A causa del COVID-19 e dell'interruzione del servizio di postainternazionale, bbiamo temporaneamente sospeso il nostro "Servizio di libri a stampagratuita".
Alla luce di questa situazione, al momento non siamo in grado di inviarti i libri.
Prega che questa pandemia finisca presto e la ripresa del servizio postale.
Thank God for opening the door for His Gospel to be preach.
Shyam Marak
05/08/2021 77976
Thank God for opening the door for His Gospel to be preach. May God enlighten them to know the Truth of the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit, so that they may know and believe in the Truth of Salvation given by God and thus saved from all their Sins by having faith in what Jesus had done for them through the Water, Blood and the Spirit.
Thank God and thank you dear Brothers and Sisters for all your prayers to preach the Gospel of Christ. Amen.