En raison du COVID-19 et l'interruption du service postal international, nous avonssuspendutemporairementnotre "service gratuit de livres imprimés".
Au vu de cette situation, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de vous envoyer les livres actuellement.
Priez que cette pandémie cesse rapidement et que le service postal reprenne.
Wrong Explanation of How Jesus took our sins vs True explanation
Sichembe Guilbert
07/11/2023 23760
A believer in His Son has the witness in him.
The born-again believe that their sins were passed on to Jesus when He was baptized,
and that they were delivered with the water and the blood of Jesus. They believe that Jesus was born into this world through the body of the Virgin Mary, that He was baptized in the Jordan before He died at the Cross, and that He was resurrected. The righteous have the witness in their hearts. The proof of our salvation is in our faith in Jesus, who came by water, blood, and the Spirit. The witness is in you. I advise you to have the witness in yourself. I say to you. It is not salvation if there is no witness, the proof of salvation, is within you. Saint Gilbert, Zambia