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Totale 268
  • Numero. 73

    The gospel message of the water and spirit...

    The gospel message of the water and spirit needs to be listened to for one reason. Because it is correct. I am from a Science background and in Science if appearance and essence were the same thing there would beo need for Science. I ordered and read book: "Have you truly been born again of water and the spirit?" from the Rev Paul C Jong and became truly born again by reading to the end of the book and becoming a person completely without sin in my heart. The book says we are merely masses of sins spilling sin everywhere we go. We have each been born with 12 sins etched deep within the heart. I had a guilty conscience because of my sins and realised that I was not a good person. I could only pretend to be good because of sinning in my heart. I came to the realisation that I was a sinner and couldn't do anything but sin which is contrary to GOD'S law. I was breaking GOD'S law all the time and couldn't help myself and realised from reading the Bible that the penalty for breaking the law of GOD was the penalty of death for the wages of sin is death, but then I read on and found that there was a remedy. We have to know about our sins before we can be saved and then learn that the TRUE gospel of the water and spirit has solved this grave sin problem once for all when GOD sent John the Baptist to this earth six months prior to sending Jesus Christ. Together they worked the works of GOD when John the Baptist saw Jesus Christ coming to him at the Jordan river for baptism. John the Baptist realised that he needed to be baptised by Jesus Christ but Jesus said baptise me for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness of GOD. So John consented and placed his hands n Jesus head saying: " Lo behold the Lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the World passing the sins of the World onto Jesus head then pressed Him down under the waters of the Jordan river washing away all the sins of the entire World once for all, fulfilling all the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God once for all washing away all the World's sins once for all then carrying the sins of the World on His body to the cross and there putting them to death by dying on the cross shedding His blood and dying in our place. Three days later Jesus Christ rose again from the dead showing death had NO power over Him. GOD the Father brought Him back to Life never to die again and so anybody believing in this in their hearts can become born again as completely PERFECT people once and for all. Jesus Christ has risen from the tomb and now lives for ever more. Jesus Christ is sinless and so are all who believe in their hearts in the righteousness of GOD. The righteousness of GOD stands firms throughout all eternity. The righteousness of GOD is everlasting sinless life. The World is now sinless once for all. GOD bless the believers in the TRUE gospel of the water and spirit. May the LORD witness it to your heart. To get back to the Science the experimental evidence confirms the existence of the SINLESS PERFECTION OF GOD's salvation. In my opinion it is experimentally verifiable. It always gives perfect SINLESS RESULTS. It needs to be spread to everyone on the earth so the people can all experience the blessing of GOD'S Righteousness and not human sinfulness in the 12 sins n the heart originally born with. In the gospel of the water and spirit all sins are gone now once and for all. Every blessing. John StannersScotland UK

    • John Stanners
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/06/202155992
  • Numero. 72

    Living in the presence of God.

    To begin with let me tell you that life is like a bunch of rose.Beautiful as the flower prickly and painful as its thorns. But whatever happens in our life whether it's good or bad having an intimate conversation with the Lord always leads us to righteousness.The spiritual happiness we gain by living in the presence of God is immense. It's always important to keep it in mind that our God has a perfect plan for each one of us, giving us his love and blessings and providing the things that we truly deserve.We who are born sinners can only be redeemed by believing in the Baptism and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ that is the gospel of the water and the spirit.Most are yet unaware of this true gospel. By believing in the gospel and serving the will of the God by spreading the gospel to ones who have not yet born again we can receive the unfailing love of God.At the sermon on the mount(Matthew 5:1-16) Jesus mentioned who will receive the blessings of God.Further in Matthew 6:1-15 our Lord taught us how he wants us to pray.As we hold onto the word of God and pray, we grow to believe in God and as we receive his answers to our prayers that we offered with faith we are even more thankful to God. I know there is a great power of prayers. Before realizing the truth even I was trying to live according to the law trying to avoid sins. Yes, I was unaware how I did commit sins in my heart without doing anything. In this corrupted world we continue to commit sins  with or without our knowledge.It is the human nature as we are born sinners.We can only be happy because our sins were taken and washed away by our savior Jesus Christ.It was of our sins he had to suffer and die on the cross.I am always grateful and thankful to God for saving me from my sins.By been born again I feel the burden which prevailed in my heart is no more and my spirit is feeling more and more comfortable.I hope the others will also believe in the gospel of the water and the spirit and become God's own children.The books which are freely distributed by the New Life Mission provides a better insight of the Bible especially on the gospel of the water and the spirit.My hope is to distribute books among those who have not yet born again as it is my duty to serve the God.May you will receive the abundant blessings of God!    

    • Indra Yatawara
    • Sri Lanka
    • 05/05/202153919
  • Numero. 71


    On this day God created me on the palm of His hand.God formed me of the dust of the ground,And breathed into my nostrils the breath of life;And I became a living soul.From the dust of the ground to the hell bound.Had it not been for His law and grace to enlighten me.How fallen I have become through the first man Adam?Ever ready to perish in everlasting fire of HadesMy existence before my Maker simply to fadeLike that of a ripple created by the dripping dew in the calm waterSlowly fading into nothingness.Even though with goodly things of the world I may be clad,Still I’ll be the one standing before my Maker naked unclad.As good as the dead decaying logDespite still ticking the lifeline hands of the dying clock.O how blessed I am that My Almighty calledFrom the fading calm water ripple to make me ever flowing fountainLike undying spring flowing from the nooks of the mountainWhen He declared me righteous through His One & Only Begotten SonAnd embraced me to His warm cozy bosomGiving me new life born again of water & the SpiritOf His One & Only Begotten Son Saviour Jesus ChristWho now sits at the right hand side of My MakerWith all the power, principles and authorities,Having heavenly job done to make us His called and chosenAs His redeemed children.By Him coming in flesh through Virgin Mary as the Son of ManTaking on the sins of the world through His Baptism in River JordanAs the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the worldThrough the hand of John The Baptist at the age thirty.Now who comes to Him will never be hungry and thirstyFor out of His heart flows the everlasting fountainOf His Baptism of River Jordan.For the very post of the Heavenly High Priest He was ordainedTo declare and make us His creation innocentBy His precious blood of the Calvary crossTo bless us with new life and lift up the hell bound curseThat passed down to mankind from Adam,Declaring the victory over death by His resurrectionTaking on all our curses and punishments of our actions.Through His Water (His Baptism in River Jordan),Through His Blood of Crucifixion,The victory of His ResurrectionAnd the testimonies of God The Father and The Holy Spirit.Making us born again of water & the SpiritBorn of God to overcome the world (sins) by faithIn His Water, Blood & the Testimony of the Holy Spirit.Hallelujah & Amen. BORN OF GOD.1Jn 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.1Jn 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?1Jn 5:6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.1Jn 5:8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. Detail and more of the blessing for free available at

    • Roshan Rai
    • Bhutan
    • 05/05/202154132
  • Numero. 70

    We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Greatings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ I am very much happy preach the the gospel of the Water and the spirit to our church youth fellowship one of our youth Debasish chowdhury he read book 2 and he is non Christian after he read the book and he excepted Water and the Spriit he was baptized in the last week of October and another youth her name is Milli Das she read book 1 and book 2 she has excepted the water and spirit she will be baptized in the first Sunday of December 2014 her religion is Hindu she is student of women’s polytechnic collage she lives in chandannagar of Kolkata west Bengal. on seventh of November 2014 I have discussed about water and spirit he is elder of church & his church name is love Presbetian Church of Kolkata I gave him book One, On 9thNovember 2014 I have distributed books to five youth student they are Pryanka sen, sondipa sen, book No 1 and subarna Raut, santu sen and  Babli Balmiki with book 2 and on 16th November Biswajit Nandi, book 1, Sumit sen book 3, and Rabinath with book 3 and on 23 november 2014 I have given book no 1 to sister Amil she is from C.P.M Penticcotal church she told she will read the book, I have explained her the meaning of of the water and the spirit water means the Baptism of Jesus and spirit His being God. and Atonement for sin in the old Testament.I went to souther part of india that is Andhra Pradesh Rajamundry in villave purshotapally the church WME Douglas church i was given privilege to preach about water and spirit.Samuel Gidla, India

    • samuel gidla
    • India
    • 05/05/202152070
  • Numero. 69

    Idol worship Topic: idol worshipFirst we will find out the meaning of idol.• Idol: an idol is a graven image or effigy material that is worshiped.• Idolater: an idol worshiper or someone who worships idol. First, when God created man, He did not make any sort of image for the man to worship. He set Himself for man to Have Dominoin. He was the God who said come let us make man in our own image (Genesis 1:26). Man was the only thing been made by the image of God. From then, man began to bow down to Almighty God who brought him into the world. In Exodus 20: 4 God says; ' You shall not make yourself idol in form of anything in Heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below'. Now if you study this statement very carefully, it's a command. So any man who has fell in this command is a disobedient to the commander which is God. In verse 5, it says 'You shall not bow down to them or worship them' he went further to say, 'He is a jealous God, punishing the children for their sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me'. But the very first command was in verse 4 which says ' You shall have no other gods before me. God really emphasize on this so much. He knew that the only way man can divert or turn away from Him is to have another god. First He said: do not haveSecond: you shall not makeThirdly : you shall not bow down. This three simple command is very important in man's life. That is what God hate so much. Because He knew that once man make an image, the next thing is to bow for that image and from doing that it will lead man in committing immorality and shedding of bloods.Man has finally succeeded in making an image.( exodus 32:1) in vs 4, he took all the handed to him to make an idol cast in shape of a calf, fashioning it with tool. Then he said, these are your gods O Isreal, who brought you up out of Egypt.Now people were so foolish to believe what Aron told them. If that is the case, they have carrying their god on their body all this while and still looking for a god to worship. I also learnt one thing hear, despite they were so foolish, they remembered to worship God. Many of us here presents, don't even remember to pray, fast or even worship God. In those days, their kind of worship is not centered on prayer but praises. Let's go on, in verse 9, 'God said to Moses,  "they are stiff necked people". 10, " now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make a great nation". Now, God has seen that man has neglected His command. And with that it lead them to so many evil practices. He quickly told Moses in Leviticus 18:1-29, where He told Moses so many things that the Israelites should not do, in chapter 19 and 20, He did the same.In judges 17:1( Micah's idol)2 kings 17:41, 2kings 23:1(Josiah)Remember 1john 5:21•Talk on king Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 1:26-30) • Case study: catholic way of idol worship (Jeremiah 10:1-4, vs 8-15. Jeremiah 44:1-down., Ezekiel 8:6-12, Zechariah 10:2-3(the idols speak lies) • Case study: Genesis 1:3-5 the Muslims way of idol worship(Worshipping of sun and moon of sun and moon) The word Tammuz means the tenth month of the civil year; the fourth month of the Ecclesiastic year ( in June & July)Second, it means the Sumerian and Babylonia god of pastures and vegetation. Ezekiel 8: 14-18• counting of bids• bowing down to an image in view of Christ, spreading and hanging it on the car, house and working place.N/B: there is no place in the bible where people bow down to caved image representing Mary the mother of Jesus. There is no place in the bible where the followers of Jesus or the early Christians were worshipping or bowing to an idol molded in form of Christ. •God will banish all the idols and remove the people of impurity -Zechariah 13:2.Man is living in darkness and God will destroy anyone living in that form. When Jesus came into this world, He came in a human flesh, He never came as in form of an idol or image. •Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:7,14-22. Prayer: 1: O Lord God of Abraham, forgive me for disobeying your commands and law you gave concerning worshipping of idols and images. 2: O Lord God of Heaven and Earth, destroy anything that represents idol in my life! 3: O Lord God of mercy, separate me from any covenant my father and my mother made to any idol or image concerning my life, future & destiny! 4: O Lord God of Isaac and Jacob, restore whatever the idol from my father's and mother's house have stolen from me! 5: O Lord God, give me a new life!

    • Abel Kalu
    • Nigeria
    • 05/05/202154159