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  • № 188

    Armour of God - A gospel song

        Armour of God Verse 1*Put on.... The breast plate of righteousness*Put on..... the helmet of salvation.....*put on.... The belt of truth... And the sandals to preach!*Carry now...... The sword and the shield*Carry now......The whole.... armour of God and proclaim to the world.... Jesus is King....., Chorus *We are soldiers of our Lord...., sent to triumph.*Until we preach to all, nobody is going to stop our way....!Am putting on the armour of God......Jesus........ Am putting on the armour of God, this is He who came by water and blood. X2 Verse 2*We are sons of God...... A holy priest....Who are sent to atone for the world.*Wake up from your slumber....., wake up to the gospel of truth  [Yesu alemita bonse (BEMBA words meaning, "Jesus is calling you all")] Chris Mulonga-Zambia  

    • Chris Mulonga
    • Zambia
    • 10/07/2022183
  • № 187

    What kind of faith do we need in the the last days?

    Hope you are doing well by the grace of God, together with all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord and savior in Korea and Greetings with a kiss of peace to our Predecessor Reverend Paul C Jong and all the servants of God working faithfully to Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am hereby to write to you about what I have learnt and believed in from our Spiritual book 66 specifically from Sermon 4 and 6. What I have learned by the help of the Holy Spirit dwelling in me from both the sermons is generally that; First and foremost I should continue to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit for it is the only true gospel of my salvation for me to meet the Lord and to dwell in His Kingdom forever and ever. Because this gospel truth of the water and the Spirit is the same gospel which our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles preached in the era of the apostles and this is accurately based on the scriptures or the word of God. Therefore, God is now admonishing me to Hold firm to the faith I have in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Even though I once believed in the twisted false gospel which is only emphasized on the cross alone which can never cleansed anyone from sin but rather cover them in bondage for eternal destruction. Now I am be told to be vigilant and watch out for anything or anyone who comes to me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ apart from believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and I must be able to rule out their misunderstood beliefs and plant the true gospel of the water and the Spirit in their hearts by willingness of the Holy Spirit working in me through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. God is admonishing me to reject any gospel apart from the gospel of the water and the Spirit preached by His appointed true servants, who through His faithfulness has helped me to come to meet my God in truth of His grace and mercies even Jesus Christ Himself who is the gospel of the water and the Spirit that has saved me from my sins and death completely. Even in my weakness, by holding on to the faith I have in the gospel of the water and the Spirit I am completely sinless and righteous through the baptism of Jesus Christ, His death and His resurrection freely. Hence, with this faith I have in the beautiful gospel truth of the water and the Spirit I am responsible to put an end to the false gospels that emphasizes on prayers of repentance as the basis of sanctification for ones sins. These incremental sanctification doctrines will only be put to an end my faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. As I preach this gospel to such people who are having their hopes in their prayers of repentance as the means for the purification of their sins and plant the true gospel truth of the water and the Spirit which is the only gospel that eradicts or remove sins from our hearts once and for all, including Our original sins inherited from our ancestors Adam and Eve our own very parents, the sins of today, yesterday and the sins we are still committing till the very day we shall depart from our flesh, or even on the second coming of our Lord Jesus the only Savior who came by the Water, Blood and the Holy Spirit. These sermons have taught me to continue setting my whole to this beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit that even when anyone or even the angel may come to present any different gospel apart from the gospel of the water and the Spirit that has remitted my sins once and for all according to the written word of God, I will still be bold and cast out such false doctrines and rule out their evilness of blaspheming and uplifting the powerful gospel truth of the water and the Spirit regardless of what I must lose. I believe I do have the faith that will definitely launch the reformation of this era by proclaiming the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit that the apostles of God had believe in and preached in the early church era and has been passed to me through my faith in the baptism of Jesus Christ, His death and His resurrection. Also proclaimed by the true servant of God Reverend Paul C Jong and His appointed true servants of God.May all Glory be returned to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has saved us from sin and death through His baptism received from John the Baptist, His blood shed on the cross and His resurrection(1John 5vs6) AMEN!! Brenda Tembo, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 10/05/2022221
  • № 186

    Together let's rewrite the history of this present Christianity!

    I am so happy to share what I learned and believed from these life-enriching sermons given to those of us living in these last days. These sermons shed light on how the true gospel of the water and the Spirit was corrupted and the urgent need for us the saints who now hold the genuine gospel, to launch a reformation by raising the torch of the salvation of the gospel of the water and the Spirit high so that the true light will shine on the souls of everyone. I believe that these sermons will let all saints realize the genuineness of the gospel of the water and the Spirit we now hold and the wrongness of the gospel of the Cross which mainstream Christians hold, and thus awaken them to forcefully shine the light of the gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit all over the world. Here, we can see how the gospel we now believe and are preaching is exactly the same as the gospel that the apostles of the Early Church believed in and preached. However, it is very unfortunate to see how Christians have strayed away from this gospel and are holding onto the man-made gospel. This gospel of the Cross that Christians now believe is a product of a consultation of group of people spearheaded by Emperor Constantine in the Middle Ages, the First Council of Nicaea gave birth to Nicene Creed which later produced the Apostle's Creed. This gospel made in the Middle Ages removed the baptism of Jesus Christ and put forth only His blood on Cross and the prayers of repentance as the basis of salvation, this is far removed from the gospel which Apostle Paul and Apostle Peter preached. The gospel that the apostles of Early Church era preached is the gospel that contains both the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ. The sermon shows us how Apostle Paul defended the gospel of the water and the Spirit from some Jews who wanted to corrupt this beautiful gospel. By taking Titus who received remission of sins  through the gospel he was preaching and presenting a written document to the Council of Jerusalem, Apostle Paul told them not force the Gentiles to obey the Law and be circumcised in the flesh. These acts will undermine the work of preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit to the Gentiles and prevent many Gentiles from receiving the true remission of sins. From birth Jews know and follow the Law and they were circumcised as a custom, so believing and following such is natural to the Jew. But this is different to the Gentiles who have different backgrounds from the Jews. Forcing the Gentiles to be circumcised and to obey the Law will cause damage to their faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit as this will make them feel and end up believing that salvation cannot be complete unless they were circumcised and obey the Law, whereas obeying the Law and being circumcised is rather natural to the Jews, it is natural to them in the sense that they were taught to do so from their birth, but to the Gentiles it will be a new burden. Apostle Paul understood this very well, and he sought to rectify it. Apostle Paul presented the gospel of the water and the Spirit that he was preaching to the Gentiles to the Council of Jerusalem and sought to be corrected and rebuked if what he was preaching was wrong. It therefore means that there were two gospels at that time: the gospel of the water and the Spirit preached by Apostle Paul to the Gentiles and another gospel preached to the Jews. And there is a slight difference between the way Gentiles and Jews believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The Gentiles need not be circumcised and they only need to realize their sins through the Law to receive the remission of sins by believing in the baptism and the blood of Jesus, this is the extent they need God's Law. Hence, we can see that the gospel of the water and the Spirit believed by the Gentiles is purer, because they are not bound by any element of the Law but by simply believing in the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ, they have reached their salvation.  Thanks to the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the sins of Apostle Peter have been blotted out even before he committed them because the Lord knew beforehand that he would go astray, this is same for all of us who now believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit! This is the gospel of peace and joy that we are now spreading all over the world. We could not help but be cast into hell for our numerous sins that are as thick as the cloud, but God Himself came to us in the likeness of our flesh and was baptized by John the Baptist at the Jordan River in AD 30 to have our sins passed unto His head, was crucified on the Cross in AD 33 to receive the condemnation for those sins and was resurrected three days later to bring eternal redemption to us. This is the gospel of the water and the Spirit which apostles of Early Church era preached. It saddened Apostle Paul that the Galatians were adding their deeds on top of the salvation of this gospel of the water and the Spirit. But this gospel of the water and the Spirit is more than sufficient to blot out the sins of everyone who believes in it, and there is no need whatsoever for anyone to try to blend anything with this perfect salvation. God gave us the statutes of the Law numbering 613 do's and don'ts. This is His perfect Law, we must acknowledge them as His Word and through them realize that we are brood of evil doers and meet the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit and be saved. The spirit of Law states that we should love God above anyone else and love our neighbors as ourselves. And the law of Spirit states that we have to receive the remission of sins by believing in the righteousness of God and love one another and unite to preach this gospel to everyone around the world. Hallelujah!In this light, God is commanding us that from now on, we must love our neighbors by preaching this gospel of the water and the Spirit to them to bring joy to God. I believe that God wants us to love the souls of our neighbors by preaching this gospel of the water and the Spirit to them and thus bring glory to His name. From now on, God is telling us to preach this gospel to everyone we come across and all over the world.God is telling all the saints around the world to love one another and to unite to raise the torch of the gospel of the water and the Spirit high so that there would be no one who does not know about this powerful gospel. Since this is the will of God that will bring about the last harvest, we saints must unite ourselves and raise the torch of this great salvation high! Here, I also learnt how this present syncretic Christian religion was formed. Constantine gathered together group of people and have them enact the Nicene Creed in the Late Antiquity. He was trying to maintain his political power, the only way he could achieve this is to give everyone an impression that God is behind his power so he sought to bring religious unity. So based on this new light, we can see that the present syncretic Christian gospel of the Cross is a product of such consultation in AD 325. Constantine is responsible for the disappearance of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, by removing the baptism of Jesus Christ during the First Council of Nicaea. He brought together different religions including his own sun god religion and Christianity into one religion and made himself the leader of such a religion, waging great power to suppressing and murdering anyone who dared challenge this religion of his own making. This is how this man-made gospel of Cross has survived till today. As such many Christians today do not know that the gospel of the Cross which they now believe in was made by Constantine and his followers in the Late Antiquity. The Nicene Creed which eventually gave birth to Apostle's Creed was made by uniting different religions. Many Christians do not know that the Apostle's Creed was not written by apostles themselves but by men who did not know about the true gospel of the water and the Spirit which apostles believed in and preached. Of course, the Apostle's Creed we now have is not entirely wrong but an indispensable element was removed from it making it impossible for any to receive remission of sins by believing in it. This is the scheme and wile of the Devil, who is skilled at distorting the Word of God even slightly to remove its power, as we see in his deceptive words to Eve in the Garden of Eden.The Apostle's Creed reads thus: “I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator  of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ,  his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived  by the  power of the  Holy Spirit and born of the  Virgin Mary. He suffered  under  Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at  the  right  hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I  believe in the  Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.”  We can see that there is something missing in this Creed. It is the baptism of Jesus Christ that is missing here. Before the phrase , “He suffered under Pontius Pilate,” there should be a phrase that reads “He  bore the  sins of  the world by being baptized by  John the  Baptist.” This is true, because Christ who is the King of kings was baptized by John the Baptist at the Jordan River to receive our sins onto His body. It is written in the Bible that Jesus Christ said “Permit it to be  so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15). This verse clearly stated that Jesus Christ was baptized to blot out the sins of the world and thereby fulfilled the righteousness of God. So why would the baptism of Jesus Christ be removed from the Apostle's Creed? This is the evil Constantine and his followers did. They worked as God's enemies to tamper with the salvation of the water and the Spirit which Jesus Christ fulfilled for us between AD 1-33. So then, we who now possess the true faith that contains both the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ must launch the reformation of this era. We must raise the torch of the salvation of the water and the Spirit high for the whole world to see and believe in. We must spread this gospel of the water and the Spirit so that the fragrance of this gospel will reach everyone around the world. We must never allow ourselves to turn away from this Word of the water and the Spirit as the Galatians did. In fact, we must not preach a different gospel apart from this gospel of the water and the Spirit, we must not blend our fleshly efforts or deeds to this perfect salvation of the water and the Spirit. We must keep the purity of this gospel and preach it all over the world. Together let's rewrite the history of this present Christianity! This is the message God is relaying to us in these last days. Hallelujah! Ndubuisi Okorie, Nigeria

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 09/29/2022266
  • № 185

    We are presenting the gospel of the water and the Spirit on kafue Radio...

    We have started a live presentation of the gospel of the water and the Spirit here in Zambia on one of the Radio station. I have also created a Page on Facebook called "The saints" were we will be going live from the studio and on Facebook, may you please pray for this program to continue.... stay blessed.

    • Christopher Chibale
    • Zambia
    • 09/25/2022272
  • № 184


    It was precisely in this month of September of the year 2012 that I believed in Jesus Christ according to the scriptures.  I left Catholicism to join a revivalist church that had still not allowed me to receive the remission of my sins. I was so weak in saying prayers of repentance before sleeping, so I was very anxious about my salvation. But God met me through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I did not expect such a beautiful gospel at all. The gospel of the water and the Spirit has completely changed the course of my life. That day, I went out to walk to realize that I was not dreaming. My heart was so overwhelmed with the joy of being born again. I am so grateful, I who was destined to end up in hell even though I believed in Jesus. Lord Jesus, Thank you very much.Cédric Patrick Tchako, Cameroon

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 09/09/2022606