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Đăng Tin Nhắn
Tổng cộng 289
  • No. 74

    JESUS CHRIST ………………..….. THE WORD

    JESUS CHRIST ………………..….. THE WORD And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, we beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.(John 1:14) Jesus came into this world with the flesh so as to dwell among us and wash away our sins. He gave to us His flesh to eat and His blood to drink. But did Jesus cut off His body or pour out his fleshy blood? We humans commit sin with our body and mind and our blood is our life. Jesus Christ is the word, He became flesh and was baptized by John, by this He bore the sins of the world, that is His flesh for us. The bible has it that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) we were heading to destruction in a train of sin. After His baptism, Jesus was then crucified and died on the cross. “it is finished” as He said and whosoever believeth in Him will have eternal life. By this, He gave us His blood for life in place of destruction designed by our iniquity. The will of God is that everyone who sees Jesus and believes in Him will be saved. Jesus Christ is the bread of life, by this I mean the word of God that nourishes our spiritual and physical being. The same bread of life wipes away the sins of the world, institutes us with the word of God and guarantees eternal life for mankind. How can we be a partaker of this bread, you can be by believing in the Gospel of John 3:16 “for God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not die, but have everlasting life” Wow, what happens to those whom after the love of God refuses to believe, the bible says “He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not on him, is condemned already” john 3:17. That is to say that, is either you believe on Jesus Christ and be saved or you believe not and be condemned, the choice is yours. Think wise ……………. God Loves you and He is still on the throne.

    • Odoemenam Joseph Chimezie
    • Nigeria
    • 05/03/20215
  • No. 73


    Before i read this book of Paul Jong, i thought i was just a christian, hardly did i know that once born again, spirit filled and baptized, i am the Devil's target. my faith since now has so changed that i leave for God everything to do for me, and i do everything he leads me to do because of salvation. i have realized that i no longer walk alone, even at times that i feel i am alone the spirit of the Lord is with me. Sickness, to me makes me happy than sad because before i even think of taking a drug i think of being born again and i receive my healing. surely, there is power in being born again and baptised

    • Kenya
    • 05/03/20215
  • No. 72

    Spiritual Growth series 1. The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1-4

    Paul C.Jong’s Spiritual Growth Series 1 The Gospel of Matthew (I) Chapter 1-5 The gospel of Matthew reveals the righteousness of God that has saved all sinners. Once sinners realize the truth and throw away their emotion based faith, their hearts will be filled with the gospel of the Water and the Spirit which is the true blessing from God, for all people. To become a part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, we need to believe in His salvation. God sent His only begotten Son to this world to save us according to His covenant so that we, who were born in the darkness of sin, can become a part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ by having the same faith as those to whom the covenant was promised.  ‘Abraham, our father of faith, believed in God’s Word in its entirety & hoped for what was impossible by human logic. This is the faith that pleases God. The faith that allows sinners to become righteous is the faith that trusts in the gospel of the water & the Spirit just as it is. God sent Jesus to have Him bear upon His body the sin of the world through His baptism in order to cleanse our hearts as white as snow and to open the door to the kingdom of heaven. We become righteous by accepting the word in our hearts.’ Let’s give thanks to our lord Jesus who came to save us. I give thanks that our Lord shown us our sinful and insufficient nature and saved us from a life of deception and spiritual death. I thank God that I can see myself by His Word & see His righteousness that saved me. ‘Anytime we see in the Lord, we can be faithful to the command, ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 17, 18).  ‘Jesus who was conceived by the Holy Spirit was born to save His people from their sins. The birth of Jesus was prophesized throughout the Bible, (Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14) and came to pass by the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the period of the Holy Spirit who resides within us and makes us to spread the gospel. He helps us to understand the truth, rebukes our sins and guides us to follow Gods will well. He helps us realize what is wrong and reminds us of the Word, the Holy Spirit works through God’s Word. When Mary accepted God’s message, the Holy Spirit gave the ability that made it possible for the baby Jesus to be born. ‘Conceived by the Holy Spirit’ means that the salvation we have is from God, we must know that the Holy Spirit works for those who believe in the written Word of God. When we receive the remission of sins by accepting Jesus, it is not the end, the Holy Spirit reigns over us, teaching and guiding us, He holds our hearts and comforts us. When we spread the gospel to those who have not accepted Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit that works within them, helping them to understand the gospel. As a consequence of this, people receive the remission of sin.’ Where can we meet the Lord properly? (Matthew 2:1-12) Many people in this world think of Jesus as their Lord only in theory, they try hard to receive salvation but never meet the Saviour because they want to meet Jesus according to their own fixed ideas. Because these people do not follow the Word of God, but rather their own fixed ideas, they are in a state of confusion. In the Bible, the wise men were able to meet the baby Jesus properly because they asked the scribes and the priests and followed the prophesies written in the bible and went to Bethlehem. This is the same as meeting the true Saviour spiritually by knowing the gospel of the Water and the Spirit and believing it. Spread the true gospel and Jesus’ righteous deed (Matthew 3:1-17) John the Baptist urged the people of Israel to return to the Word of God, He also rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees saying, ‘Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?’ John the Baptist was a prophet who did righteous deeds in Gods eyes and was the last prophet of the Old Testament. All prophets should be people who can cry out for the righteous deed of God.  John the Baptist cried out for repentance in God and Jesus received baptism from him to accomplish all the righteousness of God by taking on Himself all the sin of the world. (John 1:29) After we receive the remission of sin by believing in the gospel of Jesus’ baptism, blood and resurrection, our lives should be devoted solely to spreading that righteousness of God. Jesus who came to blot out your sins (Matthew 3:13-17). Whether or not we can receive the remission of our sins and be born again depends on whether or not we know and believe in Jesus correctly. Through the sacrificial system revealed in the tabernacle, our Lord has revealed to us that He is the Saviour who would fulfil the promise of salvation and He has indeed achieved this. It was by the will of God that John the Baptist baptized Jesus with the spiritual ‘laying on of hands’, in order to pass the sin of the world onto the body of Jesus, the Lamb of God. He then He shed His blood to atone our sins just like the Old Testament`s Sacrificial offerings (Leviticus 1:3-5, 21) Through the baptism of Jesus, the just love of God came to be realized. However, this truth of salvation, the gospel of the Water and the Spirit, is effective only when we truly understand it and believe in it with all our hearts. Praise and thanks be to our God.

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/202119
  • No. 71

    To new life

    there is no comments ,i'went to some thing that is very interesting i encourage to continue in such manner. 

    • Sagni Zeleke
    • United States of America
    • 05/03/20216
  • No. 70

    Spiritual Growth Series. Matthew (III)

    Book Review Spiritual Growth Series. The Gospel of Matthew (III)   Praise and thanks be to God, my Father, who has begotten me as His own child, through the Salvation bestowed upon the whole world by His Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ, by obeying the Will of God the Father, took upon the sins of the world by the laying on of hands baptism He received from John the Baptist at the Jordan River. Then bearing the sins of the world, He went to the Cross, shed His Blood, died, and rose from the dead again, by the Word of the Father.   I am so blessed to have access to the Word of God, both in my heart and through the Bible and Books. My Book Review is on Paul C Jongs Spiritual Growth Series, The Gospel of Matthew (III).   The first chapter (14) is entitled ‘The lips of spiritual priests must keep the knowledge of truth’. It draws on the example of John the Baptist who fulfilled his role unto death. As a born again, our role is to also do the same. We cannot fear the world. We have a job to do and we must do it.  The Author refers to the age that we are living in (p.14) and explains that people are uninterested in the Word of God and that it is our duty to therefore, point out their sins as they are unaware that they are constantly sinning. This is the difference between the spiritual priests and the religionists of the world.  The spiritual priests do the Will of the Father and are mindful of spiritual things. Whereas the religionists focus on money, building bigger churches and their own worldly prosperity. The example of the five loaves on p.35 also explains to us how important faith is in order to serve the Gospel. We cannot afford to be without faith. We have to believe that everything will be fulfilled according to God’s Word.   Chapter 15 (p.55) tells us how the born again, after serving God for a while, can become complacent and deluded. We may start to think that we have put in too much and are getting too little back from God. But if we serve God wholeheartedly, then this does not happen because we see our whole existence as a blessing regardless of what takes place as we know it is the unfolding of Gods Will in our life. The very fact that God has enabled us to become His children is a blessing that should keep us truly happy for all eternity. I thank God every day for the life He has now given me. Chapter 16 speaks to the born again of self denial and being mindful of Gods Work first. Page 73 reminds us that the flesh must be denied to do Gods Work. God’s workers are discerned by the earnest desire they have in their hearts for the Will of God to succeed. Even if the Will of God is not fulfilled right away, such people set their goal to do His Will and even labour and sacrifice themselves for it and run toward this goal. They take joy just from being allowed to serve him, regardless of the outcome. How to receive the Holy Spirit, chapter 17, talks about the Old Testaments sacrificial system and the fulfilling of the New Testament with Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. Correct faith and belief in the whole and complete salvation of the water and Spirit, is the only way one can receive the Holy Spirit.    Chapter 18 explains why our faith has to be like that of a little child. After walking with God for a while it is easy to become complacent with your own knowledge of the Truth and forget your first love, which is the preciousness of the Gospel. So we have to be as little children and never lose our love for God and His Church. The same zeal and happiness we first experienced should continue to grow within us as we walk and support others who have just come to hear this Gospel. The last two chapters warn us of the dangers of being rich in our own righteousness/deeds and how we should live wholly for the Gospel. It is easy to sometimes forget the life we had been saved from and then start to think that we are good people, once we have been born again for a few years. But we have to remember that we are wretched human beings who need the constant love and Grace of God just as much as anyone else. If we ruminate on how blessed we are every day, we will draw closer to God and give our lives to Him for Him to use us as His vessel of righteousness here on earth. What a blessing this is.   I thank God for His perfect salvation and for giving me and all His children, everything we need to continue in our walk of faith.  May we all deny ourselves and faithfully follow the Lord.  “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:24, 25.  Amen.

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/202115