


Английский 51

Sermons on Genesis (IV) - No More Chaos, Void or Darkness Now (II)

Rev. Paul C. Jong | ISBN 8983146397 | Страницы 314

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Table of Contents
1. The Lord Has Changed Darkness to Light (Genesis 1:1-5) 
2. We Must Believe in God’s Work (Genesis 2:1-3) 
3. Is Our Own Judgment Right, Or Is the Truth Right? (Genesis 2:1-25) 
4. The Mist Is an Evil Thought Seeking the Desires of the Flesh (Genesis 2:4-6) 
5. God-Established Church (Genesis 2:18-25) 
6. “It Is Not Good That Man Should Be Alone” (Genesis 2:18-25) 
7. Escaping from Religious Faith, We Must Receive True Salvation (Genesis 3:1-10) 
8. The Mark of Salvation Is the Baptism of Jesus (Genesis 3:1-24) 
9. Heaven Can Be Entered Only by Believing in the Righteousness of God (Genesis 3:1-24) 
10. Those Who Stand against the Supreme God Will Surely Be Cast into Hell (Genesis 3:1-24) 
11. To Receive the True Remission of Sins, You Must Believe in the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit (Genesis 3:1-24) 
12. Is True Remission of Sins Something Like This? (Genesis 3:1-24) 
In the Book of Genesis, the purpose for which God created us is contained. When architects design a building or artists draw a painting, they first conceive the work that would be completed in their minds before they actually begin working on their project. Just like this, our God also had our salvation of mankind in His mind even before He created the heavens and the earth, and He made Adam and Eve with this purpose in mind. And God needed to explain to us the domain of Heaven, which is not seen by our eyes of the flesh, by drawing an analogy to the domain of the earth that we can all see and understand. Even before the foundation of the world, God wanted to save mankind perfectly by giving the gospel of the water and the Spirit to everyone’s heart. So although all human beings were made out of dust, they must learn and know the gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit to benefit their own souls. If people continue to live without knowing the dominion of Heaven, they will lose not only the things of the earth, but also everything that belongs to Heaven.
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