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合计 289
  • 序列 99

    To Receive The Holy Spirit

    The fail-safe way for you to receive the holy Spirit, is a book for everyone to read. According to this, the holy Spirit is a promise of our heavenly father for those who believe in the gospel of water and the Spirit. The indwelling of the holy Spirit is not received on the basis of human endeavor.   Without the exact knowledge of the gospel of water and the Spirit. One wouldn't understand the deceptive schemes of Stan, pretending to be the holy Spirit. Through the word God, we can discern whether the spirit in us is the holy Spirit or the spirit of demons.   We should strive to gain better knowledge about John the baptist, who baptized Jesus to fulfill the beautiful gospel of water and the Spirit. Which was God's plan to save mankind from sin, in order to receive the promised holy Spirit.

    • Kenice Ejiogu
    • Nigeria
    • 05/04/20213
  • 序列 98

    Have You Truly Been Born Again of the Water & the Spirit

    Greetings my friends,I'm so blessed to read Paul.C.Jong book (Have You Truly Been Born Againof the Water & the Spirit)I would like to share my review with all my Co-workers of the New Life Misssion. First of all I came to know what is Sin? How beautifully define about sin it is to do something wrong it is a sin to disobey God's order. ( Mark 7:20-23). As Paul C.Jong told us in this book that each of su has our own idea of what sin is some consider it to be their shortcoming while others deem it to be based on distorted behaviour the most serious sin is to disregard the word of God. It is the same as not believing in His word who rejected God's commandments & put more importance on their own traditional teachings. After that i came to know that why God gave us the Law? To make us realize our sins & return to Him He gave us the 613 articles of hte law so that we could recognizeour sins& be redeemed through Jesus Christ. We need to admit our sins & ask God to save my life only those who accept God's words& admit that they were indeed sunners & I came to know that we become righteous by faith. Praise the Lord we are blessed by havingfaith in His blessings. God saves those who have faith in His words we must give up our own standards to be saved mostly in this world people going to hell because they don't know themselveswe can be redeemed when we believe that Jesus took away all our sins I wish I do good & live a good life in His word. God saved us when we accept the redemption of the water & the blood of Jesus in our hearts the love of Jesus, the Gospel of the water & the Spirithas won over the judgment of God. He has delivered us from all the sins of the worldour God is the God of justce& the God of lovethe love of the water & the Spirit is even greater than His judgment I came to know that it would be wrong & lawless to believe only in the cross of Jesus without believing in His Baptism. The complete faith leads us to true salvation in the faith in Jessu Christ who came by water & blood I'm really excited to being part of the New life Mission... Let us do the work of the father together to save the lost souls by preaching the Gospel of the water & the blood. I believe the true Gospel will shine all over the world. I believe there is no other book that preaches the Gospel of water & the blood clearly & faithfully than this book..God bless you Paul.C. Jong & the New Life Mission... Amen   Have a Glorious day.

    • Evangelist Rabia Rehmat
    • Pakistan
    • 05/04/20214
  • 序列 97

    Our LORD Who Becomes the Righteousness of God (1)

    Greetings in Jesus name,   I’m very blessed to read book of Paul C. Jong.Our LORD Who Becomes the Righteousness of God (1).This book totally changed my life  when I come to know that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is God's righteousness. The righteousness of God is transparent  and it is different from the righteousness of human beings. God's righteousness  is revealed in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which was completed by  the baptism of Jesus by John and His blood on the Cross. We must return to the  faith in God's righteousness. God has now taught me what His righteousness is so  that we may fully know and believe in His righteousness. My Lord bless Prophet Paul to bless  others to give His blessings to others with His authority heavenly father did  not give His authority to everyone our Lord give this authority to those who  born again with water baptism & the Holy Spirit then Lord bless His people  with His blessings (John 20:23). I come to know by this book that how my  Lord bless to Prophet Paul with His blessings Paul also wants to give us  Spiritual blessings that we become strong but the promise of the Lord is believe  on water & Holy baptism then we can become His sons & daughters &  will receive His blessings. I was really aware that what is real  meaning of water & the Gospel of Spirit & I read how we need to  encourage His people for the water & the Gospel of Spirit that they receive  His righteousness. Even we are weak but we are without sin nobody can spread His  Gospel if they still living a sinful life how beautiful explain I read about His  blessings that when we delight with believe for His work & will follow the  Lord then Lord will bless us with His Holy Spirit & when we will reject  physical work then we will follow His Spiritual work by mistake some people  thought that the complete salvation is only the blood of Jesus on the cross but  the Bible told us that the new life is to born again with His water &  the Gospel of Spirit as Paul ask in (Roman chapter 6)then I come to know more I  would love to explain with some Bible verses..(Roman 2:16),(Roman 16:25) We must  receive His righteousness (Luke 2:14) I come to know that what is the righteous  of human & what is the deference between human righteous & the  righteous of Lord.(Genesis 3:7), (Genesis 3:21). I learn that why Jesus took Baptism? that He  washed the sins of the world.(Matthew 3:15), (John 29:1)I read( Matthew  25:1-13)Its mean that some churches are stand by physically but they have lamps  but they took no oil with them this explain about those people who are without  Holy Spirit.(John 1:15).Lord is our bridegroom Lord come to the world by water  & the Spirit John, Peter & Paul also told us about the body of Christ  & the blood of Jesus will explain with Bible verses (Matthew 3:13-17) ,  (1 Peter 3:21-22) ,(1 John 5:6-9) This is He who came by water  & blood- Jesus Christ not by the water only but by the water & the blood  And the Spirit is the one who testified, because the Spirit is the truth.(Roman  10:17,1:17). I would love to explain more about His  water & the Gospel of Spirit with Bible Reference (Roman 2:1-16) , (Roman 2:  17-29) , (Roman 3: 1-31) those people who receive His heavenly blessings  with believe (Roman 4:1-8). & I come to know the real meaning Baptist of  Jesus in the book of (Roman 6:1-8) , ( Roman 6: 12-19). “Do not present your  members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God  as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as  instruments for righteousness.   As this book change my life I will never  shy to share with other people who are not aware about the real meaning of water  & the Gospel of Spirit because our new life only by water & the Gospel  of Spirit. I will follow His  Spiritual work for my life & for my people. May Lord bless Pastor Paul C.  Jong with His heavenly blessings who is doing such a great ministry for new  believers & spreading His real Gospel everywhere with His  books.Have a blessed day.

    • Evangelist Rabia Rehmat
    • Pakistan
    • 05/04/20214
  • 序列 96

    The Washing of the Disciples' feet: JN.13:1-11

    I have a very Small house fellowship group. The brethren found it very difficult to understand the message our Lord conveyed to the true church of God through the washing of the disciples feet.   I took time to meditate on the problem for some time, pondering as to why they found it difficult to see the revelation. Last week the Lord inspired me to use a demonstration to explain the emblems of faith involved in the mystery.    When I arrived at the fellowship I asked for a bowl of water, and a towel( Paper Towel) and something scarlet colour, I was given a red pencil.   I showed them the anyone who believes that Jesus is the son of God must believe that He came by water and Blood, (I showed them the word in 1JN.5:6) not water only but water and blood. I then pointed to the bowl of water and the red pencil for them to know that the water in the bowl was the water of His baptism ( 1 Pet.3:21) and that the red or scarlet was pointing to His death on the Cross. Then one member said " have not seen that before, I have been preaching the cross only for so many years". I responded " thank God you are able to see this now, many churches have been preaching the blood on the cross only."   Then I returned to the three artefacts, the bowl of water, the red pencil, and the paper towel and explained: the water in the bowl is the water of His Baptism, the bowel is the vessel, Our Lord Jesus, the Towel to wipe the disciples feet tells us the He has wiped away and perfectly cleansed us from all our actual sins. Also that the vessel, Jesus carried all the sins to the cross where He was crucified and died, was buried and rose from the dead and ascended into the heavens and He is sitting at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, and has become our perfect saviour. At this point I saw a beaming smile in all their faces. I went on to tell them that this revelation is the anchor of our faith in Jesus, the Grace of God. I went on to explain the washing of the feet is something we do every day, and that Jesus is telling us that this faith we have to remember and to confess it every day because we all sin every day because of our insufficiency and human weaknesses, because of the word of God in Rom.10:9-10, because here the scripture is showing us that we must place our faith in the major three works of Jesus, His Baptism ( washing of the sins of the world, His death and resurrection for the life-time remission of believers' sins committed due to our weaknesses.), and that Jesus is God, the Spirit.   Why did the Lord chose the feet of the disciples to demonstrate this faith. We have to wash our feet every day, less they smell and be offensive to others because of filth, here being regarded as sins for demonstration of spiritual things.   One member then asked me this question, " why did Jesus say, 'If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.?' I explained that the Lord is telling us that if He our Lord and master has humbled Himself to take our sins and to die for our sins in order to forgive us our sins and make us righteous in the sight of God, we ought to forgive one another their sins. I then went on to explain that it was no use demonstrating an act of humility by literarily washing one another's feet as some denominations do without believing the fulfilment of all the righteousness of God by Jesus in His baptism according to Mtt.3:13-15.   The members could now clearly see that "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." They now appreciate the daily confession that believers have to make so that they do not draw back into perdition, but build their faith through the word. God is good and His Mercy endures for ever,

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/20215
  • 序列 95

    Our Prayer to reach

    Charles Baldwin This our pray for tonight the book of Have YOU Met JESUS with the Gospel of the water and Spirit ? PG 200 brother & sister pray with vision each time we meet together also pray for all Christians throughout the word to meet the Lord Properly and receive the salvation the e power of prayer of the righteous is great and the intercessory prayer produces even greater more pray for the work of the Gospel to progress greatly everywhere in the world Amen.

    • CHARLES Baldwin
    • United States of America
    • 05/04/20214