Tableau ti atënë ti yâ ni
Kozo mbage ni — Fango tënë
1. Alingbi e Hinga Asiokpari ti e kozo si Azi e na ya ni (Marc 7 : 8-9, 20-23)
2. Ayeke du Azo gi Awasiokpari (Marc 7 : 20-23)
3. Sarango ye na lege ti Ndia alingbi ti soo e? (Luc 10 : 25-30)
4. Zingo Azo na ya ti Siokpari Biani biani (Jean 8 : 1-12)
5. Bateme ti Jezu na Mbongo Asiokpari (Matthieu 3 : 13-17)
6. Jezu-Kriste aga na lege ti ngu, mênë na Yingo (1 Jean 5 : 1-12)
7. Bateme ti Jezu ayeke mbeni limo ti songo awasiokpari (1 Pierre 3 : 20-22)
8. Nzoni sango ti mbongo agbâ ti siokpari (Jean 13 : 1-17)
Use mbage ni — Mbeni tënë ti ziango na ndoni
1. Fango nda ti aye na ndoni
2. Ahundango tënë na Akiringo na tënë
Kota mama tënë ti buku so ayeke « titene akiri adu zo na lege ti ngu na Yingo ». Aluti na ndö tënë so ayeke taa na gonda ni. Na mbeni ngobo ti tenengo ni, buku so atene na e avuru tarara nda ti ye so ayeke dungo zo ti fini ni si nga tongana nyen si akiri adu zo na lege ti ngu na Yingo alingbi taa na Mbeti ti Nzapa. Ngu ayeke limo ti bateme ti Jezu na Jurden. Mbeti ti Nzapa atene atokua asiokpari ti e kue na li ti Jezu na ndembe so Jean-Batiste asara bateme na Jezu. Aaron azia maboko ti lo use kue na li ti koli-ngasa ti tokua si lo tokua asiokpari kue ti amara ti Israel ti ngu oko oko na li ti ngasa ni na lango ti mbongo asiokpari. So ayeke limo ti anzoni ye so ayeke ga. Bateme ti Jezu ayeke mara ti ziango maboko. Asara bateme na Jezu tongana ziango maboko na ngu ti Jurden. Nilaa, Lo mu asiokpari kue ti dunia na lege ti bateme ti lo na afâ lo na ndö keke ti kulusu ti futa ndali ti asiokpari ni. Me gbâ ti awamungo peko ti Kriste ahinga nga pepe ndani nyen si Jean-Batiste asara bateme na Jezu na ngu ti Jurden. Bateme ti Jezu ayeke kota tënë ti ya ti buku so si nga ayeke mbage ti ye so ayeke na ngere ngangu na ya ti Nzoni Sango ti ngu na Yingo. E lingbi titene akiri adu e gi na mango na be na bateme ti Jezu nga na keke ti kulusu ti lo.
This title`s main subject is "to be born again of Water and the Spirit." It has the originality on the subject. In other words, this book clearly tells us what being born again is and how to be born again of water and the Spirit in strict accordance with the Bible. The water symbolizes the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan and the Bible says that all our sins were passed on to Jesus when He was baptized by John the Baptist. John was the representative of all mankind and a descendant of Aaron, the High Priest. Aaron laid his hands on the head of the scapegoat and passed all the yearly sins of the Israelites onto it on the Day of Atonement. It is a shadow of the good things to come. The baptism of Jesus is the antitype of the laying on of hands. Jesus was baptized in the form of the laying on of hands at the Jordan. So He took away all the sins of the world through His baptism and was crucified to pay for the sins. But most Christians don`t know why Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan. Jesus` baptism is the keyword of this book and the indispensable part of the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit. We can be born again only by believing in the baptism of Jesus and His Cross.