
סקירת ספרים

אנשים אשר קראו את ספרינו שלחו את הסקירות הבאות. תקוותנו היא שבאמצעותם כולכם תחלקו אחד עם השני את חסד האל אשר מאפשר לנו להיוולד מחדש מהמים והרוח ההודעה שלך תיראה רק לאחר שאנו נאשר אותה.

פרסם הודעה
סה"כ 289
  • מספר 204

    Let us lift the veil on Satan’s work, through which he has deceived the world for so long!

    The author of this book has long devoted himself to uncovering the deceptive work of Satan, which remained hidden for such a long time.Pretending himself to be the Holy Spirit, Satan has been able to deceive people absolutely owing to their ignorance of the genuine gospel.Therefore, we must have a clear understanding of the gospel of the water and the Spirit and believe in it with all our hearts.Satan has used Christian rituals,doctrines and works of the Law to delude people and led them to destruction. Even now, Satan is deceiving people using these methods and hindering them from receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.Just as people have misunderstood God’s righteousness and had mistaken faith for over a thousand years since the Middle Ages, most Christians today are apt to mistake the work of the devil for that of the Holy Spirit. These people have no idea that they are working as bondservants of Satan.In this book, the author tries to reveal the soul winning truth by lifting the veil that has kept Satan’s work hidden for so long.So That’s is why don’t forget to log on and visit our website www.bjnewlife.orgStephen Benjamin, Canada

    • Stephen Benjamin
    • Canada
    • 06/09/2022145
  • מספר 203

    The gospel of the water and the Spirit washed away all my sins.

    I testified to the gospel of the water and the Spirit as it is revealed in the bible in my first book,“Have you truly been born again of water and the Spirit?” This book is a sort of a sequel to the first one, and I have tried to delve deeper into the truth of being born again in the way Godintended.By comparing the gospel of the water and the Spirit to the false gospel that is popular these days,I have tried to help increase your understanding of the true gospel. Above all, I have tried to help you see how the existing theology has plunged many people into fallacy and caused them to lose sight of the true gospel.Come on! now let us all return to the amazing blessed word of the gospel of the water and the Spirit God has given us. So Now, let come on visit our website and get all.Stephen Benjamin, Canada

    • Stephen Benjamin
    • Canada
    • 06/09/2022108
  • מספר 202

    This is the first book of our time to preach the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit in strict accord

    This is the first book of our time to preach the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit in strict accordance with the Scriptures. Many of you are surely not familiar with the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. So I tried to lay great emphasis on the gospel of the baptism of Jesus and His Cross in every sermon.If there had been no baptism of Jesus his Cross would be meaningless to all of us. These are the reasons why I have stressed His baptism repeatedly.My purpose is to make it clear to you. Until you are all blessed with the gospel of the water (the baptism of Jesus) and the Spirit, I would like to repeat it for you.I eagerly desire that all of you come to believe in the gospel of His baptism and the Cross in order to be saved from sin. And I am sure these sermons will lead you to be born again.So Lets go and visit our website www.bjnewlife.orga and get all Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ. AmenStephen Benjamin, Canada

    • Stephen Benjamin
    • Canada
    • 06/09/202277
  • מספר 201

    I would like to tell you about a special book.

    Hi, I would like to tell you about a special book that was given to me over 10 years ago. The title of the book is, "Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" By Paul.C.Jong This book is the greatest gift that I have ever received. This is because the words of truth within this book revealed exactly why God created every human being; His purpose in allowing us to fall into sin and the process by which He saved us from living a vain life to instead, living in peace and happiness eternally. It is common for people to question their reason for being, and to think that God put them on this earth for a special purpose, whether its a certain vocation or talent which they believe brings happiness to others. But in truth, how we choose to live out our lives does not really concern God. These are things that bring joy to us and give us a sense of purpose. Before reading this book, although I hadn't thought about it much, I knew that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. But when I read that Jesus was first baptized by John the Baptist to receive our past, present and even future sins upon Himself, I knew that that was something that I had never heard before. And to me, this was the greatest example of unconditional love. If Jesus had taken away all the sins that I hadn't even committed yet, then this could only mean that God loves me far beyond my own understanding. It was clear that I did not know the will of God and so I should read on to find out more about this amazing truth. And so I did. Further on in the book, the author explains that the gospel of the water and the Spirit was actually foreshadowed in the Old testament. The book reveals that Jesus was baptized by the high priest John the Baptist to receive our sins upon His body. This act was performed in likeness to how the high priests or the Israelites would lay their hands on a sacrificial animal in order to transfer their sins onto it before shedding its blood for atonement. The laying on hands for the transference of sins and then shedding of blood for the atonement of sins, was an everlasting statute from God which Jesus Himself fulfilled when He was baptized by John to take on the sin of the world and when He died on the cross. Now, anyone who believes and confesses their faith in Jesus who came by water, blood and the Spirit receives the remission of all their sins and the free gift of the Holy Spirit from God. The message in this book proved that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is no "new" gospel. It is infact the primitive gospel that was prophesied throughout the old testament, beginning from Genesis where God clothed Adam and Eve with tunics of skin after they had fallen into sin, to the sacrificial system which points out every minute detail needed for the atonement for sins, right up to the book of Malachi where the Word speaks of John the Baptist who would come in the Spirit of Elijah to prepare the way before the Lord. There truly is, and has only ever been one gospel for salvation, just as it says in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5, that there is "One Lord, one faith, one baptism;" The first two chapters of the book speak about the true sinful nature of human beings in a way that is not expressed in mainstream Christianity nor society. We tend to think of ourselves as decent human beings and our opinion of ourselves gets even greater when we compare ourselves to others who’s wrong deeds have been exposed. In our own minds we will always justify ourselves. But what is important, is what God says about us, about what is deep in our hearts where no-one else can see but God. God is the only true judge of good and evil and this book has shown me that human beings are evil and God alone is good. In Mark chapter 7 verses 21-23, Jesus tells us about the evils within mankind, making it clear as crystal that 'goodness' was not a virtue that human beings inherited. We inherited sin from the first man Adam, and death, which came through sin is what awaits all of us. However Jesus came to this world in the flesh of man and through faith in Him and the righteousness that He fulfilled at His baptism, we can now escape from our certain condemnation in Hell and be born again as God's sinless children which is Gods will for all of us. The message in this book aught to be treasured by all who read it, because by reading it, you will get to hear the perfect will of God for your lives in this world and for your souls thereafter. By giving the correct confession of sin and faith, you will have the assurance that you are known and loved by God, who has fulfilled the Gospel of the water and the Spirit perfectly and delivered it through the message in this book just for you!Aneka Simons, UK

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 06/09/202277
  • מספר 200

    The Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit

    After reading this book, I came to learn and understand that, the indwelling of the Holy spirit comes and dwells in our hearts when we believe in the gospel of salvation, the gospel of the water and the spirit.When one believes that, the Lord came on this Earth by being incorneted in this weak flesh, received the baptism from John the Baptist in the Jordan River, shed His precious blood and died crusfied on the cross. He rose again from the dead on the third day and He ascended into the Heavens where He sits at the right hand of the throne of God the Father,  hence He is coming from to judge the living and the dead. And imidietely one receives the indwelling of the Holy spirit as a seal and a guarantee that, he/she have become the child of God. For God promised this gift of the Holy spirit to those who believe in His gospel of the baptism of Jesus Christ and His blood on the cross. Acts 2:38-39. That, the Old Testament sucrificial offering of un blemished animals and the laying on of hands  as written in Leviticus 16:20-21, represents the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in Jordan River to fulfill the all righteousness as indicated in Matthew 3:15. Like this, Jesus as the Lamb of God  took away all the sins of the world as stated in John 1:9. Therefore, there is no sin left in this world.  That, living a life of faith in the baptism of Jesus, His blood on the cross, and the spirit like this with oil, "the Holy spirit" and Lapms, "the church,"  has made us live our spiritual lives as wise saints who are completely prepared to meet and receive Jesus Christ the bridegroom like the five wise virgins.Un like the other five foolish ones who wished to receive the Lord through their own will, like prayers, laying on of hands speaking in tongues and through Earthly means like Simon the sorcerer who wanted to purchase the Holy spirit with money. Acts 8:18. That, a sinner can not receive the Holy spirit nor  make others do so because, any one who does not believe in both, the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the cross, but believes only the blood of the cross is still a sinner and therefore, the Holy spirit can not dwell in him/her. For water means "baptism of Jesus" while spirit means Jesus is God.Therefore, one without faith in the gospel of the water and the spirit, is not yet been born again and can not receive the indwelling of the Holy spirit and can not even have fellowship with the Lord. I also learned that, we the Born again of water and the spirit, and have the indwelling of the Holy spirit in our hearts, will continue committing daily sins in this weak flesh, but  even so, we are without sin. Now in order to free our conscience from sin, we should confess our daily sins before the Lord and admit them, and raminet ourselves with the gospel of the water and the spiri. That, during the early church time, the disciples of Jesus spoke in tongues in order to preach the beautiful gospel of the water and the spirit to the foreign language speaking Jews in their own languages through the help of the Holy spirit, as stated in Acts 2:2-7,And in Acts 8:14-17, they laid their hands on those who believed but had not yet received the Holy spirit, because, God allowed this to happen for the word of God was still being written and the work was not yet been completed. Therefore, God gave His servants, the disciples of Jesus special powers to do His mission. Using His disciples, God powerfully showed the work of the Holy spirit in order to prove that Jesus is God the Almighty and He is the son of God. However, nowadays it's not necessary to receive the Holy spirit through visible wonders and miracles, neither through laying on of hands nor prayers because the Bible has already been completed.Today one has to hear and believe in the gospel of salvation, the gospel of the water and the spirit to receive the remission of sin and the indwelling of the Holy spirit at the same time. Just like Namaan obeyed the prophet Elisha, he went and  dipped his body in the waters of River Jordan seven times and his skin was restored like a little child's skin. 2 Kings 5:10-14.This is how the Lord comforts those who moan and give freedom to the captives. That, we the righteous who believe in the gospel of the baptism of Jesus and His blood have everlasting joy,  and experience the feeling of the spiritual living waters freshly overflowing and moisturing our hearts, and we drink from it when ever we gather together, preaching or hearing God's word of truth, the gospel of the water and the spirit as stated in John 7:37-38.  That, the reason why the Lord gives us the Holy spirit is, to strengthen us, comforts us and to lead us preach this beautiful gospel of salvation in order to save those who are not yet been saved and help them receive the indwelling of the Holy spirit, become God's children and United to His Church and His servant. That, God did not separate Himself from us because  He  Haded us. But it was after the first man Adam our father sined by being decieved by Satan. Then we as Adam's disendants be came sinners as well and God separated Himself from us ,  as written in Genesis 3:1-23.Now in order to live by faith and dwell in the presence of the Lord our God in His Kingdom, we needed the remission of sin. Therefore, God brought us back to Himself through the water, "Jesus' baptism". And now we are His children born of the spirit as written in 1 Peter 3:21. That, we the righteous posses two elements, the Holy spirit and the lust of the flesh, while the sinners posses only one element, the lust of the flesh. And this two are contrary to one another.The Holy spirit leads us to wish from deep down our hearts to do God's will and serve the Lord and makes us zealous to involve ourselves in doing spiritual work and walk in the spirit.On the other hand, our desires stire up the lust of the flesh so that we can not walk in the spirit as written in Galatians 5:19-21.Therefore, we the righteous must engage in spiritual work of preaching the gospel of truth through out the world in order for us to walk in the fulnes of the spirit. In this way we will be able to bear the fruits of the spirit, as Galatians 5:22-24,  and be able to walk in the spirit even though we still have the lust of the flesh because the Holy spirit dwells in our hearts. While those who are not born again have only the lust of the flesh and they don't even know what it means to walk in the spirit. That, we the righteous must do good things for the sake of others. And before the Lord, the highest goodness is to preach the gospel of the water and the spirit for benefit of others. We must feel compassion for them and love every one even those who are not yet been saved by preaching God's love to them. We should dedicate ourselves to serve the gospel of our Lord in order for us to maintain the fulnes of the Holy spirit, and we must always be happy to see the work of the Lord being accomplished. We must be faithful in doing God's work of saving other souls from their sins and serve the Lord even if no one gave us the instructions to do so. And we must deny ourselves in many areas in order to make this beautiful gospel cover the whole Earth. Also that, after we are born again and become righteous, now our master is the Lord and He is our king for He is our only savior. He is our God and our maker, who forgave all our sins and blessed us with everlasting life. He is now the only one who has domnion over our lives and death, blessings and curses. We must always obey our Lord God the Father and Jesus Christ the son, and give glory for our salvation. That, as the righteous in order not to undermine the gospel of truth, we must obey the laws of this world. We must be gentle, peaceable and humility to all mankind and not to fight with them. As the righteous children of God, we don't fight with flesh and blood, but with spiritual hosts of darkness.Therefore, we should only fight spiritual fight if the laws of this world interfere with the gospel of truth. In this way, we must stand on the light of truth and difend our faith in the gospel of the water and the spirit. I thank the Lord for saving me through the water and the spirit. For making me righteous and giving me the indwelling of the Holy spirit. Uniting me with His Church and His servant. Amen!!Eliot Bwalya, Zambia

    • Eliot Bwalya
    • Zambia
    • 06/06/202295