

หากคุณเป็นผู้ร่วมงานและต้องการโพสต์ข้อความและรูปภาพใน "ข้อความจากผู้ร่วมงาน" ให้คลิกปุ่ม "โพสต์ข้อความ" และลงชื่อเข้าใช้ โพสต์ของคุณจะปรากฏหลังจากที่เราอนุมัติเท่านั้น

รวม 268
  • หมายเลข 103

    Christ Abolished Sin by the Sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:25-26)

    “Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself” ( Hebrews 9:25-26 ) This glorious truth rings out from the dawn of mankind until the time when our King will return to bring us home... our sins are completely, utterly and eternally blotted out from all record and we are forgiven through the Lord Jesus Christ! This is why the cross was a complete victory, it was the means to forever deal, once and for, with the issue of sin. The writer of Hebrews stresses this truth so many times in chapters 8, 9 and 10 that it is impossible to miss. In fact, looking at the Scriptures as a whole, this is one of the most amazing truths that the Law and the Prophets foretold, Jesus talked about and the apostles wrote about. It is a theme throughout the entire Scriptures. Jesus’ sacrifice was so perfect and so complete that it only took one time to completely undo everything that sin corrupted. Peter tells that we have to know this otherwise we will be ineffective and unproductive in life ( II Peter 1:8-9 ). In contrast to the Levitical system, two things stand out in this passage of scripture in Hebrews 9. First, Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary ( Hebrews 9:24 ). Secondly, He did not have to offer himself over and over again ( Hebrews 9:25 ). Christ’s priesthood and sacrifice were vastly superior to that of the first covenant. In contrasting the two systems in this way, it shows the New Covenant’s superiority in which Jesus is the guarantor. In fact, all of this happened only once and when it happened, it occurred in heaven. If it happened only once, it means that it worked the first and only time the sacrifice was made. If it worked, it means that Christ obliterated sin once for all, for all time, past, present and future. Otherwise, sin would still have the means to accuse us before God, but Hebrews says, “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water” ( Hebrews 10:22 ). We’ve been cleaned and purified by the blood of the lamb and welcomed by the Father into His presence. David saw this and prophesied, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” ( Psalm 103:12 ). Isaiah saw this and prophesied, “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more” ( Isaiah 43:25 ). Jeremiah prophesied this, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” ( Jeremiah 31:34b ). Oh, what a marvelous truth this is. As recipients of the blessing of the New Covenant we have an obligation to our Savior to not let sin keep us captive. We’ve been freed by the His baptism and precious blood , our lives have been redeemed and we are forgiven. Paul said, “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross” ( Colossians 2:13-14 ). There is nothing to accuse any longer Romans 8:1-2, it was nailed to the cross marked ‘Paid in Full’. Therefore, we should live as those who have been freed and forgiven. Not taking liberty in the freedom, but living like who we are in Christ Jesus. A holy people, set apart, redeemed, favored, forgiven and free.   Newlife missionPhilip Genesis Boadu, Ghana0506813606

    • Philip Boadu
    • Ghana
    • 05/07/202166051
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    Let's keep God's commandments (1 John 5:1-12)

    God's commandments is to believe that Jesus Christ came from God, was baptized by John the Baptist for saving us, and shed His blood on the Cross. To keep this commandments is to love God. The commandments are the commandments God has given us. The commands God has given us is not heavy. This non-heavy commandment is that God sent Jesus Christ to us. Who is the one who came from the Lord God? Which is He God or human being? He is God. The world is belong to the Devil Satan. Therefore, we can't believe in and follow such Devil things. Those who keep God's commandments that He has given us are the victory people that has overcome the world. Even death which is going to kill our fleshes can't make us deny our faith. Jesus took away all our sins once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, and He died on the Cross and He was resurrected from death on the third day. That's why we don't have sin in our hearts. Although there are three witness (Water, Blood and the Spirit) in our hearts, it is the commandment of God that we keep this three witness. To love God is to love One who God sent to us. Those who believe in this witness are very easy to believe in God. However, those who doesn't have this witness are so hard to believe in God.  There is the clear three witness in our hearts, and its three witness overcomes the world. We the born again can overcome the temptation and the hesitation of the world. Even though there is no this witness in one's heart, to say that they believe in God is very lie. Let's keep God's commandments if you have three witness in your hearts too.  Yusuke Higashikawa, Japan

    • Yusuke Higashikawa
    • Japan
    • 05/07/202164734
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    Ministry News from Pakistan

    Brother, today I am very glad to say you that a PASTOR accept the gospel of water and spirit, I also deliver the message to his church from 1st John chapter-5 verse 5 to on-word.Many members of his church accept the truth. I strongly encouraged them to read our free gospel books for their spiritual growth.Moon Sahotra, Pakistan

    • Moon Sahotra
    • Pakistan
    • 05/06/202164513
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    I am now truly grateful to the gospel of water and the Spirit.

    Greeting in the precious name of Jesus Christ from Myanmar Christian Youth Gospel Ministry. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share the testimony that I have after reading and truly accepting the gospel of water and the Spirit. So many years, I have try to lives on my own understanding of the gospel. I was never able to make sure of my salvation. I doubted of my eternal security of salvation before accepting the gospel of water and the Spirit. There are many so called Christians in Myanmar do not really understand the meaning of the baptism of Jesus in the river of Jordan and death on the Cross. Especially they do not have the clear understanding of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. They have always understand the death of Christ on the Cross and His resurrection. Honestly even I was also with them too. I was not able to see the vitality of the baptism of Jesus Christ. Now with all my heart I have been born again with the water and the Spirit which truly, perfectly and eternally secure my salvation.There are many servants of God, who can really perform miracles, preach touching message in the church and even heal sick people in the name of Jesus. I was jealous of them and try to study more of the Bible and live as pure as I can. But deep down in my heart I know and feel secretly that I was unable to truly bring the message of God to the lost souls. And there is always a place where sin can be found and felt in my heart. I was never perfectly able to find assurance of salvation in my heart. I always think that if I can preach more, help people more, do good things to other more, and pray more, I will be inherited to the Kingdom of God and my name will be written in the book of life. But in the end failure was the result in my heart. Because there is always a place for sin in my heart. Afraid to die, because not 100% sure of my salvation though I have believe in Jesus. I know there are many people like me, I am sure of that.Now this is the great gospel that I have now. After thoroughly and precise reading of the book called, “Have you truly been born again with water and the Spirit" my spiritual eyes and heart were truly opened to the truth. I know now that it is not my trying to be godly or work, or any religious activities that put away all my sins, but the true message of the gospel of water and the Spirit. Jesus Christ to all my sins when He was baptized by John the Baptist in the river of Jordan and paid all the price of my sins on the Cross by death once for all eternally. My struggle for daily problem of sins was over the moment I believe the gospel of water and the Spirit. Because It is finished once for all by the baptism of Jesus and death on the Cross. My name has been written in the book of life. Now I know what I believe and truly been set free by the message of water and the Spirit. Now my heart truly long for preaching the gospel of water and the Spirit to all the people in Myanmar. I know that there are many people who absolutely need to hear and accept the gospel of water and the Spirit. I am now without sin or sin will never be in my heart again not because of my perfection or work, but the baptism of Jesus Christ that took away all my sins once for all and has fully paid the price on the Cross by death. I do not want to keep the gospel of water and the Spirit to myself, but share to many thousands of people to set them free from the bondage of sin through the precious message. So many people are still bond by sin in their hearts though they have believe Jesus Christ. The message they heard were not complete and perfect. They have to hear the message of water and the Spirit which clarify their doubt and confusion from false doctrines. They must be set free with the gospel of water and the Spirit as I was.Now my faith is totally different from the old faith that I have before reading the gospel of water and the Spirit. I have a strong passion to set people free from false gospel with the gospel of water and the Spirit. I do not want them to feel like I was feeling sin in my heart. Because it is miserable life and never ending guilt in my heart. All my sins have been totally and perfectly taken away by the baptism of Jesus and death on the Cross. I am now truly grateful to the gospel of water and the Spirit.Bawi Thiam Mawi, Myanmar

    • Bawi Thiam Mawi
    • Malawi
    • 05/06/202166250
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    I have ministered in the Church in various ways and capacities since 1992, thinking that I was doing the real work of God, ministering to people, with all the fantacies/so called speaking in tongs/ shouting and all sorts of rolling thinking that was the work of the Holy Spirit when in actual fact that was not, asking the entire church to persistently repent so that God should forgive us and the entire church of our sins, legalistic as it was, I did not know the exact truth. It was up until when I red several sermons books by Paul C. Jong including series 1,2,3 that I experienced a turning point in my real spiritual life. Yes I can realize how powerful this gospel of the water and the Spirit is, that reflects the true righteousness of God in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, the highest priest, from the descendant of Aron, the last high priest, representing mankind, carrying all the sins of the world including mine onto Jesus, and was condemned for those sins and was sentenced to be crucified and shed blood on the cross for us. He died for us, and rose again and is alive in heaven. God Himself, taking the flesh of man, the Holy Spirit aligning upon Him was a clear testimony as well as the voice from heaven.  Prior to my salvation, although I was ministering, still, I looked at the bible not only as another encyclopedic book, but also as an anthropomorphic, obscure and incomprehensible with our human minds. But now I can unlock the bible word easily with the help of the Holy Spirit that has come upon me with my belief in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Praise be to God ! Pastor Hastings Chawinga - Malawi.

    • Hastings Chawinga
    • Malawi
    • 05/06/202165015