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Đăng Tin Nhắn
Tổng cộng 268
  • No. 138

    We began our revival meeting.

    When we began our revival meeting, we asked some saints to come to the pulpit and give us a testimony of salvation. And I was very impressed by testimony of one of the saints. It was the first time for me to meet him in person. I didn't know that he understood our gospel that deep. I was very amazed. He had been an Evangalist in his previous worldy church. When he met the gospel of the water and the Spirit through our books, he preached it in a church where he serves. But the leaders in the church told him to stop preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit, because they thaught it's a false doctrine. They expelled him from their congregation.  He started his own business and continued preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit to everyone he meets. Not only the chutch leaders, but also his wife stood against him. Even if his wife stood against him, he never stopped sharing the beautiful gospel with people. After two years, his wife was surrendered for the beautiful gospel. She received the remission of her sins by believing in the gospel of atonement of all sins. He said it was her who pushed him to go and attend the revival meeting in Addis Ababa. He came to attend our revival meeting traveling more than 300Km. He was very excited about meeting us for the first time. We were very excited as well.  After the revival meeting was over, he went to his friend's house to spend the night with. In the evening, he gave me a call and introduced me to his friend. His name is Fikadu. He told me on the phone to share our gospel with his frend and give him a book. I said, "with pleasure." He spent the night with him, but he didn't tell him our gospel. He just tried to plaugh his heart and questioned his salvation. He's very wise. He knows how to catch fish. His friend was very eager to know the truth.Today I gave him call and met him up in the afternoon. I was not alone. I took my brother with me. We ordered hot drinks and started chatting. I asked him some questions about salvation. He told us that he has been full time missionary for more than 20 years. He has read lots of spiritual books. But His spiritual hunger has not been quenched yet.......... To make long story short, he is someone who is looking for the truth. Before I share the good news with him, I said to him, "Pay attention. You are going to hear something that you have never heard in your entire life. It's the greatest news you will ever hear. He was all ears. While I was going to meet him, I was praying for him and for myself so that God give me utterance.  God helped me to explain the good news from A to Z. He was like, "Was I not saved?" I told him to rebuild his house of faith on the rock of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The first house of his faith was built on the sand. He was very surprised to have known this truth. I gave him a booklet and invited him to come to our church next week. What a blessed day! Whenever I share the gospel with people like this, my soul rejoices. But when I sit and spend my precious time idly, I fall into spiritual depression. I thank God for this brother. Dear fellow believers, please pray for this brother and us as well. Love you!Yohannes Make Mara, Ethiopia

    • Yohannes Make Mara
    • Ethiopia
    • 09/09/202163108
  • No. 137

    Heading to spread the gospel of the water and the spirit

    Isaiah:44.22 I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you."

    • Obaigwa Onsombi
    • Kenya
    • 09/06/202162083
  • No. 136

    We start our revival meeting today.

    We start our revival meeting today. Saints in Addis Ababa. Saints from different parts of Ethiopia gathered together for the revival meeting.Kassahun Ayele, Ethiopia

    • Kassahun Ayele
    • Ethiopia
    • 09/05/202162544
  • No. 135

    We are the Noahs of our time.

    Saints from Cièko, Mwiki. Meditating on the word. Instilling how Jesus is God in our hearts. Reminding ourselves how in these last days we are the Noahs of our time....Before the days of Noah, there were many believers of God, as the sons of God saw beauty in the daughters of men and took whom they liked as their wives, spiritual corruption covered the world. It was like the righteous people who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit in this day and age recognizing those who believe in false gospels as God’s children. If a righteous person were to approve the statement that goes, “People can receive salvation just by having faith in the blood of the Cross alone without the gospel of the water and the Spirit,” that person would be committing the sin of spiritual adultery. God does not work with people who do not believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Also, God does not work with people who have spitted out the faith of believing in the righteousness of God. Let us STAND FAST!Kennedy Karoga, Kenya

    • Kennedy Karoga
    • Kenya
    • 09/04/202162622
  • No. 134

    I believe God will help us plant God's Church in every region of Ethiopia.

    I believe God will help us plant God's Church in every region of Ethiopia. The fallen angel is trying to make some mess ups, but we will defeat him with God-given wisdom. As usual pray for us. Africa will be covered by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. God will make this dream of ours come true!Yohannes Make Mara, Ethiopia

    • Yohannes Make Mara
    • Ethiopia
    • 09/04/202162275