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  • Nr 194

    I met the Lord, the true Gospel and I received the true remission of my sins by reading this book.

    I met the Lord, the true Gospel and I received the true remission of my sins by reading a book titled; “HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT?”. At first I thought I knew the Word of God, the Bible, well. But this book, the spiritual knowledge in this book, has opened my spiritual eyes and saved me from all my sins, condemnation and the lake of fire!Indeed I have heard many times the words; “The lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” and you must be born again. But never understood why was Jesus called the Lamb and what it means to be born again. I never understood why John the Baptist, the greatest born of women, said; The Lamb of God. I also didn’t understand why was John the greatest, I thought maybe because he was just living a very spiritual life. But I thank God Almighty Jesus, the Creator of the Heaven and Earth, that He, obeying the will of the Father God, came to this earth and took away all our sins through His baptism and blood. I thank God that through His Church I found this book “HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT?” which told me how Jesus saved me once and for all from all my sins according to the Scriptures. It explained to me all about my sins, the Law and the condemnation. When I read that Jesus took away all my sins as a Lamb of God, through the hands of John the Baptist, I came to understand the words; The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” and what it means to be born of water and the Spirit. This book explains in details how to become truly born again according to the Bible. I thank God for opening my heart and let me know the truth, now I know how Jesus set me free once and for all from all my sins by taking them through His baptism, through the laying on of the hands of John the Baptist, that He went to the Cross to be judged for them because “the wages of sin is death”, and was resurrected on the third day. Hallelujah!!! Not only my sins, but the sin of the whole world has been forgiven about 2000 years ago through Jesus’ water and blood. I have no sin in my heart, I shall not be moved, God has always been with me. I can’t thank God enough, that He found me and saved me from all my sins. And I also can’t thank the Church of God enough, the New Life Mission, for this book that saved me from all my sins. I have done nothing good to deserve this mercy, but God who is Love, came to this earth and saved me. I truly thank God for all He has done for me! Praise the Lord!”Aneta Gembalik, UK

    • Aneta Gembalik
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/30/2022101
  • Nr 193

    I thank the Lord for saving me from all my sins through His baptism and blood on the cross.

    I have learned that being born again is not related to physical and emotional change, but it is related to spiritual change where by a sinner to be born again as a sinless person. And it comes when one believes in the gospel of the water and the spirit.When we believe that, the Lord came in this world by being inconated in this weak flesh, received the baptism from John the Baptist on the Jordan River, shed His blood and died crusfied on the cross and He rose from the dead again on the third day. He ascended into the Heavens where He sits at the right hand of God, and from there He is coming from to judge the the living and the dead.Water means the baptism of Jesus while spirit means God, for Jesus is God. And the water and the spirit is the only condition set by God for us to become born again.We as mankind should respond to His new covenant by believing in His baptism and blood in our hearts. Then live for expansion of His kingdom, and live for His righteousness, and then preach this gospel all over the world for this is our purpose of our living.That, the baptism of Jesus in the new testament and the laying on of hands in the Old testament are mirrors of each other. They are the connecting clasp and loops between the Old and New testaments.God wants us to believe in the works Jesus did. Jesus saved us through His baptism and blood. For this is to do His will. He wants us to be born again of water and the spirit, for He is no longer asking us for good works, but to obtain His righteousness for our sins and work for His kingdom on the basis of this faith.Those who try to preach the word of God without first believing in the gospel of the water and the spirit are the ones who practice lawlessness. They believe in Jesus while having sins in their hearts. They exercise authority and do many works. Matthew 7:22-23. That, the first thing Jesus did in His public ministry was to be baptized by John the Baptist on the Jordan River in order to hand over the sins of the world upon Him to fulfill His righteousness. Matthew 3:15I thank the Lord for saving me from all my sins through His baptism and blood on the cross. Amen!!.Eliot Bwalya, Zambia 

    • Eliot Bwalya
    • Zambia
    • 05/30/2022111
  • Nr 192

    This book made me know who I was and I came to know my sins.

    Previously, I set the standard of sin upon my own conscience based on social norms. I didn't know that God gave us 613 articles of the Law to be used as the absolute standard of sin. After reading the the gospel in this book, I came to know that I was a grave sinner born with 12 kinds of sin in my heart, as Mark 7:20-23 states, and I realized my sins and the punishment for them.Then, I came to know that only after admitting my sinful state and ask for God's help, I was going to be saved for my works were not going to save me, instead I was going to remain a sinner as Galatians 3:10-11 states.God gave us the Law so that we may realize our sins not to live by them as Romans 3:20 tells us.I learned that we could be saved from all our sins , become righteous, have eternal life and go to Heaven only by believing in the baptism of Jesus received from John the Baptist on the Jordan River and His blood shed on the cross, and be born again of water and the spirit.People should know themselves, for those who don't know themselves life hypocritical lives by trying to hide their sinful selves and end up deceving themselves, and throwing themselves into Hell because of their own deceptions. Only if they adimit that they are sinners who  were born with 12 kinds of sins in their hearts and that they have committed many sins, and ask God to save them from their sins, that is when they can be saved from their sins and the condermination of Hell by believing in the baptism of Jesus and His blood shed on the cross.That God can not redeem those with a bit of sin. But shows pity on those who admit to be a mass of sin and are going to Hell for their sins.Mankind is a mass of sin by nature and doomed to Hell, for all commit sin until death. This is why Jesus did blod out all the sins of the world with the baptism He received from John the Baptist and He paid the price for all our sins by sheding His blood and died on the cross. He rose  again on the third day, asended into the Heavens where He sits at right hand of God the Father.Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the spirit are the blessed and are without sins. They are righteous, Holly and blemeless before the Lord, for Jesus Christ and John the Baptist fufilled the all righteousness on the Jordan River. Matthew 3:13 -17.This is how our bondege to sin has ended, for the love of God is greater than His Justice.I further learnt that John the Baptist baptized people to lead them to repentance of all their sins and to believe in the baptism of Jesus for salvation. For John the Baptist prepared the way, and we can only believe in Jesus through John the Baptist.John the Baptist is the High preast of all Mankind for he came from the lineage of Aaron the High preast. For only the desendants of Aaron could work as High preasts. And this John the Baptist is the greatest born of women.Through this righteous act by John the Baptist and Jesus Christ at River Jordan, we are made righteous for Jesus took away all our sins through the baptism by John the Baptist.I came to know that we are not righteous because we do not sin anymore, no. But because Jesus bloded all our sins through the water and the spirit.Because Jesus took away all our sins of the past, the present and the future, we will not become sinners again if we sin tomorrow.This is the reason why Jesus Christ washed His disciples' feet, including that of Peter because He wanted them to have strong faith in the fact that, Jesus already washed away all their future sins through His baptism. Therefore, we have no sins. We are sinless as Hebrews 10:16-17 says. He washed away all our sins: original sins, our daily sins and future sins.The sins of today and tomorrow, and all the sins through out our all live time. He has not left anyone out of His salvation, and by believing in His eternal atonement for all our sins, we can become true servants of God. Jesus saved us through the water (the baptism of Jesus) the blood (His death) and the spirit (Jesus being God).This is the gospel of Blue, Purple and Scarlett threads. And by believing like this, we are building our House on the Rock, the gospel of His baptism.This gospel of the water and the spirit preached by Jesus Christ, and also by His disciples , is the only gospel truth of salvation.I'm now sinless, righteous, Holy and blemeless before the Lord for I believe in the gospel of the water and the spirit. Therefore, I now love the Lord more than anything else.Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for saving me through the water and the spirit. Amen.Eliot Bwalya, Zambia 

    • Eliot Bwalya
    • Zambia
    • 05/30/2022104
  • Nr 191

    Review of the book "The fail-safe way for you to receive the Holy Spirit"

    Before meeting with the gospel of the water and the Spirit, I ardently wanted the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to lay hands on the sick to heal them of their diseases and also their financial poverty. I was ready to do everything. And then I got a demon by imposition of the hands of a famous preacher in Christianity. In that time, I spoke an incomprehensible language, and my Christian friends say that I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I was trying to fool many other Christians with this incomprehensible language imposing my hands on their heads. Some convulsed and others were very enthusiastic when I put my hands on their heads.  So I got them money. I did not know I was thus become a servant of Satan. Do you know how Satan works in today's Christianity? Satan works in the heart of those who seek money, fame and supernatural powers. Are you not by chance become a servant of Satan by believing in Jesus? In the Bible (Acts 8: 14-24), there is the story of Simon the sorcerer. Simon believed in Jesus is not it? But, he believed in Jesus in order to be famous, to earn a lot of money and impress people with supernatural powers. For what purpose do you believe in Jesus? What is the condition of your heart before God?This demon that I received by laying on of hands, impelled me to read the Bible, to attend revival meetings, to fast, to pray at midnight and at dawn and to lay hands on the sick in the name of Jesus. Biblically speaking, it was just witchcraft. I was a blind man who tried to lead other blind people only to be famous and financially rich. However, reading this book, I realized that God severely punishes those who believe in Jesus being greedy, supernatural powers and equipment as was the case of Simon. The Holy Spirit does not enter the heart of the vain. So my belief in the Holy Spirit changed and I was able to lead a decent life through my faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Amen. Brother Cédric Patrick, Douala

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 05/14/2022108
  • Nr 190


    According to the instruction of The Holy Spirit, I share here my understanding following the reading of Book 2 ''RETURN TO THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT''. Glory and Honor to God Almighty for bringing such a book into existence in this world. The book ''RETURN TO THE GOSPEL OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT'' is the book that allowed me to be born again. I believed that being born again was a radical lifestyle change, that is, becoming a religious. I did not know about the gospel of the water and the Spirit before I came across this book. At that time, I was on the path to madness as I believed in Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour. Indeed, I could not be faithful to the daily prayers of repentance to wash away my sins. One day, I had told my pastor that I did not know Jesus even though it seemed that I did. He told me that I already knew him and always insisted that I try to sanctify myself. But even though I tried with all my strength, my sin and the law terrified me. So, I strongly feared the end of the world. I was getting hysterical. It was then that I miraculously came into possession of this book. Reading it, I received a special blessing. by discovering the three testimonies of salvation that allow us to become children of God. I was so happy and that joy has grown spiritually until today. At that time, I knew exactly that any faith other than the gospel of the water and the Spirit was heretical. I was so happy with this discovery that the other Christians in the church noticed something that changed in me. they came and said to me: ''you have changed so much, what happened to you?'' I told them that something incredible happened to me but I will tell them later and they answered me surprised: ''we hope it's something good''. So, long after that, the pastor of the church approached me for the same remark and that's how we made an appointment at his house. Our meeting was held from 10:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. I told him about the gospel of the water and the Spirit contained in the Bible and also in the book. Unfortunately, he did not accept the beautiful gospel. Rather, he was trying to intimidate me with his theological background in England, Russia and the United States. But, I was not at all impressed by it because I was convinced that he was still a sinner and I became righteous. I told him that even if he knew many theological doctrines, it was useless if he did not believe in the water, the blood and the Spirit. So he excommunicated me from the church and contacted my boss who was also a member of his church telling him that I had become a heretic. My boss met me and asked me what it was all about. So I started telling him about the gospel of the water and the Spirit that I encountered. When my boss heard that John the Baptist laid his hands on Jesus' head to transfer the sins of mankind to him, he flew out of himself and instantly kicked me out of his company and I was so happy because I understood exactly the teaching on heresy in the book. My joy is so great to see how God was able to deliver us from all our sins through the Baptism of Jesus and His Blood on the cross and also that such a book exists in this time saturated with false doctrines. I was in so much pain and no one but me alone in this world could understand my inner suffering. I was able to understand the meaning of the new birth according to the Bible, and also the meaning of Divine predestination, a theory that almost destroyed me because I wondered if God had chosen me, because I had a faith double that is to say that I believed that He chose me when I did not commit sin and that He did not choose me when I committed sin. Leading such kind of faith was really unbearable. Through this book, I have had peace from God because He reveals His Plan of salvation for us His Creatures. Now I believe He chose me in Christ Jesus regardless of my sins. There were many verses that frightened me when I read the Bible: (Matthew 7:21-23 and Matthew 24:36-44). Considering my sinful condition, I was very sorry for not living according to God's Law. Until now I have been able to enjoy great peace and consolation from God in my heart. Reaching this book was for me the most important event in my earthly existence. When I think how many religious there are who sacrificed themselves for Jesus without being born again, I can only be grateful to God for His Love for me which was also destined to be destroyed eternally. I give thanks to God for His Providence of Salvation in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen! Brother Cédric

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 04/07/2022228