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Why You are Still A Sinner Despite Believing in Jesus?
Sichembe Gilbert
07/22/2023 22768
The name ‘Jesus’ means ‘Savior,’ and ‘Christ’ means the ‘anointed One.’ Jesus Christ, the King of all kings incarnated on earth through a virgin’s body, received baptism from John the Baptist to take over the sin of the world, gave His body on the Cross as a sacrifice before God to save us from all sins. We do not become children of God until we understand the meaning of His name and believe in the Truth. To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become God’s children. Have you received Him yet? In receiving Jesus, John the Baptist plays a very important role. If there had not been his testimony, or if you do not believe in his testimony, you cannot receive the Lord. Without knowing what John the Baptist did, there is no way for us to know and believe that Jesus came to save us from sins. The Truth is that Jesus took over our sins, died on the Cross, and rose again from death to make our conscious pure and holy. If he had not baptized Jesus, we would not be able to receive Him.