
Utafiti Wa Maskani

The Holy Place

The holy place
The boards
Articles of the sanctuary
The Tabernacle measured 13.5 m (45 feet) in length and 4.5 m (15 feet) in width, and it was divided into two rooms called the Holy Place and the Most Holy. Inside the Holy Place, there were a lampstand, the table of showbread, and the altar of incense, while inside the Most Holy, the Ark of the Testimony and the mercy seat were placed.
Consisted of the Holy Place and the Most Holy, the Tabernacle was surrounded on all sides by boards of acacia wood measuring about 70 cm (2.3 feet) in width and 4.5 m (15 feet) in height. And at the door of the Tabernacle, five pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold were placed. The door itself, through which one entered into the Tabernacle from the outer court, was made of a screen woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen.
In the outer court of the Tabernacle, there were sixty pillars standing, each measuring 2.25 m (7.4 feet) in height. The gate of the court, which was placed at its east, was also woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen, and only by passing through this gate of the outer court could anyone enter into the Tabernacle's court. In this court of the Tabernacle were the altar of burnt offering and the laver.
Passing by these two, one would then come upon the door of the Tabernacle, measuring as tall as 4.5 m (15 feet) in height. This door of the Tabernacle had five pillars, whose sockets were made of bronze. Like the gate of the court of the Tabernacle, the door of the Tabernacle was also made of a screen woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen and hung on the golden hooks placed on the top of the five pillars. This screen was the divider that separated the inside and outside of the Tabernacle.
God dwelt inside the Tabernacle built with 48 boards. God manifested His presence to the people of Israel with the pillar of cloud by day and that of fire by night above the Tabernacle. And inside the Sanctuary, where God Himself dwelt, the glory of God filled the place. Inside the Holy Place, there were the table of showbread, the lampstand, and the altar of incense, and inside the Most Holy, there were the Ark of the Testimony and the mercy seat. These were off-limit places for the common people of Israel; only the priests and the High Priest could enter the places according to the system of the Tabernacle.
All the utensils inside the Sanctuary were made of gold; the lampstand was golden, and so was the table of showbread. As all the items in the Sanctuary and its three-sided walls were thus made of pure gold, the inside of the Sanctuary always shined brilliantly in golden radiance.
That the inside of the Sanctuary thus shined brilliantly in golden radiance tells us that the saved saints live their precious lives of faith inside God's Church. The saints who live in their faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit are like the pure gold found in the Sanctuary. The life that such saints live inside the Sanctuary is the blessed life that dwells in the Church, feeds on the Word of God, prays to and praises Him, and goes before the throne of God and is clothed in His grace everyday, all through the Church. This is the life of faith inside the Sanctuary. You must take it to your hearts that only the righteous who have been saved through the gospel of the water and the Spirit can live this precious life of faith inside the Sanctuary.

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The New Life Mission

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