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  • Nr 33

    Prophesy and judgment of the worthless shepherds.

    Jeremiah 23:1-2.   Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, Says the Lord.  Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel against the shepherds who feed my people: You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings, says the Lord. In the eyes of the God of Israel, these shepherds were committing 4 sins which God cannot tolerate. #1 Destroying the sheep. #2 Scattering the sheep. #3 Driving them away. #4 Not attending to them. Woe betide any man calling himself a shepherd, who, through lack of knowledge, is found guilty of any of the above charges.    How terrible it will be to fall into the hands of God’s judgment, listen to what He says in…  Zechariah 11:17.   Woe to the worthless shepherd, who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, and his right eye shall be totally blinded. Today’s shepherds don’t seem to know that the sins of their sheep are still written on the tablets of their hearts and in the book of their works, along with their own names.  Because of this, the sheep will not be entering The Kingdom of God. It’s today’s Church leaders who are the shepherds God is referring to in this prophesy.  You know nothing of the true Gospel which has the power to forgive the sins of the world.  Vengeance will be Mine says the Lord.  Your days are numbered, you have had your chance.   Now it is God Himself who is gathering together the remnants of his flock, and it is God who has prepared His shepherds who will feed them properly.  Now is the time for the truly born again Saints to take over.  It is only these Saints who have the indwelling of Gods Holy Spirit. It is because we are the chosen of God to feed His sheep with the truth which will set them free from the bondage of the sin in their heart. Jeremiah 23:3-4.    But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.  I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking, says the Lord. Can you imagine a Church with a shepherd, chosen of God to preach the Gospel which can remove all fear, guilt, and shame.  To finally preach the truth which has the power to remove all sin for once and for all.  The power to remove your inheritance sin.  The power to transfer your name from the book of your works and have it placed in the book of life.  This is the way it must be in God’s Church. Can you imagine a Church where there is no sin, no guilt, no shame, no rumor mongers, no back stabbing,  no judging,  no one laying guilt trips on others,  no cliques running down others,  no favoritism, no lies, no deceit, no incest, no partner swapping, no broken marriages, no divorce,  no drunks, no drugs, in fact nothing which could interfere with the working of God’s Holy Spirit.  A Church where there is only one God, one Spirit, one Gospel, and one Baptism.  Unity under the Saints is where God does His greatest work.  God uses His Church to set an example for the rest of the world.  God uses His Church to save the scattered sheep, and God is the one who returns the lost sheep back to the fold.  In God’s Church, every born again Saint has entered by the front door, in God’s Church we know who is sitting next to us. Only other Saints. It is the false shepherds who are the cause of Christianity being the laughing stock of all religions. They do not see that we are living at the end of the era of the dark horse, the era of the pale horse is just around the corner.  It is these false shepherds who are causing the flocks to be scattered today.  Many Christians have lost what faith they had in God because of them.  Many of Gods children will not enter the Kingdom of God because of them.  The example they have set for this generation is the reason the youth of today are the way they are.  Don’t you know that this generation needs someone they can look up to, someone they can trust, someone they can rely on, someone who will tell them the truth and say, because of the sins in your heart you are already doomed for eternal separation from God.   Because they are false and wicked shepherds they can only bow down the authority of their ruling governments, they change Gods written word to suit the abominations of the times, and all they can do is worship the golden calves of Jeroboam. This is just the way it was with the High Priest and the scholars of the temple when they bowed to Rome. It is so obvious they do not have the power or the authority to stand up for the Righteousness of God.  If they had, then Christianity would not be in the state it’s in today.   They dare not challenge authority, the confrontation would be too much for them, they would only flee and leave their sheep in the hands of the wolves. A revival of God’s written word is what the world needs today,  not more rules and regulations to be followed.  This world needs to be freed from the grip which Satan has over the sins in the hearts of men.  There is only one way to achieve this.  The world needs to be re-educated in the only true Gospel which has the power to remove all sin. This is the Gospel which the Saints of the New Life Mission are preaching to the ends of the earth today. This is the original primitive Gospel of the Water and the Spirit and the Blood on the Cross. If you would like to find such a free Church, where you will only hear the truth no matter how hard it might be, then just order our free Christian books by hitting the order button above. Believe me, you are not free, but you could be. God bless us all with the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Pastor & EvangelistJim Montgomerie The new Life MissionHolland : Branch

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202150086
  • Nr 32

    May God give you of the dew of the heaven

    Before any plant of the field was on the earth and before any herb of the field had grown, God had already sown the seeds for nourishment. At the time God had done this, there was no man to till the ground, and God had not yet caused it to rain, but all that was required to start everything in motion was water. A mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground, and out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that was pleasant to the sight and good for food. God had placed every herb that yields seed on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed. Also for every beast of the earth, every bird of the air, and everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, God had given every green herb for food. All in all God had indeed created a beautiful paradise for mankind. But there is one thing which God had made very clear. (Genesis 1:30)  God had created all of this for everything in which there was life. We all know what happened next, sin crept in and destroyed this luxury. The sin of one man has ruined it all for the whole of mankind. Banished from the garden of Eden forever, Adam was sent out to till the very ground from which he was taken. In (Geneses 3:17-18) we can see how God had cursed the very ground which He created. From this moment in time, man would have to break into a sweat by working very hard to be able to survive. Even today mankind is still sweating heavily just to make ends meet. Not only physically but also spiritually. In the beginning God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it, and to have dominion over everything.  All that Adam and Eva had to do was to take good care of what they had been entrusted with, and enjoy it all. God had ensured that the rest would take care of itself. Every living thing which had life would multiply and also every herb and fruit bearing tree would continue to give forth it’s nourishment. God would supply the water. This was the blessing which was to be handed down from generation to generation. Genesis 27:28.   Therefore may God give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and  plenty of grain and wine. When God created this world we live in He made sure that everything mankind would require to survive was in plenty. Before man had started to till the ground and sow the seed and water the ground, all with his hard labor, God had done it by causing a mist to rise and cover His creation, this in turn was enough to water the earth and start the growing process. The dew of heaven was all that was required to keep everything in which there was life, alive. God had created a paradise for mankind to live in, God Himself saw that it was good.  Satan, the deceiver, with his lies and crafty ways with words was able to cause mankind to loose sight of this amazing creation, but instead of having dominion over it, it has turned into a place of evil which has the dominion over mankind. Today Satan still continues to blind mankind with his deceptive words. What Satan has done is to cause mankind to remain blind for the truth, the paradise which God created is still here, and His blessings are still here, and they will continue until the day He returns.  At one point in time God chose to destroy with water everything in which there was life, but He also chose to preserve eight with the same water which destroyed the rest. God also preserved two of every creature in which there was life, male and female. Also the seed of every herb and the seed of every seed baring tree were preserved. The blessing remained. Zechariah 8:7-8.   Thus says the Lord of hosts. Behold, I will save my people from the land of the east and from the land of the west. I will bring them back, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. They shall be My people and I will be their God, in truth and righteousness. Zechariah 8:11-12.   But now I will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days, says the Lord of hosts. For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew, I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these. In the midst of all the evil in this world today, it has become easier for Satan to continue blinding mankind from the truth. It is because of the twelve inheritance sins in the hearts of all mankind that Satan is able to keep the beauty of God’s creation hidden. But the truth is, Gods word says that the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give its increase, and the heavens shall give their dew, just as it was in the beginning.  Physically, Gods blessings are all around us. The seed baring herbs and the seed baring fruit trees are still here, and even in the middle of the hottest summer the dew from heaven is upon the whole of the earth. Every new day, God sends the dew from heaven to water the seeds and the trees the same way He did in the beginning when He caused the mist to rise and cover the face of the earth. God is keeping His promise of the blessing.  It is the greed of mankind that keeps the beauty of God’s creation from sight. Spiritually, Gods blessings are all around us. All that is required to receive these blessings is sight! The times we are living in today are no different from the days of Noah or of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Luke 17:26-30) But it is only those whose Spiritual eyes have been opened that can still see the beauty of God’s creation and receive each new day their blessings from God. Did God not say that He would give to the remnants of His people the dew of heaven, did God not say that He would cause His people to receive His blessings. (Zechariah 8:11-12). These are desperate times we are living in and desperate measures are required for our survival. There is only one way to survive in times of turmoil and disaster, and that is to have faith in the hope of rescue. Blind Bartimaeus was one such man, his faith saved him. (Mark 10:46-52).  Can you imagine, above all the noise and commotion, Jesus heard the cries of Bartimaeus, He heard him cry out Son of David, have mercy on me. At this Jesus commanded that Bartimaeus should be brought to him. Look at what blind Bartimaeus did when he heard that Jesus was calling him. He threw away his garment without giving it a second thought. Bartimaeus knew that he would never need it again, he knew that he would become a new man. When Jesus asked him what He could do for him, all Bartimaeus asked for was his sight, nothing more. His eyes were immediately opened and he became a follower of Jesus.  Bartimaeus had received his sight. He was no longer a beggar. In contrast to the faith of Bartimaeus, the disciples James and John were not satisfied with their sight, they demanded more of Jesus. ( Mark 10:35-37). All that is required to be able to receive the blessings from God is Spiritual sight. Those who do not have this Spiritual sight are those who have no life in them. Gods blessings are only for those who have life within them. This is the way it has always been, and always will be.   Life within someone means that the Spirit of God dwells in the heart of that person. It is this person who is able to till the ground for others (prepare their hearts), sow the seeds, and eat of the fruit of their labors. It is this person who receives the dew from heaven each new day, watering, and nourishing, and flourishing, and producing more seed.  This is Gods promise for the remnant of His people.  1 John 5:6-12.   This is He who came by water and blood – Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood.  And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.  For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.   And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.  If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son.  He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son.  And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.  He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. The difference between a Christian who believes that he is born again without believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and a truly born again Christian of the water and the Spirit is quite stunning.  The former, because he does not believe in the redemption work of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, but only in the blood and the Cross, still has the twelve inheritance sins in his heart thus making it impossible for the Holy Spirit to enter this heart because it is evil (Mark 7:20-23).This is a born again Christian with no life in him. An evil heart is blind for the beauty of God’s creation. These people are the blind Bartimaeus’ of this world, they dare not throw away their cloak of disguise (their false faith). Because they are blind to the truth of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, they can never receive their blessings from God. They remain in darkness and know nothing of the dew from heaven. These are the ones just like Eve who also saw that it was good (Genesis 3:6). These are the ones who are deceived by Satan. In contrast, a truly born again Christian who believes in our Lord who became the righteousness of God through His baptism by John in the River Jordan, has a sinless heart. Here is where the Holy Spirit of God dwells. These are the ones who like Blind Bartimaeus dared to throw away their cloak of disguise (their false faith) and cry out amidst all opposition, Jesus Son of David, save me. These are the ones who live by faith. These are the ones who receive the dew from heaven every new day. This is the dew (living water) of heaven which nourishes and gives them the strength and courage to face each new day.  These are the ones with life within them, these are the ones who receive their blessings from God. These are the ones like Bartimaeus whose Spiritual eyes have been opened, these are the ones who can see the paradise which God created. These are the ones who can see the world as God saw it when He said that it was good. Dear readers, if you wish to receive the dew of heaven then you must become truly born again of the water and the Spirit (John 3:3-5). All you have to do is dare to throw away your cloak of disguise and call on the Son of David the same way that blind Bartimaeus did. He did it with faith. He was blind, he was desperate, he had no hope. But when the son of David passed near to him, he cried out, have mercy on me. Today Jesus the Son of David is passing near to you. Today you are hearing the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Today you can also like blind Bartimaeus receive your sight. All you have to do is  place an order for the books written by Rev. Paul C. Jong on this precious gospel of the water and the Spirit. They will give you the courage to throw away your old cloak and receive in its place the dew of heaven. After all, God saw that it was good. Pastor & EvangelistJim Montgomerie The New Life MissionHolland : BranchLelystad

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202149627
  • Nr 31

    Now I know the purpose of John the Baptist.

    My name is Leonard Ngcebe, I'm 40 years old. I became a Christian a few years ago and I was at peace with it. BUT I always new that something is wrong because I always thought of my sins, I wanted to study the bible as much as I can so I can understand who and what God is. In my heart I knew,even though I was a changed man who had stopped smoking and drinking,Who is now focusing on the word of God I always felt there was another higher level,I couldn't get to that level of faith, where I was I knew I'm going to hell. I had doubts/sins in my  heart about my faith because there was a lot I didn't understand, it always bothered me what if what I don't know is the very same thing that will open a new era in my faith.One day I was surfing the internet on my phone, I goodled "Bible Studies" and New Life Mission appeared, I learned that I can get a free book and I requested it. It came by post and the title of the book was HAVE YOU TRULLY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT?  Its a good question and I had to find out if I was really been born again. I always heard people saying "Be born again" I always said it myself to others but this time I really had to find out what it is to be born again. I read the book.The book taught me that to be born again is not only to believe in Jesus's name, Jesus's Blood, Jesus's Cross. The book explained thoroughly what faith is,step by step. I didn't think Levitikus 16 in the old testament was important,I didn't even care there was a connection between The terbanacle story and the story of Jesus,the colors at the gate, Blue,Red,purple yarn,The scapegoat, I focused on the blood in the new testament and John the Baptist was just one of the people in the bible but your book revealed what I have been missing. I didn't even care to know why John was called "THE BAPTIST". Now I know the purpose of John the Baptist,I understand that Jesus came by Water, Blood and The Spirit because all the three bear witness and everything had to made righteous by Jesus and John So that I can be righteous too. The three water,blood and spirit cannot be separated ,  I have also learned that I must believe that Jesus washed my sins away and I am "RIGHTOUS", Its a sin to God and I make Him a liar if i don't believe my sins have been really washed away by The water and blood of Jesus and I am righteous in His eyes,and by believing in that no sin will be in my heart. Because the sins of the world have been washed,the past,the present and the future, all washed away.I am separated from the worldly faith. Most people believe only in the blood of Jesus. Christians also have what we call Superstition faith, but as for me I now that by praying on the mountain,believing in just only the name of Jesus without believing in His baptism and blood doesn't do much. They have no idea what Atonement is and what important role it had ,and the connection between the atonement in the old testament and in the new testament when John the baptist made the ritual by laying hands to Jesus's head. There's also case of ancestral worship,Levitikus 16 is made an excuse to worship ancestors,they slaughter goats and worship their ancestors,most churches do that.I am separated from worldly faith, the devil will not make me believe in superstitious faith, I won't be fooled.I am righteous. My sins have been washed away by Water and Blood of Jesus. There's a difference, its clear to me I was not a christian before but now I am and I am proud because I now understand what it is that I should believe.Leonard Ngcebe, South Africa

    • Leonard Ngcebe
    • South Africa
    • 05/04/202149845
  • Nr 30

    Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.

    As a Co-worker, it is my duty and responsibility to spread the Gospel of water and Spirit any where, Global Or in this country of mine, and i know i did not experience hardships, trails as you was but i always prepared of what is lays ahead, i still Spread, Preach, and Study this beautiful Gospel..... before i became Co-Worker, i was eagerly study the book of New Life Application Bible,, i did not expect that GOD led's me to the Real Word to Study, the literature Ministry of Rev. Paul C. Jong and i bieleved the Guiding Spirit of Our Lord Jesus Christ, GOD knows our heart desires, thats why we are here to continue tha task acording to the book of 2corintians 5:17, 18=17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: and we are HIS representative John 20:21-23=Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” All of this works, are GOD's Glory, and i did not accept any in return of my service i always used of what GOD gives to my Family through my wife salary as blessing from GOD. i know GOD is faithful and True even HIS people are not, GODs love do not change, even humans love change, My beloved Co-Worker i encourage you to continue study to our BOOKS if we don't have books to destribute.. we surely need to equipt the righteousness of GOD. we face another year to do so. to GOD be the GLORY and HONOR!! we love you ALL from Phillipinesjoselito echavez, Philippines

    • joselito echavez
    • Philippines
    • 05/04/202149828
  • Nr 29

    To Encourage every believers of this Gospel.

    To God be the Glory!i know that you and me has experience in different ways of life living, i did not expect and don't know why GOD chose me that i know my self i'm not worthy it is because i was lived dark life. but now one thing i know, GOD loved me so much,GOD knows my tomorrow, GOD knows my future, that GOD knows more than i know, GOD always led's me in every steps i make and every moved i make, before i became a co-worker in this Gospel i was eagerly studying the book of new application bible but i always desired one thing that i don't know, GOD knows my heart desires,  thirsty and hungry of HIS Righteousness, that is why i am here, to stand as a witness in this true Gospel. i am belong to GOD's Kingdom not here in this earth, HE made me from the beginning to adore HIM, to worship HIM, and to help others reconciled back to HIM. 17=Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18= All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 2Corintians 5:17, 18 and 21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” John 20:21-23. i'll give back all the Glory and Honor to GOD through Jesus who make me Righteous to the sight of HIS Father in Heaven. Hallilujah!!!

    • joselito echavez
    • Philippines
    • 05/04/202149236
The New Life Mission

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