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  • Nomor 239

    Receive God, who is the word.

    Receive God, who is the word.It is so sad seeing how many people claims to have received and believed in God without believing in the true word of God of His baptism, death and resurrection which is the complete word of God that brings the light before the darkened hearts of every mankind who comes to believe in it and offer such a soul the complete remission of his or her sins. As such the darkness of such souls who believes in the gospel of the water, blood and Spirit can never comprehend the light., which simply means that whoever believes or comes to believe in the gospel of the water, blood and Spirit the darkness in that person’s heart disappears completely without any hesitation as this word of baptism, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ contains the power of eradicating any sort, shape or form of sins or darkness from the heart of every humankind, regardless who it is whether great or small, poor or rich. The power of the gospel of the water, blood and Spirit has no limit whom to save from Sin, for it is the only true Word of light and the very God Himself who gives life to all mankind without favoritism, for He is fair, just, selfless, merciful, compassionate and whole loving.Thus it reads in John chapter 1:1-5In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God.From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him. The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out. Hallelujah.To receive God in our hearts, it is imperative for every mankind to understand about the darkness or sins of his or her own heart. In short one must first know his or her true self as a nobody but a pile of sin, covered in total darkness then admit it before God genuinely then can the Lord who is the creator of all creations as well as the source of life and who is the light Himself will be able to reveal the word of Salvation of His baptism, death and resurrection before your dead or darkened soul and permit the light to shine before your soul, as John 1:5 says; The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out. Amen. God who is the creator of the heavens and earth and all that occupies them, is the purposeful God, who does not bring anything to existence for nothing, everything He has made is of a purpose. All His countenance shows the beauty of Him who has brought them forth into existence. Just has God made the natural atmospheric air for the purpose of breathing to mankind, so did the Lord create us, humankind for the purpose of His Glory, honor, praise and blessings to be rendered to Him from us His creations. But how is it possible that mankind can render all that which is worthy to God like worships, praises, honor and blessings? This is only possible for mankind to render all worthiness before God only after receiving God who is the word in ones heart. Then, how can we receive God who is the word in our hearts? This is the most important question which must be taken serious by all mankind. But unfortunately, most people take this question likely as they believe to have received God who is the light in their lives minus having a clear understanding on the testimony of John. Like it has been mentioned above, everything that God does is of a purpose, so was it purposeful before God to send John to this world before Jesus Christ. It is said in John 1:6-7God sent his messenger, a man named John, who came to tell people about the light, so that all should hear the message and believe. Praise the Lord!!It is said, who came to tell people about the light, so that all should hear the message and believe. Amen.Thus it is very indispensable for all mankind to receive the testimony of John in their hearts. And this is the testimony of John before mankind, He said to all mankind in John1:29Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Hallelujah.John was able to testify about Jesus Christ as the Lamb who took away all the sins of the World, because John the Baptist was the very instrument that Jehovah God used to stand as the representative of mankind and the last high priest on earth who performed his duty of transferring all mankind’s sins onto the body of our Lord Jesus Christ on His baptism in strictly accordance to ordinance of God (Mathews 3vs15)(Leviticus 16vs21). Yes! John the Baptist was the one who transferred all the sins of mankind born on this earth as wretched beings including you and me alike. This is why Peter the apostle of Christ also testified to us all in( 1 Peter 3:21), about the baptism of Jesus Christ as the antitype of our salvation which now saves us all mankind, because it was at His baptism when Jesus Christ accepted the sins of the world upon His righteous body, and was made to become with sin for our sake immediately John laid his hands onto His righteous body and transferred all mankind’s sins that is all the sins of the world and was able to fulfill all righteousness of God the Father, which is to make us is very own children without sin or blame. Now because Jesus Christ had carried away all our sins upon Himself through the baptism He received from John the Baptist was then able to be crucified on the cross and faced a terrible death in order to pay for the wages of all mankind’s sins which He had taken on His baptism from John the Baptist by the shedding of His precious blood. And was able to fulfill His word in Romans6:23 which states that, the wages of sin is death. And on the third day He resurrected from death to give the newness of life to everyone who comes to believe in the power of His name which constitutes His baptism, death and resurrection correctly, and thereby comes to receive Him as their God. Nevertheless mankind must have a clear understanding about the only one way of receiving God who is the word in ones heart. Which is the way of believing in the gospel of the water, blood and Spirit which constitutes Jesus baptism received from John the Baptist where He took away all the sins of the world, His blood shed on the cross where He paid for all the wages of all mankind’s sins and by His resurrection through which He has granted the newness to us the believers of this truth and anyone else who comes to believe in this truth. This is the true word of truth and the very God Himself (1 John 5:6-8).Thus I urge everyone who have not yet receive God in their hearts through believing in the incarnated Lord our God, Jesus Christ’s baptism, death and resurrection to visit our website and download yourself free Christian Ebooks and audiobooks which will enable you to receive the remission of your sins once and for all by reading or listening to the message in the books and receive God who is the word correctly.Hallelujah.God bless His precious work!

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 12/16/202320
  • Nomor 238


    Book 2 "RETURN TO THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT" truly declares how the Christian doctrines that is man made thought have deceived the whole world. I was deceived by doctrines such as a doctrine of prayers of repentance, doctrine of gradual sanctification, doctrine of Devine election, among others. However much this false preachers preached it but I remained a total sinner destined for hell. I came to realize that the teachings of this people are totally wrong and can never yield any fruit of righteousness. Truly the way to destruction is too wide and many people follow it but the way to life is very narrow only few find it, only the believers of the gospel of the water and the spirit have found the narrow way.They have failed to know the original gospel of the water and the spirit because of their futile thoughts. Satan has deceived them an made them heretics who follow the sin of jeroboam. They have also built factories for producing more heritics. They study the bible day and night but have never reached to the knowledge of the truth of the gospel of the water and the spirit. I did not know what true repentance is when I was in religion. At first when I had received the remission of sin I went back to teach the gospel of the water and the spirit in their church but they we are not willing to believe. So the Lord led me out of them an found people outside to teach. But I faced a sever persecution of a two day meeting where I was slapped and my younger brother was beaten severely because I introduced the gospel of the water and the spirit. I was called a witch who had gone to kill them with their children. And they said I am not a mountain I will also die but because I had the holy spirit I could not say yes to this heritics. I am leaving only because I found the love of God in the gospel of the water and the spirit. In this book 2 I understood how religion has deceived people for year while pilling people with sin. The Lord said false teachers make people to be twice the children of hell. In deed it is very true. They should all return to the gospel of the water and the spirit if they want escape hell.Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ for the gospel of the water and the spirit.Joseph Opolot, Uganda

    • Joseph Opolot
    • Uganda
    • 12/12/202323
  • Nomor 237


    I thank the almighty God for the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I would Like to write the summary of book 1 and other books I have read.Book 1, "HAVE YOU TRULY BEING BORN OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT?" starts by appointing my human nature. It`s very true that I am a deep rooted sinner by nature with 12 kinds of sin in my heart (Mark 7:21-23, Psalm 51:5). I Can not produce any goodness at all since I am a bad tree who produces only bad fruits of sin. The sin in my spoke and wanted me to pay the full wages of sin which is death (Romans 6:23). The law on the other hand is like a lump burning and showing me how sinful I am. For it truly gives me the knowledge of my sins (Romans 3:20). It also acts as a sign post that points my sin and tells me "ha you are a sinner please look for a saviour if not you will pay the wages of sin". Going to the hospital and getting tested only helps to know the disease but it does not cure some one from the disease. The law only shows me how sinful I am not worthy to be a child of God but does not make me righteous in the sight of God. Because my heart had sin, it spoke to other members of my body so that they full fill it`s desires.However when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, he took my sins in the most fitting way (Matthew 3:15), died to pay the full wages of my sins and resurrected.This was truly done basing on the God designed method of salvation in the old testament (Leviticus 16:21ff). Therefore I am no longer a sinner because of Jesus Christ. I do not have my own righteousness which comes through the law (Philippians 3:9 ) but the one the Jesus Christ has given me in the gospel of the water and the spirit. I strongly believe in the three witness (1 john 5:6-8) and preach this righteousness. I thank the Lord God for his abundant blessing of the gospel of the water and the spirit. I believe I will continue to preach this true gospel of the water and the spirit. The New Life Mission is my true church that the Lord Jesus as put me as an inn. I have too stay until he comes back because if I live I will fall among the thieves and robbers who only will leave me half dead.Joseph Opolot, Uganda

    • Joseph Opolot
    • Uganda
    • 12/12/202318
  • Nomor 236

    The Faith of the Apostles Creed, The Elementary Principles of Christ

    Hello.Today I will be reviewing a book by Paul C Jong titled,`The Faith of the Apostles Creed, the Elementary Principles of Christ.` This Book delves into the blessed faith of the Apostles.How truly fortunate are we to have the opportunity to believe in the same faith as the apostles. This faith is none other than the gospel of the water and the Spirit; that is believing in the baptism, blood and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The apostles were human beings just like us that were born inherently sinful and heading straight to hell but were then born again and clothed in the righteousness of God through faith. In the preface, the author said that he began writing this book because; `When we tried to reach the unreached with the gospel of the water and the Spirit who had served other gods, I found that the gospel could not take root in their hearts due to the lack of true knowledge of God.`The author goes on to say that, `We can affirm that the apostles believed and preached the Word of God concerning; repentance from dead works, faith toward God, the doctrine of baptism and the laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment as the elementary principles of Christ.`What we need to observe here is that the apostles spread the principles of the Gospel as they associated the laying on of hands of the sacrificial system with the baptism that Jesus received.The laying on of hands is directly related to the sacrificial system of the Old Testament which God gave to the Israelites for them to receive the remission of their sins. Each year on the Day of Atonement the High Priest would lay his hands on the head of a sacrificial animal to transfer over, all the sins of the Israelites. The laying on of hands transferred the sins over to the sacrificial animal. In the New Testament John the Baptist laid his hands on the head of Jesus to transfer the sins of the world . John was a descendant of Aaron the High Priest in the Old Testament and he baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, through the same laying on of hands used to transfer sins in the Old Testament.Jesus received the sins of the world (John 1:29).As we can see it was crucial for the apostles to believe in the baptism of Jesus. The baptism is what is not understood, believed or even preached by mainstream Christianity today. Hence, why the author, in all the books by The New Life Mission, does not fail to continuously instill the importance of believing in the baptism of Jesus in all the books. Acts 1:20 says;"Let another take his office."This is referring to the office of Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Lord.The baptism of Jesus was necessary for the next apostle who would take Judas` office, to believe in. The scripture says;"Beginning from the baptism of John to that day when He was taken up from us, one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection."The apostles and us today cannot become a witness of Jesus and His salvation without knowing and believing in the mystery behind the baptism of Jesus. This is the blessed faith of our predecessors in the Bible and also what is required from anyone who wants to have the same faith as the apostles.Along with the baptism of Jesus, the apostles confessed their faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God the Father is the Creator of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).Jesus Christ is the Son of God who has given the world the remission of their sins and the Holy Spirit is the Helper who is sent by God the Father to the believers (John 14:26).In so far as the essence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is concerned, they are all the same God as our faith in them is the same faith. In order for us to build the foundation of our faith in the Word of God, we must be anchored in this Word of Truth. If we desire the same faith as the Apostles Creed, we must believe exactly as they did. Our faith must be one that believes in the baptism, blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that believes in the Triune God.We can only serve God through our faith in Him. The apostles had flesh that was weak and sinful just like ours but their faith and ours, cleanses our conscience toward God if we believe in the baptism and blood of Jesus (1 Peter 3:21).Faith is what will allow us to serve God. Faith will help us overcome all obstacles, endure suffering, persecution and preach the gospel until the end.So let us proudly hold fast to such faith and boldly preach this gospel to those around us and to the ends of the earth just as our predecessors, the apostles did.Amen

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 12/06/202370
  • Nomor 235

    The Fall of Man and the Perfect Salvation of God.

    Hi, This is a review for the book entitled, The Fall of Man and the Perfect Salvation of God. Sermons on Genesis Part 2By Paul.C.Jong The Bible is the Word of God, written by His servants who were instructed by the Holy Spirit to record the plan of salvation for all human beings. It is by reading the Bible that we come to know that God created human beings in the beginning and planned to save us from all of our sins and condemnation through the sacrifice of His own Son Jesus Christ. But its through reading the book of Genesis in particular, that the intricate details of Gods plan is revealed. This is because in Genesis, the blueprint of the fall of mankind and of our perfect salvation is revealed. When we purchase an item that needs to be installed or assembled, it will most likely include an instruction manual for very good reasons.Because, If we attempt to build a complex product without following the guidance step by step or if we overlook the initial instructions and jump straight to the end to see what the product should look like and then simply fashion the item based on how the end product would look, then we will most likely have missed out vital steps that would effect the quality of the product. Therefore, if a product is to made to a good and durable standard, then it is imperative that the initial instructions are paid close attention to. In like manner, if we desire to become born again, sinless child of God, and to know the will of God for our lives in this world, then we must pay close attention to the Word that God spoke to us in the beginning through the book of Genesis.And we must follow His will in obedience throughout our lives of faith in order to be qualified to enter the kingdom of Heaven when we finish our race of faith. (John 3:5)This book explains in detail how sin came into the world; what kind of fate befell mankind as its result of it and how God has saved us all who were destined for hell due to our inherent sin. In the beginning, God commanded the man Adam, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17) Satan then tempted Eve by asking her, "Has God indeed said that you should not eat of every tree of the garden?"Eve`s faith was then shaken as the serpent said to say to her, "You will not surely die.For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”(Genesis 3:4-5) Eve listened to and believed in the words of Satan rather than obeying God`s Word. Not believing in God`s Word is the origin of sin and so sin had entered their hearts even before they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and as a result their descendants inherited this sin of disobedience and became separated from God just as Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden. However, before they were cast out, God clothed them in tunics of skin to show us that He would cover all our sins through the sacrifice Jesus Christ. (Genesis 3:21)The tunics of skin did not wear out or get ruined over time. They represented the garments of righteousness that believers are clothed in through their faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Even though Satan had tempted mankind to fall into sin, this was in the will of God, as God had already planned to deliver mankind through the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist and through His crucifixion. God could rest on the seventh day because He had completed making this entire universe and revealing His plan for our salvation. That God clothed Adam and Eve with the tunics of skin foreshadowed that Jesus would come as the sacrificial lamb who would carry our sins though His baptism from John the Baptist and shed His blood on the cross for our redemption. In the old testament, for the Israelites to receive the remission of sins they had to follow and believe in the pattern of salvation shown to them through the Tabernacle system.In the tabernacle sacrificial system, their sins were transferred onto an unblemished animal through the laying on of hands and then they shed the animals blood to atone their sins. (Leviticus 1:1-9)This is represented by the tunics of skin that God clothed Adam and Eve in, before they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Due to the Fall of Adam and Eve, all human beings now have their own standard of good and evil. Our thoughts have become like fog, for we can no longer see the truth in plain sight due to the deception of Satan and the sin of disobedience that in inherent in all of our hearts. We must therefore return to the Word of God, to the book of Genesis in particular in order understand the Fall of Man which will lead us to believe in the perfect salvation of God. God bless you all.

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 12/05/202316