ผู้ที่อ่านหนังสือของเราได้ส่งบทวิจารณ์ดังต่อไปนี้มา มันเป็นความหวังของเราผ่านพวกเขา ที่คุณทุกคนจะแบ่งปันพระคุณของพระเจ้าที่ทำให้เรา ได้บังเกิดใหม่อีกครั้งด้วยน้ำและพระวิญญาณให้แก่กันและกัน โพสต์ของคุณจะปรากฏหลังจากที่เราอนุมัติเท่านั้น
โพสข้อความI am so edified in my Spirit through my faith in the gospel truth of the water, blood and the Spirit by reading Rev. Paul C. Jong’s book called, DO YOU KNOW THE INTENTION OF THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOK OF HEBREWS?Through reading this book, I have come to understand that God will truly never change, and He speaks to us only through His written word of truth. It says in Hebrews Chapter 1, that God’s word of salvation was testified to the prophets and our ancestors at Various times and in various Ways in the time past. It is none other than this very true Word of salvation that clearly testifies that Jesus Christ is the savior of mankind, who came as the eternal Lamb of sacrifice which was foretold as the unblemished sacrificial animal offered by the high priest Aaron and His descendants who stood as the representatives of the people of Isreal to transfer all their sins onto its body by laying on of hands on its head as the Godly ordained method. Then the animal was killed to atone or received judgement on behalf of the Isrealites by been slaughtered to death or was to be sent into the wilderness, where it roamed around until reached its death, thus rendering the Isrealites forgiveness of Sin by its blood yearly(Leviticus 16:29). As such this was the shadow pointing out for the reality to come even Jesus Christ. Thus, In similar vain, Jesus Christ has given the complete forgiveness of sins to all mankind by receiving His baptism from John the Baptist the last high priest on earth, who passed all the sins of world by the very method of laying on of his hands onto Jesus Christ’s head on his baptism, then Jesus accepted all the sins of the world on his baptism as the eternal Lamb of Sacrifice, then, was thereby crucified on the cross to pay for all the wages of our sins by the shedding of His precious blood, then He resurrected on the third day to give the complete newness of life to everyone who believes in this true written word of God testified in both in the time past to our ancestors at various times and in various Ways and in the New Testaments as our fulfilled promised covenant by God(Acts3:24-26). Hallelujah!Brenda Tembo, Zambia
This Book "From physical circumcision to the Doctrine of Repentance" revealed a great number of spiritual things into my life of faith:truly we are people who can`t help our Lord in fulfilling our salvation that He has already perfectly completed,our Lord has apart from human deeds saved us and granted us the remission of sin.By faith without the deeds of the law God the Father in Christ has given us the blessing of promise has it was with Abraham our father of faith;just like Abraham believed God`s word apart from deeds of the flesh before circumcision and received God`s blessings and His righteousness so have we who have believed in the word of righteousness fulfilled by Christ when he received our sins by the reception of His Baptism from John and His death as He hung there on the Cross for our curses received the blessing of the promise made to Abraham,God has fulfilled in Christ the promise of saving us from our sins once for all that we may enter the spiritual Canaan as His people sealed with the presence of the Holy Spirit.Truly today`s Christians are lost in the doctrine of prayers of repentance as a way to deal with their daily sins committed;I too believed that my sins could be remitted only if I offered such prayers,I grew up in such a doctrine and was faithful to it without realizing how fallacious it was not until I met the truth of God that Christ saved me from all my lifetime of sin all by Himself without consulting me for anything in that there is no lacking in His ability as God to save me from sin.The faith that adds human works to God`s work of redemption is a wrong faith made by men who failed to grasp the knowledge of the gospel of the water and the Spirit;just like the Galatian believers who had so easily been removed from the faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit,countless so called believers of Jesus in today`s era have been drowned into the fallacious beliefs that prayers of repentance, physical circumcision and observing the Sabbath literally could help them become approved before God as they go on living and if they offer prayers of repentance faithfully and emotionally,this doctrine has blinded many from the truth and led them to spiritual death such that it`s hard to bring them back to life as they can`t even realise how wrong the faith they have placed in prayers of repentance is,they are too arrogant to even let go of it and rather speak ill of the gospel of water and the Spirit which would bring them from their self engrossed deception if only they can accept it into their hearts and forsake their legalistic faiths.Jesus Christ has saved us wholly from all our sins by Baptism and Bloodshed and that is enough to cleanse from all our sins of the past,present and the future;Jesus has saved us in the present perfect tense and the not the present progressive tense,the law having been given for us to know our sins,once we admit our sinfulness before God we come to enjoy His Grace of salvation fulfilled by His righteous acts of Baptism,Bloodshed and Resurrection.People live in emptiness because they haven`t found the truth that would get rid of sin from their hearts once for all;the confusion and emptiness in people`s hearts is as a result of the presence of sins intact in their hearts,until people receive the remission of sins they can never find satisfaction in the pleasures or other things of this world such as money,fame,power,etc.We must all come to embrace the truth of the gospel of the water and the Spirit to enjoy the true peace of redemption in our hearts;without trying to add anything in attaining salvation we just have to bend our will to the will of God and believe in His true word of righteousness on how He has saved us from sin by water and blood.Until we get rid of our sins and escape from legalistic faith we can`t serve God as the true servants God whose hearts are set to do God`s work but we will be driven by our fleshly desires,we must serve God`s work of righteousness without trying to please men or for our selfish gain;the doctrines of men can not surpass the gospel we have received which was given by the revelation of Jesus Christ and came not from man.Truly God has allowed His word of truth to dawn in my heart and has brought all brightness and no trace of sin can be found within me though I am weak and insufficient,the grace of God is sufficient and I need not to add my own works to His work of redemption which He Himself accomplished perfectly and makes me truly born again by my faith in it.Hallelujah
NDI KUMVETSETSA KWA KALE KUTI NDALANDIRA KUMVETSETSA KWA TSOPANO. Ndikupereka mathokozo anga kwa Mulungu chifukwa cha chakudya chathu cha tsiku ndi tsiku kuchokera ku buku 5 lathu la uzimu la Rev. Paul C Jong, lotchedwa kuti AMBUYE WATHU YEMWE WAKHALA CHILUNGAMO CHA MULUNGU (I). Limene inu mungalipeze popita ku www.bjnewlife.org. Pambuyo powerenga buku limeneli, ndatsimikiza chikhulupiriro changa ngakhale kwambiri mu Machitidwe olungama a Ambuye wathu Yesu Kristu a ubatizo Wake, imfa ndi kuuka. Mu kupherezera, ndikupitiriza kupereka mathokozo anga kwa Ambuye pondilola ine kumvetsetsa chipulumutso changa, choyambilira pondilola ine kuti ndilandire chidziwitso cha chitetezero cha machimo cha Chipangano Chakale, kumene Mulungu anadzodza nyama ya nsembe kunyamula machimo machimo a anthu aku Israyeli kudzera mu kuika kwa manja kwa Mkulu Wansembe pa mutu pake kuti asamutsire machimo onse a anthu aku Israyeli pa mutu pake. Kenako nyama ya nsembe inkatha kuphedwa chifukwa cha machimo a Aisrayeli ndipo ndi mwazi wake iyo inkalandira chiweruzo m`malo mwao kuti awapatse iwo chikhululukiro cha machimo awo. Aleluya!Mofanana, kudzera mu chidziwitso chimenechi cha Chipangano Chakale, Ambuye wandilola ine kuti ndilandire chidziwitso cha chitetezero cha machimo athu cha Chipangano Chatsopano, kuti Yesu Kristu Mwanawankhosa wa Mulungu anabatizidwa ndi Yohane Mbatizi Mkulu Wansembe wotsiriza padziko lapansi, kudzera kuika kwa manja ake a Yohane Mbatizi pa mutu wa Yesu Kristu, iye anasamutsira machimo anga onse komanso machimo adziko lapansi pa thupi la Yesu Kristu kamodzi kokha, tsopano monga thupi lolungama la Yesu Kristu linavomera machimo anga onse komanso machimo adziko lonse lapansi, Iye anaweruzidwa m`malo mwanga komanso m`malo mwa mtundu wonse wa anthu pokhetsa mwazi Wake wamtengo wapatali pa Mtanda. Ndipo kuukanso kwa akufa pa tsiku lachitatu kuti andipatse ine moyo watsopano, wodzala ndi Mzimu ndi Choonadi tsopano kuti ndimakhulupilira mu chikhulupiriro cha machimo anga. Motero tsopano ndili ndi chitsimikizo chotheratu cha chipulumutso changa kudzera mu chikhulupiriro changa mu chidziwitso cha chitetezero cha machimo cha Chipangano Chakale, kufikira ku chikhulupiriro changa mu chidziwitso cha chitetezero cha machimo cha Chipangano Chatsopano. Pamene mapangano awiri amenewa akugwirizana kwambiri ndi dongosolo la Mulungu la chipulumutso cha mtundu wa anthu. Aleluya. Mulungu adalitse ntchito Yake ya chipulumutso yopezeka mu uthenga wabwino wa Choonadi wa madzi ndi Mzimu yomwe yakhala ikulalikdwa ndi Mtumiki Wake woona Rev.Paul C Jong (www.bjnewlife.org).Brenda Tembo, Zambia
Before I came to read pastor Jong`s book "Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" I lived a kind of Christian life in which I believed I had the goodness in me that could fight sin, no matter how much I would commit sin, I still believed I could fight sin through my personal sacrifices and with every effort I tried to bring to life whatever good it is I felt that I had inside of me.After realizing how more of my sins were being revealed, I made a covenant with myself that the day I will ever commit such and such a sin let God kill me; but with that same arrogant covenant made, I still found myself falling in the same sins over and over again no matter how much I fasted and prayed isolating myself from the world.But God met me with the truth by letting me know how an evil being I truly was before Him when I started reading the book "Have You Truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?", I came to fully understand that I had no slightest ability in me to overcome sin, that all that humankind must do is to admit his filthy nature before God and that his fate is hell.I finally came to see my true self through God`s word in mark 7 as Jesus exposed me to the core and realized truly that was my very nature and I felt it in my heart that truly I was this evil and filthy; I was pricked in my heart and came to believe that indeed mankind was a wicked being.I can today admit that we human beings have no Goodness of our own; we are such beings who will keep spilling sins until we die, sin can never be suppressed by our own will or efforts.It is because we are such wicked people that truly we need the saviour to escape from sin and it`s dominion, and Jesus who has come by the water and the Spirit has saved us from sin by Baptism and His blood of atonement.We must admit our nature before God and receive the truth of Jesus` Baptism and Bloodshed in our hearts in order to enjoy everlasting peace in our hearts and escape from the torment of sin.I am full of joy today and will remain joyful for all times after realizing that the sins I struggled with all those years were passed onto Jesus through Baptism and that he paid with His blood; this Jesus did because He knew I couldn`t fight sin on my own; rather I was to be cast into hell fire for all eternity, but Jesus saved a wretched being like me by water and blood faithfully and justly. Hallelujah
IT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE OLD THAT I HAVE RECEIVED THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE NEW.I give my thanks to God for our daily bread from our spiritual book 5 by Rev. Paul C Jong, called OUR LORD WHO BECOMES THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD (I). Which you may find by visiting www.bjnewlife.org. After reading this book, I have confirmed my faith even more in the righteous Acts of our Lord Jesus Christ of His baptism, death and resurrection. In conclusion, I continue to give my thanks to the Lord for permitting me to understand my salvation By firstly allowing me to receive the knowledge of the atonement of sins of the Old Testament, where God ordained the sacrificial animal to carry the sins of the people of Isreal by the high priest’s laying on of hands on its head to transfer all the sins of the people of Isreal onto its body. Then the sacrificial animal was able to be killed for the sins of the Israelites, and by its blood, it received the judgment on their behalf in order to render them the forgiveness of their sins. Hallelujah!!Likewise, through this knowledge of the Old Testament, the Lord has permitted me to receive the knowledge of the New Testament’s atonement of our sins, that Jesus Christ the Lamb of God was baptized by John the Baptist the last high priest on earth, through John the Baptist’s laying on of his hand on the head of Jesus Christ, he transferred all my sins and the sins of the world onto the body of Jesus Christ for once and for all, now as the righteous body of Jesus Christ accepted all my sins and the sins of the entire world, He was judged on my behalf and all mankind’s behalf by shedding His precious blood on the cross. And rose again from the dead on the third day to give me the newness of life, full of Spirit and truth now that I believe in the Forgiveness of my sins. Thus, now I have the complete confirmation of my salvation through my faith in the knowledge of the Old Testament’s atonement of sins to my faith in the knowledge of the New Testament’s atonement of sins. These two Testaments coincide in strict accordance with God’s ordinance for Mankind’s Salvation. Hallelujah. God bless His work of our salvation found in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit, which has been preached by His true Servant, Rev. Paul C Jong (www.bjnewlife.org).Brenda Tembo, Zambia
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