

Heretics, Who Followed the Sins of Jeroboam (I)
  • ISBN8983147423
  • 页码311

英语 25

Heretics, Who Followed the Sins of Jeroboam (I)

Rev. Paul C. Jong

Table of Contents

1. Who Are Heretics before God? (1 Kings 11:1-13) 
2. Who Are Christians That Believe in Jesus within the Framework of Their Own Fleshly Thinking? (1 Kings 12:25-33) 
3. Following the Desires of the Flesh Will Make You Turn into a Heretic Automatically (1 Kings 12:1-18) 
4. In Which Gospel Do You Now Believe? (1 Kings 13:33-34) 
5. Today’s Christians Who Have Replaced God with Mammon Are Idolaters before God (1 Kings 11:1-13) 
6. How Does God Save Heretics? (1 Kings 19:1-21) 
7. You Must Believe That John the Baptist Is the Representative of All Mankind (Matthew 11:1-19) 
8. Seven Types of People Who Will Be Cursed by God (Matthew 23:1-36) 
9. Heal Bad Water with Salt (2 Kings 2:19-22) 
In the Bible, the people of Israel claim to worship God, but ultimately, following Jeroboam, they were worshipping the golden calves. In fact, more than 2/3 of the history of Israelites was a history of having worshipped the golden calves, thinking them to be God. Ultimately, even now, they continue to go on living without realizing the fact that Jesus Christ, who has come by the gospel of the water and the Spirit, is their true Savior. In spite of it all, there are many Jews who are waiting for their Savior, even now. Then, how is the faith of you who claim to be taking part in Christianity in this New Testament Era? Do you currently believe in and follow God with a proper understanding of Him? If not, aren`t you perhaps worshipping golden calves with a misapprehension of them as God? If you are like that, then you must become aware of the fact that you are worshipping an idol before God like the people of Israel. Then, you must revert back and meet the Lord who has come by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. I am sure that you will be able to believe in the gospel Truth when you truly realize before God what the Truth of the salvation in the gospel of the water and the Spirit is, won`t you? I wish to testify before you the true faith and the Truth under the title, "Heretics, Who Followers the sins of Jeroboam." By all means, I hope you will be a person of the same faith as that of mine.


  • My review of book 25 titled, "Heretics, Who Followed the Sins of Jeroboam (I)"
    Ndubuisi Okorie, Nigeria

    This book is an eye-opener, we must reflect on the current state of today`s Christianity through the Word of God revealed in this book. We have to examine our faith with the Word of God in this book to see whether we are not actually walking in the way of Jeroboam. Because our faith today will invariably affect someone else tomorrow, so it is very important for us to have a proper faith so that those who come after us will also inherit a proper faith. If Solomon has given a second thought to this, he wouldn`t have set such an example to the people of God. He made a costly mistake, and I pray through this book no one will make such mistake again and those who have already fallen into the sin of Jeroboam may turn around.
    It is not an exaggeration to say that almost all Christians living today are heretics before God. For us to identify them, we need to examine their fruit carefully. We can start by tracing back the footsteps of their predecessors. Solomon was the man who opened the gate for heresy, by marrying gentile women, loving them and allowing them bring their gods to Israel, he paved way for the Isreal and their future kings to worship idols. Solomon himself also worshipped these gods more than God just to please his wives. He clung to this idolatry for too long, driving his people into idolatry. It is said in the Bible that when Solomon became old his wives turned his heart after other gods, away from God (1 Kings 11: 1-13). This means Solomon followed his lust of the flesh till his old age. It is also written that God appeared to Solomon twice commanding him not to go after other gods. Doesn`t it also mean that God gave him enough time to turn around? Even now, God is waiting for all heretics in the world today to turn around and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    After Rehoboam and Jeroboam succeeded Solomon, they both followed his footsteps. Like this, the faith of a leader is very important, when a leader goes astray, it is inevitable for the followers to follow the path. But Jeroboam not only worshipped idols, he also replaced God with golden calves. The same tread continues even today, Christians are serving golden calves in the name of Jesus. They are after material blessings while professing to believe in Jesus with their lips. They are the successors following the footsteps of Jeroboam. Not only did Jeroboam build shrines for idols like Solomon, he went further to telling the people that his man-made idol is the God who led them out of Egypt, as that is not enough he changed the way of salvation and appointed ordinary people who are not Levi`s descendants as priests. He changed the Day of Atonement from the tenth of the seventh month to the fifteenth of the eighth month, making sure that no one will receive the God-given salvation from sins, just to maintain his position as king.
    Christians today are committing the same sins of Jeroboam, they are making money in the name of Jesus while at the same time telling people that they can go to heaven by believing in blood of Jesus alone. This is the same sin of Jeroboam serving golden calves and at the time changing the Day of Atonement.
    It is really astonishing to see how Jeroboam`s sins have been passed down to today`s Christians. The faith of Jeroboam has truly been passed down to Christians in the New Testament. In the New Testament, the man who also shared in the sin of Jeroboam was Emperor Constantine I, he arbitrarily removed the baptism of Jesus Christ and put forth only His Cross (blood), all in attempt to fulfill his fleshly desires. He was a son god worshipper who changed the way of salvation to maintain his political power. There is no difference between his sins and the sins of Jeroboam. The syncretic religion he created in the First Council of Nicaea is what today`s Christians are still holding onto. These Christians have believed in Jesus Christ within the framework of their own thoughts, they don`t care whether someone has sins in his heart or not. They claim when one commits sins all one has to do is to offer prayers of repentance. But none of them has become righteous through such humanistic mean, and their conscience bears witness that they still have sins.
    There is a lesson I learned from this: We the born again of water and the Spirit can also turn into heretics when we follow only the desires of our flesh. This is all too evident when we examine the life of Solomon. Solomon followed the desires of his flesh, he was a man of weak spirit as he failed to put up a fence in his heart. He let the door of his heart wide open to idols, material greed and the lust of his flesh, he is truly foolish. Here I learned an important lesson, we must set a definite mark between us and the idol worshippers. We must realize that we are the righteous, the chosen generation. We must live with such a pride everyday. We must draw a clear line of demarcation between us the people of God and those who belong to the synagogue of Satan. I can see that Solomon failed at this, he forgot that he belonged to a royal priesthood, the very nation that the oracle of God was committed to. Consequently, he was carried away by idolatry of the gentile nations, he was like a floating balloon in the air. If Solomon had put up a fence, he would have turned around even if he went astray momentarily like Samson. Even so, God appeared to him twice commanding him not to go after other gods. He considered himself immune from God`s commandment, this man desperately asked for God`s curses. He may be wise in carnal terms, spiritually speaking he is utterly foolish. He wasted his years on this earth, wouldn`t it be better if he was not born? The end of his life was full of regrets, If we follow his path, we will also end up with wounds and regrets in our heart.
    For the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, by having this event written down in the Bible God is teaching us to guide our hearts against idolatry. For us to avoid turning into heretics before God, we must instead examine the life of a faithful king like David, even though he was insufficient he relied only on God and followed Him in obedience to His will. We must continuously preach God`s righteousness to give everyone an opportunity to receive salvation. We must never give up on serving the gospel of the water and the Spirit no matter what. If we are to abandon this gospel to seek only material wealth and our fleshly desires, it is 100% possible that we will also turn into heretics in a short time. We must remember all that heretics will receive from God are rebukes and severe judgement.
    Even though today`s Christianity has been reduced to heretical organization, God does not want to leave them alone in their sin of idolatry. He wants them to turn around and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. If they continue to cling to their heretical faith till the end like Solomon, they will surely receive curses from God. Therefore, God has given us the gospel of the water and the Spirit to save all heretics. We must tell them how their leaders are leading them to the path of destruction. They have to learn from us how Jesus Christ worked with John the Baptist the representative of mankind to save us from the sins of the world. They need the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
    God has shown us the shadow of this gospel in the Old Testament. It is written in the Bible that Aaron the High Priest represented the whole congregation of Israel on the Day of Atonement, and laid his two hands on the head of the sacrificial animals and passed their yearly sins on the animals. Cut its throat and offer the blood to God. So through the laying of hands of the High Priests of the Old Testament and the sprinkling of blood of the sacrificial animals, God saved them from their sins. In the New Testament, God Himself left His throne of glory and came to save us from sins. At the age of 30, He was baptized by John the Baptist who represented everyone in the world and passed all our sins onto Him. At that moment all our sins disappeared and were transfered to the body of Jesus Christ instead, and He consequently received judgement for those sins by dying and shedding His blood on the Cross. This is the only true gospel that has power to save everyone from sins.
    As believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we have a duty to deliver heretics from the curses of God. It is a sad reality to learn that people living around us are all heretics, they all need this gospel of the water and the Spirit. Because these heretics do not know where to meet God properly, they are seeking God through signs and wonders. They are looking for Pentecostal experience, but they cannot receive the Holy Spirit in such a way. Can we meet God through mystical experiences? When I was in my former church, there were a couple of times I fell down under the so-called "anointing", I was rolling down on the floor and started speaking in tongues. I even got injured because I fell down on a concrete floor! I thought I had received the Holy Spirit. But I later found out despite the mystical experiences, sins still remain intact in my heart. This means I didn`t actually received the Holy Spirit but demons. Such thing is happening to other people now, we must show them the right way to meet God.
    After Elijah defeated the 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah and made his people to kill those false prophets, Jezebel the wife of Ahab was furious and sought to kill him.
    However, through the providence of God, Elijah was able to reach Mountain Horeb where He met God (1 Kings 19:1-21).
    It is written that great and strong wind came tearing mountains and breaking rocks in pieces, and yet God was not found in the wind. Then came an earthquake and God was not found in the earthquake, and then came fire and God was not found there either. After the fire came "a still small voice", there Elijah heard the Word of God! Elijah met God in a still small voice. Like this we can only meet God and receive the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. Those who have received the remission of sins through the gospel of the water and the Spirit know how the Holy Spirit descended in their hearts gently, giving their hearts unspeakable serenity, peace and joy! We can only meet God through His Word. The only way to meet God properly is to believe in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit that wipes away our heart`s sins and not through mystical experiences propagated by leaders of heretics today.
    As believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, God has given us the task of healing the bad water with salt. In the Bible it is recorded that the people of Jericho came to Elisha with their problem. In 2 Kings 2:19, it`s written "Then the men of the city said to Elisha, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.” They acknowledged that their water is bad they however said that the city is pleasant. How can the city be pleasant when the water itself is bad? When the water of a city is bad, nothing good will ever come out of such a city. Crops and fruit trees can only bear fruit where the water is good. How can these people claim that their city is pleasant. Their city was actually awful! This is exactly what today`s Christians are saying to us. They say "We have the biggest churches in the world and our church buildings are magnificent, our pastors are well known. Our churches are all recognized by religious bodies. Though we still have sins in our hearts we are pleasant, we are the people of God. God will consider our faith in the blood of Jesus Christ alone and send us to heaven." These people are also wrong. When one has sins in his heart, no fruit of faith will ever be born out of it, nothing good will come of out a sinful heart.
    Elisha said to the people “Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him." Elisha asked for a new bowl with salt in it not an old one, the people of Jericho needed a new bowl with salt in it. Heretics today also need new faith not the old wine in their old wineskins. As it written "Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the LORD: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.’ ” So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke." (2 Kings 2:21-22).
    Elisha healed the bad water through the Word of God, and the water was not healed gradually as today`s Christians claim that their sins are forgiven each time they pray for forgiveness. The water was healed once and for all through the Word spoken by God`s servant. The gospel of the water and the Spirit is the salt in a new bowl that we are casting in the worldwide today, heretics must believe in it to receive the remission of their sins once and for all.
    I am praying and looking forward to seeing the moment when this gospel of water and the Spirit will cover the whole world and heal countless number of people.

  • Heretics, Who Followed Sins of Jeroboam
    Kelli Lacy, United States of America

    Paul C. Jong`s books are all sincerely the `MEAT` of God`s Word that only those who are ready to get off the "MILK" should partake of!! These particular titles,"Heretics, Who Followed Sins of Jeroboam" (1 & 2) are most definitely much food for thought! In my past I have been to many churches, while at the same time reading the Bible often for myself, and have asked God so many times, "Why doesn`t any of the churches I have ever been to even preach what is actually in the Bible, they do in part, but not all?" I would ask God this time and again! These 2 books correspond with my question to God, and answer many of my questions! If anyone is not ready for the meat though they are not ready to hear and know the truth! One should actually read, "Are You Truly Born Again of The Water and The Spirit" and receive the remission of sins by believing the `The Gospel of The Water and the Spirit` before even touching any of the other books! If one doesn`t believe in this, then you will never be able to grasp "the rest of the story"!

  • Heretics
    Terry kopec, United Kingdom

    As i sat in many churches and heard them speak about the Bible, there were a lot of times that i could not agree. Did i say anything about this to the minister? No! i guess you can say i was to scared because i thought that he had more knowledge than i did so i kept my mouth closed. Now i know that this was wrong. I should have stood up for GOD THE Father that what they had to say was not the truth and they are misleading people.
    I find that there are others like myself and don`t say a thing when someone say something wrong about the word of God. I mean he gave us the Bible to understand his love and grace for us it is not as complicated as all it was written so that everyone could understand it. I feel ashamed sometimes because God the father gave his sons life for my sins and sometimes i don`t watch his back and tell them i am wrong in listening to false teachings. It is time for us to wake up and put up a good fight for the Gospel of the water and the Spirit. We should not listen to heretics who do nothing but turn people away from. Have the love and courage to stand by our God and tell others about the Water and the Spirit and this is what God is all about. We are his children and we should not let him down. What is the lord going to do for us if we don`t do anything for him? I in fact feel sorry for people who do not teach the Water and the Spirit as it is all about the Love and forgiveness that we have been given if we would be willing to give up our false beliefs in what others say that is not the truth. Keep your faith and lets stand up for God and not the heretics amen

