that he was the prophet of the highest which confirms Jesus' testimony that he is greater than all men born of women. This therefore, confirms to believers that God had sent him as the last high priest of the old testament to work together with His son Jesus so that they could both fulfil their respective ministries.   We can therefore conclude that this was the wisdom of God to overcome the enemy of the gospel because God's ways are higher than our ways. We can see from the teaching which God has opened to the whole world through the New life Mission and such denomination who understand this gospel; there can be no other way of enabling the full understanding of the way of leading true believers to God without the understanding of the relationship between the ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist. We must therefore enjoy our fellowship with the Lord through the truth given to us in this series especially. We must also walk in obedience of God's word, in the faith of the righteousness of God. This is the only way to glorify God by coming to Him in righteousness. A-men.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20213
  • Numero. 88

    The Relationship Between The Ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist

    It is time to conclude this series. I believe these are the points of this series:- 1 I wonder if believers have considered the truth that if John the Baptist was not sent, whether the work of Jesus to cleanse believers from sins would ever have begun? As we know all the works of God are done in righteousness, hence by the agreement of the Godhead, according to 1Jn.5:7-9. Since the Father had set the blueprint for our salvation, this in essence is in line with His righteousness and the knowledge of the His messenger, John the Baptist cannot be excluded from the plan of God. This is the reason why the series began by stating " You Must Know and Believe in the Ministry of John the Baptist." The Ministry of the New life Mission is truly blessed, that through the working of the Holy Spirit we have received these scriptures which has shown us for a truth that it was expedient for the Father to send us His Messenger, John the Baptist. You must go through these bible verses to discover for yourselves this truth:- Mark 1:1-2; Matt. 11:10-11; 1Chronicles 24: 1-19; Lev. 16:29-34; Luke.1:5; Mal. 4:5-6; Matt.3:15; Lev. 16:21; Heb.10:1; Isa.40:3; Matt.21:32 and Jn.1:6-7. All these scriptures show us the righteousness of God in all His works. For me it is clear from the word of God that the messenger of God had to come in conjunction with His Son Jesus Christ to fulfil all the righteousness of God. For this reason we must know and believe the Ministry of John the Baptist also. The church of Jesus Christ must therefore teach this to believers so that believers can walk with God by the correct faith and not blind faith, because our God is a God of purpose. By this we conclude that John the Baptist is a servant of God sent by the Father, and we cannot ignore his importance because his act and testimony of Jesus helps us to believe the gospel the water and the Spirit, the righteousness of God.   2 The gospel of Matt.11:1-14 is not to be regarded as depicting John the Baptist as a failure; rather it was the subtle way by which the holy spirit by the will of the Father could introduce John's disciples to Jesus. The reason being that the scripture has said " John must decrease and Christ to increase." We must realize that even Jesus testified " Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." This testimony of Jesus is not about someone who had doubts as to whether Jesus is the son of God. It was the working of the Father to enable John's disciples to follow Jesus. Remember the word of God in Isa.55:8-9? His ways are higher than ours. Check the following scriptures:-Matt. 11:1-14; Matt. 3:17; Jn.3:30; Jn.1:40; Isa.7:14; Isa.53:5Matt.3:2-3; Lk.4:28-30; Gal.3:27. In this scripture in Matt.11:1-14, we saw Jesus transfigured pointing to the way saints of God would be on the that day, something which the three disciples did not understand. Jesus said some wonderful things about John the Baptist in the way of testimony. In reality John the Baptist came by the will of the Father so that both could fulfil all the righteousness of God, which was accomplished in the baptism which Jesus received from John, thus passing the sins of the world to Jesus. This messenger of God came so that he could prepare the way for Jesus to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and vice versa. Our Lord is described in the scriptures as the Refiner's fire to purify the church of God, and there shall be no power in the whole this universe who could stand in the way of Him completing the task which the Fathers gave to Him. But we have realise that without the ministry of John the Baptist also, this task would not have been accomplished.   3 We who have come to believe the gospel of the water and the Spirit now know the reason why Jesus had to receive a baptism, to receive the sins of the world. We also know that he came through the lineage of Aaron the high priest, and that his father Zacharias prophesied that he was the prophet of the highest which confirms Jesus' testimony that he is greater than all men born of women. This therefore, confirms to believers that God had sent him as the last high priest of the old testament to work together with His son Jesus so that they could both fulfil their respective ministries.   We can therefore conclude that this was the wisdom of God to overcome the enemy of the gospel because God's ways are higher than our ways. We can see from the teaching which God has opened to the whole world through the New life Mission and such denomination who understand this gospel; there can be no other way of enabling the full understanding of the way of leading true believers to God without the understanding of the relationship between the ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist. We must therefore enjoy our fellowship with the Lord through the truth given to us in this series especially. We must also walk in obedience of God's word, in the faith of the righteousness of God. This is the only way to glorify God by coming to Him in righteousness. A-men.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20215
  • Numero. 87

    The Relationship Between The Ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist

    This is the truth so far in this series:1 We believe that John the Baptist was the messenger of God. 2 He came six months ahaead of Jesus. 3 He came through the descendants of Aaron. 4 we know this was the wisdom of God so that he could stand as the hight priest to pass the sin of the world to Jesus by the laying of hands, to fulfil the Levitical order for the remission of sin. The most important issue here is that we have seen held, and read all the Farher has said about John the Baptist. So what was the purpose of his mission according to the wisdom of God? This what we have to consider in greater depth to help us to consolidate our faith of the gospel of the water and of the Spirit. It is quite clear that those who have not understood this truth are finding it difficult to be grounded in the message of the Salvation of the Soul because they fail to see the link between the ministry of Jesus and John the Baptist.In Matt.17:1-13, we can see Jesus' answer to the question His disciples asked Him about Elias who was to come first i.e to restore all things. He told them " Elias has come already............". It was atr this point the disciples understood that Jesus was referring to John the Baptist. Why then do we say that Elias must first come to restore things? I believe it is implied that He came in the way of righteousness. I understand from this that Jesus and John the Baptist's ministries were indipensable to fulfil all the righteousness of God. This righteousness has been restored to all who belive the gospel of the water and of the Spirit. We can also check Matt.5:20 to see the condition of entering Heaven. The Lord has restored all believers of the gospel of the water and of the Spirit to righteousness in the inner man. As we saw the trasfiguration of Jesus according to Mat.17:1-13, this is the revelation of Jesus to believers of the gospel of the water and of the Spirit that we shall be like the Lord on that day of resurection and rapture of the Saints. What more proof would a believer require than to accept all that the Lord has shown us in the scripture of this abundant grace that cannot be bought with money. We have now seen that it was absoluteley indispensable for God to blot out the sin of the world with His baptism and to shed His blood for the lifetime remission of sins for believers of this grace, the faith of the righteousness of God. Therefore, believers of the gospel of the water and of the Spirit should not be ashamed of the gospel of the water and of the Spirit, because it is the power of God unto Salvation, which was first given to the Jews and the the gentiles. Matt.1:16-17. Now we can see in Lk.1:17-23, and Lk.1:67-80 the beginning of God's dealing with the conception and the birth of John the Basptist. The bibble shows us that even Zacharias prophesied the redemption of mankind by Jesus and also and the prophesy of his son John the Baptist who was to go forth as the the prophet of the Highest to go forth to prepare the way before the Lord, this is to say that John the Baptist ould introduce Israel to the understanding of the message of Salvation;that is was to give knowledge to us about the remission of our sins. The remission of sins was not a temporary thing but was to to be for all the days of our lives so that we could serve God in holiness and in righteousness, and live forever without fear. Therefore, it is clear that the link here is that the Lord came togethet with the work of John the Baptist and has fulfilled the will of the Father to give us an ability to live holy and in righteousness through faith in the gospel of the water and of the Spirit.( to be continued)

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20212
  • Numero. 86

    book on christain faith

    I believe that is what I need now for my spirit edification

    • Akande ayobami adekunle
    • Nigeria
    • 05/03/20214
  • Numero. 85

    The Relationship Between The Ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist

    I believe the WORD of God will not and never can change because the Lord siad " I am the Lord , I change not.", Mal.3:6. He is the Word of God and cannot change. In looking at this review, I realisze the main thing is getting to the truth that helps to see the wisdom of God in all that He does. There is nothing new under the sun, the things which God did with the people of Israel is exactly what He is doing now in the New Testament. However, but the difference now is that the promise of the Holy Spirit is available for all who believe and walk by the faith, the substance of the Baptism of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit, God. The teaching here is that we must believe the works of God, Jesus Christ our Lord. This believe starts by the understanding of the purpose of the Father in sending John the Baptist to this world six months ahead of Jesus. We all remember that when God commissione Moses to build the Tabernacle He spent time to show him the Tabernacle and its construction, and emphsized it must be built exactly according as it was shown him. This order of God in doing all things I believe is in line with His righteousness and Holiness.   Therefore, to close this review, these are the things which has helped me to see the righteousness of God with respect to the Salvation of Man. The sonship of God is according to His righteousness. The teaching here is that we must believe in the Ministry of John the Baptised because it in line with the righteousness of God : Mark 1:1-2 tells us that he was sent as a messenger of God in the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for our Lord before the beginning of the Lord's ministry. Also this messenger is also confirmed in Watt.11:10-11. The word of God also prophesied in Mal.3:1 about this messenger. In line with God's righteouss and holiness this messenger, John the Baptised was sent by God into the lineage of Aaron and priests of Israel. We also can see fron the book of 1Chronicles 24:1-19 how God multipleied the last two remaining Children of Aaron, Eleazar and Ithamar to produce descendants to the ministries of High Priests and priests to Zacharias and John the Baptist, the messenger of God to fulfil the Levitical ministry for the remission of sins in Jesus Christ our Lord who was sent as the righteous sacrifice for all who believe for the fulfilment of all of the old Testament for the mankind.   It is important to know and to believe that John the Baptist came in the way righteousness:Matt.11:1-14. one of the things that caught my attention here in this scripture is the word of God in Matt.11:13, " For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John." This is telling me that God was closing the old Testament period through his ministry, and in the righteousness of God, John was sent as the High priest and also the last one in Israel.Also in Matt.11:1-14, we understand that John was greater than all the prophets who were before him. Again let us understand the reason and the place of the high priest in the old Testament. We understand that he was there to represent the mankind, and offering the yearly sacrifice for the nation of Israel once a year when he would take the blood of atonement into the holy of holies once a year for the remmission of the sins of Israel. From this we can see that the relationship here between him and our Lord was to fulfil this law of God as seen in Lev.16:29-34. As Jesus was our sacrifice, then He would have to receive the sins of the world before his sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. We are now able to see the building blocks of the works of Jesus to fulfil our Salvation of the type given to Israel according to the Mercy and the righteousness of God so that the whole world has access to this grace by individual's volition, for our God would not force anyone against their will. It is beginning to be clear that it is not possible to believe the gospel of the Water and of the Spirit, the gospel of the righteousness of God without the understanding of the relationship between the ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist. ( The review continues ).

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20213