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  • Nr 300

    What should we strive to believe and preach?

    Hi,This is a review of the book entitled What should we strive to believe and preach? Sermons on the Gospel of MarkBy Rev Paul C.JongThis wonderful book establishes the fact that Jesus is the true God. And it`s because Jesus is the true God and not just a humble person or a great sage that He was able to come to this world in the flesh of a Man, be baptized by John the Baptist to bear all our sins, and give up His life on the Cross, shedding His blood for our atonement. As it is written in 1 John 5:6,"This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood.  And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth."And it`s due to the fact that Jesus is the living God, that He rose from the dead the third day and has granted everlasting life to us hell-bound sinners who have now believed in His righteousness.No one but God Himself could do such mighty works to save every human being in the whole world from sin and destruction. Therefore, having put our faith in His work of redemption fulfilled through the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the next question is, what should we strive to preach?Should we preach the gospel of the Cross alone, as so many Christians do? Should we tell people to trust in their repentance prayers to strive to be saved through incremental sanctification? Absolutely not!We should strive to believe and preach the gospel truth that was revealed to us by God Himself—the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Just as the Apostle Paul writes in1 Thessalonians 2:13,"For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe."To be redeemed, we must first know the ministry of John the Baptist. This is the topic of sermon 1.The gospel of Christ begins with the ministry of John the Baptist. All four Gospel writers address the importance of John`s ministry first, as its purpose is to prepare the way for the ministry of Christ as it is written in Isaiah 40:3,"The voice of one crying in the wilderness:“Prepare the way of the Lord;Make straight in the desertA highway for our God."John the Baptist was the messenger sent by God to prepare the hearts of all who sought redemption. This is why He came preaching a baptism of repentance in the wilderness (Mark 1:4-5).John was sent to act as the representative of all human beings. He was a descendant of the high priest Aaron, who performed the `laying on of hands` on Jesus at His baptism to transfer all our sins upon the Lamb of God. The next day, seeing Jesus coming toward him, he [John] testified,“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29)John was the servant of God who performed the role of the last earthly high priest, preached repentance, and directed all who were poor in spirit directly to Christ in order for them to be saved by hearing the truth of redemption from God Himself, as it`s recorded in Luke 7:20,"When the men had come to Him [Jesus], they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, ‘Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?’ ” John`s life was set apart from ordinary people as he was given a most important heavenly duty.Chapter 2 continues the discussion of those who, like John the Baptist, lead a different life from ordinary people.John the Baptist lived a life consecrated from the world, preaching to people who wanted to listen about their sins, God`s judgement for sin, and His perfect redemption. He lived a life like a Nazirite, which means `a person consecrated to God.` He dwelt in the wilderness and did not mix with the religious leaders of his time. He was set apart by God to fulfil the will of God in preparing people to receive Jesus when He was revealed to the world. Therefore, his words could not have penetrated the hardened hearts of sinners if his life mirrored that of their own.And for us, the born again, God is telling us, through the example of John the Baptist, that if we live only for our own desires and fail to point out people`s sins and God`s judgement, then we will not be able to witness the truth successfully.If this happens, then we will end up looking like hypocritical Christians who preach one thing but do the opposite. We can only serve the gospel if God helps us and if our hearts and lives reflect the truth of the gospel. To put it simply, we must practice what we preach.The example of John the Baptist`s life is not to teach us to try to be holy in our actions but to live the kind of life that makes others stop and consider what makes us so happy when we may have nothing of physical value but only the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit, and it is this truth that God wants to shine forth as it is written in Daniel 12:3,"Those who are wise shall shineLike the brightness of the firmament,And those who turn many to righteousnessLike the stars forever and ever."Some may ask, is it even possible for weak, insufficient human beings to live a life that brings glory to God? It is more than possible if we throw away our carnal thoughts by believing in the Word of God as He leads us. This is the subject matter of Chapter 3.Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ and ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12:29-31)All of the commandments, in essence, are fulfilled in loving God first and loving our fellow man. Yet whenever Jesus performed a miracle or preached the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees always tried to catch Him out and condemn Him rather than understanding that what Jesus was doing and saying all bore witness to the fact that He loved God the Father and He loved us, His own creation.We must learn from the misguided faith of the Pharisees, cast aside our fleshy thoughts, and instead love God and other human beings by preaching to them the righteousness of God, which Jesus fulfilled at His baptism when He washed away the sins of the world. He said to John the Baptist, "“Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness.”  At this word, John the Baptist obeyed Jesus, laid his hands on Jesus` head, and transferred the sin of the world onto the Lamb of God, just as it was performed in the Old Testament sacrificial system on the day of atonement (Leviticus 16:21, Matthew 3:15).This is the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit that was prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled by Jesus Himself, and we must have the faith to believe in this. Otherwise we will be like the religious leaders of Jesus` time and many nowadays who disregard the authority of God, claiming that Jesus saved us only by the blood of the cross and who insist on offering daily repentance prayers rather than placing their faith in the baptism of Jesus by which He washed away all sin once and for all.We must throw away our carnal thoughts in every area of our spiritual lives and believe that even though we are only human and sin every day out of weakness, Jesus has still washed away all our past, present, and future sins by receiving His baptism from John the Baptist, thus making us into God`s born-again, sinless children.Our lives must be filled with confession about our true sinful nature whenever we recognise that we have sinned against God or man, as this returns the glory back to God. And we must preach of the gospel of the water and the Spirit to all who are poor in spirit and who recognise that they are destined to hell without the mercy of God, which was fulfilled through our Lord Jesus Christ.This is what we should strive to believe and preach!All praise be to God!

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 01/29/2025366
  • Nr 299

    The Lord Who Has Given Us Blessed Life 

    Hi, This is a review of the book entitled,"The Lord Who Has Given Us Blessed Life" Sermons on the Gospel of John. By Paul.C.Jong Given the choice, I believe everyone in this world would want to receive blessings from the Lord rather than being cursed.Even nonbelievers seek after common blessings such as health, wealth, and happiness. But such things are only temporal and cannot compare with the blessed life from the Lord. Even before we were born in this world, God had planned to give us the blessed life of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, who was baptized to take on all of our sins and crucified to save us from the judgment of hell for our sin that we were all destined to receive (Romans 6:23).His desire was for all of us to receive the blessed life rather than the cursed life that we were destined to live by inheriting sin from the first man, Adam (Romans 5:12). The title of Chapter 1 reads,Live With The Hope of the Glorious Life.It focuses on Chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, which records Jesus` last prayer before He was crucified.Jesus prayed to be glorified together with God, having glorified God on this earth and having finished the work which was given Him to do (John 17:4-5). The question is then posed,What is the glorious life mentioned in Jesus` prayer? It is the hope for the Kingdom of Heaven, which the born again will enter after having faithfully done the work entrusted to them while in this world.Despite hardships and struggles, Jesus tells us to continue serving the gospel of the water and the Spirit, remembering that we have received the blessed life from the Lord and to strive toward the hope of the glorious life in God`s Kingdom. Chapter 2 discusses the issue of who can receive all the heavenly blessings bestowed by God. The author does this by referencing the Old Testament`s account of the two sons of Rebekah—Esau and Jacob.While some theologians use this account to assert the false doctrine of predestination, this account actually teaches us about which type of people gratefully accept the mercy of God as opposed to those who see no need for it.It was actually Jacob, Rebekah`s second-born child, who received the blessings of God rather than her firstborn son, Esau.This tells us that Jacob-like people, who accept their weak and insufficient nature but trust and rely on God at the same time, are the ones who receive the blessings of God. But people like Esau, who have faith in their own power and abilities, these types of people look down on the grace of God, thinking to themselves that they have no need of it since they are already so mighty on their own.However, if we want to be blessed by God, then our hearts must be meek like Jacob`s and confess that we are weak, lacking, conniving, and deserving of God`s judgement. We must follow the guidance of the church just as Jacob clung to his mother Rebekah`s instructions and as a result, be blessed by faith in the righteousness of God that Jesus fulfilled at His baptism by washing away all our sins. And once we have put on the grace of God, we must never think that we have become righteous through our own efforts; otherwise we will end up being cursed rather than blessed by the Lord. The title of Chapter 3 reads,Do not consider it a great thing to persecute Jesus.Those who opposed, persecuted, and condemned Jesus to death were not men of great power. Although Jesus did die on the Cross, it was not because His accusers were mighty and He was somehow powerless to their schemes that He was crucified, but it was because His death and consequent resurrection were all permitted within the will of God for our salvation.However, just like the people in Jesus` time, many people nowadays think that persecuting Jesus and His followers is a privilege and a great gain for themselves, but they are truly wrong. When punishment in Hell awaits everyone who remains unwashed from their sins, it`s unwise to persecute those who preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit and even more foolish to disregard this truth and reject the blessed life from the Lord for oneself. It`s because Jesus, in essence, is love that He washed away all our sins at His baptism, and it`s because His love is beyond our comprehension that He patiently waits for sinners to repent and return to the gospel of the water and the Spirit. But we should not take His love for granted as though this world and His grace will last forever. While His mercy still abounds, all people should humble themselves before the Lord, confess their true sinful nature that is deserving of His judgement, and quickly and gratefully accept the blessed life from the Lord by firmly placing their faith in the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit. I encourage you all to read this book by Rev. Paul C. Jong. You can download any of the 68 FREE audiobooks or ebooks from the website www.bjnewlife.orgGod bless you all.  

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 01/09/2025516
  • Nr 298

    The Lord who has given us Blessed Life

    The Lord who has given us Blessed Life.My life as a born again is indeed blessed. I believe in the gospel of the water and Spirit, but there are those around me who do not. The author explains that some people think that we are begging them to believe, and by not believing in the gospel we preach to them or not reading our books, they somehow hold power over us. But only Jesus holds power, not unbelievers. We owe no one anything but to preach the gospel. To believe or not to believe is every individual`s choice. The born again hear God`s voice because we believe. Jesus is our Savior and our King."What is Truth?" John 18:38. The truth is that Jesus has come to this world to save us. We hear His voice and believe in His Word exactly as it is because we are of God. Human beings are all like Barabbas. We were all doomed to hell because of our sins, but we can find new life through Jesus, the real Truth. Had Jesus not already accepted all the sins of the entire human race by being baptized, and submitted Himself to the punishment of crucifixion to pay off the wages of all the sins of mankind, then we would have no way of entering Heaven. As a reminder of what we have been saved from and how we ought to live, the author uses Judas as an example; do not live like Judas.Why was Judas specifically used? It`s because Judas had not believed in Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of mankind, even though he had served Him at His side. We have to believe in Jesus and serve Him, believing that He is God and not just a prophet or a remarkable human being. He is God Himself who came to save our souls from hell. Only God can do this. We are living in the end times, and this age is also the age of information and the Internet. We can therefore spread the gospel online and reach countries that we have not even visited. This is a great way to advertise and preach the gospel. God has given His Church such wisdom. Our electronic books in various different languages can be read all over the world for free. Serving the Lord in His Church with the tasks that have been assigned to us allows us not to succumb to idleness. It is God who oversees His Church and all the roles that are given to us. So we must carry them out faithfully. Doing so will help us to have less time serving our flesh. We need to know what our duties are, what the Church has entrusted to us, and believe that God Himself confirms these duties. Knowing this, we must work hard by faith, be spiritually alert, and avoid spiritual slumber due to the desires of our flesh. God gives the born again the Holy Spirit. Because we now have the Holy Spirit, we cannot turn our faces away from the work of saving sinners because of our flesh. People who reject this gospel we are preaching to the very end, even though we preach it to them so earnestly, will be heading for hell. "You know that I love you more than these people." This confession of Peter`s must also become your confession as well as mine. We must lead our lives abiding by the request and the command given by the Lord.  Hallelujah 

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 01/04/2025363
  • Nr 297

    Have you been born again of water and the Spirit?

    It`s a vital book of true faith for religious reform in order to spread the Gospel of salvation of the water and the spirit. People throughout the entire world are falling into religions and different church doctrines. To worsen the matter, Christian leaders today preach only the blood on the cross without even knowing the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Christians are drifting away from being the salt of the world because of wrong faith. John the Baptist is the forerunner and the messenger of Jesus Christ. Malach 3:1, Behold I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. We lay emphasis on Jesus Christ, but we ignore much about John the Baptist who came before Him. Jesus, Jesus is God Himself. He revealed unending love towards us by taking all our sins upon Himself through the Baptism He received from John the Baptist, being crucified to death and rising from the dead again. He is our Savior Matthew 20:20-21. All of us who received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of water and the Spirit are born again and the children of God. We are sinless with the belief that God will give us the keys to the kingdom of God just like Peter the rock Matthew 16:19. Faith: The scripture says that faith comes from hearing and believing the word of God correctly Hebrew 11:6  Without faith, we cannot please God. We must preach the Gospel of the water and the spirit continuously until everyone understands and believes in it. Faith should start with God`s words written in the Bible, and we have to read the Bible.  Kudos to Rev John C Paul and all the staff members of The New Life Mission. Reuben Mr Aladejana, Nigeria

    • Reuben Mr Aladejana
    • Nigeria
    • 11/11/20241254
  • Nr 296

    Let me share with you the transformative power of Rev. Jong`s book "Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?

    Many believers, like myself, previously struggled daily with sin and condemnation, not fully understanding Jesus` complete work of salvation especially his baptism. The great truth that Jesus took away ALL sins of the world through His baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River brought incredible freedom and joy to me physically and spiritually. As Rev. Jong teaches: "The gospel of the water and the Spirit is the real Truth that came from God the Father and Jesus Christ" (1 John 5:6, John 3:5, Matthew 3:15) The impact of this book on my life is clear It revealed where, when and how Jesus had taken my sins. But when I believed only in the blood of the cross. I only knew where but didn`t have a concrete explanation when asked about how he took my sins on the cross this is because I believed wrongly. Jesus` death was not to take my sins. He died because he had already taken my sins through the baptism he received from John the Baptist. There is no more condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) That there is no condemnation means that there is absolutely no sin in those who believe in the righteousness of God that is Jesus` baptism and death. In contrast, condemnation means the existence of sin, that is, the state of being condemned. After Reading this Book, Right Now, I Want to Ask Today`s Christians Just How Much They Know about the Ministry of John the Baptist I have much doubt about Christians` faith today. If they try to understand the ministry of Jesus Christ without the knowledge of the ministry of John the Baptist, they will enter tremendous emptiness, chaos, and darkness. In other words, they will remain as fools. Yet, because they go on claiming right now to believe in the ministry of Jesus Christ without the knowledge of the ministry of John the Baptist, I just feel stifled. I strongly encourage many Christians as Rev Paul C Jong advises, to read this book thoroughly until the truth is sealed in your mind. Saint Gilbert, Zambia

    • Saint Gilbert
    • Zambia
    • 11/11/2024984
The New Life Mission

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