

Subject 28 : If You Have Confusion and Emptiness in Your Heart, Seek the Light of the Truth

[28-15] The Lord Has Cleansed Our Hearts

The Lord Has Cleansed Our Hearts
(John 2:13-22)
“Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, ‘Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!’ Then His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.’ So the Jews answered and said to Him, ‘What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’ Then the Jews said, ‘It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?’ But He was speaking of the temple of His body. Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.”

The Lord Wants to Cleanse the Temple

Today’s Scripture reading tells us that the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist on this earth and His Cross constitute the light of this world. It is written in John 1:9, “That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.” The “true Light” here speaks of the Light of Truth that is “trustworthy, without any falsehood, pure, and truthful.” In other words, the true Light is the complete opposite of any man-made light, and it refers to the pure, veritable, and perfect light of salvation. 
The origins of today’s Christianity are traced back to the Protestant reformers of the 16th century. These reformers’ faith, however, were rooted in the Apostles’ Creed rather than the true Light. Historically speaking, the basis of the Apostles’ Creed lies in the Nicene Creed. Although its adherents claim that the Nicene Creed is a confession of faith that inherited the faith of the apostles of the Early Church, in reality, it destroyed these apostles’ faith. The Nicene Creed was a fabricated creed, for it left out the Word of the baptism that Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist and through which He took away the sins of this world.
Satan, God’s enemy, realized that the purpose for which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had come to this earth and been baptized by John the Baptist was to save all mankind from the sins of the world. So, Satan sought to undermine God’s plan by using human beings and making them come up with the Nicene Creed. When Satan stands against God, he uses people who do not fear Him. So we need to realize here that there are certain people who are used by Satan. It is now incumbent on us to correct and undo this blasphemous and evil deed. The work of the baptism of Jesus constitutes the righteousness of God, and it is our duty to let people know and believe in this work properly. 
From now on, all Christians ought to believe that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, be washed from their sins, and live a life of faith that brings glory to God. Using the Nicene Creed to prevent the faith of the Early Church from spreading all over the world, Satan left out the Word of the baptism of Jesus, that the Lord took away the sins of mankind through His baptism. Put differently, the devil took a preemptive measure to hide this Truth of salvation, so that no one would know the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Therefore, it is imperative for us to now believe in the Truth that Jesus Christ took away all our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist, and to thus reach our salvation even at this very moment. This is because no human being can ever be delivered from all his sins without faith in the Truth of salvation through the baptism that Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist. All of us must grasp this fact and believe in it. 
We need to realize that Satan used the makers of the Nicene Creed as his instruments to omit the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. This means the devil used these people to mislead everyone to the way of destruction. 
It is for this reason that, today, I wish to preach to you in detail the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, as I am a follower of the Reformed faith. I would like to bear witness of the Truth to you, explaining in concrete terms how Jesus washed away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. Through the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, He took away all the sins of mankind once and for all in the most just way, and He died on the Cross while shouldering these sins on His body. This work is what brought comfort to God the Father and soothed His heart. 
This is because the Son of God shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized and was condemned for our sins in our place, which should have been borne by us human beings. It is from His Son’s baptism and the shedding of the Son’s blood that God the Father found appeasement for His heart, saying, “Had My Son not been baptized and shed His blood, I would have had to condemn mankind for all their sins, but I no longer need to do this.” In this way, God’s heart was mollified. 
I am now preaching to you the Truth of salvation that the Lord has given us. I am telling you with every confidence that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, and without this Word of baptism, there is absolutely no way for you to be washed from your sins. This is because by believing in just the crucified Jesus as taught by Christianity today, we cannot wash away our sins. Jesus Christ has come by baptism and blood, and it is only if we believe in Him as our Savior that that we can truly be washed from our sins.
Jesus has saved you and me from all the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and I want you to be born again and receive everlasting life by believing in the gospel of salvation while you are still living in this world. I want you to realize the fact that you can pass all your sins on to the body of Jesus by placing your faith in His baptism, by believing that Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. And I want you to believe with thanksgiving that Jesus, who was condemned for your sins in your place while shouldering them once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, is your Savior. 
The baptism that Jesus received when He came to this earth and the blood He shed on the Cross constitute the sacrifice of salvation that He offered to save all mankind from all sins. So, I thank the Lord for being baptized by John the Baptist, shedding His blood on the Cross, and thus making Himself mankind’s propitiation. Since I believe that Jesus took away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, I am a born-again man in God’s sight. That is why I am preaching the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit to you now. 

What I Wish for You

I have a singularly critical fact that I wish to tell you in this present age: By believing in and following the Nicene Creed, today’s descendants of the Protestant reformers believe in Jesus while omitting His baptism, and by believing in the Word of the Cross alone while leaving out the Word of the baptism of Jesus, you cannot wash away your sins once and for all. Just as it is written in Matthew 3:13-17, Jesus has fulfilled the righteousness of God by being baptized by John the Baptist and thus taking away the sins of this world once and for all, and I want you to believe in this baptism of Jesus. By now placing your faith in the fact that Jesus accepted your sins on His own body by being baptized by John the Baptist, you can be washed from all your sins. 
Is your faith now placed in the baptism of Jesus, or is it placed only in the crucified Jesus? Right now, all of us are descendants of the Protestant reformers. This gives me all the more reason to ask you to return to the right faith and believe in the work of Jesus that was left out of the Nicene Creed, which is that Jesus bore the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. Even though we are descendants of the Protestant reformers, from now on, let us be washed from all our sins by believing in the Truth that Jesus took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Let us receive the grace of salvation that the Lord is offering us. And through our faith in the baptism of Jesus, let us pass our sins to Him and launch a new reformation of faith for this age. 
Over the last couple of years many people have died from COVID-19 or are suffering from its effects. There also have been more and more Christians leaving their church without much hesitation. While this is in part explained by pandemic-related government policies such as social distancing requirements that restricted large gatherings, what made these Christians struggle even more is the fact that they could not solve the problem of the sins that were in their hearts. Christians these days are in such a poor spiritual condition that they do not even have the conviction of their own faith. So, they end up abandoning their church and have no choice but to try to guide themselves. It cannot be denied that these Christians are the lost sheep.
The task before us now is guiding such lost souls to the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist. We have the duty to teach them the fact that Jesus shouldered their sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. We must guide their faith to the right direction, so that they would believe in the Word of the baptism of Jesus. This is what God wants from us, and it is His heart’s desire. 
Today’s Christians in the 21st century can now be washed from all the sins that are in their hearts thanks to the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. I believe if only their hearts have the desire to be washed from their sins through faith in the baptism of Jesus, they will be more than able to overcome the virus that has now spread throughout the whole world. 
However, because so many Christians around the world today have no faith in the Word of the baptism of Jesus, they have no conviction of salvation about the washing of their sins either. This is why whenever the fear of COVID-19 rears its head, their hearts are overwhelmed by terror. However, those who have been washed from their sins through the Word of the baptism of Jesus and His blood have the Lord in their hearts, and therefore they do not wander anymore. What you need to realize here is that these believers, too, were able to get the problem of their sins solved in these end times because they had met someone who preached to them the Word of baptism and taught them that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. If only this were to come about, everyone can have the faith to truly follow in the footsteps of the apostles just like the saints of the Early Church. 

Why Were Christians Bound to Live Trapped in Their Sins?

The very first reason why so many Christians had no choice but to live trapped in their own sins is because they had never heard the Truth of baptism, not even once, that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world and washed away everyone’s sins with the baptism He received from John the Baptist. As a result, the more time passed by, the more sinful they became as the problem of their sins was never addressed. Precisely because most of them were turning into even worse sinners, the Word of the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist is absolutely indispensable to them. After all, they are now perishing because of their sins. 
Jesus is the Savior who has washed away the sins of this world with the baptism He received from John the Baptist, but because these Christians have not met Him yet, they are still unable to get the problem of their sins solved by faith. Owing to the sins that remain in their hearts now, they eventually end up giving up on their lives of faith. Therefore, we all need to turn our eyes away from the religion that we have believed until now, gaze upon the Word of the baptism that the Lord received, and look toward His love that has washed away our sins. The day of the second coming of the Lord is nearing this world day by day, but if you yourself do not believe in the Truth that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, how could your heart not be fearful?
You must accept into your heart the Truth that you have never heard until this very moment—that is, the Truth that the Lord took away your sins through His baptism. Your heart must thus be made sinless, and you must receive the Lord as a sinless person when He comes again. This is why I am preaching this Truth to all the religious people who must face the day of the second coming of the Lord, urging them to believe in the Word of the baptism that the Lord Jesus received. 
The Word of the baptism of the Lord and His blood is not the light of false doctrines that only sinks our ship of faith. Instead, it is the Word of Jesus that delivers mankind from all sins and guides us to the safest harbor of salvation. Jesus Christ Himself is the Truth, bearing witness of the baptism of true salvation and of the true remission of sins to all those who are now perishing because they have not found the Truth of salvation in this world yet. With the light of salvation that the Lord is shining on us, He is illuminating all those who are trapped in the darkness of sin with the true light of life. The Lord Himself is the Word of salvation that lights up sinners with the Truth of salvation. To illuminate us with the light of salvation, the Lord Himself took away the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified in our place. He is the Savior who came looking for us on this earth to bring salvation to us. 
The “true Light” in John 1:1 is telling us that Jesus came looking for the sinners who had been trapped in the darkness of sin from the foundation of the world, and that He has now become our Savior by taking away your sins and mine through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. You are now hearing the Word that illuminates everyone in the 21st century with everlasting salvation. I want all of you to find this true light of salvation by believing that the Lord Jesus took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Jesus Christ is the Savior who shouldered all the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and was condemned for all our sins by laying down His body and shedding His blood on the Cross. To save mankind from all the sins of the world, the Lord took away their sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and bore their condemnation.

The Lord Is Shining the Light of Salvation on the Religious People Who Are Trapped in Sin

Today’s Christians are living as sinners even though they believe in Jesus because they are unable to grasp the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, which was left out of the Nicene Creed that was adopted at the First Council of Nicaea in Late Antiquity. We need to realize here that the crucified Jesus that these Christians believe in now is based on the articles of faith that were created at the time of the First Council of Nicaea. The Truth of the washing of sins, that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, is missing from the Nicene Creed. As a result, countless Christians have fallen for its deception and are living as sinners even to this very day in the 21st century. 
The Apostles’ Creed that you recite out of memory as your confession of faith is based on the Nicene Creed, and it has misled you into believing in Jesus while leaving out the fact that He shouldered the sins of this world and washed them away once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. This is why so many Christians today are still living as sinners even though they all believed in the crucified Jesus as their Savior. It is inevitable for people with such faith to eventually reach the conclusion that they have never washed away their sins with the Truth of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Ultimately, it is impossible to wash away anyone’s sins by relying on faith in the Nicene Creed. 
The contents of the Nicene Creed, which has confused so many souls and misled them away from the Truth of being born again, are as the following: “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of the heavens and the earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God`s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,...” When we look at the faith of the apostles of the Early Church through the Word of the Bible, we can see that their faith was placed in both the baptism and blood of Jesus, believing that He took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. Therefore, if our hearts now believe as the apostles believed in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received and His blood, then we, too, will be washed from all our sins. 
If the Nicene Creed were written in such a way to properly reflect the faith of the apostles of the Early Church, all of us would have received the washing of sins into our hearts by believing in the baptism of Jesus who took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. However, the Nicene Creed leaves out the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, and it only records that the Lord suffered under Pilate and was crucified to save us. This is why, even to this day in the 21st century, so many people have been unable to receive the remission of sins by believing in the Word that Jesus accepted the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. 
Therefore, you and I must now believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus, that He took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. Christians today have turned into worldly religious practitioners because they believe only in Jesus’ Cross as taught by the Nicene Creed, with the baptism of Jesus left out of their hearts’ faith. If you have believed in Jesus all this time while leaving out the Word of His baptism from your heart, you must now be washed from your sins and reach salvation by placing your faith in the baptism of Jesus. If you believe in Jesus’ baptism, you will be called into the sinless people of the Lord, for you will be washed from all your sins. Thanks to your faith that the Lord moved all your sins and mine to His own body once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, you will be made righteous. Now is the time for all of us to have the faith of the righteous whose hearts are sinless. 
It’s written in today’s Scripture reading, “That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.” The “true Light” here is the complete opposite of falsehoods, and it speaks of the fact that Jesus moved the sins of mankind to His own body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. The Lord is the true Light of salvation for all sinners. Jesus Christ has given true salvation to those who believe in the baptism He received from John the Baptist. To all those who believe in the Truth that Jesus Christ shouldered the sins of this world through His baptism, the Lord has brought true salvation. 
Even in secular armed forces, there is a reason why some military commanders are highly respected by their soldiers. Such commanders are respected not only because their achievements are worthy of admiration in their soldiers’ eyes, but also because they have shown genuine care and love for their subordinates. Seeing the bravery of such commanding officers, the soldiers serving under them come to respect them naturally and follow them loyally. Like this, we believe in the baptism of Jesus Christ—that the Lord took away our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist—because He received the baptism that has saved us from the sins of the world. 
When our ancestors fell into Satan’s temptation and became sinners, Jesus Christ Himself came to this world to save His people from their sins. To take away the sins of mankind, the Lord shouldered the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, was crucified to shed His blood on the Cross, rose from the dead again, and has thereby brought salvation to all those who now believe in the Lord’s righteousness. It is through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His blood that Jesus Christ has saved us from the sins of the world. This means Jesus has now allowed us to reach salvation by believing in the righteousness of God that He has fulfilled with His baptism and blood. And this is the providence of God the Father bestowed on all those who believe in the righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
We were all sinners who couldn’t avoid but be condemned for our sins. However, Jesus has now saved His believers from all sins once and for all, for He Himself shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist and was punished for these sins on the Cross. Even though we rightfully deserved to die for our sins, we have been saved because we believe that the Lord took away our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and shed His blood on the Cross. To be our propitiation, the Lord shouldered the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, the greatest of those born of women. It was to move all the sins of mankind to His own body that the Lord was baptized by John the Baptist. That is why we have reached salvation from all our sins by believing in the baptism of the Lord and His blood. 
The Lord is saying to us, “When your ancestors Adam and Eve fell into Satan’s temptation and became sinners, I decided to wash away all your sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist to deliver you from all your sins. According to this plan of salvation I made for you, I was baptized by John the Baptist and moved all your sins to My own body. I was thus able to be condemned for your sins on the Cross in your place. From now on, you can not only pass all your sins to Me by believing in the Word of the baptism that I received from John the Baptist, but also be washed from all your sins according to the law of salvation that I planned.”

John the Baptist Passed the Sins of Mankind to Jesus

John the Baptist was born as a son of Zacharias the High Priest six months before Jesus was born (Luke 1:5-17). When John the Baptist was baptizing people in the Jordan River, Jesus came looking for him to be baptized by him and take away the sins of this world. John the Baptist was born in this world to carry out this work of baptizing Jesus and thus passing all the sins of mankind to Him once and for all. It is therefore on account of the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist that He was able to accept the sins of mankind once and for all, be crucified, and shed His blood on the Cross. 
Because Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism John the Baptist gave Him, He was condemned for the sins of the entire human race in our place by being crucified and shedding His blood to death, and He has thereby become our Savior. In this way, the Lord can deliver whoever believes in all His works of salvation with the heart from every sin of this world. 
John the Baptist was a witness of Jesus carrying the sins of the world, testifying in John 1:29, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Jesus Himself bore witness of John the Baptist as well, saying, “Among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:10-11). Although John the Baptist was sent to this world as a descendant of a household of the High Priest six months before Jesus, Jesus testified that he was the greatest of all those born of women (Matthew 11:11).  
Jesus was therefore able to shoulder all the sins of this world on His own body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. And thanks to the blood He shed on the Cross, He was able to bear the punishment of our sins in our place and pay off their wages. We have now come to realize that the baptism that John the Baptist gave to Jesus the Savior of mankind was the work of salvation that passed our sins onto the body of Jesus. Thanks to the testimony of John the Baptist, we have also come to realize that Jesus is the Lamb of God who carried the sins of this world. It is then incumbent on us to grasp that Jesus took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist on this earth, realize that we can receive the true blessings of salvation by believing in this righteousness of Jesus, and thank Him for it. 

We Must Now Throw away the Religious Beliefs We Have Held to This Day

Living in this sinful world, we are now able to realize that Jesus our Savior took away all the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. And we are also able to receive the blessing to be born again from our sins by believing in our Lord’s work. We can realize that Jesus Christ is the Savior who took away the sins that were in our hearts and washed them away through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. By placing our faith in the Word that constitutes the righteousness of God—that is, in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the blood He shed on the Cross—we can be saved from all our sins and thank the Lord. 
At the very moment we realize that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, we can all be born again. The moment we grasp and believe in the work that Jesus carried out by taking away all our sins, we can be washed from all our sins. It is therefore by believing in our Lord’s work of baptism that we are saved to become God’s children. We can reinforce our faith with the knowledge that Jesus Christ received baptism from John the Baptist on His own body. We have now come to realize and believe that Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world once and for all. From now on, we can all be grateful for the salvation that we have received once and for all from all the sins of this world, for we know what the righteousness of Jesus is by faith. 
The Truth of salvation is that we are saved from our sins through faith in the baptism of Jesus. For us to reach salvation from our sins by believing in the Lord Jesus as our Savior, we must first realize that all the sins of this world were passed onto Him through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. It is written in Hebrews 10:16-18: “‘This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,’ then He adds, ‘Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.’ Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.”
We need to realize here just how indispensable it is for us to have faith in the fact that Jesus took away the sins of mankind once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Faith in the righteousness of God is all the more indispensable, for we cannot be washed from all the sins that are in our hearts without the Truth of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Everyone has a conscience, and this conscience can obtain the washing of sins only by believing that Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist; and that is how we find peace for our hearts. It is, in other words, by believing in the Truth of salvation that our Lord has fulfilled that we can receive His grace of salvation. We must therefore remember that we have received the washing of sins into each of our hearts through our faith in the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist. 
When we walk into a dark room, we can light up the whole room with just a small light by turning on the switch. Likewise, thanks to the work Jesus carried out by shouldering all the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, we can be washed at once from all the sins that are in our hearts by faith. As every sin in this world was passed onto the body of Jesus through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, for those of us who believe, all our sins can be washed away and our hearts can shine brightly. Because we believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist to bear all our sins and of the Cross, we can believe in the washing of our sins with every conviction. 
Our salvation was fulfilled because Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world once and for all on His own body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and was condemned for our sins in our place. Therefore, by placing our faith in this fact now, we can be washed from all our sins in our lives. If we accept the Word of salvation into our hearts by faith today, that Jesus washed away the sins of this world with the baptism He received from John the Baptist, then our hearts can be remitted and cleansed from all the sins of this world once and for all. We can be washed from all our sins in the world once and for all and reach our everlasting salvation if we just accept the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist into our hearts by faith. 
All of us can be washed from the sins of this world once and for all thanks to the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. It is therefore absolutely imperative for us to believe in the baptism of Jesus and His blood with our hearts. We can all be delivered from all our sins and become God’s own children. By placing our faith in the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist, we can be washed from our every sin. That Jesus, upon being baptized by John the Baptist, shouldered the sins of this world is written in Matthew 3:15-17: “But Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.’ Then he allowed Him. When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’”
From this passage we were able to realize the fact that Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, and we were also able to be saved from our sins by faith. I give all thanks to the Lord for making it possible for us to reach salvation through faith in this Truth of salvation. We have come to grasp when and where Jesus shouldered our sins once and for all, and we have also been saved by believing it. We were able to pass our sins to the body of Jesus once and for all because of our knowledge of and faith in His baptism, and we have therefore been washed from our sins. 
We can receive the washing of sins by believing the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Our faith in the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist and of the Cross is what has saved us from our sins, and with this faith, we can stand against Satan and defeat his attack. When we are attacked by Satan in this world, we can overcome him with our faith in the baptism that Jesus received and the blood He shed. We can then call our lives of faith a success. If, in contrast, we do not receive the washing of sins by refusing to believe in the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross, then our lives of faith would be a failure.  
The Bible teaches us clearly in Matthew 3:13-17 that Jesus took away all our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. Accordingly, we can now be washed from all our sins and receive everlasting life by believing that Jesus shouldered them all by being baptized by John the Baptist. It is only fitting for us to become the people of faith, believing that Jesus was crucified and shed His precious blood to be condemned for our sins in our place. 
As written in Matthew 3:13-17, thanks to the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, you and I were able to be saved from the sins of this world once and for all. When we realize and believe in the fact that Jesus took away our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, we encounter the holy Lord and are born again. We can be washed from all our sins only if we believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus, our Intercessor of salvation, received from John the Baptist. 
We can now realize that all your sins and mine were passed onto Jesus thanks to the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Faith in this Truth is indispensable to us. If we want to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we must believe in the Word of the baptism He received and the blood He shed for us, remember it, and ruminate on it in our hearts. It is then that we are able to understand what the Lord meant when He said to us, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). We can realize that Jesus Christ was speaking of the Truth that He took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist.
We can believe that the sins of this world were passed onto the body of Jesus through the baptism that He received from John the Baptist. By believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we must obtain the true testimony of our salvation. This is because Satan can attack us anytime and anywhere. That is why we need the faith that the Jesus who was baptized by John the Baptist is the Savior who shouldered our sins and was condemned for our sins on the Cross. There is otherwise no way for us to resist Satan’s attack. We must have the shield of faith, believing in the Word of the baptism that our Lord received. Unless we have this faith now, our souls will be decimated in the end. Our lives of faith will also end as an abject failure. 
We must therefore believe that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. We must believe in the fact that all the sins of mankind were passed onto the body of Jesus. We must grasp and believe that the baptism and blood of Jesus constitutes the Truth of our salvation. When we believe in the Truth of salvation that the Lord has fulfilled for us and we thus build the altar of faith on the foundation of salvation that the Lord has built, it is then that our faith can stand even more firmly on the true Word. Those who have this kind of faith can live a successful life of faith before God. 
By believing that Jesus has cleansed away the sins of this world with the baptism He received from John the Baptist, all of us can be completely washed from our sins. Because Jesus took away our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, whoever believes in this Truth can realize that he has been cleansed from all his sins. This is because to believe that Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world once and for all and washed away our sins once and for all with the baptism He received from John the Baptist is to believe in the Truth of salvation. Through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, the Lord shouldered our sins once and for all on His body, and He was crucified. Therefore, it is only when we know that the Lord offered Himself as our propitiation that we can also know that we have been saved from all sins. 

Jesus Has Made It Known to Us That He Took Away Our Sins Once and for All by Being Baptized by John the Baptist

When we believe in the Lord with the realization that He was baptized by John the Baptist, was crucified to death, and rose from the dead again, it is then that we come to know that we have been truly saved and born again from our sins. Thanks to the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, we are now able to pass all our sins to Him. 
Jesus is the Savior who carried out the work that enabled Him to accept the sins of this world, your sins, and my sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. We can all therefore be washed from our sins now by believing in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. The evidence that we have now found the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ is the fact that we know and believe that Jesus has saved all of us once and for all from the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
By being baptized by John the Baptist, our Lord Jesus washed away all the sins that were in our hearts once and for all. The true light of salvation the Lord is shining on us is not restricted to just certain individuals. Instead, the Lord is shining it on everyone living on this earth. Jesus did not come just for the rich in this world, nor did He come just for the poor. He came looking for us only to shoulder and wash away our sins with the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and to give the everlasting remission of sins to everyone who now knows and believes in this fact. By bearing every sin of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, Jesus was able to wash away His believers’ sins once and for all. 
Therefore, all of us must now admit that we were guilty of sins before God and thus destined to hell, and we must believe that the Lord was baptized by John the Baptist. Because of the sins we inherited from our ancestors, by our fundamental nature we were all sinners before God, and because of our sins, we could not help but face God’s judgment. So, all of us needed the grace of salvation that Jesus Christ was offering to us all. From now on, we must believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received to shoulder all our sins and wash them away, and we must receive remission of sins by this faith. Without any exception, we were all destined to hell for our sins, but to deliver such people like us from the sins of this world, Jesus Himself was baptized by John the Baptist and even bore the condemnation of our sins. 
The Lord knew that we were sinners whose hearts were full of iniquities. That is why He was baptized by John the Baptist and shed His blood on the Cross to be condemned for our sins in our place, thereby fulfilling the remission of our sins once and for all. This righteous work is the fact that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, shed His blood and died on the Cross, and rose from the dead again. The baptism that Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist was to take away our sins, and the blood He shed on the Cross was to be condemned for our sins in our place. 
The baptism that Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist and the crucifixion He suffered constitute the righteous work that the Lord carried out to address your sins and mine and their condemnation. Moreover, the Lord is testifying that faith in His baptism and blood, which are His righteous works, is the most godly and beautiful faith. From now on, all of us must therefore believe in the righteous work of Jesus the Savior who has delivered us from our sins, and thank Him with this faith. 
The Lord’s hand of deliverance that has brought salvation to us is his baptism—that is, He took away our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. By being baptized by John the Baptist to accept the sins of this world, Jesus Christ was able to cleanse away our sins once and for all. And the Lord has given salvation to all those who seek to be saved from their sins by believing in this fact with their hearts. The wisdom of salvation that the Lord has given us is to bring salvation to everyone living in this world by being baptized by John the Baptist and thus taking away the sins of this world. Having decided to save those who believe in the goodness of His baptism and blood, the Lord took the sins of this world upon Himself by being baptized by John the Baptist, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead again. 
The Lord is the Savior who has brought true salvation to all those who believe in the baptism He received from John the Baptist and the blood He shed. God the Father planned the salvation of mankind in His wisdom, and this wisdom of salvation was for Jesus Christ the Son of God to take away all the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist and be condemned for them by shedding His blood on the Cross, and for whoever believes in this Word to receive the grace of salvation and become His child once and for all. 
This true salvation was planned by God the Father in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world. None other than this is God’s wisdom of salvation for us, and it is the Truth that enables us to receive the washing of sins by faith. Through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all, and He has brought true salvation to those who believe in the death that He suffered for us in our place and His resurrection. God the Father has given salvation to His believers by paying off the wages of death, which are the wages of our sins, with the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the blood He shed on the Cross. To those who believe in the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ, God the Father has given the right to truly become His own children. It was in God’s wisdom to bestow us with such salvation.

The Lord Has Saved Us from the Sins of the World Once and for All

Through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, the Lord took away the sins of this world once and for all, and by shedding His blood on the Cross, He paid off the wages of our sins. For those who believe in this work of salvation, it is on account of their faith that the Lord has brought the salvation that He wants to give them. Therefore, it is only fitting for us to give wholehearted thanks to the Lord our Savior. Those who now believe that Jesus is the Lord Savior who took away the sins of this world by being baptized and was crucified have been washed from all their sins and received the right to become God’s children, and this, too, is God’s wisdom. Because the Lord has enabled us to be delivered from all our sins now by believing in His baptism of the washing of sins and His blood on the Cross, we can be delivered from all our sins and receive the blessings of salvation by believing in the baptism of Jesus and the shedding of His blood.  
All of us have now received the salvation that God the Father has permitted to those who believe in the baptism that His Son received and the condemnation of sins that the Lord bore on the Cross. Of all the people born in this world, is there anyone else who has received such a wonderful blessing from God as we have by believing in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the Word of His blood? No, of course not! Thanks to the grace and blessings we have received from our Lord, we have all come to have the faith that enables us to give thanks to Jesus Christ and praise Him. By believing that the baptism the Lord received from John the Baptist and the blood He shed on the Cross were the sacrifice that He offered for the punishment of our sins, we were able to reach salvation from all our sins. If we have indeed been saved from all sins by believing in the gospel Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and of the Cross, it means we are the happiest people who have achieved the purpose for which we were born in this world. 
Soldiers fighting and risking their lives together in the battlefield call each other comrades-in-arms. Their camaraderie is not something that is built overnight. Such camaraderie is built over a long period of military service, and it is not forgotten for the rest of their lives. Like this, Jesus Christ Himself came to this earth to save human beings made in the likeness of His image from their sins. And when He reached the age of 30, He went looking for John the Baptist and took away all the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized to bear the sins of this world. He was then crucified to death and rose from the dead again, thus completing salvation. So how could we not believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus Christ, and how could we not believe in His love of salvation? We can never forget the salvation from our sins that the Lord has given us through the baptism He received and the blood He shed for us. 
Because the Lord was baptized to save us from the sins of this world, we can realize now that our sins were passed onto the body of Jesus, and by this faith we are also able to be washed from all our sins and become God’s children. Given this, how could we reject our own salvation by refusing to believe in the baptism of Jesus and the shedding of His blood with our hearts? Jesus paid off the wages of our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist and shedding His blood, and all of us ought to be saved from all our sins by believing in His righteousness with our hearts.
Our Lord is the Savior who shouldered the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and was condemned for our sins by being crucified and shedding His blood. Therefore, by placing our faith in the righteous work of our Lord, we can reach salvation from all our sins once and for all.

The Lord Is Speaking to All of Us of True Salvation

Having been baptized, died on the Cross, and risen from the dead again in three days, Jesus is now sitting on the right side of the throne of God our Father. However, the Lord will return to this world again as the Judge of all sinners. He will come again to this world as the Judge to condemn the sins of all those who do not believe in His grace of the remission of sins—that is, the righteousness of the Lord who took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
Therefore, it is imperative for us to believe in the salvation that Jesus has brought to us by shouldering the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and shedding His blood on the Cross, and to wait for the Lord’s return as such believers. And from now on, we ought to be rejoiced to worship the Lord with thanksgiving and praise, trusting in His righteous work of salvation. We ought to thank Jesus Christ by placing our faith in the Truth that He has solved away our sins once and for all with the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His blood. Our Lord will then be rejoiced by us and bless us for this faith of ours in the work of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
Placing our faith in the righteousness of our Lord, let us all bow before Him and thank Him. Let us give thanks, glory, and praise to our Lord forever, believing that He took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and paid off the wages of our sins with the precious blood He shed on the Cross while shouldering them. Hallelujah! 
The Lord is saying to us, the believers in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit: “To save you from the sins of this world, I shouldered them all once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, the representative of mankind. And by being crucified and pouring out My blood, I paid off the wages of your sins once and for all. So, believe in this Truth of salvation now and receive the remission of your sins once and for all.” 
The Lord continues on to say to us, “Believe therefore in My salvation, that I took away the sins of this world through the baptism I received from John the Baptist, and that I have now delivered you from all your sins by being crucified and shedding My blood on the Cross. You will then be washed and saved from all your hearts’ sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit into your heart for believing in My salvation. The Holy Spirit is a gift of salvation that is given to everyone who believes in My baptism and blood that paid off the wages of all your sins.” (Acts 2:38).

The Gospel of the Water and the Spirit Is the Truth of Salvation

Jesus came to this world to save all sinners from their sins. The baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist was the beginning of the work of salvation manifesting that the Lord took away the sins of this world once and for all as the Savior. The Lord laid down His body on the Cross because He had accepted the sins of mankind and shouldered them once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. The baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist was to take away the sins of every sinner. And the blood that He shed on the Cross was to bear the condemnation of your sins and mine. It is by believing in this work of salvation, in the baptism and blood of the Lord, that we can all be delivered from every sin. 
Christians today who believe in the Nicene Creed remain unable to escape from their sins. They believe that coming before the Cross of Jesus with their own religious doctrines made of man’s thoughts is the true way to be saved from their sins. However, they need to realize that such religious doctrines are all about believing in the thoughts of mankind; it is not what it means to believe in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit that our Lord has given. These Christians probably know better than anyone else that they can never be washed from their sins in this way. 
All of us must realize now that we can be forever washed from our sins once and for all by believing in the Word that constitutes the righteousness of God and the Truth of salvation—that is, the Word that Jesus took away all the sins of mankind through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and was condemned for them. When our God created the heavens and the earth, He made everyone in the likeness of His image. This is why God says that man is the lord of all creation in this world. We need to realize here that God had a purpose for making human beings in the likeness of His image. The purpose for which God created human beings when He made the heavens and the earth was to make them His own children and live with them. 
When God created the heavens and the earth, God made man for the purpose of giving the washing of sins to the human race through His Son, Jesus Christ. So, when mankind fell into sin, God drove them out of the Garden of Eden, but at the same time He had already prepared a way for them to return to Him and abide by Him. This way was the way of salvation that would enable them to return to God the Father by reaching salvation through the baptism and sacrificial blood of His Son. Therefore, because God loved this world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, all of us can now be saved by believing in the baptism and sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God, which constitute His righteous work. It is written, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Having established a majestic plan of salvation for mankind, God sought to fulfill His will through His Son. When the time came, God the Father sent Jesus Christ to this earth and made Him receive baptism from John the Baptist, and Jesus was thus able to take away all the sins of mankind and wash away the sins of His believers. God the Father had made His plan of salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ, to deliver sinners. Because God created the heavens and the earth and made mankind, He has made it possible for all human beings to be saved from all their sins now and become His own children by believing in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. 
To deliver everyone from every sin of the world, God had prepared the salvation of mankind through His Son. That is why His Son, Jesus Christ, was able to accept the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. God had planned beforehand to have His Son, Jesus Christ, take away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and God fulfilled this plan. And from now on, if anyone wishes to be washed from his sins, God has enabled all to be saved once and for all by believing that our Lord took away the sins of mankind through the baptism He received on this earth from John the Baptist and the sacrifice He made. God the Father has opened the blessed way for all mankind to reach true salvation by believing in the righteous baptism of His Son, Jesus Christ, and His sacrifice. 

Let Us Be Saved by Believing in the Baptism of the Lord and His Sacrifice

All this time, the religious doctrines of worldly Christianity have taught us to believe in the Nicene Creed. Let us cast these doctrines aside now, and let us return to faith in the baptism that the Lord received from John the Baptist and His sacrifice! We must all return to the true Word of God written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, see how Jesus Christ took away the sins of mankind through the baptism He received from John the Baptist to fulfill the Old Testament’s Word of prophecy, believe in His amazing love, and with this faith wash away our sins. We must believe now that the Lord has saved us from our sins through His baptism and His sacrifice on Cross. Let us, in short, all return to the Word of God and reach our salvation by believing that all our sins were washed away once and for all and their condemnation completed thanks to the baptism that our Lord Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist and the sacrifice He made on the Cross. 
For around 1,700 years from the First Council of Nicaea in Late Antiquity until now, Christianity has been drifting away from the Truth that Jesus washed away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, and it has been trapped in a worldly religion made of man’s fleshly thoughts. While the promulgators of the Nicene Creed who misled so many Christians into believing this creed may ask when they had ever left the Word of God, the creed adopted in AD 325 has been the core doctrinal basis of Christianity, and its believers have drifted away from the faith that Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. Realizing this fact, we must believe in the salvation that Jesus has brought to us by bearing our sins through His baptism. 
The Word of the baptism of salvation was omitted from the “Nicene Creed” that the philosophers and theologians of the time had produced together. They left out the Word of the baptism that Jesus received on this earth to save mankind from the sins of the world, and they created a document that departed from the Truth of salvation completely. The makers of the Nicene Creed argue that Jesus blotted out the sins of mankind by being crucified, but missing here is the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. As a result, Christians professing to believe in Jesus end up remaining sinners just like any other religious practitioners in the world. 
I am therefore telling you that you must recover the pure Truth of salvation by believing that the sins of this world were passed onto Jesus once and for all through the Word of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Because Christians today have inherited and believe in the Nicene Creed, they must now return into the faith that Jesus has saved us from the sins of the world by being baptized by John the Baptist. In the Christian religion today, your ears have probably never heard to this day, not even once, the Word of salvation that Jesus took away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. You must therefore now understand the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, thank Him for His labor, and believe in Him. The fact that your heart is still sinful is the evidence demonstrating that everyone has been oblivious for 1,700 years that Jesus took away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. 
Therefore, we must now listen closely to the Word written in Matthew 3:13-17, to the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. And we must receive the washing of sins into our hearts by realizing and believing in the Truth that Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. From now on, we must return to the Word of baptism and believe in it. To do so, we must understand, from the written Word of God, the reason why Jesus had to be baptized by John the Baptist. This is because only then can we remove all the sins that have been in our hearts until now and become righteous once and for all by believing in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. It is then that we can receive the remission of all our sins into our hearts and become God’s children without any sin, all on account of our faith in the baptism of the Lord and the shedding of His blood. 
In the Bible, that our Lord took away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist was His most just act of the righteousness carried out for our salvation. We are all creatures of Jesus Christ, and we were also sinners before Him, but the Bible showed us that all the sins of this world were passed onto Jesus, for Christ came as our Savior and John the Baptist passed all the sins of mankind to His head. We can therefore confess that we cannot help but believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus our Savior received from John the Baptist. 
The baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the sacrifice He made on the Cross constitute the righteousness of God, and by placing our faith in them, we can now be saved from all our sins and receive the remission of sins once and for all. We must understand the righteousness of the baptism and blood of the Lord, and we must believe in it with our hearts. By believing in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, we can be saved from all the sins that have been in our hearts until now and become God’s children by faith. 
If we understand and believe wholeheartedly in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His blood, which together constitute the righteousness of God, our Lord will be rejoiced by us, for we will receive the remission of sins into our hearts and attain the faith that makes us God’s beloved children. The Lord said, “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). Like this, our Lord carried out the righteous work of saving us from the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. And we can be washed from all our sins once and for all by placing our faith in the baptism with which Jesus washed away our sins at once and in His sacrifice. It is precisely because Jesus shouldered all our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist that He was crucified. 
We were living in this world as sinners, but to save us from all its sins, Jesus Himself was baptized by John the Baptist and took away our sins once and for all. This was all in the plan of salvation that the Lord had established for our deliverance. In the Old Testament, there is the Word of the laying on of hands that passed people’s sins to the sacrificial animal. And in the age of the New Testament, there is the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. All of us must therefore realize and believe in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the sacrificial blood He shed to wash away the sins of mankind. It is because Jesus shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized that He carried them to the Cross and sacrificed Himself to be condemned for them in our place. 
How wonderful is it that Jesus took away the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist and offered His blood on the Cross once and for all as our propitiation? Words cannot express just how grateful we are for this salvation! Now that we have been remitted from our sins by believing in the baptism and blood of our Lord, it is incumbent on us to glorify Him with thanksgiving. The Lord took away all our sins through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, so let us thank Him by placing our faith in Him! Let us believe wholeheartedly in the righteous act that Jesus carried out by being baptized by John the Baptist, and let us live by faith! By faith, you and I have now been remitted from all our sins, even the sins that we will come to commit in the future; through our faith in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His sacrifice, we have been saved from each and every sin of ours; and so let us all thank the Lord!
From the First Council of Nicaea, we had thought until now that the blood on the Cross alone constitutes the Truth of our salvation, but this is not the reality. We have now come to realize that our salvation rests on the sacrificial blood that Jesus shed when He was crucified to death because He had been baptized by John the Baptist. We ought to believe now in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, and thank God that we can be washed from all our sins once and for all with this faith. 
The Bible says that to be born again from sin, one must be “born again of water and the Spirit.” The “water” here refers to the Truth of the baptism of Jesus, that He took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Therefore, we must be born again by believing that Jesus is our Savior who shouldered the sins of this world once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and carried them to the Cross on His body. 
It is when we believe in the Jesus who bore our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist that we can be washed from all our sins. It is when we believe in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit given by the Lord to all of us that we can be delivered from all our sins and become God’s children by faith. And when we believe that the Lord took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and became our propitiation, it is then that we can also believe that our Lord has washed away our sins with His baptism and praise Him in our lives. 

We Should Not Believe in Jesus According to Our Own Emotion

If we want to believe in Jesus as our Savior, we must not allow our emotion to dictate how we believe. Instead, we must place our faith in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist for us, and through this faith pass all our sins to Jesus. For those who believe in Jesus according to their own emotion, the moment they hear the Word of the Cross of Jesus in the hour of worship, they are ready to stir themselves up emotionally so that they can shed tears. Such people believe in Jesus for emotional reasons out of pity, thinking about how much Jesus must have suffered when He was crucified. However, this kind of faith is to believe in Jesus just like any religion in the world. 
The moment the preacher mentions the word “Cross,” these Christians’ eyes well up, thinking to themselves, “Poor Jesus! He was crucified and shed His blood for me!” When tears begin to roll down their cheeks, they may feel as though the Lord has saved them right then and there, but in reality, their faith in Jesus is shaped by their own emotional thoughts. Sometimes when we are emotionally unstable, we are prone to fall into self-pity. Such people project their own self-pity to the suffering that Jesus endured, but ultimately, they are just infusing themselves with their own emotion to comfort themselves. Christians should not give into their own emotions and pretend to believe in Jesus just to find some emotional satisfaction. 
When people think of the suffering of the crucified Jesus and believe in Him only emotionally to address the problem of their sins, it is all in vain. If you believe in Jesus like this, then no matter how you might confess that He is your Savior, you are just a religious practitioner, not a born-again person. If you really want to believe in Jesus as your Savior, then you must first believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, and you must pass your sins to Him through this faith. You must first realize and believe that because Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist to shoulder all your sins, they were passed onto His body. And you must believe that Jesus became our propitiation by being crucified. I hope and pray that you would wash away your sins now by believing in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His sacrifice. 
You must grasp here that if you try to be delivered from your sins by believing in just the crucifixion of Jesus, you cannot become a born-again Christian. No matter how much you think about Jesus’ Cross, and no matter how emotional you get when you profess to believe in Jesus as your Savior, the sins that are in your heart will not disappear. This is because you can never escape from your sins with this kind of faith. For us to be freed from our sins, we must believe in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and the blood He shed on the Cross, and we must believe that these two truths constitute the remission of our sins, for the Lord said to us that one can be born again from his sins only if he is born again of water and the Spirit. 
From when Jesus shouldered all the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, it has been made possible for us to pass all our sins to Jesus, and we have been able to escape from our judgment by believing in the sacrifice He made on the Cross. When we believe that the Lord is our Savior, we must believe in the baptism He received from John the Baptist and His sacrifice. It is imperative for you to realize here that if you believe in Jesus as your Savior based only on your fleshly emotion, you will just turn into a religious practitioner that is so common in this world, and you cannot be truly born again from your sins. So I ask you to turn around from your old religious way, believe in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and His sacrifice, and be born again from your sins by this faith. 
If you want to be born again from your sins, you must first of all pass your sins to Jesus by placing your faith in the Word of the baptism He received from John the Baptist. When you believe that Jesus took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, you can come to understand why Jesus sacrificed Himself on the Cross. You will then know with certainty what it is that you must believe to be born again from your sins, and you will also receive assured salvation thanks to the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist to take away the sins of this world and the blood of sacrifice He shed on the Cross. 
Today, if you continue to believe in just the Nicene Creed, rely on your own fleshly emotion, and put your faith in only the Cross of Jesus, you will live the rest of your life as a sinner in God’s sight only to perish and stand before the Lord in your sinful state. That is why you must listen even more attentively to the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit that the Lord has given you and believe in it with your heart. If you otherwise hang on to the belief that the Nicene Creed alone is true when it has made you live only a religious life, you will find yourself buried in your sins and wailing inconsolably. 
So many people in today’s Christian communities are leading their lives of faith as religious practitioners, believing in the Word of just the blood of Jesus on the Cross as written in the Nicene Creed. But, do you know what Jesus wants from you? He wants you to believe that He shouldered the sins of this world once and for all through the Word of the baptism He received from John the Baptist, the representative of mankind. However, many people are unable to be freed from all their sins by faith because they believe in just the crucified Jesus Christ as their Savior, and the Lord is deeply saddened by this. Such people ought to believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, and with this faith be blessed to wash away their souls’ sins forever. Their own religiosity has been their stumbling block all this time, and that is why they are tragically living as a worldly religious practitioner. 
Such people have been deceived by those who believe that the Cross of Jesus as manifested in the Nicene Creed alone constitutes salvation, and therefore they find the conviction of their salvation there. Believing that there is no other truth of salvation apart from the crucifixion of Jesus, they do not want to listen to the Word that Jesus Christ took away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. Because they have led their lives of faith based on their own emotion all this time, they are buried in their emotion and their souls are living a religious life of faith. The probability is very high for such people to live imprisoned by Satan due to their emotional faith. This is because they have not been able to hear the Truth that Jesus took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, and therefore they cannot believe in it even if they want to believe. 
So, without even realizing it themselves, they have rejected the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Even when they hear the Truth that the Lord shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, they do not want to believe it because they believe that the blood on the Cross alone constitutes their salvation, and because their own denominations do not teach this Truth. They are like this because the Word of the blood of the Lord is stirring up their emotion. They have fallen into worldly religion and living according to their own emotion, for they do not know the Truth that the Son of God took away our sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist.
We are now working only to the extent of preaching that Jesus shouldered the sins of mankind by being baptized by John the Baptist. When you are led to the work of salvation that enables you to be born again of water and the Spirit as the Bible speaks of, if you believe in the Truth of salvation, peace will come into your heart. 
I want you to realize that all that the Lord wants is to teach you and guide you to the Truth of salvation, not to move your emotion. What is imperative is that you receive the washing of sins into your heart by believing in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, and how your heart is moved emotionally is a secondary issue. Even as you know the gospel of the washing of sins that is manifested in the Word of baptism, do you still want to remain an opponent of the Truth of baptism and stand against it, with your mind unable to realize the Truth of the washing of sins? If you try to receive the remission of sins just emotionally by believing in Jesus’ blood on the Cross, you will remain a sinner for the rest of your life only to drown in spiritual confusion. 
For those who have this kind of faith, their own emotion is their faith. That is because their faith agitates for their emotion to be stirred up. Such people are far removed from the faith of those who are saved by believing in the Word of salvation that Jesus took away the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. Their choices are stark: they must believe in the Word of the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, or in their ignorance of the Truth of regeneration they must continue to practice worldly religion or turn into anti-Christians. 
Their faith is far removed from faith in the baptism of the Lord because they are steeped in religious beliefs and rituals such as prayers of repentance and fasting, and they are also prisoners of their own emotion. The hearts and souls of those who are captivated by their own emotion are held prisoners by their emotional faith, which God abhors. Because they are caught up in sin, emptiness, and vanity, they will ultimately not be able to sustain their interest in religious life even with the Word of the crucifixion of Jesus. 
Despite believing in the Lord Jesus as their Savior, such people are guilty of sin in their hearts, and therefore they are unable to be born again and bound to live as religious practitioners. They are sinners regardless of how long they might have believed in Jesus, whether it has been 1, 10, or 50 years since they first believed. This is because they only believe in the Cross manifested in the Nicene Creed. Because they do not believe in the Truth that Jesus took away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist, they remain sinners always, and they are living for the gratification of their own emotion. When their bodies reach death, their souls will be sucked into darkness in their sinful state. Such religious people in the world are unable to escape from the place of doom because they believe according to their own emotion. They belong to this world’s religion and they will die there. 
If such people want to be saved from their sins, it is not too late, but they must listen closely to the Word of baptism and believe that the Lord took away the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist. The Lord shouldered the sins of this world once and for all, and they must meet Him now through the Word of baptism. The religious in this world must learn about the Word of the baptism that our Lord received from John the Baptist for us, and they must realize that their hearts’ faith in this Word is absolutely indispensable.
The Lord is waiting for you, having written the Truth in Matthew 3:15-17 that He took away our sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, so that we may know it. You must realize and believe that because Jesus bore all your sins once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, the Lord could carry the sins of this world to the Cross, shed His blood and die on it. As we now know, Jesus’ death was made possible because He was able to shoulder the sins of this world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. 
It was possible for Jesus to be crucified because He had taken away the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist. And because the Lord rose from the dead again after His crucifixion, He was able to bring true salvation to those of us who believe in the Truth that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world and washed them away with the baptism He received from John the Baptist. By being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, the Lord took away at once each and every sin that you and I commit every day in this world, and for those who believe in this Truth now, He has washed away their sins. 
Jesus was crucified and shed His blood while shouldering the sins of this world that He had taken upon Himself by being baptized by John the Baptist. He is the Savior who thus took away the sins of those who yearn to be born again of water and the Spirit and paid off the wages of all our sins in our place. Having shouldered the sins of this world by being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, Jesus said as He was dying on the Cross, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) The baptism of the Lord and the shedding of His blood are God’s love for every sinner’s salvation from sin. The Lord is the Savior who has delivered all those who believe in His baptism and His blood of sacrifice. He truly wants us to be saved from all our sins by believing in the righteous baptism and blood of Jesus.
Having thus been baptized by John the Baptist, shed His blood on the Cross, and risen from the dead again, Jesus is now sitting on the right side of the throne of God the Father. The Lord will come to this world again as the Judge, for He completed on this earth all His works as the everlasting High Priest of Heaven. Jesus is the Savior who came to this earth, took away your sins and mine once and for all through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, sacrificed Himself to be crucified, and has thereby saved us His believers all at once. We now believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus, and the Lord has saved us from the sins of this world once and for all and washed them away once and for all. 
We have now been able to reach salvation from all sins by believing in the Lord’s righteous love, who shouldered your sins and mine by being baptized by John the Baptist, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead again. We should all take a moment here to ponder and reconsider what kind of faith we need to have before God. Although the Lord is the Savior who has saved all of us sinners through His baptism and His blood of sacrifice, we should not forget that He is at the same time also the Judge watching us with eyes like a flame of fire. The Lord is offering His grace of salvation and the blessings of the Holy Spirit, and I hope and pray that these will be bestowed on you. Hallelujah!