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  • Numero. 24



    • jesse otu
    • Ghana
    • 05/01/20215
  • Numero. 23



    • jesse otu
    • Ghana
    • 05/01/20216
  • Numero. 22

    Is The Age of The Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    This book review is on Rev. chapter 14 & 15. I believe it is the will of God that all men be saved. Therefore He looks at the heart to know who is ready and willing to follow. We who have been willing to follow the will of God must always praise the Lord and have an attitude of thankfulness for all He has dons to draw us out of darkness. We have believed the word of God to know the Anti-christ shall be a man that the dragon will raise from this world to stand against God, and that this man will rule with absolute tyranny against all human beings and spare not those who are born of water and of the Spirit because born again believers will oppose him to defend the faith of the righteousness of God. The question now that we need to consider is:-   How should the saints react to the appearance of the Anti-christ in the Age of the Pale Horse which is round the corner? At the present the dragon through his unclean spirits is pouring sins into the world, and many are being overflowed with the flood of sins. This is so because we are witnessing it everyday. Thank God for the remission of sins; for true born again believers are being helped by the Holy Ghost to keep away from sins. However, in the Age of the Pale horse, Satan will resort to actually killing believers who do not yield to his flood of sins. Knowing this then it becomes very crucial for us to prepare our faith to stand against the Anti-christ when he makes his appearance on the earth. There is no doubt that God has ordained before the foundation of the earth that we shall overcome the Dragon with our faith in God. Satan knows that the faith of the Water and the Spirit is indestructible, and will seek to bring fear on believers through martyrdom for saints to capitulate and reject God. We need to understand this and allow the Holy Spirit in this Era and in the Era of the Pale horse to help us to build us up in the faith of Gold to defeat the Anti-christ with our faith and accept martyrdom which is the plan of God to give victory to believers who walk in the faith of the Baptism of Jesus and of the Spirit. We have the assurance and confidence that Jesus shall lift us up to meet Him in the air by His power and pour down the plagues of the seven bowls upon this earth to take vengeance on His enemies to fulfil Dt.32:35: He will avange His children's death.   We must not forget the word of truth which God has given us in Rev.14 onwards which has taught us that the Resurrection of Martyred saints and Rupture will most certainly come to the saints immediately after their martyrdom. This is the confidence that we must have in Jesus Christ who was able to open the seven seals and to complete the mystery of God.   We must understand and not forget what are the plagues of the seven bowls prepared for those who stand against God; for they are for the destruction of everything on the earth after the resurrection and rapture of all who slept in Christ, martyred saints, and those who remain and are alive. This is pictured in Verse 19, " So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God."   Our hope should be the inheritance of the Millennial Kingdom and the Authority of the saints. The Age of the Millennial Kingdom will begin when the Lord, together with the saints, descsnds to this earth again. The sermon on the mount in Mt.5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."; and Ps.37:29 "the righteous shall inherit the Land," will be fulfilled.   Having this hope, what must the Saints who live in this dark Age do? Of course the important thing is for us to preach the gospel of the righteousness of God that came by the water and the Spirit in which the faith of the righteousness of God revealed ( Rom.1:16-17). The gospel that we preach must enable people out there to know the difference between forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins. The commission which the Lord gave us is to preach this gospel throughout the whole world. My current experience with the church of the cross of Jesus only has taught me conclussively that I must understand this gospel to be able to test the spirit even among those who claim to be Pastors etc. There are people who are genuinely seeking the Lord, but are tken in by wolves in sheep's clothing. These people are not able to experience the peace of God because they have not come into the truth of the gospel of the water and the Spirit; but we thank God for enabling us to receive His peace into our hearts.   We should rejoice because the first resurrection is an event reserved for the Saints. It is obvious as we come to the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, that before long the Anti-christ will appear in this world. The fact is all these things that we are seeing and shall come to pass are all in the plan of God. For me I believe that by the working of the Power of God in me I rejoice in that all in Christ whose flesh shall be cut off by the Anti-christ shall be ressurected and raptured by the Power of God and will take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb with the Lord.   It is very important I believe for us to maintain fellowship with the word and daily walk daily with our faith inited with our Lord's in His Baptism, His blood on the cross and His resurrection. We have no choice but to walk in this faith that fights against and overcome the anti-christ.   In our preaching we must know that even now there are many Liars who are deceiving people; and are teaching false faith. These deceivers are giving people a false sense Salvation through the doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture and leaving them a complacent comfort zone. Indeed we have through the New life Mission been helped by the Lord to know that God will need to use believers right through to just before the completion of the mystery of God when believers will lifted up to meet the Lord in the air before the out-pour of the plagues of the seven bowls after the last trump ( seventh trumpet ).   The crucial question now is then, How should we all live now? In Eph.3:20 " Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us." Clearly if we have believed the gospel of the water and the Spirit, then we have the Holt Spirit as the gift of God in our hearts. Therefore, to walk in the faith of the righteousness of God, we need to listen to and believe with our hearts what the Holy Spirit is saying to us throughthe Church. No one can finish this great work of the great commission by oneself. At the same time one cannot keep it to oneself, but to spread the word. This is why the church of God is so important for we are members one of another to work in the unity of the faith.   We can see from Rev. chapter 15 how those who overcame the Anti-christ were praising God with seven angels with the last sevenplagues to be out on to the earth. At this moment in time the book says that no one was able to enter the Temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. We have to understand the significance of the multiples of sevens that are shown in Reveltion; for they show the Omnipotence and the Omniscience of Jesus our God. It shows the Perfection and His Almighty Power.   The Saints praise the Lord for His Omniscient and Omnipotent Power and Majesty revealed through the plagues of the seven bowls that He would pour on the world.   The " sign in heaven, great and marvelous " refers:- 1 to the last plagues of the seven bowls that shall poured on this world. The phrase:- " grat and marvelous " tells us on the other hand, are three fold:- 1 through the words of prophecy, the saints already know all the plagues that will come to this world;  2 the saints will be exempt from the plagues of the seven bowls; and,  3 the power of these plagues of the seven bowls that the Lord will bring to this world shall worldwide and fatally destructive. On the other hand, the redeemed and the raptured saints will sing "the song of Moses,the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb" in air. Ex.15:1-8, was the song of the Israelites, who praised the Lord for leading them across the Red sea by Moses. They could not help but paise the Lord for saving them with His Power and Authority from the desperate situation of being pursued by the Egyptian army. Likewise the saints of the New Testament praise the Lord for His Eternal Salvation, which came through the remission of sins fulfilled by the Baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood on the cross. In the like manner the people of God will praise the Lord,thanking Him for their martyrdom,resurrection,rapture and eternal life, all made possible made possible through Jesus Christ who delivered them from all their enemies, and their sins.   In Rev.15:5 Here, "the Temple of the tabernacle of the tetimony" refers to the tabernacle that god allowed the Israelites when they left Egypt so as to give them the blessing of accompanying the Lord. The linen refers to the righteousness of God. It tells us the anges will be clothed in God's righteousness and receive from Him the authority to render the kind of judgment that no enemy can ever reject. The significanc of "The temple was filled with the smoke of the glory of God and from His Power, and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angel were completed." These are the meanings:-  1 It shows how complete God's wrath on His enemies is.  2 It tells us no one can enter into the Lord's temple without believing in the Baptism of Jesus and His blood, for God's Salvation of the sinners is so perfect.  3 It shows that no human goodness can ever enable anyone to avoid the righteous judgment of God, and that only believing in the Baptism of Jesus and His blood on the cross can one escape from the wrath of God poured on the sinners.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20216
  • Numero. 21

    Is The Age of The Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    From the last Review we are now in the seventh world empire, the revised rome. From the stature shown Nebucchadnezzar, it is the feet of the stature mixed with iron and clay. Since iron and clay cannot mix, then this last world emppire shall not be in agreement with regards to world peace; and cannot stand.   Therefore, the Lord shows us the emergence of the Antichrist and his false prophet in Revelation 13 from the world system of Government. This conclusively shows that Satan will raise a human being in this world from among the membership of the world rulers and give all his power to him and his false prophet to challenge God and to deceive those who do not walk in the faith of the righteousness of God in an attempt to destroy the mankind and send them to hell where he belongs. This chapter is telling us that ten nations will unite with the Antichrist to rule the world that shall be eventually be destroyed by Christ according to the will of God.   Let us see the contradiction of Satan against God. The Devil will use the Antichrist, his false prophet and those who will swing behind Satan to destroy many who oppose him. On the other hand our God will use His saints, the two prophets to preach to the world, and martyrdom of the saints and His two prophets in the faith of the righteousness of God to defeat Satan and His cohorts.   How will this human being be revealed to the world. Well, the Bible tells us that this servant of Satan recovered from a deadly wound, and will receive authority from the dragon, and be honoured by the people as if he were God. The people shall proclaim " who is like the beast? who is able to make war with him?". We have seen now in our time how the world is heading for unitary Government under one ruler. This will emerge from the present world system with the blessing of the revised Rome. From this one Government shall arise a charismatic leader with supernatural powers to reduce some of the effects of the plagues of the seven trumpets. This will bring an added poise to his popularity in the world so that the rest of the world leaders will stand with him to oppose our God. This man will emerge speaking abominable things against God and acting like God, and those whos eyes of understanding are blinded because of their pride will believe him and follow him in the Age of the Pale horse. However, believers must know and understand that all these things that shall befall the world in the last days are in the plan of God.   Why must this be so? I believe the whole world is in such a state of confusion, and there will be a serious global environmental changes, so that there will be a consensus among the opinion-leaders of each nation on the need for a centralised governing authority; and such opinions is being vented in this era of the black horse. We can see that Satan is pouring sins into the world now, and many are flowing into it. This is evident when we look at what is happening in this celebrity culture where fame and immorality have taken hold of nations. When his attempts to use sins to seperate believers from the Lord fails, his last stand will be to kill the saints who walk by faith in the righteousness of God who believe the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is obvious that those who do not walk by this faith shall capitulate before the antichrist to receive the mark of the beast 666 or bow before the Anti-christ, the abomination of desolation- his image.   This man who shall receive authority from the dragon will blastpheme God and His angels in Heaven, and His saints. He will fight against the saints and overcome them. The plan of God according to Rev.13:8,"All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." This word of truth is telling us that only those who walk by the faith of the good news of the water and the Spirit shall be able to resist the anti-christ unto death. Remeber Rev.12:11 " And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Here we understand that the life (Blood) of Jesus was for the remission of sins that are past Rom.3:25. It is those who believe the gospel of the water and the Spirit can receive the remission of sins from their heart to walk in the faith that reisists the anti-christ to death because of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Therefore, Rev.13:8 is telling us that because of the extreme tirrany of the Anti-christ, those who have not received the remission of sins will not resist him, and will serve him.   Another beast coming out of the earth is the false prophet of the anti-christ who magnify the Anti-christ and perform many signs and wonders in his presence. He will threaten and kill those who do not obey him (Rev.13:11).This false prophet is the servsnt of the first beast- the Anti-christ. This false prophet will also receive authority from the Dragon and lead him to do miracles in his presence and to act like the Anti-christ and foster the people to worship the Anti-christ; the first beast that came out of the water.   We have been saved through grace that came by Jesus Christ our Lord who took our sins in His baptism by the laying on of the hands of John the Baptist and made us free from condemnation. He gave His blood ( life) for the remission of sins that are past. Since that day at Cavary when our Lord finished the work of redemption the whole world has continued in sinning to this day due to weakness of man. Everyone must come for the remission of their sins through believing that Jesus is the Son of God who came by water ( His Baptism) and Blod ( His life). The Lord expect all men to repent from unbelieve not the offering of prayers of repentance which does not give remission of sins. It is no use running to the cross of Jesus to confess one's sins which have already been forgiven by Jesus by washing them away in His baptism because He took them from John the Baptist by the laying on of hands. By going to the cross for forgiveness one is asking amis and does not receive remission but the sins are still intact in the heart ( human spirit). We need to know that the forgiveness of sins and reimssion are two differnt things. No human being can receive eternal live without the remission of sins from the heart, and without remission there is no born again experience and no knowledge of the son of God. The scripture says "And this life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."    Having been with the New life Mission now for many years have come to appreciate the sincererity of this Ministry to seek to get the whole world to know the difference between the forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins. I believe this is the passion of the New Life Mission and I am identified with like passion, and so should you. 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20216
  • Numero. 20

    Is The Age of The Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    I was reading the book of Daniel this morning and came across this in Dan12:11-12: " And from the time the daily sacrfices shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the tousand three hundred and five and thirty days". When we add up all these figures it totals 1335 days, which is just over three and a halve years. I believe this is the time that the dead in christ and the two Prophets sent to minister the gospel of the righteousness of God to the Jews will be resurrected, and with those that remain and are alive shall be lifted to meet the Lord in the air.   There is no doubt here that this Revelation given to Daniel by the Lord  agrees with that of Revelation to disprove the claims by religionist who propagate the false doctrine of Pre and Post tribulation rapture, and those who claim that there is no rapture to come for the church of Jesus Christ. I believe that just before the sounding of the seventh Trumpet the mystery of God would have been completed for the church to be lifted up at the sounding of the trump, after which the plagues of the seven bowls shall be poured out upon the earth for the destruction of the ntire earth.   Now in series 2 chapter thirteen is the coming of the Antchrist and his false prophet. This of course shall be in the age of the pale horse. But before going through this, let us see where we are in the Christian calender.   In Daniel chapter 10 and 11 the Lord talk about the Kimg of the North, and the King of the South. Without going through all the history at the time, the major then world empires were the Assyrians and Egypt. After this first two wold empires, the Lord brought Nebuccadnezzar of the Kingdom of Babylon, and made him the most powerful King to rule over the entire then world. After this came the Persians and the Medes, and then Greece, the Roman and now the revised Roman empire which is a mixture of the world government which we have now. In the book of Daniel chapter nine, this the feet mixed with iron and clay. The bible tells us that there shall not be unity among them, and it is the last world empire in this age of the black horse. The bible tells us that Daniel in his vision saw a large stone without hands that was cast at the feet of the stature of Nebuccadnezzar, and it broke the stature in piece and the four winds of heaven carried them and was no more.   Before my review of Rev. 13, I perceive in my spirit that people do not take seriously the Age of the black horse to know that it is the Age the one for preparation and the strengthening the heart in the faith of the water and the Spirit. it seems as though this world does not recognise that it is in this last empire that the world is facing the wrath of God for rejecting the love of God. We have to get across to people that the world must come to the Lord for the remission of their sins according to the scripture.   I have spent the last two years working with a church that calimed to believe in the righteousness of God. However, in the end the Lord glorified Himself by showing me that there was no inity of the faith in the church. In the circumstances events in the church caused him to return all the books given to the church. The Lord rewarded my faith in His righteousness by speaking to me by Ps.133:1. There are many out there who claim to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We must be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit for guidance so that we do not expose ourselves to be hindered by Satan. 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20217