
Berichten van Medewerkers

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Totaal 268
  • Nummer 108

    This month is also exactly 20 years since I became truly born again of the water and the Spirit.

    I reached 40 years of age this month of August. And this same month is also exactly 20 years since I became truly born again of the water and the Spirit in August 2002 when I attended Scripture Union Conference at Lagon in Accra and God “LED” me to meet the first edition of Rev. Paul C. Jong Book “HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT?” I was 20 years of age at that time.  In fact, God actually “LED” me to meet this heavenly inspired book when I was very “thirsty” for His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” at that time. Therefore our LORD Jesus “blessed” me by fulfilling His “Word” which He spoke in Matthew 5:6, and this changed my life through the first edition of the MISSION BOOK forever to become a righteous person born of God in His faithfulness and truth.  So whiles I am 40 years old now, this very same month of August is also exactly 20 years since I met the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. Therefore I and my some of my fellow born again Saints celebrated it not in a worldly fashion or for self-appraisal, but we celebrated it to the “GLORY” of God by sharing fellowship in the gospel and having a meal (eating) together. For the Scripture says, “Therefore, whether you EAT or DRINK, or WHATEVER you do, do all to the GLORY of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). This is exactly what we did.  God told the people of Israel, “I have LED you FORTY years in the wilderness; your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandal has not worn out on your foot” (Deuteronomy 29:5). Therefore I also believe that in these forty (40) years, the LORD has done a lot for me just as He did for Israel, and He is the One who has brought me this far in faith and in the knowledge of the true gospel of His salvation which came by the water and the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  I thank God for the 40 years of my life and for His faithfulness towards me in His protection and guidance for the past 20 years after I met the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I give all the glory and the praise to him. I will send you some photos.  Thank you and God bless you abundantly for your support and co-operation in these years.  Eric Aboadwe, Ghana

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 05/07/202167621
  • Nummer 107

    The saints in Ethiopia

    "እግዚአብሔርም ባረካቸው፥ እንዲህም አላቸው፦ ብዙ፥ ተባዙ፥ ምድርንም ሙሉአት፥ግዙአትም፤የባሕርን ዓሦችና የሰማይን ወፎች በምድር ላይ የሚንቀሳቀሱትንም ሁሉ ግዙአቸው።" (ኦሪት ዘፍጥረት 1:28)   And the Lord blessed them, and said to them, Be multiplied, and fill the earth, and glory.And the birds of the sea and the birds of the heavens, and all who move on the earth. "(Genesis 1:28)    

    • Yohannes Make Mara
    • Ethiopia
    • 05/07/202164987
  • Nummer 106

    Book distribution

    "May Almighty God by His Almighty power lead them and guide them to the knowledge of SALVATION given by the Pure Gospel of the Water and the Spirit." I thank the Lord for His Grace. "Freely you have received, freely give."(Matthew 10:8). Shyam Marak, India    

    • Shyam Marak
    • India
    • 05/07/202163950
  • Nummer 105

    My testimony

    The time I was in the darkness of this world i was dead, but the moment I heard the gospel of the water and the Spirit in my heart I became a new living being am without sin, not just because am saying with my lips that I don't have any sins in my heart, but the truth that Jesus Christ who is God himself came in to this world by human fresh and carried all my sins through his baptism and he died on the Cross to pay for the wages of my sins and he was resurrected from the dead on the third day to give me a new life that is way am say that I am without sin in my heart God has saved me from all my sin and death.Simon Hamunzi, Zambia

    • Simon Hamunzi
    • Zambia
    • 05/07/202164466
  • Nummer 104

    Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute

    Just the other day while my wife and I were distributing our Books in Rotterdam we came across a very distraught man. Eventually he told us why he was in this state, he said his wife was in hospital in the intensive care unit where she was being treated for cancer. To make matters worse he told us that she was also a deaf mute. Trying to offer the gospel of the water and the Spirit to this man at this moment in time seemed a bit futile, he was polite but said, under his circumstances he had lost any faith which he had. As it turned out he and his wife were long time Church attenders, but as his wife’s illness progressed his Church Pastor and a few of the Elders began to keep their distance from them, saying they were in Gods hands and that they could do nothing more for them. It sure sounded like God was the last thing on their minds. After we heard this mans story we told him that God was above his circumstances and proceeded to tell him about how Jesus had healed the deaf mute and how it happened. The deaf mute was brought to Jesus and they begged Him to put His hand on him (Mark 7:32-37). We then explained the contents of (Mark 7:20-23) to him and compared this to his wife’s condition. We then explained to him the Baptism of Jesus received from John and the true meaning of what happens to a person when they become truly born again of the water and the Spirit (John 3:3,5). While we were explaining the Gospel of the water and the Spirit to him we could see this mans face and eyes light up.. By the time we were finished explaining to him why God had chosen John to Baptize Jesus and not someone else, the tears started to role down his face and all he could say was thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you. At this we gave him Books No1, 2, 3, and told him to go to the hospital and Let Jesus do to his wife what He has just done for you. This is just a short testimony about the power the Gospel of the water and the Spirit can have on someone when the ground has been properly prepared. Here we would like to thank Rev. Paul C. Jong for all the work he has done through his writings on the Gospel of the water and the Spirit, and to all his coworkers for helping us to do what we have just done to help this man and his wife get into the kingdom of God. All the glory goes to God, Amen! Pastor Jim & Sister Jenny Montgomerie, HollandThe New Life MissionHolland Branch

    • Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/07/202165750