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合计 289
  • 序列 29

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    I have writing reviews on this series now for some time now, and would like to conclude it now. However, I have come to conclude that we have returned to the period of Noah when the Lord called him to construct the Ark (Gen.6:14) because the Lord was to remove sins from the world to begin again with Noah and his family. This time the Lord will remove sins from the world to establish the Millennial Kingdom, the New Heaven and Earth where there shall be no sin. It is therefore correct to say that this time is like that of Noah. In the time of Noah the Lord looked for those who would believe God and enter the Ark to be saved. In this time our God is looking for His children who believe that Jesus is the son of God who came by water and blood to fulfil all the righteousness of God so that believers could be translated into the Kingdom of God sinless by the faith of the gospel of water and the Spirit which our Lord Jesus preached when He was here, and has given this gospel to the whole world in the Bible-the word of God.   In Revelation 19 it is quite clear that only the righteous ( those who walk by the faith of the gospel of the Water and of the Spirit) can wait in hope for Christ to return.   In this chapter three things are obvious:-   1      the raptured saints praise in the air for bringing the judgment of of the great plagues to this world.   2       the proclamation for the coming of the marriage supper of the Lamb.   3        the Lord's descent from Heaven with His Army.     The reason why the saints praise our God in the air is because of the judgment of God upon the unbelievers who tormented and martyred the saints whilst on the earth (Rev.19:3-5). The judgment is for ever (Heb.9:27).   The problem in this world is because the majority of people believe they are here to bask in all the blessings that the Lord has given to the world without the knowledge of God. They do not know that the natural life is a tremporary life, without the knowledge that God wants all men to participate in the eternal blessings and life with God prepared for men before the foundation of the world.   It is amazing to realize that many who call themselves the servants of God have failed to discriminate between the forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins from the heart. Those who do not know the difference between the forgiveness and the remission of sins have not been able to receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:38) To receive the free gift of the Holy is only possible by correctly believing the forgiveness of sins by the faith of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit to recieve the remission of sins from the heart throughout the life of the beliver on this earth. This only possible through understanding of the hidden message of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is important to understand the words of Jesus in Jn.3:5 This word which our Lord spoke is implied that a true beliver is one who receives the remission of sins by the gospel of the Baptism of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost. These are kind of believers who shall be praising the Lord in the after their rapture after resurrection.   In this chapter of the series we get to learn that those who are clothed in white are the saints who were clean and bright - sinless and are as bright, depicting the righteous acts of the saints. These are those who received the remission of sins from their hearts through faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit whilst on the earth; they took the time to set their future right and decided to believe the word of God through understanding and received the remission of their sins. This means that whether we are going through difficult or good times in this world, we must fear God and look into His word to understand the will of God, to obey His commands so that we could come into the blessing of eternal life with God. This chapter talks of the voice of great multitude ( Rev.19:4-5; 6-9) in praise and worship of God. This an indication there will many who will realize the needs to repent and come into the true gospel of the righteousness of God and receive the remission of sins to enter into the kingdom of God.   We the true believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit are the bride of Jesus - the true church of God. Here the true church now in the air continue in praise for the marriage supper of the Lamb, and His wife- the church has made herself ready. This means that the church became ready because of faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that brought about the remission of sins and the free gift of the Holy Spirit.   The Marriage means union with Jesus when He returns to the earth. That is. He will accept and live with those who have been born again of the fith of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit. He will build His Millennial Kingdom and New Heaven and Earth to live with the saints forever and ever.   There are many in this world who believe that they can enter into the Millennial Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth by their good works and charity works. However, to take part in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, we have to obey the words of God that enables us to enter this eternal blessings of God. This means that we must believe that Jesus Christ is the one who fulfilled all the righteousness of God according to the will of God. This is only possible through understanding of the word of God which are given in the following scripture:- Mt.3:15, 11:11-14. In looking at the above scripture refer to 1Pet.3:21 and JN.3:5. This scripture about the born again life of the spirit of man cannot be ignored if we have the hope of making it to the kingdom of God.   Now from Rev.20:1-15 clealy show the judgment of God on Satan and those who worship him. In this chapter we see that Satan shall be imprisoned in the bottomless first before Christ and the saints inherit the millennial Kingdom of God for a thousand years after which Satan shall be ealised for a little while.   We see in this chapter all peoples that were in this world whatever were the circumstances of their death shall be resurrected from death to face the judgment of God.   We are told that the Lord and those who on thrones shall judge but the righteous from the book of life for their rewards; and the unrighteous shall judged from the books of their deeds of sins contained the books before their eternal condemnation into the everlasting fire of hell.   But we are told that aftr Satan is released for a little while, he will again try to stand against the Lord and His saints. From this it appears that after the first resurrection of those who slept in Christ there will still be unbelievers on the earth. We are also told that Gog and Magog will gather from the four corners of the earth to the battle. The passage tells us that they surrounded the camps of the camp of the saints and beloved city. The bible told in this chapter that fire came down out of Heaven and devoured them.   The bible has told us in this chapter that the Devil waqs cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are.   From this chapter of Revelation all true christians ought to rejoice, for though we who still remain will go through the troment and martyrdom, we place our hopes on Jesus who has saved us through Hus Baptism and death on the cross - the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20214
  • 序列 28

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    I have taken to review the Revelation slowly because of my desire to understand it.I have been helped greatly by the Lord through the free gift of the Holy Spirit. I have come to understand that by the end time there shall be a time when the only people that will be left on the earth for destruction shall be those who do not believe in the work of the Lord to have given us the remission of sins.   In Revelation 18 the Lord tells us that He would destroy the great city Babylon with His great plagues. Who then is Babylon? This Babylon is the Secular world because the secular world has moved away from the things of God and hot after materialism of this world. There is no doubt that the trends in the world now is that of fame, riotous life and the celebreties culture. The world is accelerating towards filthyness and acute desires for the accumulation of wealth and material possessions which is similar to the period of Noah. This means that by the end times this world would become so filthy and sinful before God that He will have no choice but to destroy it even though He created it. This is why He will allow the great apocalyptical plagues that would end the earth.   The actual reason for the destruction of the earth would be because the world has shed the blood of His prophets and saints. The world has become so filthy and the sins of the world is becoming such that God cannot tolerate it any further. However, we have seen from the Revelation given to John that God has already made the Plan and decided how He will destroy this world and how He will manifest the Kingdom of Christ.He will then renew all things and have His saints reign in His new world.   The Lord declared to us that Babvylon the great is fallen. This is the word of God and is the truth. We are told that the Kings of the earth have fornicated with the things of the world and lived in luxury, whilst the merchants are busy selling and buying all the things God has placed on this earth, and have lost God Himself in their pursuit of greed. The word of God has helped us to know that God will destroy everything as in the destruction of the first world, but will save His saints as He did Noah and His household. The word of Revelation has revealed to us that God will destroy everything and to leave those who regarded material things with nothing; for they came into this world with nothing and will leave with nothing. Those who have gained their riches by traffiking in the word of God He will destroy. It is important for us believers to know all that we see and have in this world shall be destroyed- even this beautiful world which He created.   Believers who walk by faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit should rejoice because we shall participate in the first resurrection ot reign with the Lord on this earth for a thousand years. He will compensate the saints for serving the gospel of the water and the Spirit and for being martyred to defend their faith while on this earth. God will give them authority over ten cities, over five cities, and over two cities, and let them reign for a thousand years, and after this He will also give them the New Heaven and Earth to live for ever. The reason for the destruction of this beautiful is because of rampant sins: He will lay this world to its complete ruin with His plagues.   It is no use thinking like the unbelievers of this world who claim " surely God will not do this because He is God." The easiest thing one can do to fall away is to refuse to believe God's word. We must know that all the things which He has promised and revealed shall all come to pass. We must realize the Lord will set up a Kingdom in which there is no sin, for this is the will of God. Our confidence is our faith in the righteousness of God. Even though we have compassion for the lost, we must minister in faith and also with understanding all things in this life shall be laid to ruin because of sins. The serious problem in this world with regards to the speading of the truth is the danger caused by the religious leaders of this world who are using the name of Jesus for profit. We who have received the truth must spread the it without diluting it, for of a truth God will certainly destroy pedlers of false religion which has undermined the truth of God. We must not follow this people even when we enter into serious temptation. We must come out of the practices of this world so that we do not receive of the plagues of this world.   We must not indulge ourselves in this world that will soon be destroyed. we must not be obsessed with accumulating possession of this world. We must be satisfied with what the Lord has given us, and use them and share them as God pleases. For some of us, we have spent the greater part of our lives believing half truths; therefore there is a need to redeem the times so that we can march forward and grow in the faith. Whatever that we see or hear about in this world, we must regard them as the signs of time and must not allow them to interferre with our faith in the righteousness of God. All these things which we see or hear about must have happened in the times of Noah to the very point which resulted in the destruction of the first world by God. I believe the times are now moving dangerously close to the times of Noah and we need to time to strife for excellence in walking with the Lord. This walk is realy to do with pure faith in the righteousness of God, and not by the human wisdom or of wel-being. So I came across what Pauls wrote about to the Corinthians at the time when there were serious weakness and dilution of faith with the believers in Corinth: 2Cor.6:4-12. We must not be like the False prophets who seek after material possessions and accumulate wealth illicitly, hiding behind the custom confired to them by their religious institutions. I we are in Christ , we are rich, live well and the Lord by faith in His words Heals our diseases. We must realize that behind all the lies of the false prophets are hidden purposes of material exploitation is always present. We are now deep in the ways of Gods to know that both the False prophets who deceive, and those who are deceived shall face the judgment of God according to the scripture.   Even though the judgment of God in human understanding might appear severe, however, this is in line with the righteousness of God; as we can see in the following chapter of Revelation chapter 19 we see that only the righteous can waite in hope for Christ to return. In this chapter we see Chridst and His glorious Army fighting and overcoming the Army of the Anti-christ, throwing the beast and his servants into the lake of fire alive, killing the rest of the Army of the Anti-christ with the sword of the world coming out of the Lord's mouth, and finally ending all His battle against the Anti-christ. This review on chapter 19 shall shortly follow.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20213
  • 序列 27



    • I.E. KUMAR
    • India
    • 05/01/20213
  • 序列 26

    the lords prayer is very good.

    the love of God and all the good things HE has for us are all contain in the lords prayer, so is a way of getting closer to God by giving him thanks and asking for all our needs in CHRIST JESUS. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE GOOD WORK THAT YOU ARE DOING. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. AND ACCEPT MY REQUEST TO BE COME A COWOKER.

    • jesse otu
    • Ghana
    • 05/01/20219
  • 序列 25

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    In Chapter 16 of this series we see clearly the punishment the Lord will bring on the Anti-christ and his followers who will be on the earth. Those on the earth now are those who did not believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit which Jesus preached for believers of it to become the citizens of the Millennial Kingdom, the New Heaven and the New Earth.   In this chapter we see that the Lord by His angel gave the command for the out-pouring of the plagues of the seven bowls on the earth.   The first angel poured his bowl upon the earth, and the plague brought incurable skin disease - sores to destroy the flesh of sinners until their deaths. With this kind of punishment to come upon the earth, the fear of God should come upon the people of this earth to seek the Lord for the free gift of the Salvation of the Lord. After the first plagues comes six more plagues.   The second to the sixth plagues will be pooured out for the destruction of the physical earth and all the earth's natural resources. The book of Revelation shows us that the sea shall turn to blood killing every living things in the sea; the rivers and springs also. The stench, the poison of the water system means that it shall be impossible to get drinking water. Even the best of the fields, humans,and every living creatures shall be scorched. This of cause is to prove to the entire world that the God of creation who provided all the things in the entire universe, also has the power and the know - how to remove all. It is also good to note a bowl of plague shall also be poured on the throne of the beast such that his kingdom shall be engulved in darkness with great pain on him and all peoples on the earth. Finally the great river Euphrates shall be dried up to prepare the way for the powers of this world to be gathered to the battle of Armageddon where the final war between Satan and God shall be waged. and our God shall triumph over Satan.   Then on the pouring out of the plague of the seven bowl then all shall be finished. On this last plagues there shall be great earthquake such as never been seen on the earth, and the force of it shall the first world shall disappear without a trace. After this the saints will live in glory with Jesus for one thousand years to come.    When the one thousand years are accomplished, and in fulfilment of time, God will make the first world to disappear and give us the new Heaven and the New earth to live in Christ's Kingdom.   Therefore as believers of the word of God, we must have faith in the word of God and believe the Lord will fuflfil all the word of God. This means that we must devote our lives in the work of the Kingdom of God in accordance with the great commossion of the Lord and remain focused on the task of preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit which Jesus preached. Fight therefopre the good fight of faith. 2Tim.2:3-4 says " Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20213