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Totale 268
  • Numero. 238

    The Holy Spirit who Dwells in Me - The Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit

    First, thank God for revealing this good news to Rev. Paul C. Jong. In book 3, I discovered the gospel that can help us to have the Holy Spirit is the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. Without this true gospel of water and the Spirit, no one can be with the Holy Spirit and be guided by the Holy Spirit.Matthew 3:16-17After His baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on Him, and a voice from heaven said, this is My dearly loved Son, who brings Me great joy.But in this world, many people believe in their bodily experiences and the teachings of false preachers. So, they are all lost because they miss the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. And no one will see the heavens without the Holy Spirit, and to have the Holy Spirit, firstly, we must believe the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. So I believe in this beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, and I accept the Holy Spirit to dwell in me and be guided by the Holy Spirit to be a good servant of God. Amen.

    • Richard Saleh
    • Congo, Democratic Republic of
    • 01/01/202432
  • Numero. 237

    Have you truly been born again of water and the Spirit?

    Greetings, I appreciate God so much because of His servant Paul C. Jong for blessing us with the knowledge of the gospel of water and the Spirit. I had previously read John chapter 3:3-5 many times, but I did not understand the precise meaning. The explanation of the servant of God seemed to disclose a profound truth in my heart. I had this thought in my heart that Jesus was baptized to leave us an example to follow. But when I learnt that John was baptizing sinners who came to Him repenting their sins and knowing that Jesus had no sin to confess, I knew for sure there was a good reason for Jesus` baptism. This introduction drew my attention to read the book “Have you truly been born again of water and the Spirit?” thoughtfully.Before we meet the redemption prepared by God through His Son Jesus, we must first admit that we are the worst sinners before God. God has guided us to arrive at this conclusion by giving the Law. In Romans 3:20, God did not give the Law so that we may be justified before Him but to receive the knowledge of sin through the Law. The knowledge we gain from the Law is that we are so weak to completely obey it in its entirety. We must know we are born already as sinners. People live their lives in self-deception not knowing their true natures. God doesn’t redeem those with ‘little bit of sin’. God does not even glance at those who say “God I have a little bit of sin. The ones who He shows pity for are those who say, "God I am a mass of sin, am going to hell. Please save me."Because the Law exposes the sin which lies in the hearts of people, many Christians, when their sins are revealed in their consciences, they seek God for forgiveness. Those who do not know themselves to be masses of sin ask His forgiveness for their every little sin, they go before Him without knowing the terrible weight of their sins and just pray please God, forgive this tiny bit of sin, I will never do it again’, they also try to deceive God with such prayers. We do not commit such sin just once, but do so continually until we die. We would have to keep asking for forgiveness until the very last day of our lives because we cannot stop committing sin and our flesh serves the law of sin until we die. Being forgiven for one sin cannot solve the problem of sin because we commit countless sins every day. So the only way one can be free from sin is by passing all our sins onto Jesus.Jesus gave us eternal redemption by blotting out all the sins of the world. If there is any sinner who agonizes over his/her sins it is because of the person’s misconception of how Jesus has delivered him/her from all sins with His baptism and crucifixion. It is the unworthy one who admits oneself to be so sinful receives the grace. Those who cannot help themselves, the weak and helpless receive redemption. Our sins which are recorded on the tablets of our hearts and at the horns of the altar (books of works) are erased when we accept into our hearts the redemption of the water and the blood of Jesus.The baptism of Jesus (water) which He received from John the Baptist who was the representative of all humankind transferred all the sins of all people on to Jesus just as the high priest Aron represented all the congregation of Israel on the great day of atonement by transferring all the sins for one year to the head of the scapegoat through the laying on of hands (Leviticus 16:21). Jesus went to the Cross bearing the sins of the world upon His body and shedding His blood He was judged on our behalf. He was buried and was resurrected on the third day.Many years I believed only the Cross (blood). I lived diligently my salvation life but sin was live in my heart. I lived under condemnation although I testified about my faith in Jesus. I begged for God’s forgiveness everyday, sanctified myself in the blood of Jesus whole heartedly, but I was neither clean nor righteous before God. But the moment when I heard about the gospel message explaining in detail the ministry of John the Baptist and understood how he was sent from God to accomplish the task of laying all the sins of the world onto Jesus, who is the lamb of God who takes the sin of the world, having believed, I was freed from all my sins that were tormenting me in my heart and the righteousness of Jesus was imputed on me. Apostle John, in his first epistle chapter 5, talks of the overcoming faith. This overcoming faith is based on three witnesses: water, blood and the Spirit. Water symbolizes the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist which took away all the sins of humankind, by blood, Jesus paid the wages of sin by bleeding on the Cross, and by the Spirit meaning He was God who came as the Spirit in human flesh. These three things are proving that God saved us. These three things are what Jesus did for us in this world. The word of water, blood and the Spirit of Jesus is the light of redemption. If the born again do not rise and shine, many people will die without redemption and God will not be pleased. Jesus washed our sins once and for all. 1 Peter 3:18 for Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.  He came down to this world in the flesh and completely washed all our sins all at once with His baptism, His death on the Cross and His resurrection. We can have a good conscience before God by having faith in His baptism and the blood of Jesus. To be born again does not mean we will not commit sins again. We the born again also commits sins but our hearts stay clean of sin because of our faith in His baptism. The water of Jesus baptism cleans away all the dirt of sin. 1 Peter 3:21 says not the removal of filthy of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God. Jesus washed away our sins and God accepted judgment for us. We were saved before God and now our consciences are clean. If our consciences are bothered a little, we cannot be completely free from sin unless we remind ourselves of the power of Jesus baptism. It is the only way we can have good conscience. This is the faith of the born again. Jesus washed His disciples feet to teach them and us that all the sins of the world including all the sins we have committed throughout our lives were completely washed away when He was baptized and bled on the Cross. It also teaches that as Jesus lowered Himself to save sinners and make them righteous, we, the born again should serve others by preaching the gospel of remission. It is right for us who came first to serve those who come later. Now I am fully convinced and believe that the gospel of water and Spirit is the true gospel.I believe that all my sins were passed onto Jesus when He was baptized by John the Baptist and that all of them were paid off when He suffered and died on the Cross. He brought down the wall that separated God and mankind. Praise be to God, I have been redeemed.ERIC WAMBUA, KENYA

    • Kenya
    • 12/24/202375
  • Numero. 236


    Many people are lost, why? Because people believe bad gospel, people are worldly Christians, people walk in a deep darkness. So God bring this message to the people in order to return to him. The salvation is in the true gospel of water and spirit. So everyone may return to Jesus and the way is to believe the true gospel. Without true gospel of water and spirit no one will be saved. John 8:31-32Jesus said to the people who believed in him, you are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So we may believe Jesus Christ. After reading this book 2, I accepted to return to Jesus and to be a good coworker in order to preach this message to the worldly Christians, to show them the truth about Jesus. Matthew 7:21Not everyone who calls out to me, lord! Lord! Will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my father in heaven will enter. Amen

    • Richard Saleh
    • Congo, Democratic Republic of
    • 12/16/202337
  • Numero. 235

    Have you truly been born again of water and the Spirit?

    In the book 1 I learned God reveled to Rev John C Jong in order to Open the eyes of people, because many people are lost, many people were in Darkness. The gospel of water and spirit is the true gospel from God himself. Because without believing the baptism and the death of Jesus on the cross, no one will be saved. John 3:3Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you can not see the kingdom of God. And we shall be born again when we believe in the true gospel of water and spirit. So after knowing the true gospel of water and spirit my eyes are opening. I am born again because Jesus took all my sins by his baptism. Before I was in great darkness but now I am in the light. I feel good because I am born again, So I am not in worldly Christianity again. I will serve God in right way. Thanks to God

    • Richard Saleh
    • Congo, Democratic Republic of
    • 12/10/202359
  • Numero. 234

    Those who believe in the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit should Love others Spiritually and Properly!

    "When we keep and abide in the Word of the commandments to love God and other people, our hearts are delighted. We are bold in our hearts. We have peace in our hearts. And God’s glory and grace fill our hearts abundantly.Still, we should caution ourselves so that there is no one who leaves God’s love and instead falls in love with a person who is not yet born-again out of one’s zeal to live by the commandments of loving God and other people. Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit should love others spiritually and properly. If we fail to do so, we will fall in fleshly love too passionately with those who have not yet realized this Truth. There are times when our insufficiencies reveal their realities even after our being born-again and while we are trying to abide in God’s commandments. Do we not often fall short before God and other people? We surely do. Because even we the born-again are lacking, we sometimes commit sins.It’s always good to read about the baptism Jesus received, by which He took all our sins onto Himself. Because all my sins that bother my conscience have been transferred onto Jesus through the laying on of hands of John the Baptist when he baptized Jesus, my faith is emboldened instantly any time I read this passage of the Bible.We keep committing sins till the day we die. However, all those sins have been transferred onto Jesus. Weren’t your sins transferred? Yes, they were transferred when Jesus was baptized at the Jordan River. If your sins were transferred to Jesus already, do you still have sins or not? You no longer have any sin. When we say that all our sins were transferred, which time period are we talking about? Doesn’t the Bible say that all the sins of the world were transferred onto Jesus? If all the sins of the world were transferred onto Jesus, were not all the sins of our entire life transferred onto Jesus as well? We are without any sin and can stand with confidence before God because all our sins that we have committed and will commit until the day we die were transferred onto the head of Jesus."

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 12/09/202354