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Total 268
  • Numéro 168

    Do you want to do God's work?

    Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent."[John 6:29]. Let's thank the Lord and His Church that now we believe correctly in Jesus work of saving mankind. To do God's work, first you have to believe that Jesus took all your sins when He was baptized by John the Baptist in river Jordan, died on the Cross and resurrected this is the work of God. Hallelujah!

    • Josphat Gichuki
    • Kenya
    • 04/07/202231763
  • Numéro 167

    Testimony of my faith

    When I was born I was a sinner. I never realised it until I was born again by the Gospel of God's Righteousness which constitute Jesus' Baptism, Death and Resurrection.  When I was a kid, I was enrolled to a Catholic school which gives me an exposure of who Jesus is. At the age of 16, I was introduced to Christianity and decided to accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour. At that time, I thought as long as I believe in Jesus I will be going to heaven. I was passionate to know God which I thought I already knew. I listen to many sermons online thinking that all preachers of the Gospel are preachers of Righteousness. At the age of 17, I changed my high school and it become the turning point of my life. I met a friend who preaches the true Gospel to me. I was brought to a Church that preaches the Gospel of water and Spirit. It takes time for me to understand the Gospel. In my first year of coming to Church, I had many doubt and questions. The devil put many thought in me and makes me asked many question about the Gospel. How can the Gospel of water and Spirit be the only Gospel that saves soul? What about other Gospel? Are you saying that those big churches are preaching the wrong thing? How are you sure that your pastor is preaching the truth? Many questions pop up in my mind.  While these questions are still in my mind, Pastor passed me the book entitled "Have You Truly Been Born Again of the water and Spirit?" by Rev Paul C Jong. As I begin reading this book, I begin to understand what Pastor is preaching. I understood how my sins were passed unto Jesus when John lay His hand on Him. I understood what Jesus meant when He told Nicodemus "you must be born again of the water and Spirit" (John 3:5). I understood the significance of water in salvation.  In the Old testament, God had appointed Aaron,  the High  Priest  of  Israel,  to  be  the representative of the israelite to pass the sin to the unblemish animal. As stated in Leviticus 16:21: “And Aaron shall lay both his  hands  on the head of  the live goat,  confess  over  it  all  the iniquities  of  the children of Israel, and all  their  transgressions,  concerning all their  sins,  putting them on the head of  the goat, and shall send it away  into the wilderness  by the hand of  a suitable man”. In this scripture we can see that, Instead of  everyone  having  to  lay  his  hands  on the offerings individually,  the high  priest,  as  the representative of  all  people, laid his hands  on  the head of  the live goat  for the remission  of  the year’s  sins. Similarly John the Baptist Represent the whole world to pass all our life time of sins to Jesus. And thats the reason why Jesus call John the Baptist the greatest man ever born out of a woman (Matthew 11:11).  Without knowing the ministry of John the Baptist, we will never understand the ministry of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist is the prophet sent by God. We need to fully understand the ministry of John the Baptist and truly believe it in our heart. Just like in the old testament, sins need to be passed to the sacrificial animal before it can be killed, Jesus needs to be baptised before He can die on the cross. Just like in the old testament, it  would have been incorrect to kill the sacrificial animal without first laying hands  on the head of the animal and passing their  sins onto it. Thus, it would be wrong and lawless to believe only in the Cross of Jesus without believing in His baptism. The  complete faith that leads us to true salvation is the faith in Jesus Christ, “who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ”  (1 John  5:6). To be born again we need to believe in both the baptism and the Cross of Jesus Christ.  The Apostle John  said  that the correct faith is to believe in “the witness of the Spirit, the water, and the blood” (1 John 5:8) and I believe it with my whole heart.  This is the testimony of my faith. I pray that many more people are able to know the Gospel of water and Spirit and be saved by the true Gospel Huang Ern, Malaysia

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 03/29/202233354
  • Numéro 166

    Church of God

    Hi everybody. God brings people to your church with the gospel of the water and the spirit. Connect me with them because I need help to find people believing in your words. I am interested to meet everyone as soon as possible to get together and have a big chat together. I fill alone into this mission and I will like to find good support. Have a great day. Waiting for your response threw my personal email: Thank God for your support.

    • Edouard Theriault
    • Canada
    • 03/28/202233522
  • Numéro 165

    My testimony

    Hello everyone, I came here today to return all the glory to God, for He has led me to across with the gospel of the water and the blood which freed me from all my sins, I was from a Christian religious family that teach me to have a religious faith so I can not understand how to be born again, it's so hard to me to keep every ethic of discipline on my childhood church, so I chose to move out from my mother's church and then I find a new church who preach another religious faith too, but they are not press their followers with the hard things, some months ago, our church was passed a difficult time by the affliction from one church members so I was about to tired with such things, so I have decided to seek God's righteousness by my ownself without depending whith anyone not the church. And glory be to God that He magnify His face to me with showing His righteousness by the gospel of the water and the Spirit which is in the NLM books And then when I get some knowledge by it, there's a thirsty flows in my heart to share this gospel in my country, so I come to translate the New life Mission book now. Especially the 1st book was impacted to me and my life of faith. I became realized about my true nature in the flesh and I used to believe in God's precious salvation by His water, blood and the Spirit now. And now I have The three witnesses which revealing the way of being born again and now I can say that I have no sins anymore cause Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river to take away all my sins so I could have a good conscience before God!! And He has paid off all the wages of all my sins when He died on the cross and the Spirit of God was resurrected Him from the died so He can justify me!! Hallelujah I enjoy with this work for spreading His gospel and I wish to share it to the whole world.

    • Nisi Christophine FENOSAMBATRA
    • Madagascar
    • 03/26/202234765
  • Numéro 164

    I was forgiven through the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

    The moment I knew of the gospel of the water (Jesus’ baptism), blood (the Cross), and the Holy Spirit (Jesus is God), the sins I’d felt in my heart vanished. Now I am truly a sinless and righteous man and the Holy Spirit finally dwells in my heart. The belief I had in the Cross was not enough to cleanse me of the sins I’d had in my heart. If you don’t know exactly how your sins were passed on to Jesus, your sins cannot be forgiven, and the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in you. I thank the Lord. I was able to receive the Holy Spirit through the beautiful gospel. Without any effort, I was forgiven through the gospel of the water and the Spirit and the Holy Spirit dwells in me now and forever.Now, I can proudly call myself a sinless man and can be proud that the Kingdom of Heaven is mine. I take this opportunity to thank the Lord for giving me such blessing without expense. Hallelujah!”Eric Kimani, Kenya

    • Eric Kimani
    • Kenya
    • 03/07/202238015