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合計 289
  • No. 134

    The TABERNACLE: A Detailed Portrait of Jesus Christ (I)

    This book has been written to show that the tabernacle is A Detailed portrait of Jesus Christ who would come to dwell among his people as messiah the perfect savoir. Jesus is a real person and real God fulfilled the requirements of the sacrificial system. He will appear physically to judge those who deny this truth and reward those who believe and proclaim it. Thank you Jesus keep us blessed.

    • India
    • 05/05/202110
  • No. 133

    book 12 - When can a Christian have an intimate conversation with the Lord?

    I have been reading book 12 and it so very challenging.  what does our fruit show. does our belief in the the Gospel of the water and the spirit show in our life by the actions we do. do we truely show people the true way of salvation.  i pray that God will direct my paths to show people the truth of the bible and how they can be truely born again by beliving in the Gospel of the water and the spirit.

    • bryan rowe
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/05/20218
  • No. 132

    Our view of Christianity

    First of all i want to say thankyou to the team of Mr Paul C. Jong for emmediately replying on how to order the books. On behalf of my family i want to say thank you,we received the books just yesterday. We are so greatfull,you are definately changing peoples lives. After my mum introduced us to the book of THE TABERNACLE: A DETAILED PORTRAIT OF JESUS (I),we started to question if we are truly saved and our answer was horrifying. But as we continue to read and apply the true principle of christianity we are slowly changing. And for that,we say thank you and God continue to bless you all the days of your lives.

    • Nachinga Malata
    • 05/05/20216
  • No. 131

    The Blessing & Gift

    Remember to tell we are free ( remission of sin) By the Gospel, Jesus gave (Gospel of the Water & Spirit) in the Word Of God (The Word of Truth)  Giving His Spirit (Holy Spirit) seared Conscienceness (":I will thy sins & lawless I will remember no more") Royal Priest (1 Tim 4:6) Made His People (Chosen People)  with a seared Consciousness (Peace be Still) Build The Kingdom (The Church) Everlasting Life With keys to The Kingdom Of Heave

    • Charles Baldwin
    • United States of America
    • 05/05/20215
  • No. 130

    What is means works

    What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent God teaches everything to His servants first, from the mystery of salvation to living by  faith, wisdom, everlasting life,  and the way to receive all blessings; and it is through these servants that God then speaks  to every believer The Bible says that to believe in the one whom God sent is doing God’s work. I believe in and preach the Truth as someone sent by God. And there is no question that if you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and the Word of God preached by me,  you will not only receive everlasting life and the remission of sins, but you will also prosper in body 26As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. But the correct interpretation of this passage is as follows: Believing in Him whom God sent is doing God’s work, and therefore when we believe in the One sent by God, we are saved, led by Him, and blessed by Him. It  is on account of faith that we are blessed; it is on account of faith that we are led, and it is also on account of  faith that our works emerge. In other words, it’s because we believe in the Word of God and trust His servants that we follow the Word.   God's work or work we do without his righteousness

    • Charles Baldwin
    • United States of America
    • 05/04/20215