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Totale 268
  • Numero. 178

    About my ministry

    • Lungamani Joel
    • Malawi
    • 06/20/202214744
  • Numero. 177

    A church in Kenya

    • Joseph Kimatu
    • Kenya
    • 06/10/202217101
  • Numero. 176


    Paul's says; All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and the wages of sin is death. During reading Rev Jong's first book, I believed that I was born again yet I had not met the genuine gospel. So I had sin in my heart.In my case, I understood the gospel through Jerry Sakala (my husband). And I was so shocked that I had been preaching a half baked gospel without biblical understanding of God's righteousness that was manifested through the baptism of Jesus and His death at Calvary. Jerry and I read book1 together regularly. But at some point I paused, because I found it too heavy to digest. Before I could resume continuation of reading book1, I got hold of Jeroboam's book which broke down strong pillars of false faith in my life(You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free). It became the beginning of my freedom. I dearly loved it and enjoyed reading the book so much because it carried weighty biblical grounded facts. The second book which destroyed false religious bounds in my heart and gave me freedom to biblical knowledge of salvation itself is the Tabernacle book. I couldn't put it away. So, these two books made me curious to know the full explanation of what the gospel of the water and the Spirit is, which I pursued it's details in book1. That is why I highly recommend this book to every first reader of Rev Jong's books without hesitation. Reading book1 alone made me know God and why He sent His only begotten Son to the world. God in the richness of His Mercy and wisdom opened my eyes to see my rotten sinful nature clearly in book1. I can only thank God for a difficult spiritual journey, because it worked all for my good. Hereunder, is what I learnt precisely from book1. First and foremost, I have never heard of the truth contained in this book, NEVER! Not once ever! It sounded a strange book, yet packed with details of God's righteousness. I defeated my thoughts of thinking that Rev Jong and my husband could be a heretics trying to derail me from following God correctly when I saw the righteousness of God clearly unfolding one by one during my following of the contents in the book. Nonetheless;# I learnt that I should throw away my mistaken thoughts to believe in the Word of God as it is. God's Word is Holy and true, it has been there from the beginning and it will forever be true. Hence I can't change it to fit my mistaken false believes except to believe it as it is. I decided to begin my spiritual life afresh. So, I thew away every material I had from my old faith. These included some ritual materials, books and audio tapes. In the process, I realized in my heart that I couldn't keep my old friends either. Anyway, I was hungry to give up the old faith that had not healed me from all sin nor purged my conscience. Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. ALL MY SINS WERE BLOTTED OUT # I learnt that the sin I inherited from Adam is not the only sin God resolved, but ALL sin includes my past, present and future sins. This blew off my mind. I strongly believed it because I suffered way too much over daily confession of sin. I realized that this religious culture of daily confession and repentance I had practiced all my christian life was hypocrisy, evil and an insult to God's grace. Its a way of trampling upon the blood of Christ treating it like a common thing. God opened my understanding, thanks to Rev Jong's obedience to write these books for my redemption. The struggle of a heavy load of grief over sin I suffered all my religious life, tormented me and ripped off peace from my life. It left me totally miserable beyond that I can put in words. Book 1 gave me the understanding to know my human nature to the core. I learnt that I am a fully blown lump of sin destined to hell fire forever separated from God not because I sin everyday but because of UNBELIEVE in God's written Word. God has already completed His salvation plan, but had been waiting for me to believe to be redeemed.  # The truth is, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Secondly, the wages of sin is death. Hence, there is no other way for my sins to be remitted for apart from the gospel of the Water and the Spirit. I was supposed to be judged for all my sins and died for them. But by the grace of God, it is not the will of God that man should perish, but that all may be saved. The truth that washed ALL my sins is that Jesus came in this world, in the power of the Holy Spirit through the body of the virgin Mary. As atonement was done in the old testament, Jesus couldn't blot out the sin of the world in any other way but in the same manner as it was on the day of atonement in the old testament. So at 30, He shouldered all the sins of the world including mine when He was baptised by John the Baptist at the river Jordan. Like Aaron, John transferred ALL the sins of the world onto Jesus. Jesus who was born without sin, received judgement for the sins of the world. At a set date, He didn't only suffered persecution but He died on the cross to shed His innocent blood as a payment of the wages of the sins he had shouldered at His baptism. On the 3rd day, He resurrected to saved all those who believe in this complete work of redemption unto eternal life. He gave them a gift of the Holy Spirit as a seal that they belong to Jehovah God. I believed in this truth with all my heart, and the peace of God filled my heart from then on. I am without sin, hallelujah to God. All that was written in the old testament, pointed to Jesus. All scripture has a mate in the both testaments so that people do not err. So the book is written based on both testaments and agree as one.  # What I accumulated over 20years of my religious life when I lived the so called "virtuous life" by following the law, all amounted to nothing when my eyes opened to see my real self. I realized that I was born a wicked sinner who can't be good no matter how hard I tried. This is so true because no matter how virtuous I tried to live, condemnation hit my heart endlessly. I was in constant grieve until I believed in the God given gospel of the water and the Spirit. Thanks to the author of NLM books, and God bless him abundantly. To be honest with you, the more I tried to be virtuous, the more I realized how hard and frustrating it was. It was just not possible. The thing is, humans are what God calls them Mark 7v20-21. There's no short term to that. As it is impossible to please God without faith, the Holy Spirit can't bear witness to what stands against God's Word of righteousness. This book has give me authentic faith and has lead me to stand before God unaccused in my conscience. I am pure in my heart by the grace of God, hallelujah. I'm sorry that I have exceeded the 500 word limit. Otherwise; in conclusion, I have believed in the correct way of being sinless. My heart is at peace. I stopped preaching the false gospel that turns people into enemies of God. I had to stop attending my old church as soon as I understood the genuine gospel. God in His wisdom separated my heart from old friends and false preachers and lead me into the true blessed Church of God. I am very happy deep in my heart. Now I share true fellowship with the true sinless saints in God's church. I no longer preach a half baked gospel. On the contrary, I share only the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. I am happier. Although I am not that good with translation, I have a deep desire to pull it to the end. I restarted book1 several times because of the hardness of my native language and a long time without a phone. I haven't lost the faith in pulling through. I have perfected the translation up to chapter 4. I'm starting chapter 5. I had ups and downs during translation, and it took me longer than I had desired. Nonetheless, I trust God will help me to perfect the remaining chapters. So far there are many boxes of book1 that I have been distributed so far. I put more emphasis on book1 because it is the corner stone of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. So, I'm prayerfully hopeful that my fellow countrymen will receive redemption too. My sincere thanks to God for Rev Shin who has been faithfully helping us patiently with the mission books spiritual guidance and establishment of churches in Zambia. God bless him abundantly. Now my family and I are distributing a good number of book and sharing the true gospel in Botswana. In sum, this is the miracle book1 performed in my heart. It made me a true instruments of redemption all through God's Grace. Glory to Jesus our King and saviour for saving us perfectly. It scares me a lot at times when I imagine how my heart would been like if I hadn't met the gospel of the water and the Spirit through Rev Jong's books. Many deep thanks to God for Rev Jong who obeyed God's Word to put it in a form of books for our knowledge and salvation. God bless him exceedingly. May God keep him in sound health, for we need him. Peace to God's blessed Church forever.Donney Sakala, Botswana

    • Donney Sakala
    • Zambia
    • 06/09/202217312
  • Numero. 175

    A recording of Friday fellowship with brethren

    • Eric Kimani
    • Kenya
    • 05/31/202219656
  • Numero. 174

    Revival meeting in Nakuru

    • Eric Kimani
    • Kenya
    • 05/31/202219893